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This Saturday, the 4th, I plan on hosting Left 4 Dead 2 at 7 PM est. The server has many Touhou models to choose from, and I have a large number of campaigns ready to go this time (though some might be repeats but I don't care). I run a cracked server using an older version of the client so you'll have to download the game client if you don't already have it, which I provide in the following post.
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Yeah but I don't remember if you download them from the server or not.
They are included in the client: >>46739303
do i need the client if i got l4d2 on steam?
You probably do since the server is using an older version of l4d2.
Someone in one of the old threads figured this out, though I can't vouch for whether it works.
open steam.inf in steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2 and change PatchVersion value to

Monthly Whale
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Your weighing a single quote from 19 years ago, very literally every mastermind type character since then judging Reimu as being surprisingly kind hearted.
Including a literal mind reader who says she does what she does to avoid needless killing.
Except thats literally disputed by her own words and actions against the Fortune Teller, who even said wasn't going to do jack shit and just live in the forest without any contact with humans, and Reimu straight up tells him shes doesn't mind mindless killing. Her own words, plus the Yama having a direct link to the soul saying she's too fuckin violent. All the other mastermind characters could also just manipulating her or saying complete bullshit, especially since all of them are scummy con artists who lie about literally everything.
Eirin murdered Kaguya's foster parents without the latter's awareness so she could have Kaguya for herself.
Yes, but Reimu's mind has literally been read and we know she avoids unnecessary violence.
She also considers Humans becoming Youkai something she'c can't tolerate since it will disrupt the balance in her mind.
There's clear logic there, if Humans are allowed to become Youkai Gensokyo will be destabilized thus she must stop Humans from becoming Youkai and kills the ones that do no matter what.
Because in her mind, destabilizing Gensokyo will lead to greater conflict, which she want's to avoid.
Also Eirin was really close to murdering teh Patcho in cold blood.

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This thread is for the discussion of Japanese music, in theory. Mostly it's just youtube links.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Yoasobi, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads.
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Amiyon is cute but she isn't really idol level of cute in all honesty
Her enormous lips are kind of a distraction
Great songs though
I don't think idols are cute anyway.
I listen with my whole body, including the dick.
>Never understood people listening to music with their dicks.
Who said that? I'd still listen even if I didn't want to ram my tongue up her shit chute.
Oh, she actually sings about sex, figures then

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Why do you guys get massive rage boners when you see or when Clownpiece gets mentioned?
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I can't believe I'm actually going to miss this, but I mean it. It's true.
Why would it stop?
I want a piece of this clown
I want to chokerape Cunnypiece until she respawns!
Squeezing Cunnypiece's fragile neck until she stops moving!

