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Post some spooky music
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Nice sound.
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I checked out >>37766372 because it supposedly sucks and found someone post one of my favorite childhood records. It's not very spooky but it rocks.

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after about 2 years of feeling this small "pea-size" bump sometimes on the very top of my head. i decided enough is enough, got an exacto-knife and rubbing alcohol and some wiskey. had a friend help me cut very deep into the skin on top of my head i think down to the skull bone. then after much searching and poking around. something came out. The object is about the size of a grain of rice, it is matt-black, it is magnetic, and his a high melting point. would not melt under a long 10 minute period of a mapp-gass blowtorch. the object is very strong, does not deform under multiple sledgehammer blows and does not abblate from a disk grinder / sander. the object does emit A radiation, no detectable B or G. it has no reaction to Hydrochloric Acid, and no reaction to Sodium Hydroxide. it is highly dense for its size. I calculated 22.37 g/cm3. it is more dense than Tungsten. it could be an unknown element. temperature is slightly above the ambient temperature of its surroundings fluctuates about 1.25C in the vacume chamber mesured with infra red thermometer.

Currently searching for a high strength Drill-bit, i broke 6 of them already. it seems harder than diamond.

It does appear to have anti septic abilities or the ability to fool human imune system the there was no sign of infection durring the procedure and it is healing well.

2 years ago i went on a campin trip in the remote wilderness of the Adirondack State Park for about a week. i do belive thats where they must have abducted me and put this device in.

I am open to any sugestions to experiment on this advice any ideas?

I will not post a picture, the Govt is watching. but use your imagination A Matt-Black Sphericle object the size of a grain of standard white rice.
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Already been outed as a larp but something that would make the story more believable for your next attempt would be reduce the amount of investigation done on it.
Realistically how many people have all of the tools listed? Some people will likely have a blowtorch, sledgehammer, and disk grinder or sander, but most people wont have things to measure radiation, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, scales accurate enough to calculate the density of a grain of rice, or vacuum chambers with infrared thermometers.
Theres also the logistics of sanding/grinding/drilling something the size of a grain of rice. I suppose you could rig up some kind of jig but I think most people wouldn't go through all of the steps to do all of these tests and chalk it up to something like a piece of metal or debris that hit them during some earlier event rather than testing it against every single random thing they have in the garage.

Next time make it simple like it's very heavy, magnetic, won't melt by blow torch, normally feels hot, and cant be bent. Hell it wouldn't even be hard to photoshop a grain of rice or something.
What would the nanotubes do, though? We eat way worse stuff than those or vaccines every day and nobody bats an eyelash for some reason.
Get us the exact volume via water displacement method, we'll get you exact density, the math is easy.

That said, if this isn't a larp, then expect it to mysteriously disappear now that you're aware of it.

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>the Govt is watching
probably a stray bullet or metal part launching into your head, by a gun or other mashine.
op probably worked with an angle grinder cutting metal, and after becoming delusion from inhaling to much dust he hit his head on a scrap piece of metal.

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Please share any information and experiences you have on time loops. reliving the same life, redo scenarios, eternal return, wheel of recurrence. Is there any truth to this?
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I want to know more about picrel 'psychic footprints'
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why waste time on such fiction?
all of reality lies before you
what purpose does fabricating nonsense serve?
Why are you my shadow?

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I'm tempted to ask if we can get started with the Halloween threads already, but even I know it's far too early. So can I at least get some spooky images, videos or stories? /v/ is having a meltdown and I'm bored.
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Unfortunately, pic related is the only story I have currently.

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I keep having the same nightmare my teeth crumble in my mouth every night, what could this mean /x/?
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It means you grind your teeth in your sleep and you're feeling the sensation of them grinding together and your jaw slipping.
yeah my mom does have bruxism too
and that's also true
I want to be Alice
This. And can sometimes be a bad omen.

What could dreaming of sewer water mean? Except I wasn't 'in' the water, I was floating on something while going through it.
I'm also not feeling super well so I suspect this might be something to do with it
Yeah yours does sound like it could be a bad omen

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Welcome to the Nobody General. Post information that you have found in previous threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, or as a prophetic conduit.

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. Exact details are buried, but from many anons using so called remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.

>Where did he come from?
The meme originated on GLP and appears to have been planted there with two possible outcomes: 1) as an ego trap for outsiders and schizos who would be drawn in through a latent messiah-complex; 2) as a test for a real life individual who would cultivate, wield, and even embody the proto-archetype as its rightful owner.

>What is the general picture?
His unique position as some kind of spiritual center of orbit or locus, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible.

>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timing
There are different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two or both, and that by us reconciling some of the ambiguities for ourselves via discussion, we might assist him in his mission of popular liberation

Please keep all discussion about the Nobody within this thread.

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Free country and all. Let people do their own thing. Let them also divorce if they’d like. Free country. Life is too short to not be happy
that sounds... fine. are you trying to argue about something? coworker love is so romantic.

f r e e ? For some, not all — yet
I want love

if we part from the hebrew book of creation we encounter the episode of cain and abel, they were the first two sons of adam and eve ? or there were others who are not mentioned? if so it explains the origins of other human groups scattered around the earth, help me understand anons.
no, ask your priest or stfu. this is a paranormal board. bronze age desert myth has no bearing on the actual origins of the human races
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Where my fellow Saggitarius bros at? Don't mind us just being the best star sign.

