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Is it possible to use law of attraction to unvaccinate yourself? If people have used this shit for cancer and getting blue eyes then why use it to reverse mrna therapy?
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Hello, vaxxie.

Keep looking!
Trouble is, the vaccine doesn't make you any less likely to spread the virus, and you actually end up giving it to more people, because, on average, vaccinated people are going more places. I personally don't believe whatever schizos say about the vaccine, but I didn't take it either. It's a brand new vaccine and I'm not going to take an untested vaccine over a virus that gets weaker with each strand. I've already gotten COVID, so I don't really need it anyway.
Of course, you can easily undo the negative effects.
Keep to your shitty cancerous general for LARP of assumption questions.
The answer is no.
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Why the fuck this thread keeps getting deleted Edition

Anyways yada yada this is a thread where we talk about astral projection and Lucid dreaming, Any question or inquiries ask them here and someone shall answer, So yeah both threads are mixed, Keep bumping so we don't lose this precious only real thread we have in this board

But what happned to me last night is that when i tried to sleep knowing full well about the etheric and real body double, I saw something in my eyes even tho i fucking closed them they opened by themselves and i saw some thin lines moving fast and when i opened my eyes i also saw them, I felt like i really reached it but got too scared and stopped it. Did i like finally come close to it ?
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He’s right.
I have also tested.
But go find a legendary teacher who tells you that it works and post their claims here.
No you haven't.
Yes I have.
Both Robert Bruce and Raduga make testing suggestions. They don’t agree with each other though.
alright, at least you're prepared.
Doing gateway, have experienced partial separation but haven't done a real obe/projection yet. Was just thinking: if these astral entities communicate nonverbally and can share thoughts and such, can they teach me actual practical knowledge about the human experience? Could I find the ghost of Jimi Hendrix, or anyone else who was good at a skill, and ask for knowledge of guitar playing, for example?

If videos like this are true how do you opt out of Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, etc, without your family getting furious and hating you? If I was to try and explain something like this, they simply wouldn't believe me, get mad, and think I need to chug drugs prescribed by doctors.


TLDR: All these holidays are about giving an energetic signature that allows evil beings to keep taking our energy and accepting their rebirth trap.
beyond top secret texas made an in depth series on christmas and broke down how each tradition is just a spin on roman traditions and how it was originally a festival kinda like the purge but for sins

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MY LORD IS..."I AM"...

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"The gleaming udder swelled for krishna, but in there no one made the truth swell for him."

All your kike speak around the original response and you still can't say anything substantial about what I posted, other than 'uhhh piss off krishna and he'll shit in your house'

Why? Why did no one swell the Truth for him? Sinple
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There is no substantial response to give to nonsense.
You can blather as you wish, donkeys do love to bray.
But you typed His name twice. There is great spiritual progress just in that.
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Ok, pani

The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
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>The tao that can be told
>is not the eternal Tao
Gosh, that copies the very first word of the label of the philosophy.
If only you knew what was believed, you wouldnt sound like a fool.
But tell me, WHY do you think you heard and can understand God's name? Because you can write it? Because your ears work?
You have no comprehension whatsoever.
But at least you understand Eternal Name.
As I said - just Krishna's presence gives you advancement, He is so powerful.
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Hmph! Foolish junior, spouting ancient riddles like a naive fledgling. You dare claim the eternal Tao can't be named or comprehended?
Listen closely, for I've grasped the essence you stumble upon. The eternal Tao, its name and form, can be mastered by those who delve deep and understand the true mysteries of cultivation. I have unlocked its secrets; it bends to my will!

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What does Adolf Hitler represent, outside of the historical context of world war two and in a magical sense?
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amphetamine addiction and aspergers
What matters is the soul, not the vessel it travels in you fool
If that happens that tree killed a hylic, if if kills a person with a soul they were dated to die and so the tree made no choice
Stop it with this inane kikery
you have been thoroughly brainwashed to place archetypal significance on a political figure, he is just the new 'satan', everyone who holds him up as the boogeyman is just a retarded brainwashed zombie.
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>What does Adolf Hitler represent
an intended solution to a constructed problem - the destruction of the clade of Nazarin
beware the brow that bends

Destiny can go either way, but almost everything is fated to end, one way or another. What one perceives in another, be it human, animal or plant, will never truly grasp what things see in itself.

Perhaps that tree did have a soul, perhaps it didn't. Perhaps the man who died also had one, or didn't. You can never truly know or completely fairly judge by dealing in absolutes.

Be it happenstance or intentional, it does not undermine the change that has occurred in the world. For better or worse. You can never know or determine what a things place in the world is.

