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I'm so mad at the gatekeeping of eugenics.

What's supposed to be so evil about making sure our children are healthier and prettier?
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Oh I didn't know OP was a sweet old Grandma, makes total sense why he was talking about what he wants to 'make our children' into.
Nobody dares to admit it but eugenicists won the debate when voluntary abortions became legal, creating a form of democratic eugenics.
>What's supposed to be so evil about making sure our children are healthier and prettier?
You just need to look at how human managed animal breeds end up to know the answer: for every positive trait we manage to instill, a couple negative ones appear.
Sure I don't give a fuck if the cow spends its whole life with sore udders if she gives me a shitton of milk, but you better believe I'll give a fuck about the cost of whatever genetic "improvement" I receive.
Pic related: what happens when people breed dogs for the specific purpose of satisfying aesthetic requirements.
worked with horses
Actually no, it didn't.
Horse breeds are all plagued by health issues, it's just that we don't care about them so long as the horse lives long enough to be a worthwhile investment and it can be butchered afterwards.
In fact, I'd be surprised if you could straight up succeed at eugenics. Even in engineering most design and material choices have pros and cons, you're not very likely to improve anything without taking away from something else.

Would Kurdistan exist without the genocide of Armenians?
Kurdistan already exists as an Iraqi province and I don't think that many Armenians ever lived there
no. this is something most of them realize, so they are not invested in kurd-turkiye issues.
I mean historically

Greater X always means someone is getting screwed over.
>Kurdistan already exists as an Iraqi province and I don't think that many Armenians ever lived there
Assyrians lived there until massacred by kurds.

Why are there so few benevolent dictators? Isn't it just common sense to be loved by the people so they don't try to overthrow you?
families were headed by men
men command respect not love
all this niggerloving bullshit is not gonna make them support you

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Which is more important, phenotype or genetics? Seriously, who is whiter, a castizo like Nick Fuentes, Nordic-looking Mena or an exotic European who scores 99% European as picrelated.
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your ancestors got raped by moors and you're a nigger mutt LOL
This, i miss poster counts just so we can atleast prove to the retarded lurkers that it’s random people laughing at how brown meds are and the same two Iberians running their cope machine all day and night.
Top 2 activate my amygdala, bottom 2 look human and like they have things to contribute to the species
It was always just random anons making fun of them, iberians just act like hysterical bitches with mongrel complex because they hate their african genes

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Is life without the illusion of free will and choice worth living?
It doesn't change anything and I find the distinction kind of meaningless.
It's undeniable that there's a huge number of factors that influence us. What does it really mean for us to have free will or not in each instance?
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How you respond to the fact of determinism is predetermined by your nature. Whether you can live on or not is out of your hands so don't worry about it, or do worry if you can't help it. Who cares.

This post was brought to you by the Ajivika gang.

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I have nothing to say that’s bad about Orthodox Jews and only good things to say. I was invited to my Orthodox friend’s family’s Passover Seder where I was fed and warmly received as a non-Jewish guest by the entire family. They praised me for my endurance in staying up past all the others (it goes late) They said I’m welcome in their house anytime. They gifted me a meaningful kippah on the way out.

Jews are like normal people except hyper-considerate and earnest to go good.
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That's an absurd criteria for hating people as a blanket though, Christian Evangelicals are also dipshits and plenty of them are Zionists as well, but that doesn't warrant an attitude of "deport all Christians!"
It’s all absurd of course. Non-Jewish Zionists are safe despite being Zionists. Non-Zionist Jews are targets despite not being Zionists. The war is over the existence of Judaism itself.
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>Be some bum ass Middle Eastern Jew from Yemen or Iraq
>Zero involvement in local politics or civic life, just spend all days in your comfy Yeshiva reading the book
>Will only return to Israel when G-d says so
>Never heard of this Theodor Herzl dude or whatever he's called, sounds like a heretic
>Never heard of this Karl Marx guy, sounds like a heretic
>Never heard of any of these American bankers or academics, probably all heretics too
>A bunch of these Euro heretics move into Palestine and found a new state there
>Suddenly everyone blames you for it and hates you now
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>My schizophrenic Aryanism WeWuz video does an excellent job of debunking the lie I don't like, and replacing it with the lie I do :xD
KYS shill
spammer fuck


