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>I fell into the moral sin of lust
>I broke my chastity
>I need help with purity
Why are they so allegeric to saying “jerk off” or even “masturbate”?
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>larper hasn't read the bible
like fucking clockwork lmfao
>dating catbois is "gay"
>dating women isn't
Do millennials really
You'd think if Nick was really committed to the grift he'd at least get a beard, surely there's some unhinged fangirl out there that would agree to it
we killed jesus and we're very proud of it, for a Jew to say otherwise would make them a scycophant and a coward.
This is just seething

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If good works will always be the fruit of true faith, then what exactly are those good works? Please be specific in your answer, what particular actions make up the good works we’ll see in someone who has true faith, and to what degree will we see them in a person who has true faith versus a person that has a false faith? Or in other words, exactly how much disobedience to Christ shows a person has false faith? And how do you know?
Even as a Catholic, works for me could never be the measure of fruit since that is too easy to counterfeit. St. Paul says the following, and I can't think of anything more indicative of good fruit than inner goodness:
>But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Have you tried reading the bible?
>then what exactly are those good works? Please be specific in your answer, what particular actions make up the good works
>and to what degree will we see them in a person who has true faith
It will vary from person to person.
Humans are interchangeable cogs like liberals believe.
>versus a person that has a false faith?
It will vary from person to person.
Humans are interchangeable cogs like liberals believe.
>Or in other words, exactly how much disobedience to Christ shows a person has false faith?
It will vary from person to person.
Humans are interchangeable cogs like liberals believe.
>And how do you know?
You don’t. Thats the point. Only God can judge a man’s heart because other men can’t know a man’s heart.

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If Yamnaya culture were these roaming civilization building conquerors, how come that Nordics with the most amount of Y admixture never achieved anything resembling ancient Rome, Persia or Greece who all possessed less Y admixture?

The genetic findings are not adding up to the historical reality.
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>all Northern Europeans have EEF. All southern Europeans have steppe.
Yet one combination of these genetics did not result in similar outcomes in terms of civilizational achievement, which is what this thread is about.
Okay? Southerners had big early achievements and northerners contributed in a huge way once the sparse north became more developed, and the southerners still contributed at the same time. They all did their part at different times
So again, who the fuck cares
>They all did their part at different times
Interesting. So will Nords stop calling Egyptians niggers? Greeks black? Italians arab? Iranians Sandniggers? Or do achievements only matter in terms of how recent they've occurred?
Stop listening to nordicists. They’re fringe retards and the ones that aren’t are just trolls saying those things to make you mad. No normal person thinks these things.
I just want to confront a nordicist with the question: if ancient southern civilizations are niggers today, what did that make YOUR people for all of human history up until 1800s?

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Is freemasonry its own religion?
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Basically yes.They have a lot of spiritual beliefs. Just read the last chapters of Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike.
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I understand why people join it now for connections and shit, but how did this start, I can't even organize my firends to go paintballing, how tf did they get a bunch of grown ass men together to perform little plays and dress up in costume jewelry in the first place without the first people they asked going "what are you gay?"?
According to their own records, it started in antediluvian times, and was preserved past the flood somehow and was reintroduced through the mystery schools of antiquity.
Also for your last point, they worship the obelisk, which is their god; the phallic symbol, which is also why women can't join.

Scottish and Egyptian = Yes
French = No
No. Not at any point. You have to have your own religion to join.


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Christian reconstructionism is a Calvinist movement. It developed primarily under the direction of R. J. Rushdoony, Greg Bahnsen and Gary North and has had an important influence on the Christian right in the United States. Its central theme is that society should be reconstructed under the lordship of Jesus in all aspects of life. In keeping with the biblical cultural mandate, Reconstructionists advocate for theonomy and the restoration of certain biblical laws said to have continued applicability. Most Calvinists reject Christian reconstructionism and hold to classical covenant theology, which is the traditional Calvinist view of the relationship between the Old Covenant and Christianity. Christian reconstructionism is closely linked with postmillennial eschatology and the presuppositional apologetics of Cornelius Van Til.

