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Historically speaking how people used to cope with not liking work?
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generally by knowing that whether they liked it or not it was that or starving during the winter.
They looked forward to small, simple comforts, the promise of a positive afterlife, and festival days where they could drink and make merry with others.
why cant I drink and make merry all the time
work gets in the way of that
whenever I do drink and make merry I cant enjoy it because I think about tomorrow but if I stop thinking about tomorrow I cant work and if I dont work I lose any chance to drink and make merry
They half-assed and committed time theivery whenever possible so that by the end of the work day they were still sane and got a paycheck out of it

If you wanted to be an unpleasant person though then you could just get through work with clenched teeth until you got home to vent about it for hours to your wife and family. People do the same shit today except on social media instead, and they are equally as unpleasant.
>vgh the nature of man
It is what it is, always has been this way.

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>/his/ still hasn't come up with the fact that republican romans (aka the worthy, strong ones) were genetically spanish and weren't like modern Italians at all.
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>yes we have the highest lgbt population but uhhhhh they're not REALLY spanish and uhhhh mudslimes are offsetting the averages of every other european country
lmao at the cope
That's actually a very sensible observations. The gap is actually only 2-3%. Nobody would brag about such a small differences.
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Have Italians ever denied that they are mixed with east meds? Even the Romans and Etruscans themselves believed that they were east med mutts, and many samples are actually mixed
>gets gay marriage a decade before the UK did
uh yeah sure, paco
>Even the Romans and Etruscans themselves believed that they were east med mutts
Inconsequential larp
Marriage between nobility, no big deal

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Do the advocates of the Black Egypt conspiracy theory believe the Ancient Egyptians were unmixed West African/Bantu or mixed Black like Ethiopians?

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Blessed is the one
who does not walk in path of the wicked
or stands on the path of sinners
or sits in the seat of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of Yahweh,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither
and whatever they do will prosper.

Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand up in the judgment,

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American history has to be the most boring thing imaginable, how do people teach this shit at schools?
If by American you mean the US then you're correct
If by American you mean Latin America and Canada then you’re correct
>greenlandCHADS…. we won…
Nobody calls your smoldering beaner wasteland "America". Everything south of the rio grande is just Mexshitco in the minds of foreigners.

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History says that it did, and all accounts of the man suggest that he did.
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Did ninjas really plant corn and jump over it 1000 times a day until it was seven feet tall?
Whatever a (((modern historian))) says is a false account, is most likely real.
cows are usually tame, but with bulls it's a toss-up. some bulls are really docile and playful, others are as wild as any aurochs, seemingly putting up with human presence due to herbivore stupor only, but if you try anything they don't like, you are gored. there's a very good reason oxen were invented.
Louis Cyr tried but the bull objected, so instead he bore a sack of grain he made heavier every day

Which is your preferred model of omnipotence /his/? That of René Descartes or that of Thomas Aquinas?

I usually prefer Descartes' writings to nearly any other philosopher's but I think Aquinas has this one right

Quick vid on the differences and which model seems to be correct: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HZal99fwki4
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yeah, EVERYTHING. this "COULD HAVE BEEN" in this is as referred to as "NO THING" is in our world, which is to say, unreferred, which makes it inherently ireferrable in the "de re" context of the statement : "Question everything."
Could some things be areferential
I think Aquinas is right-er, but on the other hand the bible is clearly supporting a cartesian variant, with god ALL things are possible, he could turn these stones into sons of Abraham etc.
that negative style is also found in buddhism, and it is bullshit in either case. you can see that it is just a wriggle-out-of-difficulties tactics when you talk to other users of it, like when explicit consent was a big thing with feminists and I kept asking them how would it look like in reality and they kept screaming "it means you don't just go and fuck her without obtaining consent". glorifying it with giving it a name is not going to help either.
wouldn't that be the equivalent of saying "couldn't there be a transcendent concept known as xghdtjbiifftbnk?"
It's an exercise in futility, and unproveable, either physically or logically; so why fucking bother

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The Australian meat substitution scandal of 1981 involved the widespread substitution of horse meat and kangaroo meat for beef in Australia.[1] While the substitution primarily affected meat exported overseas, particularly to the United States, further investigations revealed that these as well as donkey meat and pet food had been packaged for human consumption and non-halal meat sold as halal meat domestically in Australia as well.[2]
>non-halal meat sold as halal meat domestically in Australia as well
Is halal kangaroo meat a thing?
it's not a terrestrial or avian predator nor does it consume impure things so I don't see why it couldn't be at least
It's theoretically possible, and I'm sure someone has tried. But doing Halal slaughter to a Kangaroo of all things seems like an incredibly pointless waste of time.
Probably not for Sheeite jurisprudence which is basically the same as kashrut.

