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china is stronger than your piece of shit country

so socialism and communism are anti western and destructive much like islam is because it goes against its values (imperialism and capitalism) hence their adherents being self loathing unlike their eastern comrades? am i correct in my assumption? why does it attract mostly young people?
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Nta but you'll get further with less vitriol and insult. Nobody reads anything by someone calling them a dumbass with close attention and interest.
>ARA ended its operations outside Russia in 1922; it operated in Russia until 1923.
So, arguably, while the Russian Civil War was still going on.
>Aid doesn't have to be free for it to be aid, you fucking retard.
That's literally what aid is. Ford wasn't giving "aid" to the USSR, he was being paid for it.
>that's why the Soviet Union made their own Marshal Plan
Stalin didn't need it. The Warsaw Pact was also after the conclusion of WW2.
Japan received buttloads of aid, Finland didn't.
In the specific case of Finnish history Finland was one of the most industrialized parts of the former Russian Empire; it wasn't shithole Siberia full of toothless babushkas and people in grinding poverty thanks to the capitalist factory workers who were treating their factory workers like the Russian noblemen once treated their serfs.
Japan, also, was more industrialized than the former Russian Empire in 1905 and beat the Russkies soundly.
The -stans were uplifted to a civilized state under communism
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>Communism was never necessary for Russia's economic development - it was already happening
The problem is that communists did take power there and no counterfactual history of whether it was "necessary" or not can account for the fact that it still happened, whether you think they were right or wrong. There has to be some explanation for it. Before you get triggered btw, I even agree with you. There were massive factories in Tsarist Russia (the Putilov steel works in Petrograd was the largest in the world!!!) albeit situated alongside some pretty feudal stuff too, like a more backward country where popular democracy simply didn't exist adopting parts of more advanced countries (like railroads and modern industries) leading to a juxtaposition of very old and new in the same place.

But what I'll offer is this: the particular conditions of class struggle that made the October Revolution possible were the result of being right on the corner of a major economic takeoff where there was no democracy, a weak bourgeoisie, and a growing and militant industrial working class in those factories that you're so proud of. And since the bourgeoisie was so weak, it naturally fell to the urban working class to make the inevitable revolution which was to come with Russia's entrance into the modern world. And guess what: that actually happened. This is what Trotsky's theories were cooking with -- he called it "combined and uneven development." Trotsky was on to something big here.
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>Japan was able to develop without communism, retard. So was Finland.
That's also true. But this might sound like a dodge: the conditions were different. Really, where I will disagree with a lot of communists is thinking Marxism-Leninism is universally applicable as opposed to something that emerged in particular countries with certain hard-ass conditions that helped produce and make that ideology take off when others did not. (I think this is a rather Marxist viewpoint but that's neither here nor there.) In those places. Not elsewhere. Therefore, it'd be madness to think that the U.S. really could've gone communist in the 20th century unless it's some fictional alt-history scenario (which can be fun, but that's all it is). In Russia, it was Marxism-Leninism that was just specially adapted to its environment while liberal democracy was not. Russia, China, Vietnam. A few other places here and there.

It's also probably not a coincidence, if you think about it, that fascism took off in Germany, Italy and sort-of in Japan (somewhat different but they were in the Axis) as middling powers in the world cockblocked from empires... as opposed to imploded but rapidly industrialized feudal empires like Russia and China like it's Arcanum. Yugoslavia which emerged from the shattered remains of the Austro-Hungarian Empire also more or less successfully had communists come to power there on their own terms.

BTW, Japan also developed even more after WWII with a considerable amount of reform of political and economic institutions by MacArthur who alarmed his right-wing fanboys back in the U.S. because they reminded people of the kinds of reforms practiced in Republican Spain. You know why he did this? Well, one reason is because he wanted to cut off the source of the source of the Japanese Communist Party's appeal by adopting big chunks of their program. LMAO.

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You're just a stupid fucking chud, /his/! A bigoted far-right whitewashing chud! History is supposed to be about all of humanity yet you spoil it with your disgusting Eurocentrism. Will you have the humility to apologize and change your chuddy ways or will you keep on with this false, damaging narrative of history?
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>L O L
They are THO they're saying they have a right to rule them based on racial ties
>true but the Americans are at fault.
They are but the Israelis are still doing it
>they have a right to rule Ukraine because Ukrainians and Russians are kindred
This is not racism
Racism is race-based discrimination, there is no discrimination here, it is pro-race.
>the israelis are still doing it
and if the Americans simply stopped sending them the bombs, it would stop, end, right this very second it would be over.
I say this and look like this
>This is not racism
I only said in the name of race
>Racism is race-based discrimination, there is no discrimination here, it is pro-race.
Killing your supposed countrymen is pro-race? kek
Not my fault that niggers didn't do anything for most of history.