Medieval Christians divided the laws of the old testament into 3 parts. The moral law (i.e. the ten commandments), the civil law (i.e. The case laws of the Israelites ) and the ceremonial law (i.e. rules about “uncleanness”, Sabbath, circumcision, Passover, dietary restrictions, clothing restrictions, feasts and festivals)

There are 2 types of Theonomists:
Theonomic Reconstructionists: Believe that the civil laws and the moral laws should be enforced by the government.
General Equity Theonomists: Believe that the moral laws should be enforced by the government and the civil laws are no longer binding. Most advocate a common law system in its application.
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>Medieval Christians divided the laws of the old testament into 3 parts. The moral law, the civil law, and the ceremonial law
This has, and always will be, the silliest cope
Theonomy is also not a military movement; it is a Christian political science and jurisprudence, the means by which the Church conquers the world is through the preaching of the gospel, not by the sword.
The new perspective is bogus, but that has nothing to do with the thread
>But the big issue is that they were wrong about Sola fide.
>nu-perspective on Paul
Incorrect. Salvation involves works, but justification is by faith alone. Justification by faith alone is what the Christian church stands or falls on. If you argue that works are a part of being justified you shoot yourself in the foot because where is the determining point of those works being sufficient to justify?
Is it 1 work?
Is it 2 works?
Is it 100 works?
Is it 1000 works?
Is it the balance of works where you need to balance good boy point with bad boy points?

Put simply under your nu-perspective, what must a person do to be justified? And what is The Gospel?

No the Anabaptists are and were chads who affirm Sola Fide.

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>In reality, theocracy in Biblical law is the closest thing to a radical libertarianism that can be had.
Please trying to associate Biblical law with libertarianism. Libertarianism is a false worldview that denies the divinely bestowed function such as taxation to the state with false claims of “taxation is theft”.
Most libertarian theorist were horrible people that support satanic acts like abortion
And finally notions of the libertarian worldview such a the NAP is just a means to facilitate child grooming and child porn.

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Why did ancient greeks wear helmets shaped like penises ?
Why is the penis shape not mentioned on wikipedia ?
This is your brain on porn
>try not to laugh challenge - piss poor peasant whose village is on fire edition
very interesting

when I look at mine sideways, aways remember of Darth Vader's helmet, but pink
Porn is bad for your soul.
Come on, don't pretend it's not obvious

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>babies are born atheis-NOOOOOO
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Your post and nothing else.
babies are born not knowing any better than to shit yourself, that doesn't mean shitting yourself is correct
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Good question. The answer is it depends on what consciousness is to begin with
it had to with a related (false) statement
Again, pseud
And? Crocs and monitor lizards exist

How did a westerner proof taoism?
how do you "prove" taoism, there is nothing to be proved. defeats the whole purpose of the philosophy if you ask me

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How did Romanian survive and not get replaced by some Slavic language?
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they hid in the hills until they could form a state
>fake ethnicity
>fake language
>stolen land
what did I even expect
Depends on who you ask, they were either there the whole time doing nothing or they migrated north from Latinized areas of the south balkans. A lot of Vlach were wandering tribes as well. Magyar and Romanians have been fighting about this forever.
they can keep this language for themselves, but genetically they are predominantly Slavic.

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>attempt to destoy every instance of his people's culture and history and replace it with.....?????
>decades after his death the chinese are desperate about maintaining good representation of their culture with harsh legal repercussions
What the FUCK was Mao thinking? Did he genuinely hate his own nation and culture? What did he hope to accomplish?
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What you linked has nothing to do with my post. The Red Guards still existed beyond Mao’s death, the Gang of Four was attempting to mobilize them in their power struggle against Zhou, before they were quickly arrested and purged.
>The Red Guards still existed beyond Mao’s death, the Gang of Four was attempting to mobilize them in their power struggle against Zhou, before they were quickly arrested and purged.
Prove it. The reality is that red guards effectively stopped existing in 1968. They were never even an actual organization in the first place, they were thousands of local groups, all with different leaderships, philosophies, and goals.
Psalm 31:6-7
I hate those who worship worthless idols;
as for me, I trust in Yahaweh
I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
for you saw my affliction
and knew the anguish of my soul.
Evil doesn't create, it destroys and corrupts.
I’m so glad China puts christcucks in concentration camps and makes them follow a cucked version of Christianity that worships the communist party

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Daily reminder that Virgin Mary is a slutty whore who fucked 2 guys.

