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>low life expectancy
>bed bugs
>aids and other stds out the ass
>lynching and raping machiavellian style
>forced deportation of kulaks and ethnic groups
why would the 50s american youth advocate for communism again?
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Same reason kaffirs stand with palestine. Its the socially accepted rebellion
From c. 1953-85 things were bearable. Not as nice as the US but better than most of the developing world.
There’s a lot of useful idiots out there
Was there a strong pro-Soviet movement in the 50s USA? IIRC thats was a 60s thing. The 50s were dominated by McCarthyism, Rosenburg executions, containment theory, Truman doctrine and domino theory.
they didn't youth useful idiots was more 60s and 70s thing

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Why the fuck was there some wide fear and consensus in the US that Japan was going to “take over” as the dominant economic power and possibly even military rival that the “next war” would be with?

A) they’re a small island nation with no real natural resources of their own. They have a large population but still nowhere near the US

B) their entire industrial production relied on favourable trade deals with countries like the US

C) they still were effectively a US vassal state, they weren’t allowed an official military and had a shit ton of US military bases in country

It doesn’t make any sense why this was a real fear. At least with China there’s different factors even though I don’t see them being a real rival either
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>Why the fuck was there some wide fear and consensus in the US
Because amerimutts are an immature, silly, loudmouthed, childish un-stoic people.
Yes. That’s why it makes more sense for there to be fear over the Chinese rise.

Still, in totality, I do not see the Chinese able to compete long term simply due to demographics and price bubbles. A lot of economic problems can be plastered over as a totalitarian authoritarian state, but they can’t be fixed that way.

China will retreat in the next ten years because they must fix their internal problems. The alternate is war for the sake of war, so their single young men can die in a war instead of causing problems.

Even then, would it really be a war that involves the USA who could fuck them up massively? I doubt it
Was Japan in the 1980’s on a population crash?
All developed countries have the exact same birth rate problem.
> Even then, would it really be a war that involves the USA who could fuck them up massively? I doubt it
You are assuming all military actions are perfectly rational. Do you remember Pearl Harbour? Fits the exact same bill you just described. China today is like Japan in the 30s: a dictatorship. Dictatorships result in feedback loop of yes-men approving bad decisions. It happens in Ukraine in 2022 and it will happen to Taiwan

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Is it true that the Holocaust didn't actually have that big of a presence in historiograhpy or the public consciousness until the 1970s?
trips of truth
my anecdote is that all the holohoax books I had to read in school were pre-1970 and none of them mentioned gas chambers.
Churchill's biography doesn't mention it
I've heard that neither does DeGaulles.
But are biographies written years after the event reliable sources?
German generals lied all the time in theirs to make Hitler look insane.
The holocaust as a term wasn't even used until the 1970s so how could it have any presence?

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What is in that little room in the back of the Auschwitz gas chamber?
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The curved shotgun looney tunes execution area.
Entrance to the Holocaust rollercoaster.
You see those pipes on the ceiling?
Ever heard of exploitation media?

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>According to Ibn Idhari, Umayyad ruler Abd al-Rahman I was blond; Hisham I had fair complexion and reddish hair; Muhammad had “rosy skin”; Abd Allah had a rosy face, blue eyes, and blond hair; Abd al-Rahman III had fair skin and blue eyes, and he tinted his blond hair black to seem more Arabic; al-Hakam II had a “reddish-blond complexion”; Hisham II was blond and blue-eyed, and had a reddish beard; Abd al-Rahman V al-Mustazhir (who was assassinated in Córdoba in 1024) was blond, the son of a sexual slave; and according to Ibn al-Kardabus, the last Umayyad caliph, Marwan II, was “white, had rosy skin, and blue eyes.
>The Spanish Arabist Julián Ribera calculated that, as a result of this sexual intercourse with Caucasian Christian girls, each generation of Umayyad rulers saw its genetic “Arab” component reduced by half, so that the last Umayyad, Hisham II (976–1013), would have had approximately 0.09 percent of “Arabic” genetic makeup
Due to successive breeding with white slaves the Muslim rulers essentially became genetically closer to Europeans (typically Slavs and those from the Balkans)
Are these statements true?
If this is true why do Arabs and most Muslims from the Middle-east look like the traditional Arab (black hair, hook-nose, black eyes, olive skin etc) phenotype rather than the diluted type described previously.
Why is it that Muslim leaders are always traditionally pictured as the traditional black hair and swarthy?
Furthermore, what was the Berber, African influence on the genetic make up of the caliphs?
>If this is true why do Arabs and most Muslims from the Middle-east look like the traditional Arab (black hair, hook-nose, black eyes, olive skin etc) phenotype rather than the diluted type described previously
Because only the elite had access to an abundance of high class white slave girls.
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<typical Muslim Caliph
Some pictures can be from a later time
You can see it clearly in the Ottoman portraits that they were changing
the whitening of the middle east is what has happened

>No social order has ever been established on agrarian laws.

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I'm an atheist. If a christfag itt proves that noahs flood actually happened and is not a myth I'll eat my shoe.
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Not reading all those posts. Has anyone said anything about Noah's flood yet?
no they can't answer that
>about Noah's flood yet?
About what?
Rotten on the inside, rotten on the outside.
Noah? christians?
Ah, you mean Utnapishtim - and yes he and the flood were probaply mythical.