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Whatever happened with satanism? I remember reading Lavey and he had a very social-darwinist and quasi right-wing philosophy. His critique of Christianity was very Nietzschean, claiming it supported weakness/mediocrity/pacifism.

Nowadays satanism is just safe-edgy. It only exists to piss off boomer evangelicals.

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Can anyone identify picrel? I'm assuming it's some kind of jewish or egyptian larping device
It's an anus-stretching device.

What's the best version of "Scholar Society" in history?

For example, the medieval scholastic monks or the ancient Chinese philosopher cliques
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You mean the cockless men??
Why the dumb hats?
Chinese Neo Confucian writers already knew and studied Mencius and had their new schools of thought, most particularly Zhu Xi who already established the foundation of what government ought to do. Koreans didn't have a Zhu Xi and was reintroduced to Mencius 200 years after Zhu Xi.

Because of that, how Do Jeon (the founding member) interpreted Mencius became different, particularly because the despotic hellhole ruled by tyrant barons and monks he was born in inspired an incredible unjust sense of the world.

TL:DR same origins but different interpretations and focus
RAND Corporation

the CIA (literally) and everything in northern virginia

pre-venture capitalism silicon valley, but only the white parts
The Brit has a Henry Cavill look to him while the Frank has that Gaston look to him

how do non christian/muslims do exorcisms?
like in the name of (who)?
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Muslims dont believe in possessions and instead their superstitions are centered around the spirit/djinn doing things to inconvenience them than outright homicidal intent.
so like icelandic elves
I'm actually really curious about this now fuck, how do Buddhists do exorcists? Do they even believe in that stuff?
Buddhists have gods, buddhaspastics or whatever dumb name they call em
Depends on the region, in Japan, Buddhists often use Shinto blessing talismans and so on. But generally speaking, a Buddhist will call on powerful bodhisattvas to remove impure spirits, or otherwise chant and inscribe mantras to beings like Vajrapani (cosmic enemy of demons and wicked spirits).
Really though, it depends largely on the culture. Buddhism doesn't have a single book that they pick from for exorcism rituals, though arguably, neither do Christians, Jews, or Muslims.

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What is this nations problem? Historically, they get quite uppity for no reason constantly. I recently learned of the Quasi-War with France and it's ridiculous how these people have managed to stay afloat.
They were already at war with Great Britain and they decided to start attacking the USA due to mere ambivalence.
Besides the Quasi-War another key example of their lack of chill is obviously the French revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic wars.
Is it mere geography? The people?

Don't want this to be a pointless thread

I want to be right with God but I've literally had thousands of same sex fantasies at this point and no matter how much I pray they never go away and it's kind of driving me insane now.
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no porn addiction, swear to god
quit watching or looking at it years ago
around the time I had been "saved" if that's what you mean
You have two choices.
1. Become an Episcopalian serious about your faith, but denying that the homoeroticism condemned by the Bible refers to lifelong monogamous adult relationships, and open to the idea of same-sex marriage. Such serious Christians do exist, as much as /his/ may deny it. In such a situation, you should be held to the same standards as straight people--no fornication, masturbation, etc. I think of the Anglican communion. I am a heterosexual Episcopalian, and take an openminded attitude toward same-sex marriage, although I certainly consider myself a serious Christian. You can approve of this without approving of flaming faggotry and promiscuity.

2. Join a denomination that considers homosexual behavior a sin while accepting the dignity and supporting the struggle of gay people against their temptations--the Catholic or Orthodox churches, for example. Even in this context you would be considered no differently from anyone else, since we all have strong temptations to various sins. Your situation would be no different from an alcoholic or a compulsive shoplifter.

