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Christian-washing must be stopped.
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>Premises get refuted
>"I couldn't help but notice you're catholic"
>"Wow, this really validates my superiority over you catholics"
Lack of understanding or Fed? Who can say
"The Jews" as we know them exist entirely in opposition to Christianity. They hate Jesus. It's their one defining religious belief, in a group which varies widely in religious belief but all consider each other brothers. The only reason Jews are the enemy of the West is because it was Christian. In 1 AD the Jews weren't very happy Roman rule, but the Roman's had reformed into a very religiously open society where anyone could worship any God as long as they didn't threaten Ceasar. The Jews thought the Messiah would save them and overthrow Roman rule, but instead Jesus told them to render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's (in regards to paying their taxes), he ate with tax collectors, compared them positively to the religious leaders of the time, who he decided constantly and were the only group he ever got violent against. It's specifically because he didn't intend to overthrow Israel's enemies in battle, and that he scorned the morphing of YWHW worship into Judaism, that the Jews hated him so much. Not, I believe, even the same Jews who exist today.
But the whole "Christianity bad because it's Jewish" argument is ridiculous.
The One does not have "an active role in the evolution of the universe". First of all there is no "evolution of the universe" in neoplatonism, Proclus says that everything is just cycles of souls going up and down and it is all eternal and predetermined, no real change. Second of all the One is transcendent and completely silent, it doesn't even create the world of its own will (it has no will) but the world is simply produced automatically by its overflowing.

Also Aristotle didn't even necessarily believe there was only one God.
Mary was the replacement for Artemis. Ephesus went from having the Temple of Artemis to being a center of Marian devotion.
Christian west conquers the planet.
Non Christian west is a joke.
>jews are interested in spreading Christianity!
That's the most brainded meme that goes around this site.

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Tread forward and explore
You can only find yourself if you push further into the wilderness of life
Surround yourself in chaos to strengthen your might
Roads less traveled and all that
Excuse me?

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Is MUFON legit?
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Starman is Lucifer symbolism. Lucifer, the morning star that fell from the heavens. Jeff Bridges played a similar role in the Tron movies. Why are Hollywood actors called stars?
join it and find out.

wait until they send you out a "field report" to some nutjob, drive 4 hours, and the best they have is
>"oh well, it flew over dat darn hill there!"
what time was this
>oh i dont know, 6pm maybe 9pm
what shape was it
>oh i dont know, long

then drive back for 4 hours
and file that in the computer.
job done.
welcome to MUFON
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Yes before it got subverted by the hostile foreign corporation.
Collins élite referring to women of child bearing age being taken:
«The evil ones, the ones of wrong vibrations»

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Someone is leaving full unlit cigarettes at the end of my driveway. Many cigarettes in various states of degradation, all unlit. Seems like it's gone on for a while. What could this mean? Maybe ex girlfriend, but highly doubtful. I'm on Dakota land. Should I offer a little tobacco of my own?
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Could just be a gang of thieves checking to see if you’re aware
It's an offer to the angry spirit that lives at your address...you
Are you the anon that has been posting shit music in every thread? Stop that.
There are so many goddamn things in that picture
Most likely someone who is a litter bug and is trying to quit smoking, they probably are throwing one out every time they light one up. Had a coworker who I carpooled with do that when he was “quitting” I’m pretty sure he just ended up buying twice as many packs

You will never break free from the Matrix if you don’t stop Gooning.

The New World Order has you by the balls, will you capitulate to Satan? Break free Neo.
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Ignorance is bliss.
Fuck off not paranormal.

It is only threw the rising of the Christoil, the Root Chakra, up the spine of the 33 vertebrae, transcendence of the Lower Half, lust. To the Higher Half, reaching to the Pineal Gland will we reach God consciousness.

33 is the Age our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth reached transcendence.

It is a metaphor, of the Alchemical transcendence of Man’s Lower Nature to his Higher State.

33, is the highest of all Degrees
Bump for less loosh for satan and more power for souled beings.
Semen retention is the way

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Tell me to take my meds but I'm sure these videos exist, and that I downloaded them but now I can't seem to find a trace of the files or anything about them online.


If anyone has clips or pictures of what appears to be a hole in the middle of Antarctica, please post whatever you've got. Failing that, anything to to with Antarctica would be much appreciated.
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Numbers werth a look.
two fags hold hands against the true oppressor (guys who say "you're")
Incredibly based
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months April 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
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What'd we think of the new cast' with our favourite fringe alt historian?

