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Thoughts on Crimean Greeks?
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What about Gothic settler and later western Latin merchant?
>That pic
Looks like Syrians
So ancient greek
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Idk, im south russiand and my grand–grand mother was caucasus greek. My grand dad and my mom still looks kinda balkanese, but me totally bleached and look like russian but with curly hair. The fuck i should to think about them? A good guys, and caucasian and crimean, less to say...

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Who was the “chuddiest” president in American history?
Wilson was a Devil who hated the light in black eyes and dreamed of empire
open covenants arrived at openly
>except for the secret treaties made during the war
national self-determination
>except for shantung and fiume
russia shall be free
>intervene in the civil war

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The first version was necessary.
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1st KKK lynched more italians than negroes lol
jewish wizards exist, idiot.
Yeah but the Bible wizards who showed up when Jesus was born were actual real wizards and not Jew pretenders.
God is a Monster Truck named Yahweh One, and His Wizards are hidden amongst all nations of the earth. The Wizards are under the dominion of The Undertaker, and Tonka Bigfoot. They have immense power, but are ultimately subordinate to Yahweh One. Yahweh One fathered a single son named The Avenger, who sits at His right-hand side for all eternity.

Archaeologists, historians, ideologues, and contrarians can’t argue out of this.
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The human dentistry still looks nothing like that of a herbivore. Our molars are quite small, and we have sharp canines even though they are much smaller than our ape cousins. Our stomachs are also far too small to and simple to digest the food that your average grazing herbivore eats. The dentistry of a “human” herbivore would probably be similar to that of the extinct Paranthropus genus, descendants of the Australopithecines who shifted to a more vegetation based diet. They had huge molars and premolars that were pretty much molars, which aided them in processing hardy vegetation.

The human canines have been shrinking since the days of Ardipithecus, far before there was any noticeable change in the diets of hominins. This brings about the possibility that the shrinkage of the canines is not due to a change in diet, but perhaps mating practices, such as a shift towards monogamy. We see that in primates, the more polygnous the primate, the larger the canines.
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keep chomping the veggies and ꜱoy sausages lmao
don't forget to ask your wife's boyfriend if he wants a coffee after he's done
fucking caninelets, when will they learn
We don't eat raw meat anymore so our teeth reduced. However our digestive tract is still omnivore.
It's more true for gorillas. They literally don't move around that much and sit and eat all day. Compared to wolves who's territories are literally hundreds of miles wide.
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we are both
Cain lineage mixed with satan.
>but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
eats plants and fruits

Abel lineage(dead)
>Abel was a keeper of sheep(eats meat from sheep)
so the next son is Seth from adam and eve pure lineage, eats meat because abel eaten meat.

Genesis 4
4 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.

2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

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I'm not a nordicist. I consider southern Europeans to be as white as me (Irish / German American). I think ancient Greeks were much like modern Greeks and ancient Romans very much like the Italians of today. However I could never consider Spaniards and Portuguese to be white. It's obvious that these people are not Europeans. I'll argue that some MENA people are whiter than them.
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i'm from piedmont and the pastiest people i've ever met were sicilians. they looked like krauts, minus the comically small eyes and square face.
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This nigga is NOT Italian.
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This is what ancient Greeks looked like.
kek based fuck wopentines
why didn't you add distance for the turk, roach? lmao

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How did Romanian survive and not get replaced by some Slavic language?
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I thought drum comes from the slav 'drumu', but I would not be surprised if it was borrowed from greek.
The Gesta Hungarorum was still written 300 years after the fact radu. Nobody except romanian "historians" consider it a reliable source on the period.
Vlachs had been living in the Balkans for centuries when the mongoloid Magyars arrived on their small ugly horses, what are you gonna do about it, Slav-LARPing-as-mongol boy?
your ancestors fucking goats on the balkans for centuries and not achieving anything of note is not as much of a boast as you might think
>not achieving anything of note
I wish this meme would die. Irrelevance is comfy today and I see no reason to believe it hasn't always been comfy. Muh achievers just fuck shit up for themselves and everyone else.

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>Ragvald Odenskarl or Ragnvald Odiakarl ('Ragnvald, Man of Odin'; died in 1484), was a Swede who was executed for being a declared follower of the Norse religion.
>On 27 October 1484, Ragvald was put on trial in Stockholm for having stolen from churches in southern Uppland. Among them were Skepptuna Church (twice) Markims Church, Orkesta Church and Vallentuna Church.
is he dead? Feel like I haven't heard about this weirdo in like 10 years, but ppl used to shil him all the time...
Yes, he is terminally online and constantly posts on Twitter now
I meant no, holy fuck I messed that up bad
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Varg truly is the gift that keeps on giving

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Why do internationalists leftists like ethnonationalist guerrillas so much?
Imperialism. It is funny how die hard communists and anarchists get massive boners over nationalist movements just because they're fighting le western imperialismo
they think that they're fighting against "the man"
Societies are organisms and chuds/leftytroons are the white blood cells of that organism. They go around attacking everything and cleaning up the weak shit. They are the way they are because of personality type which is preprogrammed genetically to serve that roll in the social organism. Regardless of the actual political order or policies in place, you will always have both.
lenin and stalin said nationalism is fine if it has a communist end to it or something

