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I have been hyperaware of my teeth lately, ever since I saw something in the media that made me suddenly aware of my teeth about 6mo ago. I can't really remember what my teeth were doing in their downtime before then. I never really noticed. Now they are always trying to do something. They clench when I tighten any muscle in my body. They clench when I'm thinking hard. I think it's bad for my teeth but I can't stop it. The thing in the media that triggered these events might've had some sort of suggestive effect on me, and I wonder if anyone else has experienced the same thing. If so, then we could speculate that these are mass psyops meant to fulfill prophecy.
buy a dental guard before it's too late, if you have gone to the jew dentist for invisalign, use your retainers

Any idea what this means or symbolizes.
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I know that feel

he is conveying the way consciousness flows through the nerves and contacts the external reality and flows back with sensations of disorganized objective truth + some chakra bullshit
Chakra are real: 3 different dimensions of gut feeling, listening with the heart, truth, the reality beyond the veil, and God respectively in ascending order
I am sure there is something to chakras. I am a poor westerner who has to eat from the scrap pile of truth. Many grifters and false gurus talk about chakras, and I have no idea where the real, traditional comprehension of them is to be found.

Please help me learn.
Begin with shadow work. Go through all of your negative thoughts and feelings and try to remember the first time you've felt these things and try to forgive them; that is the first and hardest step. After this, you will be clear enough to be able to channel the truth from the universe through meditation without having it filtered/distorted through negative ego.

Research these, join servers, buy a book or two. You'll find the path, literally search your mind for god and ask him to guide you, we call it the spark and it brings us to all sorts of obscure knowledge that helps us understand the universe more. Trust your spark, you motherfucker

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Remote viewing general #2
/ppg/ posters also welcome

Continued from >>37715636

This thread is intended to help anons learn about what remote viewing is and how to practice it using systematic techniques from some of the most proficient RVers currently alive.
Don't hesitate to post your own targets and practice with anons ITT, that's what this thread is for.

Links about RV:
>RV basics:
>Stargate documents (the original military program which led to the development of modern RV methodology):

Remote viewing has been used recently in order to uncover knowledge with some profound implications. Most of you are aware of Project Moksha, and some might also know about Project Red Dog. Here are some links:

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>ideogram drills
Aren't you supposed to just draw them and then you're done? Pure intuition? How do you practice that?
The way he teaches it. Which I guess comes from the military/CIA stuff, is that you have some basic ideograms for “earth”, “water”, “manmade” etc
Water would likely be a wave for most people.
Then a program asks you to draw each of those randomly over and over.
Sooner or later you do it by reflex and it’s your subconscious that is doing it at that point by instinct. And that’s the first step.
All the other stages are built on that. It would take months and months to get any good at this.
Of course maybe the other guy is right and you can learn this in 20 mins.
I’m inclined to say the longer route is probably the right one.
Damn. I'll take a look at this method, thanks anon
I don’t think he covers most of the stuff in that video. As usual it’s courses, but his book gives a breakdown.
>As usual it’s courses
RV being mostly paywalled is so fucking annoying. I just want to assemble a team to RV the post-death archon traps, is that too much to ask

Another Pietism Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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Relics are proof of miraculous events, indulgences are most probably a blasphemy. Looking for ways to game God's creation?
I adore Ready to Harvest. These particular graphics are from Redeemed Zoomer.
God gives you infinite love, if you just stop worrying about things and focus on the present you'll see that the default state of feelings is love. Once you realize that you then can tap into it and redirect it to where you want, even back to God. You never run out of love and you feel you an love even the people you never thought you could. And it's not something you need to meditate years to achieve, but it's rather simple. Just stop overthinking. Thing of love like a electromagnetic wave, god sends ot to all including you, and then you can also send is wherever you want. It's something you can tap on it at will.
A lovely church. It shows that you can still build churches with, for lack of a better word, soul
I like the 'tisme too but I do not agree with most of the setup. Maybe just my retar'tisme..

Most based bible translation? Fuck that "biblical scholar" rationalism bullshit I wish for clarity into the divine mysteries free of a modernist lens.
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More like KHV, amirite fellas?
Germany had a combined Catholic-Lutheran translation project that involved experts working on the oldest source materials that were archaeolically available from all German speaking countries (including language minorities like the German speaking Belgians). It was called "Einheitsübersetzung" or "unified translation". The publisher Herder printed a heavily indexed and cross-referenced with a great appendix that included historical maps of the regions and information about Biblical times, like how much a shekel weighed, how long a cubit was etc. etc.
It's not in English, but I can recommend it.
>I reject God Almighty because Darwin the serpent said it would taste yummy.
Basically fuck Timothy and anything he ever touched.