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Universities give theirs out for free?
Dibble is a fucking retard who has said there could be no lost cities in south America. then LIDAR proved he is a massive ass bandit
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dna is on wikipedia
>dna isn't real
god i love being white
>omg he broke u, he posted a picture, ON WIKIPEDIA OMG I LOVE SCIENCE!!!!!!

The philosopher Descartes 'invented' a thought experiment about an evil demon(or genius) that basically kept you in a Matrix dreamworld. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

"The evil demon, also known as Deus deceptor, malicious demon, and evil genius, is an epistemological concept that features prominently in Cartesian philosophy. In the first of his 1641 Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes imagines that a malevolent God or an evil demon, of "utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to deceive me." This malevolent God or evil demon is imagined to present a complete illusion of an external world, so that Descartes can say, "I shall think that the sky, the air, the earth, colours, shapes, sounds and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which he has devised to ensnare my judgement. I shall consider myself as not having hands or eyes, or flesh, or blood or senses, but as falsely believing that I have all these things.""

Link to the Wikipedia page itself:


Here is a video about a tech CEO back in 2019 told her folks we are in the Matrix before she went missing and later found mysteriously dead:


Here is a 'comedy' skit that takes the rape part literally, predictive programming probably:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drRDcf4vF-k

>666s are everywhere, like in Monster Energy, and even in all life(carbon that makes up life has 6 protons, neutrons, and electrons(666) and 6 letters)

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yeah i was thinking same thing when reading op
the problem is people are too divided so will it amount to anything? will future generations remember our stories?
who will carry the torch?

Kinda, if it is a supernatural thing.
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Anymore info guys?
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Guess no :(

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My mom wants to know about the Hum. I told her its been talked about for years and isn't new but it's penetrated the Normie-sphere so I figured I might as well ask you fellow enlightened retards for any redpills or stuff to know to consider when diving into the Hum Hole.

Inb4 do you own research. This is research, I'm utilizing the collective misery of the internet to grant me knowledge on a topic has more plausibility than a censored chat bot.
i know someone knows something.

always been curious about the hum
Very good point anon. I hear it 24/7. Then when I say something specific, or late at night.... I just hear it open itself up to me. By that it literally becomes super noticable

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Over ten years ago, I had a dream about a black planet approaching earth. At the time I thought it was a black hole, because it was a pitch black thing approaching the earth...
But yesterday I had yet another dream about this black planet, this time it was hovering real close to earth
>pic related
In this dream, it was like the planet irradiated some sort of energy that made people not able to heal their wounds, I remember getting a scratch on my foot and it becamoming a deep wound. So deep you could see part of the bone.
If you exposed yourself to the planet's radiation for too long, it could kill you, at least thats what i knew in the dream even though i hadn't seen it.

Today I did not dream of a black hole, but of a hat man outside my window.
I haven't had nightmares for years now, and I live a chill life I'm really OK when it comes to social contact, my job is chill and I don't really have any problem right now causing this, only 'weird' thing is that I have been into occult shit for over 14 years now.

I got a feeling these dreams have an important meaning, something paranormal, but I can't put my finger on it.
Any idea what it could mean?
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Over the years I came to think they were just a form of personal anxiety over the uncontrollable situations in my life being manifested by the subconscious. I do find it weird that it was always a recurring dream of a dark planet approaching Earth.
>From what I remember the first planet dream in 2017 involved people dying in agony while others were getting injections in their homes while the demonic thing watched from the sky
>A 2018 dream involved a great flood pouring from kaleidoscope clouds as the planet slowly approached, red veins glowing from behind its atmosphere with angelic chanting coming from it
>The last dream I had was in 2019 where I was taking a stroll through a park when the sky suddenly got pitch dark, pale moons would reveal themselves to be spaceships made of fire balls and the planet (now looking like a gas giant with a dark red core) showed up to swallow Earth whole.
Out of these three the first one still creeps me out the most whenever I think about it.
> I came to think they were just a form of personal anxiety over the uncontrollable situations in my life being manifested by the subconscious.
That's what my therapist said, but it makes no sense at this point of my life.
Years ago when I had no job I was very anxious about a lot of things outside of my control, despite this I had no black planet dreams.
Nowadays I am really chill in life, and out of the sudden I begin to get these weird nonsensical dreams. It's really weird.
Maybe deep down you fear losing this comfortable life through some unknown circumstance or maybe you feel this period of peace is temporary and fear the impending future. Maybe it's something family related and your brain is telling you of some impending tragedy. You mentioned the hat man showing up in your dream, he's known to appear before something bad happens in that person's life.
I wouldn't know, I'm not a psychologist and I don't know you. But I'm speaking from experience here, there's something in your subconscious warning you of something and I'm just going to tell you to keep your chin up and stay strong for what comes next. Whatever that may be
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Link: https://www.iflscience.com/astronomers-find-evidence-of-a-massive-object-beyond-the-orbit-of-neptune-73914
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Seeking new members

-Please read more at the Home and Synopsis page.