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meet Saint Genoveva, a woman who defended Paris from the Huns and in the words of Catholics themselves "shield of glory and Christian civilization"
Oh my! I thought the protectors were men? especially civilization? But the Catholic Church proves that this is not the case. women can too.
Well, maybe the church isn't as masculine as we thought. I can't imagine the same event among the Romans, for example.
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Why? you did not refute my articles.
and those comments above? When I was Catholic, unfortunately I heard them all the time... mainly with adjectives
>why aren't you wasting your time deboonking my pozzed tranny article that was invented by a child rapist to subvert scripture and waste peoples time
another mystery to ponder I guess.
You lost
Catholics will praise a thousand saints before they ever even think of giving praises to the Almighty.

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If Ashkenazi Jews and those with Semitic genes were believed to be genetically inferior to White Europeans, how come so many of their women have some of the best bodies?
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> Anon, I need to get milked urgently and my dumb brother isn't around this weekend...
I noticed a lot of jewish women will have big tits but incredibly mediocre asses and fridge bodies.
yea cause literally only niggers care about ass
Get with the times, old man.
The things i'd do to her... I want her to fuck me whilst calling me goy filfth and i'd call her god's chosen. I'm hard thinking about it.

Why did the Germans photograph themselves carrying out unspeakable atrocities?
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Whatever, so what was the guy's name again?
>I'm going to get rid of my bed bug and cockroach infestation
>but not the females and the young, those won't cause any problems
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>red cross
it was debunked, ret*ard
you don't have even one serious argument to deny holocaust

They were proud of it and we're using it to impress their superiors. The most extremist Nazis were those in the lower echelons.
>comparing people to bugs
Do /pol/tards really?

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Why the fuck whenever people point out the horrible shit some Christians did in the past do people resort to sectarian shitflinging like "oh those fucking Protestants/Catholics/Orthodox." This DOES NOT make Christianity look any more appealing!

>Man what these Muslims did in Iran really disgusts me
>Oh those were the FUCKING SHIITES dude you're not looking at the right sect
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"The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture, is the Scrip-
ture itself; and therefore, when there is a question about the true and
full sense of any scripture (which is not manifold, but one), it may be
searched and known by other places that speak more clearly.20
10. The Supreme Judge, by whichg all controversies of religion
are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient
writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits, are to be examined, and
in whose sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the Holy Spirit
speaking in the Scripture." (Westminster)
>Scripture interpreting scripture is one principle among three for reading the Bible without making mistakes.

No where in the Reformed confessions, does it say this. And the Bible either says nothing in align with the confessions (making them self refuting) or they contradict the confessions
>said that the Holy Scriptures are not of private interpretation
>2 Peter 1: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
It says prophecy, not scripture.
guys, you are talking to someone who thinks demons and magic are real, instead of sending him to /x/.
If you believe in God, you must believe in demons. Any Christian or Abrahamic adherent which says otherwise is in denial and just wants to look cool.

>the universe came out of nothing
>we're evolved from ape like creatures and androgynous fish
>talking donkies and snakes? aren't you tired listening to silly skyfairy myths?
the independent freethinker ladies and gentlemen.
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>the images make the attempt too obvious m8
>maybe next time you could just spam links like JWanon does, that's at least believeable.
darwin was a freemason btw, jesuit educated.
>seething over facts
why are brown people like this?
>christian apologetics in currentyear is just spamming ugly wojaks
kek it's over for christianity
Looks like a cartoon character. People ask why people still believe in religion? Because humans have no idea how they originated let alone the universe

Witch Hunting happened between 1400-1800 starting at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age in the West Alpine area (Switzerland, South East of France, Northwest Italy), which at the time were part of the Germanic Holy Roman Empire AKA First Reich. The greatest geo-historical-political events of these times were the Fall of Constantinople (Byzantium/Eastern Roman Empire), Renaissance, Invention of the Printing Press, Scientific Revolution, Protestant Reformation and Wars of Religion, Great Navigations and Colonialism, rise of Absolutism and Enlightenment.

The stuff that matters here is the Renaissance, specifically the German/Northern Renaissance in the occult aspect, but before talking about that, I want to contextualize the Italian Renaissance from which it was based: Marsilio Ficino, apprentice of the Neo-Platonic Byzantine scholar Gemistos Plethon, was responsible for translating the Corpus Hermeticum, the main texts of Hermetica literature, at the request of Cosimo de' Medici, a member of the powerful Italian royal banker family, House of Medici, that had several popes. Marsilio Ficino's apprentice was Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, he mixed the Corpus Hermeticum with the Jewish Qabbalah, thus creating the "Christian Cabala", which would serve as the main philosophy of secret societies such as the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, etc... more later.

Before that, they influenced German occultists such as Johannes Trithemius, Johannes Reuchlin, Johann Weyer, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim Paracelsus, etc... But the most important of them on this occasion is Johann Georg Faust, whose mysterious stories of pact with the demon Mephostophiles, night flights and the magical invocation of spirits, added to his mysterious death, made him the model of a black magician.
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According to tradition, Faust is often associated with the town of Knittlingen in the Baden-Württemberg region of southwestern Germany, close to the largest Witch Hunt area in Europe. Which is ironic since the majority of those judged were women.

