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Pink mirror analysis :3 may be a bit inaccurate but ill take it
Ur cat is scary!! Pls dont post it
how many pics uploaded? i have 8 so far it fell from 9.2ish to 7.8. My sexual dimorphism score hovers in the middle, my most recent pic knocked it closer to male tho i was mean mugging.

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Compared to a cis girl's, what do MtF pits smell like? Chasers, do you like pits?
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women like goofy dudes what can i say
I have an armpit fetish yes
I never used to then I slept with a girl here who used to tell me about how she got all sweaty working out at the gym and it activated my scent kink. Now I wanna bury my face in sweaty girls' armpits while they jerk me off
any advice for scoring armpit?
I would make out with a cute mtf's lewd smooth pits while humping against her

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itt: zionist passoids ONLY
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worlds prettiest zionst
clocked xir from the thumbnail with skull size alone
Ava hates Israel and Palestine do not call her a zionist

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Africa is TIRED of western LGBT ideology and is pushing back
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The sad fact is that blacks, on average, have naturally higher T than other races, which results in xenophobia. Unless African countries are able to develop homegrown "LGBT" cultures rather than having them imposed by westerners, cishet Africans will always be at risk. The best thing them would probably be for LGBT community organizations in western countries to work together with immigration authorities and African governments to set up a permanent system of transportation so that non heteronormative Africans can be exiled rather than killed.
Yes because we need more immigrants. Die
marco rubio. he's a lightweight chocker

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Is the phrase "Birthday Boy" really a secret anti-transmasculine slur?
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lol fuck off pooner get real problems
the divide and conquer tactics go crazy
If you only ever use the word jackass to refer to FtM men then yes, that is transphobic. If you use it for anyone who litters then it is not.
These are not complicated concepts.

Much more real than any problem you're going through, that's for sure.
im gonna start using this
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You 14 YO Twinkcell Virgins Really REALLY Need To Find Something Better To Do With Your Time

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I hate transitioning. I hate not having a boyfriend. I hate being stuck in a limbo in which I can’t live my life and have to wait for changes that may never come. Almost 2 years now, just for this?
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julie please for the love of god GET OFF THIS SITE
I wish I didn’t have it and my genitalia wouldn’t be visible in this regular underwear. Had I just been normal
why would she? it gives her a place to flash people who don't know her
I know you hate me. Sorry for being annoying as hell. I am just so frustrated. I hate this existence in transition limbo. Just wait wait wait for something that may never come. All the while everyone around you is living life and you’re like a bird in a cage they drag along.
I painted over the bad parts

how many of you were sexually abused as children?
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this is the exact missing clue in these retarded studies. correlation versus causation.
the truth is gays in general are more submissive which makes them suitable targets for sexual abuse
i had some abuse as a kid but nothing sexual at all.
This is very unambiguously the cause, yes. Feminine AMABs are the easiest targets for abuse. This goes both for physical (bullying for example) and sexual abuse.
yeah i'm sure your dad wouldn't have raped you until he found out you were mentally ill. fucking retard.

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today I will sillypost
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me everyday
I'm gonna rot in bed for the rest of my life!!
Very cute thread, I love you OP
very silly post, thank you

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>Qott: Are you a snappy dresser?

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>tfw no arrow collar man
drawbros its over...
Scalie shallo hole.
come on homos.. fight me.. i am on the train and so bored..
I hope you're having a good evening <3

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>be me
>22yr femboy
>meet guy, Murphy, through mutual
>tall, broad, scarred/disfigured
>terrified of him at first but get to talking
>low growly voice and gentle demeanor is so disarming
>feel myself falling for him
>he starts opening up after I confined in him
>he looks like he does because of his dad
>used to make him fight other boys
>let his friends torture and rape him
>been torched, stabbed, shot, etc
>i'm gutted, offer to spend the night
>we cuddle and wake him up with kisses
>going steady, eventually have sex

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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am i allowed to masturbate to this
cute youre both lucky
I am he just puts up with my goofy ass.
Yes he is
Head up king. Like Murphy always tells me "Sometimes it's worth suffering the rain for a rainbow."
end up in danger again so he can protect you

old thread was at bump limit and it's still friday.
old thread: >>35543504
QoTT: How far would you go with cybernetic replacements if they were a viable and current way to transition?
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How'd the date go?
when are you going to learn about toner so you can fix the piss-like yellow tones in your hair
literally just google Wella t18 a single time if you want to stop looking like a youth pastor who bleached his hair for the first time
you're a richgirl clown who should have stayed a jock
https://unsee cc/album#JPUKkk50xcw4
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here with my ONLY FRIEND
the ONLY PERSON who doesn't HATE ME and WANT ME TO DIE

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qott: why are you on 4chan instead of getting laid, anon?
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I’m scared of people
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To the anon that wanted to see my drawer or panties in general, sorry for late reply an I passed out after shower last night.
Rn I am finished with concert and going to head back home.
Btw I told you or the other anons I have a lot~
That was me that asked for the drawer pic. Wow that's a lot, plus I remember you saying you had a whole bag full? I'd still be willing to borrow a couple so you have room for new. How was the concert?
I'm going to lose my shit if she won't let me rim her. I want to eat her out so bad.
I do have a bag full of them or just the other styles. And like I said I rotate them out for whatever I am in the mood for.
Concert was good. I won't be able to reply back because I have to drive back home now.
Hopefully the other anon will enjoy it~
Anyway you won't see a reply back for another two hours~

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What are your thoughts on cannibalism as a metaphor for love?
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consuming a part of ur partner is probably one of the most intimate things you could possibly do ur putting them inside u and taking a little bit away of them for urself its sososososo romantic:3
i think the imagery is very erotic and i like biting and being bit but for me it exists solely in the realm of an erotic fantasy thankfully
tho i do find blood pretty erotic
still, i'm too healthy mentally to let my fantasies turn into anything hurtful
like if my gf cut herself i wouldnt be turned on, i'd be worried for her and want her to be okay
my thoughts are that it is cool and good
hey I drew this :0
This is unbelievably based oh my god

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Do trans girls smell worse than cis girls? Or just as bad?
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unironically pretty well put together bait, actually almost got me
wtf, i don't udnerstand how do you smell like that, if i've showered recently i smell like candle wax if i haven't i probably just smell a bit sweaty.
Why do you smell like a french meal ?
dick out, fuck the cis
they use male cologne they smell like men there is no "girl smell" meme just people who cant shower and then go ahead and use male cologne

heterosexuality edition

qott: why aren't you straight?

prev: >>35534166
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This is lame, you weren't supposed to see that post, you were supposed to go straight to bed and close your eyes
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Okay for real this time :3
Rest well
god i hate myself so much it's unreal
i just want to die

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