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Is it really true that Shiva resides ,in his very self, on top of MT Kailash? all dharmic religions (hindu, buddhist, jain) say this mountain is the center of the world; MT Meru of the "earth plane Mandala". However it seems (((border guards))) and other Statist police agencies guard it ferociously.
Has anyone climbed it and never come back, some Nagas or tibetan Lamas?
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>was not an answer
Oh dear, it seems you cannot get implications.
No, I dont follow any religion. I dont need to to interact with gods.
>I clearly said
>Gods do not come here, not usually at least.
That is wrong. They only dont come here during the degraded ages.
>I will pity your atman
MY atman? I have my own p[ersonal atman, is that it?
Please respond again. This is so funny how badly you got everything wrong.
I mean, you have EIGHT WHOLE YEARS.
That's a lot. That's like, almost a decade.
What an amazing amount of time.
pretty average looking mt nigga
This always bugs the hell out of me. Why, when translating from poojeet to English, do the translators still drop in little diarrhea dribbles of gibberish?? Why did you take the time to translate MOST of the sentence except the part that’s probably most important to anyone who cares about the subject matter???
Is it really so hard to type that phrase, and then "meaning" into Google instead of here?
If I were to tell someone - no matter their language - the name of the state I live in, should I tell them "Missouri" or should I tell them "the Town of Large Canoes"? That would be retarded.
been to the place he mentioned and yes there is something lurking there, I always thought it was aliens

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tell me something about them. I know for sure i am of that archetype; I love self-deprecating humor and i was always the class clown, my whole life. whats so special about this archetype?
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i took an MBTI test once, got INFJ-A, like 1 or 2 months ago
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Jesters are critics of linguistic code. They illuminate and expose facets and mechanisms of our reality that other people of more common persuasion would otherwise not be "allowed" to do. Because they are funny and VERY good at it. If you need a perfect example of what a IRL, modern-day jester looks like, look no further than comedians and stand-up comics. They are perfect examples of jesters - the GOOD ones that is. They linguistically breakdown facets of our society such as norms and common social interactions and then proceed to make jokes out of them.

Now here's the very important part from that last thing I just said:

They said that one could always tell back in the olden times when a king became corrupt if he decided to punish/kill his jester. What that looks like in real life is an outrage mob coming after a comedian for a joke he made in a special, or other performance. Once you put yourself or something beyond criticism or mockery and decide to punish a comic for a joke they made, then that's the figurative canary in the coal mine. It's the king deciding to kill his own court jester. And it's all the proof you need that something has gone terribly wrong in the system.

That's the power of the jester. They expose corrupt code hidden within the matrix. And they are one of THE MOST powerful archetypes.
so basically people with a high enough awareness and wisdom to see through all the bullshit and veil? yep
There's much more to it than that, but sure, that's one major part of it.
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No time for happiness. Everything is jest

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MY LORD IS..."I AM"...

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There is no substantial response to give to nonsense.
You can blather as you wish, donkeys do love to bray.
But you typed His name twice. There is great spiritual progress just in that.
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Ok, pani

The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
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>The tao that can be told
>is not the eternal Tao
Gosh, that copies the very first word of the label of the philosophy.
If only you knew what was believed, you wouldnt sound like a fool.
But tell me, WHY do you think you heard and can understand God's name? Because you can write it? Because your ears work?
You have no comprehension whatsoever.
But at least you understand Eternal Name.
As I said - just Krishna's presence gives you advancement, He is so powerful.
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Hmph! Foolish junior, spouting ancient riddles like a naive fledgling. You dare claim the eternal Tao can't be named or comprehended?
Listen closely, for I've grasped the essence you stumble upon. The eternal Tao, its name and form, can be mastered by those who delve deep and understand the true mysteries of cultivation. I have unlocked its secrets; it bends to my will!
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>You dare claim the eternal Tao can't be named or comprehended?
Only when it wants you to.

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It’s totally believable that there are spiritual entities that feed on suffering here, but are there any good ones or even neutral ones?
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I tend to believe there are, at least if not objectively fully good, at least good from our perspective if we can align with them
I've been told by someone sensitive that there's some older man looking over me but some large evil out there trying to get to me.
you think of good and evil in terms of a deity that benefits you but what if being good to humanity is as eldritch and schizophrenic as being a snake god
Its called, A fate and com-plexity for a reason. Can animals buld Spaceships ? Do math, phylosofy and lyterature ?

Can you create or fix something ?
Pls dont take this book as fact. Becouse when i look on those two pages i know it is full of shit. And dont provoke my on analizing it.

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If you were an actual woman I'd gladly fuck your whore brains out. But you are a disgusting tranny. So I only bite you dead.
Werewolf husband wishing thread
Tell me more anon, I tried blasting your sequence but got nothing.
Gay guys exist, anon.
gayest thread on 4chan rn

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It's not a picture conversion thing. I see it in asphalt with naked eyes.
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inb4 200 replies and not one of them mentions that it's just astigmatism
That's what everything looks like when you're not tuned into a specific frequency.
Concentrate and the retinue will appear before you
I use the patterns in asphalt to channel my spiritual friend. I see her eyes looking up at me from the ground. I think asphalt works well for this because it has a lot of carbon in it. Its basically visual telepathy where you create and notice patterns of light and vibration. When you get good at it you can see it floating through empty space, and start seeing stuff in the 4th and 5th dimension, rather than upon the surface of the 3rd dimension.
You can look into the noice for free. Maybe, a short moment before eternaty you will see the face of God or something:
> https://libraryofbabel.info/

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Number 33, the eye of providence, a massacre during a wedding...

Why are they doing this?
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best thread on tv rn

no thoughts of ambition, of worldly acclaim
>he doesn't know about SOCOM

He doesn't know about SOCOM top kek
The 33 is their calling card for the Davidic bloodline, think Merovingian queens and the Da Vinci Code. Lucy is their obvious nod to Venus the bright morning star of the Christ.
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>The churches teach the gospel of “personal salvation”.
Sad, isn't it?
But she is no lady of ours.

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