>The long-standing but socially restricted concern over the ritual magic used by clergy and courtiers began to extend to more popular, non-literary forms of harmful magic or sorcery. Increasingly all magic came to be redefined as heretical in that it was all believed to be inspired by an ominously encroaching Devil. Grimoires, with their complex ceremonial invocations and conjurations, were no longer the only keys to demonic magic. With heretical magic unbound from the book, women increasingly became the focus of authoritarian concern. Before 1350 over 70 per cent of those accused of magic in the courts were men, but during the early Fifteenth century between 60 and 70 per cent were female. Here lies the origin of the witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when across much of Europe the legislature ensured that the poor, the illiterate, and women supplanted the privileged, erudite male owners of grimoires as the greatest magical threat to Christian society. (Grimoires: A History of Magic Books by Owen Davies, page 43)

The biggest witch hunts in Germany happened in Catholic parts of the country, headed by Catholic clergymen.

>Johann Georg Fuchs von Dornheim, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg, 1000 kills
>Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn, Prince-Bishop of Würzburg, 900 kills
>Johann von Schönenberg, Archbishop of Trier, 368 kills
>Balthasar von Dernbach, Prince-Abbot of Fulda, 250 kills
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I forgot to say that the greatest witch hunting manual was written by a German:

>The Malleus Maleficarum, usually translated as the Hammer of Witches, is the best known treatise purporting to be about witchcraft. It was written by the German Catholic clergyman Heinrich Kramer (under his Latinized name Henricus Institor) and first published in the German city of Speyer in 1486. Some describe it as the compendium of literature in demonology of the 15th century. Kramer blamed women for his own lust and presented his views as the Church's position. The book was condemned by top theologians of the Inquisition at the Faculty of Cologne for recommending unethical and illegal procedures, and for being inconsistent with Catholic doctrines of demonology

>The Malleus calls sorcery heresy, which was a crime at the time, and recommends that secular courts prosecute it as such. The Malleus suggests torture to get confessions and death as the only certain way to end the "evils of witchcraft." When it was published, heretics were often sentenced to be burned alive at the stake and the Malleus suggested the same for "witches." Despite, or perhaps because of, being condemned by the church, the Malleus was popular for a time among laypeople

>The book was later revived by royal courts during the Renaissance, and contributed to the increasingly brutal prosecution of witchcraft during the 16th and 17th centuries

>Heinrich Kramer (c. 1430 – 1505, aged 74-75), also known under the Latinized name Henricus Institor, was a German churchman and inquisitor. With his widely distributed book Malleus Maleficarum (1487), which describes witchcraft and endorses detailed processes for the extermination of witches, he was instrumental in establishing the period of witch trials in the early modern period
Seduction is a form of rape because it falls under a violation of the rational will by sexual means

legalize the murder of women (again)
beyond based
This is a misleading image. England's numbers are much lower than it suggests and it groups the entire HRE together as 'Germany' when there was great variance internal to the HRE and the Netherlands (owned by Spain for much of this period) had a relatively high number of trials, encouraged by the Inquisition.

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What do you know about them?
There isn't much information beyond the obvious things that we all already know, like the fact that they were Gaelic, that they painted themselves blue and bla bla.
tell me something new.
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nigga what
Hello, (You) is up down there.
Even the most casual non-historian could have noticed on their own that Thoth & Odin, each with their own daughter-apprentice (Seshat & Gridr) is the canonical inventor of "THE alphabet".
To these normies, this would seem like a contradiction as the runes and abjad descend from the very same hieroglyphs of phoenecian-egyptian origin and thus could NOT have had several inventors of the original one.
But to them I say;
Odin and Thoth is the very same.
Not just mythologically borrowed, but that both stem from the same exact region and goddess.
Seshat, daughter of Thoth, was the most important female deified academic, responsible for measuring the land and reign of kings of their kingdom.
The norse word (therefore also english) for "the Sea" comes from the fact that Nerthus (namesake for the Norse sea-god Njordr) had her main shrine in Sais.
Sais was, alongside Heliopolis, the two main cities for the female academic study of birth medicine known under the umbrella term "Midwife studies".
The "Midwives of Israel" whom saved and raised Moses, as well as John the baptist (Named after the aquatic priest On/Oannes) derived their studies and mythology from Heliopolis,- the sistercity of Sais.
In LOTR then, Thoth/Odin is depicted as the Mason/Elrond, whose daughter Seshat/Gridr(Gerdr)/Arwen married the heir of the north Aragorn/Yngvie-Freyr.
Arwen/Gerdr was a descendant of Galadriel/Magdalene/the Galatian-Galileean Elf.
Gandalf/Gamaliel was the guide and lawful protector of the 12 members of the fellowship, and served as the first true leader of the Christian movement after the corruption of the Judean priesthood (Herods siding with the roman EMPIRE with an illguided belief that they could control it for their own gain).
By depicting Galadriel as Magdalene, and Gandalf as Gamaliel, Lotr - especially through RingsOfPower, manages to sneakily depict Jesus as shining through nearly every male leading role of the franchise, including Sauron, in order to evade having to ascribe a definite character to Jesus himself.
Based schizo. Keep up the good work
it's always "schizo say whaaat?*
and never "hmm explain whyy?*

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