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Why did God plant false evidence that contradicts his holy scripture and prophets? Is he trying to trick people into eternal torture? Very mysterious.
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My beliefs are founded upon the ancients. Until around Hitler's time, the majority of the world that wasn't communist also had all their beliefs founded on some sort of ancient tradition, either it was Christianity, or Islam, or Buddhism, Hinduism, but the ideas today that stem from materialist thinking, those are to be rejected because they come from pure and absolutely toxic materialism. The ancestors always looked towards the past, but now people look towards the present exclusively. That is why so many westerners kill themselves although the increase in white female suicides is indeed kind of funny. Fucking one different chad each weekend and then not being married, neither to Chad nor to beta at the end, ohhh the agony hahahaha.
God loves us that's why He loves to torture us. :^)
The majority of the world for a long time didn't think it was smart to wash their fucking hands before eating retard. Tradition is not a supplement or replacement for common sense and wisdom based on reason. Westerners kill themselves because their lives suck and they aren't dumb enough due to a lack of education to believe stupid shit like "muh Siddhartha didn't starve to death he's actually gonna save me!". You are literally glorifying desperate ignorance as an argument and proclaiming unwashed retards in third world shitholes too poor and stupid to read about our world and history are superior because they're dumb enough to fall for the stupid shit you have no excuse to believe in because you get no pussy.
The Catholic church is literally a political organization with its own country you daft cunt. Call me when Ricky Gervais founds Atheistland and gets the UN to recognize it as an official country.
Nah the Jewish one isn't eternal

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Was there ever a case in history where a ruler paid foreign invaders to invade his kingdom in order to replace his servants and his own tribe?
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Yup. Merkels rule is over, it's history now
Roman foederati
Welsh hiring Anglo-Saxon settlers to guard them
Contemporary Canada giving citizenship to any migrant that wants to join the army.
>Roman foederati
>Welsh hiring Anglo-Saxon s
All of them whites or 100% European by genetics.

Now compare with the massive inmigration of: asians, africans, indians-pakis, muslims, or ANY other group of people from any other part of the world.

This never happened at all and much less in these numbers. And another massive difference is that the natives FOUGHT against the invaders until one of them got defeated. In today´s Europe they import them without our consent and without any sort of defense. Even worst they give them our resources and receive privileges that the natives don´t have (free houses, social benefits, and a long etc).
goalposts: shifted
Americans are painfully easy to find out

He won.
You lost.
Simple as.
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Epigenetics is incredibly Jewish. Darwin, Spencer and Galton were all based and right
Let me tell you about space metareptile hypothesis.
>Pointing out patterns and positing a plausible explanation that’s consistent with real world observations is jewish
Did your mother flatten your skull with a crowbar as a newborn or were you born a microcephalic?
Nice projection, cucktranny. Also no argument, therefore cucked.
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You unironically believe this.

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What would have happened if Adam had refused to eat the fruit that Eve gave him?
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The snake was God's cock. He jizzed in Eve's pussy which Adam then ate like the good little cuck he is.
And you wonder why women are repulsed by you.
God would have banished her and made Adam another wife.
No, Middle Eastern people - although they are neighbors.

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How do I go with the flow?
How do I act without acting?
I recently realized that free will is a hoax (and there is actually lots of evidence for this, both scientific and philosophical, this isn't really a thread to discuss this), so how do I make the best of fate?
I know Eastern religions deal with this but I don't even know where to start. I've read some Evola but he's not a good scholar, even if I intend to keep reading him. I also have so much to read I don't know when or if I'll get to read about eastern religions, but feel free to share the best resources.
Meditation and Dialectical thinking
>Dialectical thinking
What is this?

Is this true?
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*Turns Europe into a dystopic shit hole for a thousand years*
Every single person in history who was hungry for power and control over the masses has rejected the Old Testament and has despised those who follow its teachings. No tyrant trying to control the people has ever encouraged them to read Genesis.

The CIA would be using Hollywood to promote Scripture if they could be used to control people and money. The Old Testament teaches you to reject the authority of men and live a life that pleases God. It is Godlessness, hedonism, the seeking of pleasures, the promotion of hatred of your neighbor, selfishness, idolatry and the worship of wealth and power what is used to control you.
>The positive effects of religion, christianity in particular,
such as ?
no, those who thirst for power would just use another tool, like ideology, to get the same results
religion is merely a symphony of the problem, not the problem itself
Rothschild's Central Bank.
Mexican illegal immigration to US, duh.

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>France (Normans) Portugal (Visigoths)
Are you uh, retarded
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It is true that basically all of Europe eventually was ruled by people of Scandinavian ancestry but they weren't all Vikings
Vikings were the same movement that had already created over Europe five hundred years previous.
Ah, late 19th century German theories about movement of people and nations - delicious delirium, but it shouldn't be taken seriously anymore.

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>ban Catholicism
>in a country that's like 95% Catholic
>civil war
What exactly did he expect to happen?
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>still makes concessions instead of making his atheist 'paradise'
Sucks to suck. All those deaths are simply martyrs
>murderers and pillagers
theyre burning in hell
he won, mexico stayed a borderline atheist country until the 70s. 10 years after the first war there was a second cristero one that got no support at all because everyone knew cristeros were niggers. synarchists lost.
> mexico stayed a borderline atheist country until the 70s
For most of the PRI era regime, the goverment made sure to restrict or tame any political actor that could challenge them, the catholic church specially, since it also allowed them to lip service the ideals of the revolution

However, as the PRI goverments started to decline and come under pressure from opposition from both left and right, they began to lift most of the restrictions of the church to win their support back and appeal to the religious populance.
remember, this has always been the actual catholic position

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