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Other 32X games aren't that expensive except for maybe Kolibri or Spiderman, so what's up with Knuckles Chaotix? I just got a good deal on a 32X console and thought I'd check out the sole Sonic-adjacent game for it but I think I'll pass.
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That sounds about right.
Sonic autists wanting to complete their collection. I'd wager that the majority of people who own Knuckles Chaotix don't play it, and can't even if they wanted to.
>when your add on has more cables than games that are worth playing
It's just a curiosity for me. At least I got mine for next to nothing. Collectors also like to hop onto Sega hardware from the 90s like flies to shit, I could probably flip the console and my 32x "collection" for at least twice what I paid for it
Chaotix went through a similar thing CD did where before emulation was viable it was held up on a pedestal due to the small amount of fanboys hyping it up to cope they blew money on SHIT FUCKING SHIT ARRRRRGGGHHH

>1989 Super Mario World build
>1990 Sonic 1 Tokyo Toy Show build
>Mother 3 N64
>Kirby Air Ride N64
>Shenmue Saturn build
>Sonic Adventure Saturn build
>Castlevania 32X
>Mario 64 build from 1994/1995
>Ocarina of Time build from 1996/1997
>Kirby 3D for the Gamecube
>Conker Twelve Tales build

Did I miss anything?
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There's a lot of early Chrono Trigger stuff that looks super interesting but I also suspect a lot of it was mockups.
Sonic 3&K Michael Jackson and Team 41 tracks Demo Tapes
Fuck Sony and MJ Estate
No, that was an earlier build. You can see it in the V-Jump 1994 presentation.

Crazy thing about Chrono Trigger is that there was an entirely different version that was apparently mostly complete before that which Sakaguchi entrusted to somebody else(because he was busy with other projects).

Torishima didn’t like that version but he didn’t have the heart to put down the guy so he took the floppy and was on his way to showing it to Toriyama, and just as he was about to knock on Toriyama’s door Sakaguchi called him on his phone and told him ’’That stuff is no good, don’t show it to Toriyama. We will start over from scratch’’.

This version I’m talking about is earlier than the earliest previews you can find on Chrono Compendium. It’s never been shown to the public.

BTW speaking of Chrono Trigger... there was a 1996 tralier for Chrono Trigger 2 but who knows who has it anymore.
This was the Project Noah/Proto-Xenogears stuff, before Sakaguchi gave them permission to drop it in favor of Xenogears presumably.
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>city heroes, samsung
>x-women genesis
>alien vs predator, capcom saturn
Would love to see all those CT prototypes. That game went through major changes.

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How is she so powerful? Her magic stats are insanely high compared to Terra who is a born demon.
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No, I want Celes to smother me with her thighs and fair chest
Amano based his artwork on the description of the sprites. This meant that some prototype sprites were used as the basis of the artwork, and the artwork doesn't always reflect the finalized sprites. The developers intended the final sprite designs for readability. In hindsight, they probably could've brought back Amano to retouch his art, but they probably figured his depictions were never 1:1 to the games anyway.
I headcanon the cleaner sprite designs as the characters' WoB outfits and the grittier artwork as their one-year-later WoR outfits, and Terra starting out as blonde until she learns to transform and then keeping green until her very last scene where she loses that ability.
Yeah, in T-Edition they made the sprites match Amano's art more closely, and it's a mixed bag. Terra's sprite looks good, while there wasn't much of a difference with Edgar, Sabin and Cyan, but Celes and Locke look pretty bad, and Setzer's is horrendous IMO.
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As weird as protoTerra is, she looks more like her mom..and that design also looks a lot more like a Tina - in retrospect, I'd believe "let's make her look more exotic" led straight to Terra.
Is it bad that I couldn't get over that update in T-Edition? He already had unlockable costumes, and he could've made them that instead of having them replace the defaults. What's the latest version without that nonsense?

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Zuckerberg on the left
looks more like louis cole

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This is like an Elder Scrolls roguelike, I love it.
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no you don't
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This game is so full of soul! My only real complaint so far is the absolutely crippling way they handle poison in this game. I've been playign this game blind, without looking up anything and getting poisoned made me reroll a character. Thank God it happened during the first ten hours, otherwise I might have quit completely.
join a guild, buy some poison cures

Aptly named.

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Chuck Rock for the Sega Genesis.
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No they are not created by a bot.

end communication
Ok, bot
Not by a bot but by an autist guy with too much free time and unsupervied internet access.
Now I think about it, a bot poster and an autist poster are basically the same thing.
formerly sneed stone
Always liked the mega drive version.
It has fantastic music, a good sense of humor and solid gameplay.