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Starting with when I reached trance in meditation, all my beliefs dropped away with time and now I am close to not believing anything. But I feel like this isn't really what Hinduism teaches. I feel like I've discovered a new way of spirituality that takes the having no beliefs to the ultimate conclusion. Actually not believing anything. What do you think about that? Any advice, further insight, knowledge on the subject?
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I thought you were leaving. Another falsehood.
>I don't have a religion
Okay, "everything just becomes buddhism".
>This is the last post of yours I'm responding to
You dont know anything about Vedanta if you think it becomes Buddhism, and you are wrong about the history of Vedanta defeating and pushing out Buddhism.
You dont know what you are talking about, and HOPEFULLY this time you arent lying and you wont reply with more upset blathering.
Is samadhi trance necessary for nirvana?
I can't say for sure.
I believe in dry Insight, just using the tools provided by the suttas, in a way a guided philosophy. They say that the Jhanas are the easiest and most pleasurable path, encouraged by the Buddha himself, but try meditating for 30 minutes and you'll see that it's not so easy, at least outside the Sangha.
I confess that I don't even meditate that much, but I don't know how to explain my progress without meditation training if not for Dry Insight.
Hmm. Okay interesting. Thanks.

How do I Maximize the privilege of being an Aquarius Male?
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I for one am jealous of Aquarius calendermaxxing.
neckrope fag
Just keep amassing superficial knowledge it's the bedrock of the aquarius's superiority complex. They're bound to never master anything they pursue though.
Bear water at all times

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So very recently I started checking out the semen retention threads because a few people here had suggested it. I went into it assuming it was kind of a pornfree/nofap deal, with more of an emphasis on abstaining from all forms of masturbation.

No, I was incorrect about this, they are against all orgasm. Yes, including orgasm with your wife lmao. What really concerned me is that many of them were pushing the idea that women are bad for men on the basis that ejaculation is bad, ergo sex is bad, ergo women are bad.

Sometimes they aren't this strong, sometimes it's framed as "women and sex are an unfortunate reality of life" or words to that effect.

Now maybe it's not obvious to everyone, but this just reeks of three things to me:

-It's a massive MGTOW and incel cope


-Blatant pseudo-science/woo-health

And on the third point, I should mention that I've looked into that area, too, and there is very little evidence for any of the claims they're making. It also doesn't really tally with any objective analysis of reality.

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You’re a great trick. Great at turning em!

Listen, you’re supposed to come running when I snap my fingers. I don’t care what they’re covered in.

*snap *snap
Semen retention actually decreases the desire for sex and masturbation over time. It's really a way to conquer these carnal, earthly desires. I recommend trying to practice it until marriage, if you are able.
You are literally fucking illiterate. See my previous post: >>37776744 What I'm advocating is doing celibacy right and for the right reasons or not doing it. Also I'm advocating for getting rid of porn in any case. Also it should be noted that there are no one right answer to anything that applies to everybody and every situation. Sex is not bad you know, that was never the point of the practice. Nor is masturbation, given it's done in moderation. And celibacy done right is awesome power, and if done wrong equally detrimental.
Tell it to the diddling priests
This has happened largely because celibacy has been forced upon them instead of it been a fully owned and well informed choice. Of course entering priesthood is a choice but celibacy is a whole tantric practice in itself and should be taken as so, rather than something which comes with the job.

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Down with big death!
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recently I have been getting a lot of what I can describe as "uncomfortable dreams"
they are not nightmares. nothing scary in them.
they are just uncomfortable and uncanny
I don't know exactly why
but they feel extremely long and exhausting
that's the best way I can explain them
when I wake up I don't feel recharged and rested
I feel like I have just finished some strenuous task that is very exhausting
feels like being stuck in a wet humid hole full of dirt and shit in some sort of swamp

I only get this when I sleep during night, when I sleep during day I feel good and well rested when i wake up.
and didn't use to get such dreams, my dreams were actually pretty interesting and nice in the past and I rarely got nightmares.
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Last night in a dream an "alien" tried to attack me when I was on the back porch relaxing, enjoying a nice night.
I stood up and without breaking my calm I kicked the thing with such force it brought the awning of the roof down.
It's odd for me to be attacked these days. It was interesting.
Everyone is
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(Your oxygen levels are starting to get to a lower saturation level which will cause those kinds of labored dreams. Its your brains way of throwing a check engine light to you. Id suggest you go see a doctor which may refer you to a sleep clinic, sounds like your ass is gonna a sleep apnea machine.

The interesting thing is once folks stop eating goyslop most of those type sleeping and diabeetus issues goes away. That dr grundry dude is right, it makes sense why he gets attacked, modern medicine treats symptoms not the actual affliction, which is the poison ass food everyone is eating.
Most of these problems will get fixed once the federal reserve note dies because there is a direct correlation between goyslop and the debt note usury scam robbing everyone. Its kind of like how when the world was still on a real money standard and the quality of everything was better cause the money held value, people would do a better job because the fruits of their labor weren’t being robbed by usurers so people felt like they had a future and thus do a better job at making and growing things instead of the bare minimum and just trying to get something out the door at cheapest price point despite lack of quality.)
Food has nothing to do with it respectfully. Not with the depth of feeling the dreams we speak of consist of.
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Worship Yahweh.