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What area of Scandinavia is the most blonde? Is Picrel accurate?
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Scandinavia wise? Probably Sweden's heartland, around the latitude Stockholm is at. Danes mostly look identical to Germans (i.e surprisingly brunette) and southern Sweden has always been populated with Flemish, French, British, and German immigrants.
>The concept of blondness in these studies is very shaky. What exactly do they consider “blond hair”? Even extreme nordicists like Varg can’t reach a consensus. Most people, especially men, in Nordic countries have DARK BLOND hair, some people would call it LIGHT BROWN.
Correct, this shit highly culturally relative.
I've been called brown haired all my fucking life, up until the point where I lived in Britain for a couple years and everyone called me blonde there.
Here a pic of the biggest town in the region.
Let's count the blondes and see where people here put the line between brown and blonde.
Unsurprisingly, the women are the blondest.
Tbh it's really rare to find a light blonde adult male. I think Finns tend to be blonder than Scandinavians too.

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Why did practically the entire world during the Cold War work to quell the South Sudanese Black uprising against the Arab invader puppet usurpers? The funny thing is, even with the entire world behind them, Arab LARPer northern government lost and were forced to negotiate in the end. South Sudan would become an independent Black state some nearly four years later.
arabs can't fight, or better yet, they don't want to fight. They play the long game of demoralising their enemy like jews
>work to quell the South Sudanese Black uprising
You've got that backwards, retard. South Sudanese chimp out occurred in 1983 and they had support from every neighboring Black country, Cuba, Israel, France.
*four decades
why are the french like this

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happy liberation day
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Day is almost over and all that happened was antifascists attacking each others over israel/palestine lol
They both lost. Republic Chads can't stop winning.
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>Defeats Fascist Italy
>Defeats Hitlers puppet rump state
>prevents commie bootlickers from taking over Italy in the aftermath


I get your trolling, but it was the Americans and British who liberated Italy.
Italians were probably the coolest and most unique of the Partisans however.
I find it funny that leftists try to use che guevara's last words to try to not sound butthurt, but then have nothing to say about mussolini welcoming death in a far braver and chaddlier manner

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Are the Hungarians the descendants of the Cumans?
What was the phenotype of the Cumans like?
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t. Jász Hungarian here

Hungarians are not related to Cumans at all, as they are Finno-Ugric peoples, most of the influence was taken from the Khazars and even then most of the words are related to agricultural specifics.
Cumans were a confederation of turkic tribes, including the Jász peoples. After being pushed West and eventually shattered by the Golden Horde, Béla the 4th King of Hungary granted them to help him fight against opposing nobles and the Tatars incase they attacked them.
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Those Slavs were 83,7% Gepids and Pannons.
Sorry, I always simplify it to just say Slav since they, the Slavs currently in this area cluster right by the old Euro inhabitants of the area, prob more accurate to just say central Euro if i want to simplify it, so thanks for the correction anon.
After their conversion to Catholicism, the Cumans assimilated into Hungarian identity. So some Hungarians probably have Cuman ancestry. Cumans started out looking like Kazakhs initially and slowly turned to look like Tatars.

Looks like a Cuman.
Cumans came as refugees to Hungary
>Fleeing the Mongols, at least 40,000 Cumans under the leadership of Köten approached the eastern borders of the Kingdom of Hungary and demanded admission in 1239. Köten was willing to acknowledge the king's supremacy and submitted himself to him, although he was previously "equal to him", as Master Roger emphasizes. Béla sent his emissaries, some friars of the Dominican Order.[9] The monarch only agreed to give them shelter after Köten promised to convert together with his people to Christianity, and to fight against the advancing Mongols.
>Duke Frederick II of Austria, who arrived to assist Béla against the invaders, defeated a small Mongol troop near Pest. He seized prisoners, including Cumans from the Eurasian Steppes who had been forced to join the Mongols. When the citizens of Pest realized the presence of Cumans in the invading army, mass hysteria emerged. The townsfolk accused Köten and their Cumans of cooperating with the enemy. A riot broke out and the mob with the leadership of some barons massacred Köten and his retinue on 17 March 1241.
>Thereafter the Cumans left Hungary for the Second Bulgarian Empire. The Hungarian army was virtually annihilated in the Battle of Mohi on the Sajó River on 11 April 1241.
>The enraged Cuman-Kipchak masses began to plunder the countryside, and moved southwards in the country. They crossed the Danube and reached Syrmia (called Marchia by Roger). After causing much destruction and havoc in Hungary, they left the country for Bulgaria