Mary cheated on Joseph by having premarital sex with God before she consummated her marriage with Joseph. In other words, Mary is a sinner and by default, Jesus is a sinner.

Why do you worship this slut and her bastard son?

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Is this the pinnacle of modern warfare? I can't think of any military operations of the past 50 years that were this impressive.
Russian invasion of Ukraine, destroyed the holhol Nato alliance and caused the west to make itself bankrupt on all military good to try and fend off the mighty bear. Now Iran and China will conquer much of Asia as Europe lays open to the Russian armies
Retarded post.

Yes, desert storm was the purest example of Germanic warfare supremacy building upon Nazi Blitzkrieg with American Combined Arms doctrine. US tankers were documented to have portraits of Rommel in their command vehicles.
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>mfw thirdies will never be stomped like that again
anyways, what was the digits about >>16522222
Low iq unitedstatians

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Objectively speaking, what's a family?
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As I've said, blood brotherhood is shared. It's a mutual state of being. If you do not feel philia for the person you're asking about, or they you, it is not brotherhood.
>I feel like they are my brother, therefore they are
I guess that works. What about the opposite where you have an evil twin. You would have nothing in common, by they literally couldn't be more closer to you.

What if you get in a car accident and lose your memory about your best friend? Are they not your bother anymore?
>evil twin
if you still feel love for your birth brother, but he doesn't, he is not your blood brother. If he does love you despite his evil deeds, he is.
If he truly loves you, then he will try to help you remember, and barring that, try to make a new brotherhood with the current you. If you do not love him back even then, then how could you call him brother?
what sort of mumbo jumbo is this?
>inb4 the blood of the covenant yada yada yada
Your family is what it is, you dont pick them, that's the problem most of the times.
People that came from the same womb, the female that womb belongs to and the penis that came inside her. Extended family is the wombs and penises the penis and the womb that made you came from as well as those that also came from it and what came from them.

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One thing I've noticed about a decent amount progressives and reactionaries is that they use various pieces of media they grew up with as some sort of blueprint for how society should function and that their beliefs are product of society failing to replicate said media
Trannies are assmad the world isn't like Star Trek
Chuds are assmad over the world not looking like 40K
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Read Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle and supplement it with Baudrillard.
All social, economic and political phenomena in 2024 is mediated through the Spectacle.
40K creators are creating trannies in their universe. So its all over
Sex with Frieren

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As a vehicle to destroy white people?
Possible points of fist infiltration are 1000 years ago when Catholics decided killing Jews for being enemies of God wasn't okay anymore.

Redefinition of adultery to exclude race based miscegenation happened at some point, not sure when.

Misrepresentation about the purpose of communion ritual happened along with misrepresentation about the purpose of saints/Mary intercession.

Deliberate obfuscation regarding the intended primary target of proselytization happened at some point, not sure when.

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>very poor, uneducated Jews. They're not some indomitable hivemind.
Judaism is mind control as well. Aristocrats of every race have always had the primary influence in historical affairs, I'm referring to them specifically
Talmud and more importantly, the tradition behind it, has been a great gift to the Jewish people. It trains and tempers them mentally, hardens then intellectually.
>The Jews have always thrived in Christian Europe anon.
was that while they were getting burned at the stake and kicked out of everywhere they went? Only later did they corrupt christianity as a vehicle for their designs of dominion.
>hardens then intellectually
Reading an instruction manual about why its okay for you to be a complete piece of shit to everybody on earth is not good or noble. Every single practicing Jew should be thrown into the land of Palestine which they have wrongly appropriated the name Israel for and there they should wait to be crushed by the weight of God's judgement for their abhorrence.
>an instruction manual about why its okay for you to be a complete piece of shit to everybody on earth is not good or noble
That's not what the Talmud is. Hell, even the Qur'an is slightly better than that.

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