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Or has someone ever tried?
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for a 10$ mid-late 90s title, that's actually pretty good.
I can actually tell who those characters are supposed to be so it already exceeds my expectations.
Pretty much anyone who would want to buy this was already aware of the x-men cartoon and the Age of Apocalypse storyline going on in the comics at the time. You’re already guaranteed to get these people, so it’s logical to put Wolverine on the cover bc that exponentially increases the chances of selling to your avg 90s normie kid/parent.
Also, putting aside his cartoon iteration, all the 90s designs for Apocalypse looked super gay and were probably harder to recognize. Not something I’d want on the cover of my game, given the reaction to AoA in the comics (i.e. very bad lol)
That would require reworking the shitass weapons and the levels for starters but that would require time and effort people are not willing to waste on this. It's also obscure even amongst Quake total conversions so there's that.

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What are the best games for the Volkscomputer 20?
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They had their own one based on a Z80 clone.
No wonder Bil Herd is such a bitter old boomer.
Fun fact: USSR made Z80-compatible processors, but weren't actually Z80 clones. They were clones of U880, the East German clone of Z80. Chips still have "U880" etched into the die, despite being produced under Soviet names.
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Nobody else has ever heard of it but Multitron is great
ein game

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is picrel worth it?
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>what the fuck does that even mean? this is tiktok grade vocabulary
No, this is 4chan grade vocabulary. Don't pretend its any less retarded than tiktok
What is so special about that model of powkiddy?
it's $60something on aliexpress at the moment, has 720x720 screen, RK3566, wifi & hdmi
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Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking anon. Wasn't saying your fucking post was bait I was saying
is bait you fucking moron.
I heard some touchy faggots don't like handled threads now?

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What are some of those little things you've used to improve your setup? Controllers, scalers, whatever. Share your thoughts on them.

I hook up all my consoles through a surge protector and the ones with the wall warts are often a pain in the ass, but these short extension cables have been a big help with keeping things tidy.
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>trying to feel included
Where would I even start. I have hundreds Most accessories are simple gadgets. If I run into something that's inconvenient or that I think could be improved I just build one to do that
I stopped using wall warts in my setups decades ago. I use a single high quality power supply with modules at each device to regulate, isolate, filter, provide the right connector, etc. It's a simple solution commonly used in industrial setups.
i guess my 6in2out hdmi switch, but it'll make people reeee cause i used the cheapest chinkshit component/composite to hdmi converters i can find. 2 outputs so i dont have to have capture pc on, plus they can do different sources for lan play.
that's an LCD faggot.
How does my 480p->1080p upscale look? My retrotink is set to output 480.

What are some /vr/ games where you can play as a police officer?
Any genre is fine.
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I would take OPs request as literally as possible. Games where your character is considered an actual Police Officer or Police Detective. SWAT Team is also acceptable I guess.

If I were drawing a line I would say no CIA, Soldiers, or Government Agents. Maybe FBI.

And no need to do mental gymnastics about "plane cops" or whatever.
swat 3 and 4
Today it would be more like 'I accidently emptied my virtua gun on flashing crosshair robbers and I'm stuck with reload voices on repeat!?'
I'd like to "cop a feel" on the one on the left!

The 90s was arguably both the peak of PC gaming and console gaming and also the decade where they were at their most different.
PC had primarily turn-based and real-time strategy games, city building/management games, computer RPGs, and first-person shooters (Examples: Civilization, Age of Empires, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Fallout, DOOM). Console had mostly fast-reaction action games, especially platformers and run n' guns, as well as Japanese RPGs (Examples: Super Mario World, Gunstar Heroes, Final Fantasy VI). Basically PC games = more based on mental skill with the obvious exception of FPS, console games = more based on physical skill and reaction times with the exception of JRPGs which are a simpler version of computer RPGs (not a value judgement).
Which style do you prefer?
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Up until (including) the 6th gen, architectures were way too different for easy porting, hence corners had to be cut.
By the late 7th, PCs got better at multicore processing, meaning the PS3 Cell (and X360's Xenon) architecture could be (at least partially) replicated via multithreading. And from the 8th onward it doesn't matter anymore, since PC has "won" the "console wars", and 2 out of 3 consoles are now HTPCs on the inside.
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>PC had primarily
PC always had games of all kinds and there wasn't a "primary" focus on any particular genre. Those you mentioned in that point were not as available or viable for consoles, but they weren't the only kinds of games on PC.
> PC games = more based on mental skill with the obvious exception of FPS
There have always been way more action-based kinds of games on PC than just FPS, even in genres you seem to think are "exclusive™" to consoles
Back then there kinda was

Saturn got crapped on by the PC games for 98-99. I think that's why it didn't do well it was a mix of ps1 lite and 32x gen games