Constantine and Paul are cool tho.

Probably go for Orthodox Study Bible, and skip old testament, that shit is just a boring filter to deter people from reaching enlightenment. It's just full of foreskins and weird nonsensical poxes and moral stories that make no sense and are nonsensical and don't make any sense. Fuck the demiurge and fuck the old testament.

I only fuck with new testament. Jesus is my boi

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i have developed a projection of the future based off of TimeWave Zero and the Kurzweil Curve, as well as collecitons of my own data related to the rise and fall of nations and plagues. something very big, like on par with the dawn of the internet or the creation of the atom bomb, is meant to happen at the end of this year or some time next year. in addition to this, we are encroaching on a cultural singularity that will be hit in 2030, where the way human beings live will be drastically changed, on par with agricultural evolution and the industrial revolution.

i felt this would be a good place to discuss your theories of what these anomalies/events could be
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I was kinda taking a shot at you with the whole mckenna lore but-
>continuing to fold in on itselff repeatedly until the iterations become too small
thats pretty deep lore, time contracts as space expands or some such. on closer inspection if kinda follows
I’ve been having similar dreams of AI assisted virtual reality letting us ‘live’ in videogames and other digital/online spaces.
In my house me and some family members take turns driving a static sports car that when turned on would create a virtual world where you can drive on the highway. We would go there and then enter this forest temple and then exit the car and become videogame characters who have to do an interactive quest like searching for Pokémon and items in the temple. It felt very digital as if it was a videogame but there was full control and lots of detail.
There was an AI assisted social room like VR chat at some amusement park that if you walk through its door you enter the digital world seamlessly, the same digital effect is there but it isn’t cheap just different.
Another one like the first dream where you have to do a quest and talk to various characters who give you riddles and Lore. You explore a vast underground temple full of secrets and then after you complete the first part a bunch of other players join your session and everyone charges into the next room.
One where I got to become Utsuho Reiuji and fly in some dark blue expanse with a whole artistic filter making everything blue and like an old MMO but I was immersed. Its like playing it and being there at the same time with full freedom.
oh hai u guyz.

Was Terrance McKenna jewish? I see that his mother's background was clearly left out of his Wikipedia page. Seems sus.
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it feels similar to that too, like something so new and strange that very few people would have had the capacity to even imagine what it will be and will change the way we live completely. like discovering the new world or creating the internet level novelty and exploration

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Bros I feed my dog what the vet recommends but he's always begging me for more food I feel so bad :(

What are the spiritual implications of this??
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One difference between the 2 companies is Pet Wellbeing adds bacon flavor to their tinctures. You may need to test him to see how he feels about bacon prior to choosing which company to try. Another thing to keep in mind is his metabolism. Maybe his is higher than the average dog's and he requires more food. For example, does he seem to have more energy than the average dog? Does he not require as much sleep? Is he hyper? Another thing is the food. Try to get him the good stuff. It doesn't have to be super fancy. Just go for the basics. The ingredients should be decent. Nothing problematic like calcium carbonate. And don't get him anything by Purina. They're a company who had (or has) ties to Senomyx (meaning they add HEK293 to their products). And make sure to get him something that's grain-free. Also, wet food might be a must. At least, that's one way to make a cat healthier (feel free to keep giving him dry food along with the wet food). If he has fleas, don't get him a flea collar (whatever will attack the fleas will affect him too). Instead, take some food grade (marketed for humans) zeolite powder and rub it all over his coat. If he licks some of it off, he'll be fine. This'll cause the fleas to either find another spot and/or abandon ship. No plastic or metallic bowls. Ceramic only. Use a plant based liquid soap for washing them and use a 100% cotton towel (those small, square ones work well) for drying. Don't use paper towels or he'll swallow bits of the material. For water, check the link below, but don't read any other articles on that guy's site (he's a semi-quack whose extreme autism prevents him from realizing when he's wrong). In other words, his site isn't for beginners who don't know how to discern. For the zeolite, you can use other healing clays. Just don't use diatomaceous earth (it contains calcium carbonate). Heiltropfen has a decent zeolite and a container that's easy to wash and can be refilled with other brands.
No over the last three days there’s been markedly more retard posts like this.
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I'll give the official link for the Heiltropfen zeolite, but their stuff is on Amazon. For towels, terrycloth works well. Make sure to dry all the critical areas (where he'll lick) comprehensively. You don't want him consuming tap water. For the water article, if you don't wanna read the whole thing, just look for the recommended brands. When the Time comes, don't put him to sleep for any reason (no matter what some Jew veterinarian says). Instead, you can try to make him as comfortable as possible. And if you wish, maximize your Time with him. Putting an animal to sleep causes their soul to remain on Earth longer than necessary. The type of drugs the Jews use makes it more challenging for them to cross over. If you're wondering which food brands to try, look into WholeHearted. It's what we give to our cat companions.
What if he still hungy doe
this is some diabolical retard shit.
>yeah bro your grandma should have just let goldie die painfully from the internal bleeding filling his abdomen, them drugs are bad for the dog spirit
fuck off encouraging pain and suffering you ghoul.