Akyuu love
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Not sure if pastebin would wok nicely with some slight lewd stuff i'd like to write in the future, but here is a link for now https://pastebin.com/168maSTG
Akyuu BIG love
Just a question, you aren't the same one that messaged me on twitter to talk about Akyuu right?
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Thread for this very cute witch
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What is she going to sneak into? Patchy's library? Is the stealth mechanic trying to not get detected by sakuya?
It's about Marisa having to sneak around the SDM because a rogue faction of an SCP like organization named "The Foundation" took over it, installed nerf towers, turned Remilia into stone and captured Meiling, Koakuma and Sakuya. Reimu was called first, but went MIA so she's either dead or captured. Patchy contacted Marisa to deal with the rogue squad and prevent the activation of The Scarlet Gear, a mecha that Remilia commissioned to the kappas that ended up having more power than initially planned, too much power in fact, enough to destroy Gensokyo and part of Japan with just one missile launch. Why Remy wanted a machine like that is a mystery. Patchy told Marisa that she played a game, Metal... something and she got the idea from there.
During her mission, Marisa encounters an agent of the foundation named Dingo Stark, he's there to stop the rogue squad from activating the SG, because if they launch the missile it would be a disaster for the foundation, it would force them to reveal themselves to the public, which would make them vulnerable to the sages of Gensokyo. If they don't then it would be a political issue that would involve Japan, USA and even Russia. If they blame the yokais then it would give them more power in the outside world. Dingo becomes Marisa's Iroquois Pliskin and they start cooperating to complete the mission.
After a while, Marisa was captured and was sent to where Sakuya, who was captured first, was held captive. They are electro-tortured completely naked by the enemy because they want the activation codes from Sakuya or the keycard of the SG from Marisa who got it from Nitori to deactivate the SG.
After a harsh session of torture, Dingo saves Marisa and Sakuya, Sakuya is unconscious, so Nitori has to take care of her. Unfortunately they got the activation codes, Now Marisa and Dingo have to stop them. Marisa discover that Reimu was captured and mind controlled by the enemy, after a boss fight Reimu regains control and joins Marisa in the fight against the SG, however, Reimu gets shot by a laser ray trying to save Marisa and almost dies, Marisa puts her mini hakkero in Reimu's heart to save her. By that point Dingo was in the basement, dealing with Flandre and trying to destroy a central computer that was there, presumably the main computer of the scarlet gear, however, destroying it didn't do anything to the SG. O1 (The leader of the foundation) reveals to Dingo that the computer, and his mission has nothing to do with the SG, the sages of Gensokyo were trying to find the identity of the O's (the top leaders of the foundation) to kill them and the computer held that information. The whole rogue squad situation was incited by a spy working for the O's to allow an agent to destroy the information of their identity under the guise of trying to get rid of a rogue faction and save face. After discovering this, Dingo goes to where Marisa and Reimu are fighting the SG, he first go to Nitori to mod his Stinger misile launcher to release an emotional frequency spectrum that would allow the missiles to neuter the youkai energy that gives the SG a tremendous resistance and power. Dingo goes and saves Marisa, however, the power of the SG is too much and Dingo gets heavily injured, he gives Marisa the modded Stinger before dying. Marisa destroys the SG and fist fights the leader of the rogue squad in a countdown sequence before the launch of the remaining missile. Marisa wins, but now the SDM is going to self destruct and she needs to escape with Nitori and an unconscious Reimu, the rest are already out.
After everything, it is revealed that the creation of the SG was because the main computer was holding the identities of the O's and they needed something to protect it. However, Yukari knew that the foundation would do something to get rid of the info, so she made a backup. Now that she got the info, Yukari sent someone to finally get rid of their enemies, however, when that someone returned she said "they are dead", pretty good, but, "They were dead before i found them... they have been dead for over 200 years". A false pretense to cover another false pretense. A member of the rogue squad was a spy, her mission was to incite the incident, discretely help Dingo and obtain the blueprints of the SG, designed and made by kappa technology and fueled by God energy. For years the foundation have been planting false information and that's what the main computer had, however they needed a reason to send an agent to make them think that its desctruction was their objective to hide their real objective, to obtain an army of SGs which would help them take over the moon. Esper, the spy, got the data of Sakuya and Remilia's abilities and also, as a special treat, Reimu's genetic material
This is so goddamn cute
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I would tease and bully Marisa but then I'd give her stuff back and give her a hug before I send her on her way.
Implying you wouldn't get a master spark up your ass the moment she gets her hakkero back.

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Isn't it a bit weird how some Tamagotchis like Mametchi and Flowertchi/Violetchi don't wear any clothes, but characters like Lovelitchi, Melodytchi, Pianitchi, Coffretchi, Miraitchi and Clulutchi always wear clothes? How come those Tamagotchis alongside so many others (Especially the ones that were introduced in the anime) are never seen without clothes while some Tamagotchis just casually walk around completely nude? As far as I can tell, there seems to be no nudity taboo in the franchise, and nobody in-universe seems to comment or even acknowledge about this subject matter in any official media such as the anime (Not to mention that Tamagotchis that don't wear clothes don't have visible genitals and are completely featureless as a result), so why couldn't Tamagotchis that wear clothes (Like the ones I listed before) just take off their clothes and be completely okay with being naked like the others, even if it's just for a while?
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I'll start with some art I saved on my device.
On second thought, maybe it would be better if we discussed about the OP topic slightly more. Still won't mind others posting images alongside their posts.
the clothes are just a way to make them appealing to older (female) fans. unclothed: children target, clothed: teen target.
Well, most of the Tamagotchi that wear clothes were designed for the anime, which was marketed at young girls, much like the toys themselves.