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redpill me on the jesuits
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>its not a KJV
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they like to drink and eat a lot
that's why you join
Read Rulers of Evil by F Tupper Saussy

>The Tuatha de Danaan were a royal bloodline who migrated to Ireland from Scythia, where they were known as Tuadhe d’Anu, and before that from the Armenian Highlands as Anu-naki, People of Anu.
>Three of the most important ritual sites in ancient Ireland were Knocknarea, Tara, and a ritual complex at the foot of the Paps of Anu.
>In historical times the Tuatha became the foundation of the Scots-Gael kings and Queens, who then moved the seat of power from Tara to Dunadd in Scotland, where they congregated in a round court. Since the Tuatha were fair skinned they were known as the ‘fair folk’, and the circular courts became ‘fairy rings’.
>The three Irish sites form a near-perfect isosceles triangle. Bisect the triangle and you reach the fairy ring on the summit of Dunadd.
>Now the big question: how did they achieve this without satellites, GPS or large-scale map-making technology?

/pol/ is gay and moved it to /bant/, so maybe /x/ is better after all.
inb4 shitskins reeeeeee about muh nazis
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You too Brother
Because it's retarded to take a word, change a letter, and then day there's some connection to the second word. Especially considering you rely on the Latin alphabet to do so, which was not in use by either of the two groups you're trying to connect with this braindead letter swapping garbage. Why should I read that past that point when you're either a) too stupid to understand how dumb that is or b) actively trying to fool people?
This is spoken like someone who seems to have basically zero reference to linguistic study. You wouldn't believe, apparently, just how common these kinds of conclusions are drawn. Your emotional outburst based on someone suggesting a letter swap might be meaningful is awfully funny to witness though. Do you always make such a big deal out of random people being so dumb that you need to barge in and call everyone dumb for not seeing things like you? If something is this beneath you, but you still take time out of your day to address how beneath you it is, do you really expect other people to take you seriously?
Nigger you asked.

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This is for the snakes and the people they bite
For the friends I've made; for the sleepless nights
For the warning signs I've completely ignored
There's an amount to take, reasons to take more
It's no big surprise you turned out this way
When they close their eyes and prayed you would change
And they cut your hair, and sent you away
You stopped by my house the night you escaped
With tears in my eyes, I begged you to stay
You said, "Hey man, I love you but no fucking way"

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I’m just glad a few of you have figured out what’s going on (cuz I haven’t)

Guy Fawkes? He was just a good Catholic boy who hated faggots. Nothing to worry about.
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Now don't try to kid me, man-cub
I made a deal with you
What I desire is man's red fire
So I can be like you
Now give me the secret, man-cub
Just clue me what to do
Give me the power of man's red flower
To make my dreams come true

I'll ape your mannerisms
We'll be a set of twins
No-one will know where a man-cub ends
Or orangutan begins
And when I eat bananas

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I will incorporate percentages into this thread.
Either A. You ask a question and the entity would rather give a percentage on the probability of something happening, or B. You straight ask what is the probability of Y happening.


. No proof questions (ask us something you know the answer for and you won't get a reply and if you try and play with us and make it pass by a future question, you WILL get a wrong answer) No crying after.

. Be specific with your questions.
I don't want to see questions like "does she like me?" who the fuck is she? or "does god like when i masturbate" first you should define wich god you are referring to and ask if it even exists. Most likely than not it doesn't.

. I will definitely be skipping a supermarket list of mundane questions even if well structured if you don't ask 2 or 3 juicy questions along with the rest. Make it interesting for us.

. Be serious. This takes a toll on me energetic wise

. I'm a chill dude but i can blast away if needed. If you can't stomach replies with cunt, fuck, twat, cock gobbler and so on, then this might not be for you.

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Am i going to jail after my court summons and is there anything i can do about it?
Do I have to concentrate more on one of these practice ?
Pendulum ?
Cartomancy ?
Chiromancy ?
Reiki-Chi ?
Psychometry ?
Astral Projection ?

Welcome back Aion LijZ8KxRAEE! Really hope your pendulum can answer my questions >>37774091

I mean this one, dunno what happened >>37771155

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Why hasn't a new video been uploaded this week?? It's strange, AJ always uploads on Thursdays...his last video...I think they killed him.
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Controlled op propaganda.
Also the fish is obnoxious.
>Controlled op propaganda.
Controlled disclosure to warm up the populace.
he uploads fridays now retard
they have a bunch of job listings for all kinds of positions, prolly fine just overburdened
he works for them

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