Would you still be a Christian if you could get laid?
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>no actual payoff
You clearly don’t understand anon. Doing something that feels so good you make make involuntary noises is the pay-off waking up next to a beautiful naked woman, kissing and laughing is second to none.
If you’d rather go to church you’re unironically probably homosexual. Nothing wrong with it but let’s call a spade a spade.
Before being a Christian, I got laid and even afterwards I had sex because I wasn’t really following Christ like I should have. Now that I’m married and have become more dedicated and disciplined in my faith, I wish I would have saved myself for marriage. It just wasn’t worth it and I’m lucky nothing bad happened to me. I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world to have sex before marriage, but it’s just better to wait. I understand that current times make it very difficult, but in a perfect world, everyone would be able to wait until marriage (which would be ant a reasonable ate, like 18 to 22) and be with their one partner. It would be healthier emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
>I got laid and even afterwards I had sex
>Now that I’m married
I hate normies so goddamn much
t. Christcel
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> When Kurdish Medes took down the Assyrian Empire in 614 BC, they started a new calendar for a new age of freedom for all inhabitants of the region.
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>Only a minority of Iranics look white.
what does the arbitary 19th century debunked race theory definiton still used in the US have anything to do with actual aryans?
>blonde white
Medes were not k*rds you schizo
How do you know and how can you explain the similarities with Persians
Nta but k*rds are Medes in the way that all iranics are medes.
There's nothing uniquely median about kurds outside of the fact that kurds have lived the same pastoralist lifestyle as medians did for a long time.
The oldest ancestors of kurds were the Cyrtians.

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Was this Dracula's phenotype?
Dracula was a MONARCH sigma program prototype.

I think nobody talks about how most Christians in history never really expected us to last up into 2024. The people in the 300s/400s thought that the world would end fairly soon. They also thought this in the 1500s/1600s and 1200s. If you put a lot of stock in the Bible and these traditional figures anyway, it would be rather demoralizing from a Christian perspective. Martin Luther, John Chrysostom, Augustine, and obviously the earliest Christians never expected the world to drag on into 2024, in this hell we live in. This would by necessity then encourage "heretical" or non-Christian sentiment.
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Check earlier in the thread, I discussed that there's an entire area of Christian theology around this whole thing, known as eschatology.
First off there's millennialisms - what does Jesus' 1000-year reign mean? Is it actually 1000 years (amillennialism says no to this question), and if so will he return after it (postmillennialism, not sure how that works) or before it(premillennialism)?
Then you have preterism, historicism, and futurism. This is about when the various prophecies in the Bible were fulfilled - each school of thought has this happening in the past, throughout history including in the present, or the future, respectively.
Easy to say now but these "fantasies" impacted how Christian societies approached the world. If you think Jesus will return after his kingdom is established, that means it's your responsibility as a Christian to do so. From the Wikipedia:
>Postmillennialism was a dominant theological belief among American Protestants who promoted reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries such as abolitionism and the Social Gospel.
>catholics hold as doctrine that the antichrist has already come and gone
What a strange religion.
The main problem is people are under the delusion the Jews were ever chosen by God as a special people. They weren't and this video series does a great job at debunking that lie:

Are you just not familiar with the Great Commission, or willfully ignorant because it doesn't fit your agenda?
>And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:17-20

Matthew has it recorded that Jesus said to preach to all nations, and Mark that he said to preach to all of creation. Are fifty or so years enough time to preach to the whole world? No. It isn't even enough to preach to all of the Mediterranean.
Dude knew he was probably going to die. He willingly died a martyr's death in an attempt to spread Christ to a hostile people. There is no shame in that.

>80k combatans
>6 million deaths
How does Africa pull stuff like this off?
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>yes we can subsidize food for a small population of hyper productive inventive people
That sounds like you are coping hard for a lot of East Asian and SEA states anon. Also "hyper oroductive" lol did you time travel from the 80s?
japan is the only place which still makes video games in 2024, let me know if anybody else is doing anything worthwhile all this AI bullshit was just a computational bottleneck problem
SEA Monkeys don't need food, they're way older than niggers and have excess food according to the gibs map
>japan is the only place which still makes video games in 2024

>SEA Monkeys don't need food, they're way older than niggers and have excess food according to the gibs map
They import a lot of their food lol. Several states still get aid too.
>I dont't think this level of carnage happend before Europeans arrived, did it?
Simply not enough people for this to even happen. People forget until the late 19th century, Africa was the least densely populated continent, hence why it's mega fauna thrived while the rest of the world's died off.

Also does anyone else find it kinda weird that so much of the world's food comes from south america and india?

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