How do we know demons are "demons" and not something else entirely? If demons reside in hell, yet they're able to interact with and occasionally possess humans, then wouldn't that mean hell is a plane of existence that coexists with Earth? Hell is literally on Earth.
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the term "demon" has several implications, all stemming from the bible. gotta start by calling them something else. like how "UFO" was changed to "UAP". adhesion to religiosity is the main problem here.
Your confusion is understandable because "hell" as a concept has become too vague over the years. The abyss below the surface we are living on is where demons are contained (and where the multi-feature creatures that will torture people from Revelation are kept and bred). However, Christianity has strayed from Gnosticism a long time ago (ditched reincarnation in AD 553 for example) and equated the abyss and a fictional fiery place as "hell" (while simultaneously believing that place is not yet firey... lol) Add to this the fact that in Gnosticism, our world is actually the "place of weeping and gnashing of teeth", not some fictional fiery place. Above our world and below the heavenly realms is a place called "the Middle" where the rulers (Archons) and the Devil reside. And the Middle is not fiery, it's watery.
I recommend that you read the source texts of Gnosticism on the online Nag Hammadi library yourself. You'll see just how warped modern Christianity has become (engineered for NPCs).
Forgot to answer your question. Demons being spirits lack the senses and need a host. The hosts of demons in our world are parasites. Parasite cleansing and zappers are largely kept out of the mass's minds even though they would greatly improve their lives. Some demons are contained (like the one that keeps the Revelation torture creatures) and some are summoned and not banished... Very irresponsible or intentionally evil to do.
That's incorrect, just as human spiritual senses work when astral projecting. Demons have similar senses and sentience. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to communicate telepathically with us.
Yes, I meant the human bodily senses. They follow their programming just as any other entity with a mind.

The red heifers are going to be sacrificed tommorow. A fucking 3000 year old prophecy will be fulfilled. The jews will begin building the third temple. Motherfucker, this could quite possibly cause ww3 why aren't we discussing this?!
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Was it again a nothing burger?
>Chances are none of them is left after moloch and satan were eliminated. Moloch last year, satan only days ago.
Oh sweet summer child. Satan is more powerful than ever in this very moment.
>Real Antichrist would be after islamic Caliphate is formed, their is a famine and Muslims reconquered Constantinople (we must lose it first now, which haven't happened yet)
Nowhere in the Bible is this stated.
>What they are summoning is the Antichrist, not Jesus Christ.
The Antichrist is already here making his presence felt. What they are doing is following the orders from the commander in chief.
Takes one to know one.

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>Tell yourself "I AM GOD" A dozen or so times a day, anywhere, at anytime
>people start to respect you more for, seemingly, no reason

Real ones will get it. I dont have to write 10k Chars to explain it.

The only question is WHY???
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You can have whatever you want.
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Bet you tell ys you're a woman too
Nah I'm a dude
LoA explains it
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>Mark 11:24 - Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

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A succubus has attached herself to my mind, it might have been intentional or not, but regardless I don't want her there anymore. It's absolute torture
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of her?
Rape her
do nofap for like a month, I'm sure she'll get tired of waiting to harvest your coom energy and go find another host
you can get most garbage to leave by commanding it to.
this doesn't work
show no mercy and kill her afterwards
succubi don't produce any valuable offspring
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Have you tried going to Church?