Is this a cult or a religion?
-Although it's been described as a cult, I'd describe it as small group or a community instead.

How long has THE PHANTASM PROJECT been up?
-Formerly known as PROJECT:ESTELLE, it was very secretly active in around 2010 and before that. After that, the Project took a break, and is now back on track under a new name and new management.

*THE PHANTASM PROJECT's goal is to prove dreams are so much more than just pictures and imaginary experiences; sometimes they’re a way to express the deepest of emotions, the darkest secrets the person’s mind holds that not even they knew about.
Everyone can learn more about themselves through dreams, even about other people. The way people often interpret dreams is dull, but in reality, dreams are truly eye-opening and thrilling if you choose to experience them that way.

It can also come down to the level of lucidity. The path to becoming a lucid dreamer is quite a journey and it can take weeks, months, even years to reach that level of lucidity. Some people are naturally skilled and truly gifted from birth, but everyone can do it if they try hard enough.

In our dreams, when we are conscious enough, we are able to break free and control our consciousness and subconsciousness. After we do so, endless possibilities become the new reality, where things you always wished to do, come true.
This dream world, the dream reality, is referred to as PHANTASMAGORIA .
Every night, when we are asleep, we visit Phantasmagoria. Think of it as an astral plane. We can know we are in Phantasmagoria once we start dreaming, but consciously when we become lucid. Since dreams are more prone to appear in the REM phase, so is Phantasmagoria. Even though we can’t remember our dreams or anything from our sleep sometimes, we always visit Phantasmagoria.

The visitors that come to Phantasmagoria from the waking world (or us), are called THE REVERIES (or The Dreamers). In Phantasmagoria, everyone is free to do whatever they desire. There are no laws to live by, yet it isn’t an anarchy. The inhabitants of it, or rather, THE AWAKEN, help shape that reality. The Reveries move from the waking world to Phantasmagoria permanently once they pass away. Until then, they visit it every night to adjust to it. Once they get permanently moved, they become The Awaken. That being said, everybody moves into Phantasmagoria sooner or later.
After they get transfered to Phantasmagoria, their LEVEL OF LUCIDITY (or Level of Control) determines how much control they have in Phantasmagoria. the person’s commitment to dreams also determines their Level of Lucidity.
Another main goal of THE PHANTASM PROJECT is just that; helping others follow their dreams more, so that they can too help control and improve Phantasmagoria.

In this ideology, heaven and hell don’t exist.
Phantasmagoria is all in one, a paradise, a wonderland, all on its own. Of course, it being such a massive plane with a massive amount of residents in it, there are some unpleasant scenes and memories you may come across because of the big amount of negative emotions- thoughts and feelings those residents and visitors leave behind. This is all partly unachievable until your death, as it’s just your dream ‘till then which is created by your own mental images. That doesn’t mean you aren’t able to visit it globally (spiritually).

This whole ideology is called PHANTIANITY.

Phantasmagoria is held by leaders that stabilise it for generations. The leaders are titled HIGURE. I am the current HIGURE, and I will make this Project live on.
*THE PHANTASM PROJECT also known as The Project, is a restored variant of its former version, which currently consists of PROJECT:ESTELLE (the study of the dream psyche) and PROJECT:ABSENTIA (the study of consciousness), but is also a new individual project which serves its own purpose while maintaining the original concepts of the other two subprojects. It studies all states of mind including the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind. It is primarily dream and psychology focused and it holds data about the manifestation of the dream plane known as Phantasmagoria.

PROJECT:ESTELLE and PROJECT:ABSENTIA differ from one another in terms of category due to P:E focusing only on Phantasmagoria as a sub-reality and acts on an idea of its existence in a theological and devoted manner, while P:A focuses on factual, philosophical and psychological knowledge, often contradictory P:E’s belief-based counterpart.

The Project is currently under development.
Your link doesn't even work bro

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Ok fellas, assuming I have 100k and nothing to lose and want to leave this side of the world and get past the ice wall in antarctica, how would I do it? I'd need to 1. actually be able to land there 2. wal nort with enough supply to last at least 3 months 3. not to die killed by glowies or bears or mutant spiders like the ones sonofantanon said are in antarctica.

