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Orthodox Easter Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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Any demon stories anyone here has to share? I’ll start with one.
>be me
>living with old occult “friend”
>over the course of a month have several dreams of demonic possession
>turns out after the fact that person was carving demon runes into their walls/body and covering them in blood after I stop living with them.
>strange dreams after I leave, get scratched a couple times
>fast and pray and one day it stops
That’s the entire story not a very climatic ending and it is very schizo but ey, is what it be. Still think to this day that person put the thing on me because of some perceived slight then it must’ve gone back and demanded payment, hope that person repented but what can you do?
Prayers often mix the Christian entities. Pater Noster and Ave Maria are somewhat "pure", but I was unable to find something like that for Christ and the Holy Ghost. Any suggestions?
Jesus Prayer
O Heavenly King
I think you misunderstand what is heaven, hell and what is rock for peter.

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What the FUCK did he mean by this?
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It's a fake internet quote
This post is the most epic pwn I've ever seen.

HAHAHAHAHA! Better luck next time faggot. Don't feel so fucking clever now do you?
Literally can't stop laughing at how you walked into that one.
From the window to the wall, till sweet drop down my balls, all sket sket sket sket mother fucka, all sket sket goddam
stop making stupid people famous
he never said this

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Kinda bored and looking for an /x/ convo and a thread that will last a few days.

So...do you anons got any true personal(or from another) stories about incidents online involving things like demonic activity and demon LARPing as human users, cults, rouge AI, creepy videos & pics, users that were sus, scary sites, creepy sides of 'normal' sites, and whatnot?

Thanks as always!
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How long ago was this?
what is this???
It looks like the videos on sentimental corp don't work anymore.
Sometime last week
sound like a old cold ARG

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What if aliens believe in God more than we do?
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The ones that Love us and represent the Great Spirit gave us so much... They have made great sacrifices to ensure we have a place here. I hope you Love your Dogs and Cats... Be unequivocally different frens...
to them it's not a matter of belief, it's a fact
You get it! Thanks for the response anon. :)


A Texan farm worker has contracted bird flu from an infected cow, marking the first time the HSN1 virus has been recorded spreading from mammals to humans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Incredibly, in what the media is claiming is a “coincidence”, a Bill Gates-funded bird flu vaccine for that strain has just entered trials.

3 May 2024
First mammal-to-human transmission of H5N1 ‘bird flu’ confirmed
US genetic analysis shows farm worker caught virus from a cow, likely through touch or aerosol

April 25, 2024
CureVac initiates H5N1 avian influenza vaccine study
The investigational influenza A (H5N1) pre-pandemic vaccine is intended to prepare for potential future pandemic threats.

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Just do what Mao did
nigga, it's what they want you to believe, it's a game of chess and they're 69 moves ahead while you can barely see the table and don't know the rules.
>Carrington Event General #1
Cool, not getting vaxxed for this one either.
Someone should tell those sons of bitches to go and change the script, this "plandemic" thing is getting really boring, when the fuck are they going to start with the interesting shit like Blue Beam, aliens, blackout?

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is the root beer river what I follow downstream to get back to here.

you fuckin' what mate?

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I'm playing the game Red Faction - Armageddon and suddenly there was a glitch in the textures and colors of the game distorted

What is it?
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What kind of mysticism is this?
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Here is another screenshot
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here is another screenshot
This isn't paranormal and you're a fucking faggot.
And what is it?

'm an individual just like you are. We're individual consciousnesses. We're humans. That is what it means to be awakened. To realize that you truly are just a primate. We are humans having a human experience.

I have only ever been a human on a planet. Alongside other humans.

Do you have any idea how much I've seen this stupid quote?

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.”


What a lot of people assume, is that there is one primordial consciousness pretending to be individuals. Yeah...I'm not other people. We're all just individual consciousnesses that are interconnected and distinct. How am I sure of this? I mean I just am. I'm not arguing that life isn't magical. It definitely is. But I believe in free will and individuality. I have made my own choices in my life. I'm in the present moment because of all of my past decisions. Like, again, I'm LITERALLY on a planet. There is nothing stopping me from going to different continents if I put my mind to it. The point I'm making is that we are quite literally in different geographical areas on the same planet with our own narratives with choices that we have all made willingly.
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The answer is obviously no. I already said that everyone is a unique individual and manifestation of the universe.
There's God (Monad) and dimerge.
That's 2 minds
Qualified monism? There's individuality but we are part of the all that is?
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>I've heard many people say the ego is an illusion. It's not.
You have done ZERO work in this area. Absolute Dunning-Kruger thread.