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How do I recreate myself?
you can't and you've caused mathematically enormous amounts of suffering trying
go home
40 days, every decade. Commence the work on the Full Moon in Sagittarius.
>and you've caused mathematically enormous amounts of suffering trying

To myself or others? Also I disagree that you cannot be reborn into something new and better.
this entire existence is a side effect of you arrogantly trying to duplicate god's light

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Insider story. Been lurking here for a while. My occupation is among higher levels of nato command. Won't explain more, nor post a proof.
First of all the story of a guy with liver cancer, who posted here couple of months ago is true. So is the reddit guy with his underwater NHI claims.
Second, brace for the event of disclosure, meaning a presence of an nhi vessel on our orbit. It will happen in the coming two years, they cannot calculate the exact time as the observed objects movement is erratic.
Also the info on Ganymede message and Arctica is true, it connects with the uap base in the ocean story. Also Antarctica is full of remnants of previous civilization or structures and devices left by our creators to guard us.
It is not expected that the visitors will be hostile, however all possible precautions are being taken. It is believed they're communicating with underwater nhi's/ai's.
Also yes, Musk is actively involved.
Chinese government works with USA and Europe on this. Russia is temporarily excluded.
What is basically expected is an et vessel which will replace the underwater bases with new ones, as they are a significant part of a kind of defend system created long time ago on our planet and it seems the present vessels are dying due to loss of power or just being old.
Probably no live et's will be involved as the process seems to be fully automated. As of now the accepted theory is that all these are AI remnants of previous civilization or devices left by our creators /people/aliens that established homo sapiens on earth. It is possible that this year all this will be somehow disclosed by US to prepare general public for the incoming events.
Also, watch for Apophis news.
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It's softshell.mov
ayy lmao
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>two (more) years
You are wrong. Two more weeks started as a time frame used by q posts to keep the audience engaged, because it was just short enough to feel imminent, but just long enough that you'd forget about it by the time it had passed.

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is capricorn the most OP sign?
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As another Capricorn, I extoll you to use your own faculties and find the answers to your own question. The answer was in front of you, the last time you asked it anyways, and will probably be in front of you the next time as well. Hope that helps, even if its not the "direct" help you asked for
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1st track: basslines/10
2nd TIGHT and short WHAT
thanks man
How do you astrology niggers justify your beliefs when you encounter someone whose personality doesn't at all line up with what the signs say it should be?
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Holy checked and bump.

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Is it really true that Shiva resides ,in his very self, on top of MT Kailash? all dharmic religions (hindu, buddhist, jain) say this mountain is the center of the world; MT Meru of the "earth plane Mandala". However it seems (((border guards))) and other Statist police agencies guard it ferociously.
Has anyone climbed it and never come back, some Nagas or tibetan Lamas?
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impressive, they couldnt have gotten it more wrong
>Bhavānī (also known as Bhāvya, Tulajā, Turajā, Tvarita, Aṃbā, Jagadambā and Aṃbē) is a manifestation of Adi Shakti (Durga).
That is only really a belief in some traditions of Smartism. Shavist hold that he is a transcendent entity that can be anywhere or he is the unity of all reality in a static essence.

Buddhists don't really have a cosmology with a center of Mt. Kailish but it is a mental superimposition and Mt. Meru is the center, it is actually the center of attention. When you are focused you are in a spiritual topographical sense on Mt. Meru. This is a big deal in traditions like Tendai, Shingon and in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Huayan focused traditions like Chan and Pure land state that dharma-realm of the unimpeded interpenetration between phenomenon and phenomena, is basically the interconnection of the mental impositions that make other realms appear but makes every realm also every other realm at the same. In Tiantai it is the same with 1000 realms in a single thought moment. In Theravada, it is still mentally conditioned in some sense. Below is a link to that example.

According to the legend, Milarepa flew on top of the mountain as he beat some Bönpo lama to it, but he threw some snow onto a neighboring mountain ensuring the continuation of the Bönpo religion.
Myth aside, there is no Shiva on Mt. Kailash that isn't elsewhere (most importantly, within you), you're chasing clouds of illusion reflected in the river of dreams. Take a plunge and you'll find that out quickly.
it's the holy mountain that you need to see just once to be liberated
thank you very cool

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