Any story of someone who actually managed to get past the ice wall?
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it seems there is an ice wall, at least that's what I saw in countless pictures and videos, even cruises stop in front of it. Do you know if someone got to the hollow earth? I'd like to read about it
Fly over it at low altitude. Make sure the livestream the event.
>new landmass
>glowie stops you
One of these will happen.
>there's an ice wall in flat earth
>why is it so cold in this massive circle?
Meanwhile both polar caps of Mars have ice.
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I didn't specify that by ice wall I mean the antarctic wall, how the fuck can a civilian get on top of it? If I go there by boat (assuming I find one willing to take me) I got to climb it and then what? Walk south until they shoot me dead? It's fucking impossible
I want to get to the hollow earth. Agartha, new schwabenland whatever the fuck is the name, I want to get there

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Picrel is a drawing by Juliette Bryant, a woman who actually was able to prove she was a victim of Epstein and successfully got a piece of the settlement (from his civil trial). You can find her in many news articles and if you dig hard enough, you can find photos she took of her years being tricked out. I mention all this because she's recently come out on a few podcasts saying Epstein shapeshifted in front of her eyes and looked just like her drawing.

Source clip:

Part of me clearly wants to write her off as a bullshitter, but I myself have seen someone's eyes change irl (to slits). Also, I have followed Billy Corgan and his veiled confessions (twice) on Howard Stern about seeing someone shapeshift in front of him as well. FWIW I believe that person may have been Courtney Love.. as he hinted in the 2nd interview, they were about to fuck..

Video of clips from both shows:

If you are familiar at all with Credo Mutwa, Juliette's drawing is very similar to his and I remember him saying that horns signify prestige/authority. Seeing how Epstein had the fucking keys to the planet and literally ran a "baby making factory" on his New Mexico ranch, why wouldn't he be some high-level Chad Draco reptilian? It's really fucking weird how he would examine the girls regularly (like the ayys would) and had "computer rooms the size of houses"...

...and can anyone help decipher this freakish painting Epstein had on his island? It was from one of Juliette's photos and clearly depicts some woman being raped by a giant walrus.. and wtf is up with the holes (or electrodes) on her body??

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Kinda pointless exercize at this point.
Nevermind, it's a photo by some artist.
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I was looking at my nuts and saw that they were repeatedly increasing and decreasing in size like they're breathing.
But on an unrelated note, I had yet another plane dream. In this one Big Smoke's ghost sends me to steal a plane and the plane was already driving and lifting using auto pilot but it was missing the keys to use the jets. Steering was possible but I was franticly trying to find the keys while dodging trees and people, eventually I crashed and saw CJ from GTA dying. After I respawned the ghost of big smoke busted several caps in my ass
That's nice. Pass the salt
>The ghost of a fictional character (Big Smoke) appeared in my limbo ass plane dreams. Before this dream occured I wrote down the "big smoke order" meme on a piece of paper alongside menu items from a chinese restaurant which is also numbered food. I didn't end up buying the chinese food, I bought weed instead and enjoyed it
This is weird. How does writing down a meme cause stuff to appear in dreams? /x/ needs to explain this. It's your job

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Have you ever had an interaction with a stranger who you suspected was a ghost or entity?
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>be me
>visiting my dad who just moved to a small house in the countryside
>house is piece of shit
>tfw no vidya
>old colonial probably built early 1800s
>there was an upstairs apartment built into the house
>still filled with the previous owners shit so my dad used it for storage
>tells me to go get some tools in the apartment
>walk around to the side of the house and pry open shitty decaying door
>start walking up the set of stares
>sense of dread and uneasiness kicks in
>seems to get colder as I walk up the stairs
>odd because it's summer and heat rises.
>rooms in the apt filled with boxes and boxes of film rolls and negatives
>go to look for tools

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Yes. She had the look of a vampire and told me she has been on this plane of existence for 320 years. Spent 3 days interacting with her as she would just 'show up'. I knew she wasn't quite human & have always described her as an entity.
Imagine being that Alex kid (you let his name slip) thinking you’re about impress some kids and maybe get some friends out of some x tier level knowledge of ghosts and all that prepping and the breathing exercises and everything and you think maybe you’ll hear some whispers or catch movement out of the corner of your eye and a fucking chad effortlessly does fucking necromancy then beats the shit out of you and compelled people to believe you deserved that beating.
I would never touch the occult again lmao
No. But I had direct contact with immaterial entities who can also operate or speak through people.
The ghost of a fictional character (Big Smoke) appeared in my limbo ass plane dreams. Before this dream occured I wrote down the "big smoke order" meme on a piece of paper alongside menu items from a chinese restaurant which is also numbered food. I didn't end up buying the chinese food, I bought weed instead and enjoyed it

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