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Why am “I” the only person that seems to exist, and is the one doing the experiencing right now? There are lots of people born before me, at the same time as me, and after me. Why is my consciousness the one in focus, and not anyone else’s? How can I make this body a background character and transfer the “focus” to another person so that “I” am no longer me but them?
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Schizophrenia is not what you think it is.
Everyone is “schizophrenic”, most of you just haven’t learned how yet.

There are at least two consciousnesses in your body. Just like left brain right brain, one consciousness learns to hold the spotlight (conscious), the other learns to run the controls (subconscious). They are both capable of learning to hold the spotlight, for some people they don’t think enough inside their mind (internal thought) because they think too much outside their mind (speaking). They are not the same “you” but they are both “you” at the same time. There is a two way mirror within you, share the light between the two sides and you get multiple personalities.
Imagine reading a book. In that book each detail of your life is played through as you read it inside your mind. What you think, what you do, feel, experience etc, all at once. That is “YOUR consciousness”.

Now imagine a bigger book, but with everyone’s life is playing through simultaneously. That is the “ONE consciousness”.

We are like sub-chapters of the Big Book, too dumb to understand/experience anything going on outside each of our individual stories.

God/Reality is capable of running the whole show simultaneously..
Because "Amness" is all there is. There is no "third-person reality". Just a single "I" that has dissociated itself into an apparent multiplicity.

Enlighten yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e6fRVQ0UcM
There is a word for it in crystalography can’t think of it at the moment. No matter how many times you split a crystal, it is still the same crystal.

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>what is misotheism

Misotheism is the "hatred of God" or "hatred of the gods" (from the Greek adjective misotheos (μισόθεος) "hating the gods" or "God-hating" – a compound of, μῖσος, "hatred" and, θεός, "god").

>why hate god?

God has created nothing but evil. Satan, Lucifer, humans, etc everything god creates is evil. This world is pure suffering with no happiness, we were created to be slaves to an evil god.

Misotheism is the place to discuss the hatred of god or god(s)/deities.

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>Fedora finally admits God is real
>Free thinker
>Stuck within the Abrahamic framework
>Miso Soup
Hate Soup
yeah I guess I wouldn't like the world too much either if I also never left my parents' basement
Dunno I can't see the slaver and why would he bother creating you if you were going to act like a bitch irl some humans make things shit that's it

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Is Alevism just Tengrism with every concept renamed to conform to Islam?

Also ghulat general I guess
Alevism is a mystic branch of Shia Islam mixed with some old folklore traditions and some new ones, but it's not Tengrism. It's related to Bektashi Sufism, Alevis also trace their origins to Khorasan where Haji Bektash-i Veli was originally from.

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>>Book Recommendations

>>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous - >>37772448
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how can I find out if my ex is coming back this year? My numerology personal year and hers both aligned with personal year 3 and it said ex lovers coming back is very likely. Its been 2 years. She was emotionally unavailable at the time and I kept breaking no contact like an idiot.

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I've been trying to understand my odds of success in my life here from the 1st+10th houses and respective conjunctions. What does it mean here by success at "mature age", and does that refer to to creative stuff or strictly business? Thanks.

chart rel: >>37824798
to the anon that doesn't understand the capricorn sign: you think it's a laid back and aloof sign which it is, but if you piss it off to the point of no return, you better run to the opposite side of the globe and hide in a bunker and say your prayers because it will find you no matter what it takes. that's the deepest core of it and it only activates if again you push it to the point of no return which is rarely seen. you better go hide in india and in a cave if you truly pissed it off because it will move heaven and hell to find you
lazy pussys that wont do shit but keep thinking gay little doodles in the sky makes them dangerous
Someone give a based nonreddit reading please

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has anyone looked into this?

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So, if you want to understand this red-cow story, this guy explains it well:

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Fuck kikes and fundies
>What a peculiar aroma
A pleroma, if you will.
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The problem is the American constitution. The constitution says Judaism is equal to Christianity. The only valid religion is Christianity
Okay. I watched your video.
I've come to the conclusion that every Middle Easterner from all over the world should be rounded up and sent back to the Middle East.
After which, all modern weapons and technology beyond hand tools, should be confiscated from them.
Quarantine all the Middle Easterners together in the Middle East, to let them sort themselves out.
Drop by to check up on them once a decade or so until they've done so. Ffs. These fucking people.

Mauro Biglino

>Religions have been devised based on real stories that have later been transformed and interpreted in a spiritual key.

>Concludes the Bible doesn't talk about God or religion or spiritual entities, nor is it a "sacred" book and it does not talk about monotheism.

>The Bible cannot speak about God at all; In fact, it narrates the vicissitudes of an alliance between the people of Israel and an individual named Yahweh who was one of the many Elohim present in the Old Testament. Monotheism doesn't exist in the Bible, it is a theological invention that has been developed over the centuries by the Jewish priestly caste, first, and later by the Christians.

>To what end? In order to present itself as the only intermediary between man and (the alleged) God. This confers the power to dominate consciences by acting with the mechanisms of reward/punishment, promises of happiness or threats of eternal damnation, the feeling of guilt and the need for redemption.

>The Bible is a great chronicle of war that narrates the attempts of Yahweh and his people to conquer lands that had not been assigned to them, but his promise to give the people of Israel all the territories that go from the Nile to the Euphrates (Genesis 15) was never fulfilled. Yahweh was not able to keep his promises because he was not God and his antagonists, Elohim like him, prevented him.