Pc was already putting out great fps games and was a lot more popular. Saturn had a few ports, racers (good) and shmups but everyone was busy playing gta2,blood,unreal mutliplayer pc then so it got ignored (at least where I was it did
>when do you guys think the PC permanently overtook consoles for both exclusives and multiplats
Intel Core 2
Bascially PC games = games for adults and late teens
console games = games for little children who still use diapers

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instead of just playing them on the consoles they were already released on or simply emulating them? WW HD also ruined the art style of the original and basically added speedhack for ADHD people, while TP HD has bugs with the controls and many textures that are actually uglier
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Cry about it
>Though it's very cryptic what really causes it. IIRC the guide says enemies 'level up' if you kill a lot of them and sneaking may even avoid it.
I mean, forums already explain the mechanic and how you get certain amount of XP from enemies based on how you fought and killed it - like with sneak/flurries/parries for bonus up to a cap, and then after like 10-12 enemies or something, that's locked in or whatever.
It's cryptic in game - but there's explanations on how it works around with datasheets etc.

The walking and rolling animations in the gamecube version bothered me too. Idk why they had to fuck it up when it was already perfected with OOT. Same with the newer star fox games none of them feel as good to play as 64.
That's why emulation is king, it has built-in mods for this. Both are 10/10 games on Dolphin
Pot meet kettle.

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What were the best GBC exclusives? As in, not a dual GB/GBC game, or something that's more or less a port (like SMB DX). Wario Land 3? The Oracles games?

While I loved (and still love) the console, it feels like the most popular games at the time were titles which were simply "enhanced" for the GBC, like Link's Awakening DX or Pokémon G/S, and that a lot of the heavy hitter handheld titles for the GB line were either released during the lifespan of the original GameBoy or didn't come until the GBA.
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>The Harry Potter Games
This. They are cozy as hell.
It couldn't play GBC-exclusive games
My fucking dude. Ham Ham’s Unite is such a charming game. One of my personal favorites of the GBC library.
One of them has strangely nice animations, but I can't remember which.
Rare had some pretty decent GBC games:
Perfect Dark-Prequel to the N64 game, the game is very ambitious, doesn't control well and it's too difficult because of it but I can appreciate it for what it tried to do. I enjoy playing it.

Concker's Pocket Tale-Even if it's a black cartridge, this actually incudes two different games. The GB one is still fun but the GBC one is far better. Really interesting to get two separate games in one, it wasn't even advertised as a feature. According to magazines and the manual it's the same game, except the stages are completely different.

i think it was well advertised, magazines mentioned it and so did the actual boxes of the games. Perhaps you were just too young to notice.
There are two Quest games on the GBC, an arcade style score game which is fun but a bit of a letdown for just being an arcade game. But there's also the demake of the 64 game with some improvements.

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The MiSTeX project (Basically, a project to create a successor to the MiSTer with a more powerful FPGA) hit a lot of progress lately. The first core was posted to it on May 1, and by May 4 there was 47 working cores running on it. There is a new framework too to allow cores to be compiled for multiple FPGA platforms at once.

Xilinx's FPGAs are currently a bit focus for the MiSTeX. They should be on par with around the MARS/Replay2, at least, there are models of FPGAs from Xilinx that are that powerful without costing significantly more (Possibly even less) if that's what they are running these cores on.
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Indeed. Makes me glad I invested in and built a gaming PC than buy a gay ass FPGA device.
Wow suddenly I love Retroarch thanks to software retards in mister threads!
>Other than future proofing, what are the main pros about moving to a more powerful FPGA? Dreamcast?


>More powerful arcade and PC cores?

Yes, at least arcade, not sure if we can do Pentium or any type of 3D Accelerator without a significantly more powerful core.

>It seems that the de-10 is pretty close to encompassing most of what is possible/worth doing with FPGA anyway.

We have definitely hit limits. On top of 486 with no FPU or 3D Acceleration being the best it can do and Dreamcast being a total no-go even N64 is not 100% possible (mostly due to memory timing) and there are a few key games that crash on the core that don't appear to be solvable without a better setup.

>Lag you can make up for with a decent display + VRR + 1 frame ahead

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I am convinced that the people who are most vocal about their excitement for this FPGA stuff are the ones who play the actual videogames the least. I love the idea of these all-in-one solutions but it's just not happening anytime soon.

I'm just bitching to bitch but a couple weeks ago I drunkenly gave this guy five bucks to play the arcade version of Splatterhouse on my Pocket and it had godawful sound issues that have somehow been unreported for half a year.
I’ve been playing my mister regularly and pretty much exclusively since I built it six months ago.

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