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I have this problem where I seem to be identifying myself with my trauma. I keep thinking, "if those stuff didn't happen to me, it wouldn't have led me to Z conclusions" , or something

But what's bad is that it actually stops me from trying to heal my trauma.. "if I weren't so traumatized, I wouldn't have seeked thinking patterns, that eventually led me to believe that vaccines are bad", "thus, if I had healed my trauma, I'd probably be dead (from vaccines) in coming years"

The trauma makes me avoid a lot of things in life, it makes me avoid people, and I try to rationalize it to myself.. "so what if you're not making any friends or meeting significant others? those people behave like cattle, probably will be slayed like cattle in coming years, all because they're easily programmable. in-fact society might be better of with them dead (due to some reason, like they obey tptb too much or something)"

It also shuts me down from love.. "love is but a temporary feeling, probably used to sway people, it tends to blind people to some ugly truths they dont want to see (such us combining into singular one consciousness is something somebody else is advocating for us to do, while they, whomever is the force behind it, gets to stay in reins of it all)"

There's also pain involved, you know you want to fuck a woman, but since you can because of poor social performance, you come up with copes to rationalize why you're not having sex "I have a crush on this person? well why don't I ask her outright where she stands in political issues, and more importantly, I should ask if she's vaxxed so I can instantly discard her"

It feels like there is a force trying to mold people into these certain thinking patterns.. the whole "right vs left" that was created after trump got elected in 2016 seems to indication of this, it all felt like big psyop, before that there wasn't polarization.
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>Trauma doesn't go away overnight.
It did for me because of the so called spiritual awakening. The false self holds all the traumas and that can be given away.
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Can you get into details? What caused the spiritual awakening? What is false self? How do I let go of its false beliefs?
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>What caused the spiritual awakening?
An honest effort to wake up, I was done with suffering and had recently started meditation and chakra work.
A month before that happened I wasn't sure if chakras are real or if I can cause a change with them. Not that chakras have to be relevant for you, that's just how I showed my willpower.
>What is false self?
Ego, false programmed layer, also describe as a negative through form working as a substitute parent. It's not real and it's not you.
Normally people rather kill themselves than let go of the false self, so normally those who do give it up suffered greatly refusing to kill themselves or gathered momentum for years with practices.
>How do I let go of its false beliefs?
Stop wanting them. The false self with attack you with endless lies "if you let go of this then..." people cuck to the lies.
What kind of meditation and chakra work do you do? I've only recently become aware of chakras, but am struggling to get some results.

>>Book Recommendations

>>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous - >>37807587
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you piece of shit i was gonna start the thread with a theme but of course YET ANOTHER TAURUS THREAD death 2 u all
What theme was it going to be?
If you don't want a reading don't post anything I guess
That's what I do. =)

Yahweh is a creation deity, Jupiter is a sky god.
Romans compared Yahweh with Caelus.

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All my friends are revealed
All my hopes are laid bare

All my faith has been lost and all my time has run out
all your words are words
touch grass
you are a shit brained nigger
It all returns to nothing in the end.

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Why aren’t you studying the numbers
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Because there is no such thing as zero. You've gas lit yourselves into thinking 0 exists.
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Unironically this 0 is just a place holder to say that something is in the next position above but it’s not an actual number like 10 is a number 1 is a number 1 0 is a number and a concept or place holder
>Everything magical falls apart outside of base 10
No, they just have their own patterns.
Ultimately it doesn't matter.
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Pattern recognition is the bases of perception and intelligence you can change the symbols but picking up there values is what matters

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Why do I often see this almost exact phenotype in my dreams? Weither male or female
Big eyes, big smile, pale white skin and teeth, reminds me of when children draw a face, the features are simple there are not much details like wrinkles or skin complexions,
Btw I happen to find Anne Hataway one of the most charming celebrity, she's mesmerizing, has to do with that maybe even though it scares me in my dream, it gives an impression that she's a superior being or something.
That's what the gods look like, hon
i'll have you know i have a pretty creepy face too.
Disguises are hard. If you don't really care who they look like, they stop wearing them.
yeah she's nice to look at. hmmmm cat woman and in interstallar.
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Hindus and Gnostics need not apply
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Hell yeah bro glad you liked it

On semen retention your chances with getting with a girl in real life that could come close to the e thots is higher. You can have the real thing but you decide not to because you want the easy way out. At some point you get tired and fed up with it that it will no longer suffice, I pray that day comes soon for you. We all deserve real life e thot pussy
>don't smoke
Opinion immediately discarded. Smoking builds up insane amounts of energy that mostly translates into shen generation. Have you seen Mikhail Tal? Dude was the most sickly person ever, yet he became world champion in chess, he smoked 5 packs a day and drank like a horse.
I felt incredibly weak and lethargic prior to smoking, and was obese. Smoking changed my life. Smoking is only an issue when people, who do not need extra energy, do it. Their body breaks down from excess energy. But there is another sort of people, who's bodies are stronger in comparison, empty, from lack of energy. You must practice different forms, study the five phases and then read the Huzi and shaman passage of the Zhuangzi. That is the peak attainable at mastering smoking, (not a universal fix and not meant for everyone! + it mainly helps those lacking fire and wood energies).

I was born in a metal year, this means two overcoming interactions, the ritual of fire overcomes me but I, metal, overcome the wood. You have to get it. For Tal, he was fire, but sickly, so he did the smoker fire ritual. And wood (tobacco) generates fire. Study the energy patterns, what comes and leaves, where it goes. Then it will make sense. And then forget it and live, do it not consciously, but naturally, align with the flow and use it to your advantage.
Also sidenote I did nofap for year and a half and its benefits become smaller over time. If you're going to do it I recommend atleast 25mg zinc daily (up dosage with weight, I saw best results at 75, no difference between 75 and 100 in my experience) + long walks coupled with tantric breathing, your heartbeat should be significantly faster than resting rate. I felt so light I basically became weightless for a moment.
That's because nicotine is an anti-parasitic.
Taking NAC will give you the same benefits without the carcinogenic effects
Only reason I don’t smoke is because it’s too damn expensive.

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