>In the Bible there are no rewards or punishments after death; There are no paradises or hells and no purgatory, there is no original sin and there is no concept of an "omnipotent" God, an erroneous (or false?) translation of El-Shaddai which in the best of hypotheses means 'Lord of the steppe'. The foundation of Judaism and Christianity is therefore found in precise historical events that have then been written and presented in an allegorical, metaphorical and spiritualist key to "invent" religions.

This man is based /x/?
Christ is King
I dont think this post and OP are excluyent, Jesus spoke of god the father, I think the star that tried to snich on Jesus was this Jewish deity, the one who whispered in herod ears, after all for him child murder is not a problem

> "Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks"

>sends a bear to kill children because they mocked some bald beta.

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Ato ichido dake kiseki wa okoru darou
Yasashii koe de egaku yuganda mirai

Mou dare mo nakanai sekai no tame ni
Akaku kegasareta sora no
Doko ni mo todokazu kieru sakebi to inori
Nagusame wa sutete yukeru

Kirei na tsuki no hikari ga
Hajimari e to shizumi yuku
Sono kanata e
Tozasareteku hitomi de
Mada tooku e
Te wo nobasu
Kimi no nageki wo shinjite
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Are werewolves real?
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It was Pyramid Head for boomers if you think about it.
damn you right
No that was Slenderman

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Within the last few months, I've started to perceive dream time as being 1:1 with real time.
8 hours of sleep feels like 8 hours of the dream.
1 hour of sleep feels like 1 hours of the dream.
Does anyone else experience this?
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Get off the gore grind and start gardening and listening to Joanna Newsom. Maybe play some acoustic guitar. You're gonna burn out your dopamine receptors and make yourself seriously depressed and possibly turn yourself into a nutcase if you surround yourself with voidmeme shit all day. You dreams will be more pleasant, too.
Learn how to lucid dream and walk the sky
Then watch as you learn to live your greatest fantasies that you could never find in this logic sink hellhole meat locker called Earth
Hey, as long as they don't become even longer it should be okay, right?
I had a period around new years when I had dreams that felt like they lasted for several days, while sleeping for 1-3 hours. It was like real life but in another world and I only realized it was a dream towards the end.
1 hour of sleep can feel like 2 weeks of dreaming for me sometimes

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We seek new members
https phantasmproject site/

-Please read more at the Home and Synopsis page.

Is this a cult or a religion?
-Although it's been described as a cult, I'd describe it as small group or a community instead.

How long has THE PHANTASM PROJECT been up?
-Formerly known as PROJECT:ESTELLE, it was very secretly active in around 2010 and before that. After that, the Project took a break, and is now back on track under a new name and new management.

/x/ film thread
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>Night of the Living Dead (1968)
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>Almost every post is tryhard reddit B-horror shit
Get on this level and we can be friends, chumps

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There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target
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The mountains are supposed to be surrounded by tundra, it's an arctic or subarctic climate
Wait, where did you get that?

I don't think dames had a legal falling out with Brett. It was the OG project red dog fuckers that wanted to gatekeep the blue avian projects and other stuff. You might be able to find some discussion about it on YouTube.
It's just weird that every few years Brett pops up with a new RV team: project red dog group >>>> state of reality >>>> troika group >>>> psiphr.
Canadian shield.
We hate reddit, but try dropping this shit over there and see what sticks.
>I will ask the spirits, with thanksgiving
don't forget the turkey, or just make sure your present.

For a while I was employed by a private non-profit organization that collects case reports on deep underground topics, among other things.

I can tell you something.

Just one rule:
> I can't provide any information that would lead to doxxing myself, out of security reasons.

I'll be idle here for around 1 or 2 h, maybe I take a look at the evening. After this, I will no longer use this trip!
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Have you heard any reports of interesting cryptids or otherwise unknown creatures through your work?



Beside of the Birds?

Yes, but seldom.

Mostly shadows, the witnesses can't describe the creatur well. Only in some cases, they give good explanations.

Some seem to implay that there are some Neanderthaler, still alive in the underground...
In this thread you mention infrastructure under cities, is this taratarian related?

Would you mind providing a series of interesting facts you know?

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The purpose of this thread is to gather and discuss various tested, effective, and complete breathing practices.

Have you studied breathwork? Do you use any practices in your life?

I was in my country's military and learned some of my breathwork just to handle running or the cold. I've been introduced - though never more than that - to kundalini breathing sequences (where I experienced lightheadedness akin to ego dissolution), pranic practices (never got much from these), combat focus breathing (probably the most useful for me, basically just extra mindfulness between mind, physical heart, and the lungs during exertion), chanting/cyclical breathing (I like these), and movement associated breaths like picrel.
A good friend of mine runs this country's most successful yoga/meditation center and has introduced me to some practices, so if you guys have anything especially potent I'll bring them to him and those teachers and see if there's any nuggets to return here.

What do you guys practice?

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I practice Surya Namaska in the morning and nadi shuddhi in the afternoon. Also Yoga Nidra in the evening or sometimes morning. Also kapalabhati or four fold breath when I'm anxious, but these are the technics I get the most of. Also good topic OP
Your breath can tingle in your lungs feels really good

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