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Previous thread: >>46624392
(04/01-start) Nakamura Reno stars in the drama "RoOT" on TV Tokyo
(04/11-05/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(04/12-05/04) Seimiya Rei stars in the stage play "Kamogawa Horumo, Once More"
(05/11-12) Yamashita Mizuki Graduation Concert at Tokyo Dome
(05/15) Nogizaka46 appears on TM Network
40th Anniversary Tribute Album
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(05/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photobook
(06/7-9) 35thSG Under Live at Ariake Arena
(06/28) Nogizaka46 Live in Hong Kong

Official site: https://www.nogizaka46.com/

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They'll just make it a song with really simple choreography.
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Similar thing happened with Shiawase no hogoshoku, not a big deal.
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morning desu, desu
hello aussie
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desu morning?
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Midori Day desu.

Previous thread: >>46661619

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Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

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Does she hide her prostitution income up there?
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Finding out too late her butthole is about to get sniffed.
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>misjudged T500 last month
>missed Egusa
>misjudged T100 this month

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Last >>46612713

Jealousy Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links

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It's 4.920_23-03-24, from a month ago.
You're better off grabbing the nightly instead, it hasn't been updated in 6 days so it's decently stable.
lmfao I just noticed the style guide for writing was removed ages ago, are there still any rules for formatting and the like? Or did translators agree it's a free for all
You shouldn't have been alone with a 2hu, what were you expecting?

- We're almost ready for a 4.930 release. We just need to add some new sprites and make a few more tweaks to the new update menu. Please wait warmly.
- Tewi's birth events were fixed.
- I put together a small Parsee update to celebrate her recent appearance in CDS. It fixes a bug for some age checks and adds Study Together lines.
- Hisami now has a new portrait set usng D-Koutya's art.
- You can now disable Satori's ASCII art, and the Myouren Temple characters' name checks were made less restrictive.
- Wakasagihime's author is working on sex lines now. Once they're done, he'll move on to testing and editing. He estimates that she'll be about 12k lines once she's done.
- Nemuno's at about 650 lines now.
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Tewi has birth bugs?
Disabling Satori's ASCII art would be a soulless move though!
Can we get more dialogue from Parsee if she spots you dating a few specific characters, it's funny as hell.

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Bow down to the mother of thaumatology!
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Makai just isn't fair.
renko is yumemi's mom
mai milkies
cool shading

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Previous >>46720490

A place for discussion of Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON works.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - WITCH ON THE HOLY NIGHT
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru Short Story):
Witch on the Holy Night Material

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turns out you chuds were right
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I wish I was at touhou fest 2024
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I didn't watch it live, but the "M-1 Grand Prix - translating on Lunatic" got recorded and it's pretty good. You can watch it here:
It brings up a lot of interesting examples of how and why they choose to translate certain jokes the way they did. A lot of details on their translation process for specific jokes, where they showed earlier versions of their translations and discuss how they iteratively improved on them.
It also has some rules of thumb for when it is OK to replace untranslatable jokes, when you have to Translation Note them, or just trust the viewer to known.
They also discuss aspects of making translations for an established franchise driven by fan translations, to avoid the pitfalls of calling youkai "ghouls" because the fandom has established standardized translations for certain concepts. This also means that they have to avoid using the word "incident" since that has a specific meaning to English Touhou fans.
I'm sure they cherry picked translation examples that they were proud of, but they definitely put a lot of thought into those particular translations, and their examples could well serve as inspiration for future translators.
touhoufest was a good time for me, hope to make it back next year
What is the likelihood of Touhoufest still being around in a few years? I want to go and take my whole family so we can all cosplay together, but some of my kids are way too little at the moment.
I wouldn't be surprised if it stays. This and last year went great, next year is planned. Staff seem to be careful not to make the same mistake(s) as Touhoucon, so as long as they do that, it should be safe.
>bringing kids
I would be surprised, but I saw a lot of kids at reitaisai, so it isn't that weird anymore
Like the other Anon said, things seem to be going well for them so far, so as of right now Touhoufest should in theory be around for a good while. But keep in mind that the ones organizing this event in the first place are Twitter types, and those people are prone to drama at the drop of a hat (on top of being massive drama queens). All it'd take would be the smallest disagreement between them and it'd all be over. I just hope that doesn't happen though, these past two events have been a lot of fun and have been a good excuse to visit LA again.

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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>45835593
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sir, a second creepy sexy neru has hit the board
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There might be a lack of bumps for the next few days as I might not have internet access during that time.

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