Hang in there bro. I also struggle with compulsive sexual temptation, albeit heterosexual.
>become an Episcopalian/Methodist/Presbyterian serious about....
excuse me
whoah its almost like the sick seek out a physician

Did the Habsburgs try to ally with them against the Ottomans?
How did Nietzsche learn about Zarathustra?
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Goethe was a huge Persiaboo
according to the Nürnberger Gesetze they were even considered more pure aryans than germans themselves
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Nazis actually considered them to be Aryans, even an Iranian diplomat at the time convinced the Nazis to not persecute Iranian Jews.
The Habsburgs, the Russians and Napoleonic France have all tried at various points to make an anti-Ottoman alliance with Iran. It usually came of nothing other than co-belligerency when they independently fought the Turks.
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>How did Nietzsche learn about Zarathustra?
Iranology was invented by Germans. Persian culture, especially literature, was pretty big in Germany. Goethe famously wrote a book on Hafez (I think he named it "Divan") and considered Persian literature to be amongst the four greatest in the world.

Hegel was extremely fond of the Achamenids.

If you read the preface to Zarathustra (can't remember which translation) Nietzsches sister goes into detail why he chose the Iranian Zarathustra as the messenger for the Man to Come, the Uberman.

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>jews could fly, walk on water and turn into zombies 2000 years ago
>says so right here in this anonymous story

Were the Teutonic Knights basically Vikings?
>Raided Christians
>Enslaved Slavs
>Allied with other Vikings (Danes)
>Powerful Baltic navy
>Even wore horned helmets
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>catholic millitary force that removed pagan presence in the baltics are actually vikings
Wrong on half of these accounts
Face it Ancient Greeks were still more influential than Vikings thousands of years later
So right, Popilakidoulos!
That's why you have to specify ancient Greeks, but everybody knows who you're talking about immediately when you mention Vikings.
Why are you so mad?
You forgot the most important trait they shared: they lost nearly every battle they fought

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I feel like atheists are correct about the Abrahamic God but not God in general. Really God could be considered anything since people have different belief systems on what God is but regardless, when atheists complain about God it is usually the 'Creator' type. But if the Universe blew up out of nowhere and created all of this couldn't we call It, God, just by that act alone? It is, after all, the 'Creator' in a causally basic sort of way. I think theists could be liberal with this if they wanted to be, that way, atheists wouldn't be so butthurt about it and perhaps stop the argument all together.
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It's over for OP..
Maybe the real God was the friends we made along the way...
>blew up out of nowhere
>came into existence
Look, coming into existence...
That's not something God is in the business of doing. Huge dissimilarity right there
>I feel like atheists are correct about the Abrahamic God
your feelings regarding the position atheists take on God is not a good indicator whether that position is correct or not, because, 99% of the time, the position that they've reached is feelings based as well

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Romans are the sole reason why Jews are in Europe (they already filled Italy by the time of Augustus - nothing "based Titus/Trajan" did about it) and Europe became Christianized. So why do all of the paganLARPs worship them and condemn the WHITE barbarians who conquered them?
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Jews are the last remaining, living descendents of the Romans and torchbearers of Roman civilisation
Romans killed less Jews than the amount of Greeks genocided in Cyrenaica, Egypt and the Levant. Just Cyrenaica alone produced more Greeks dead than the entire Jewish "genocide" that happened when they lost. Romans were limp wristed and did not kill millions, not even close
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>this thread again
Come out Ivdaean. My friends from Legio XXI Rapax just want to know where the golden chandelier is.
However, based on this evidence, the Vandals appear to be the torch bearers of ancient Jewish wisdom. Notice the big chandelier they are lifting as a symbol of their torch bearing status.
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because poltards are retarded to know about the destruction of second temple

What happened to the Nahua nobility after they were conquered by the Spanish?
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Cool painting
>It wasn't spanish clergymen doing missionary work who burned the books, it was the Tlaxcaltecs! Everything was the Tlaxcaltecs! They totally broke into a library belonging to a state allied to them and the spaniards just to burn some books down at some point because...they just did okay?
This "EVERYTHING during the conquest wuz the native alliez' doing!" pop-his trope is quickly becoming almost as annoying as the "a couple dozen spaniards single-handedly conquered the Americas one"
It was probably the texcocoans themselves who burned them really, the tlatoani claimant who took over the city and sided with Cortez had hardcore convert's zeal and threatened his family and the city's entire population with death if they didn't convert.
My Mexican grandfather used to tell us that his grandfather believed we were the direct descendants of the King Coliman (Rey Coliman or Colimotl). I think he was just messing with us because he was a drunk, I still miss the old bastard though.

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