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I see this pushed a lot by hyper militaristic and neonazi idol worship types, that image even presents a soldier as a "strong man" but when you actually look at history, its usually these very types of men who cause catastrophe. "strong men" who become emperor and all want to prove themselves by conquering land cause Rome to bloat out of control to the point where its made enemies of everyone and cant maintain its own border. epic great man ideologues and militaristic leaders who pick the wrong fight and get their own country obliterated in war. etc. some "strong men" also cause decline by asserting their own personal interests and simply taking to much for themselves that their community becomes unsustainable and collapses around them.

then again i would argue that these types of men ARE the real "weak" men, weak of will and spirit looking to indulge their egos or avarice through feats of physical or economic domination, only to destroy themselves and those around them in the process.
nononono, youre wrong,
what actually causes catastrophe (so there can be order later) has always been autistic homos wanting to create autistic world domination empires, not exactly "strong men" army dogs like the image describes
then theyre defeated or die, the chaos ends, and a new order begins, then it repeats
the true cycle of history, and theres nothing wrong with that
in a very basic sense this is true but those stages are natural and not causal. Not casual anymore than being a teenager 'causes' you to become an adult.
Its a sequence which is unrelated in cause, just a typical national lifecycle.
*Strong men are hard all the time
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This is extremely correct. As true as the law of gravity. Read SPENGLER for more informátion

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Why were girls allowed to watch boys swim naked at YMCA swim classes?
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Public nudity is good, it pressures people to attain at least some minimal level of fitness in order to not look completely hideous.
Most women are shotacons.
Exactly this. Nudity was fine in Germany too before, it became a problem with rapey migrants.
no, I also need "12000 RPM" Mandelbaur over at /sci/.
kek, actually chuckling right now

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90% of this board is about religion
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There are BAD mods not no mods. They are here monitoring the board to prune interesting threads.
This desu. My unique high-effort breads are always nuked.
Mods are in on the race and religion shit, thata why they removed poster count
To hijack a turn of phrase used elsewhere

history tumbles from the pages of a book

The Bible is the foundation of history in the west for all time, and it will never escape its influence.

90% of this board seems to be about religion, because 90% of history in the west is a matter of Biblical interpretation and its consequences.
Sounds great. I wish we could get it back. I'd make my own threads but I don't have a specific object of autistic interest to make a really good one.

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who actually likes Jews and thinks they are based?
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I think at a certain point you have to give them credit, but you also have a responsibility to stop them.
Basically Chuds need to learn from Jews in the same way that "thirdies" learned from the colonial powers.
The people who say they are Jews today have no actual connection to the Biblical Jews.
I like Jewish mysticism. They are a magically charged people and have done a lot for students of occultism.
>16 million Jews
>1.5 Sovereign National Entities
>Online astroturfing machine administered by one confirmed government apparatus and roughly 1000 employees
>2 billion Muslims
>42 Sovereign National Entities
>Online astroturfing machine administered by six confirmed government apparatuses with at least tens of thousands of employees
Who would win?


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libya was a socialist paradise under gaddafi
no wonder (((they))) tried to get rid of him
no ones allowed to breakaway from living under the global financial system
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I didn't say rebels didn't exist at all, i asked why it was primmed for so many rebels to get funded by the evil CIA, if it was a paradise.

I mean, America funds all sorts of proxies, but if they do it in a place where the vast majority of people are happy, or at least content, it would be pissing away money.
Then what is the fucking point of including that list of things, and saying it's the reason he was killed? It's because you're a fucking liar trying to make a political discussion on the history board.
>they've always had a wildly overblown opinion of their importance.
American downfall is inevitable, and I wait for it SO much. Although, it is more interesting where the kikes and ZOG will migrate.
Shut the fuck up retard, you’ve never talked to a single Libyan in your life
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gr8 b8

>Spend entire life before WWII in boy scouts, military schools, and West Point
>Spend WWII as an artillery commander in North Africa/Europe
>Spend time between WWII/Korea at the Army War College, do some paratrooper training on the side
>Spend the aftermath of Kroea on a business degree, a biographer even referred to him as a "a corporation executive in uniform."
>Finally gets the opportunity to be put in charge of his own war in 1964
>Has a bunch of ridiculous and bizarre restrictions and allowances placed on him that virtually tie an arm around his back and fuck his brain, which was indoctrinated at West Point and affirmed by his WWII/Korea experience to fight big conventional wars like Korea or Western Europe
>Proceeds to laser-focus on fighting large pitched battles, having numerical and materiel superiority, and maintaining force quality as if he were fighting a conventional war anyway despite it making no strategic sense at all
>Manages to gain the upper hand despite coping about the strategic picture ridiculously, like near-Shoigu levels
>loses war after coming within a hair of victory after the Tet Offensive
>Never heard from again and is widely considered the worst general the U.S had post-Civil War
Was he autistic? I feel like if he were in a conventional war he'd be the best general ever; yet instead he was in charge of a complicated unconventional proxy conflict with nonsensical rules of engagement that required far more unconventional methods and strategy.
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indeed, they shall be thumped
They bate all day
Stop I can only get so erect
lmao, it's perfect

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Considering discoveries, contributions, influence, culture, sports, etc etc.

Do not take into account the success of people from other countries in said countries, for example ethnic Germans in Russia, that is, only taking into account the contributions of Slavic people
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Genghis Khan might be a bit more difficult since he lived from 1162 to 1277 and was one person compared to a tribe from the 800s. But it’s possible that many are, sure.
>Ceramic coated materials (all your "modern looking" apartments)
Can you elaborate?
Genghis Khan lived to 115?
Shit, typo. Sorry, I meant 1227.
Some of that is true if you're really stretching and cherrypicking

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