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Just do some ollies edition
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you guys wear helmets? I've been learning to skate for a few weeks and have ate shit a few times but not my head. I'm not afraid to fall but I feel like wearing it would help when I'm still at the point where I could get rekt just practicing an Ollie.
I respect wearing a helmet. I don't, but I do have a helmet. I'll wear it if I want to learn to skate pools probably.
you usually get used to falling enough where hitting your head is just a really small chance of happening
like after a half of year of skating, it probably just isn't going to happen
i'm just talking street though
if you're doing transition/vert, then it's a different story
up to you though
Don't mind me bros just posting kino skate parts
as i get older i realize all you really need is 3 good friends to skate with and youre good, the skate community is not worth getting involved with beyond that and just buy your shit where ever you can get it for cheap. im looking forward to spring/summer

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Do y'all think 22 with around 2 years of off and on kickboxing/MT experience is to late for a meaningful MMA career? It feels like fighting is my one true purpose in life, and it's all I want to do. But I also think I started too late. I have almost zero grappling experience, I'm naturally 125 at 5'9, and I don't drive so it'd be hard to keep up with work and training. Regardless, I'd probably still train just for a hobby, but I'm wondering if I should take training super serious. Or if I'm too late since there's people that's been doing this shit since they were like 12. What do y'all think?
Pic is me at my 2rd Mauy Thai smoker.
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60% sparring is honestly too much for anything that isn't a pre-fight camp or something a hobbyist does once in a blue moon. Light sparring should be the bread and butter for anyone looking to be able to train for a long time, and both pros and amateurs need to prioritize longevity.
people don't get it, I'm in my 30s now and I've always been mindful of longevity but you really do feel it
in my 20s I'd just tank things and walk it off

the biggest thing now isn't even just that the injuries come more easily but they don't freakin heal
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5'9 Is a great height as you are robust enough to punch up and down.
Also do wrestling, if you are already versed in muay thai which is simple and effective you need to get your wrestling in, and make sure your teacher isn't shit.
That being said, approach that shit playfully, like a video game, if your brain is hotwired to your ego and your drive is falsely convinced that you have to be a pro x by x you fail by nature.

"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." —Confucius.
>Pic is me at my 2rd Mauy Thai smoker.
So you already have some experience? Since what age did you train? If you have some athletic base you are not old to go pro. And if you love martial arts so much, at least you can become a trainer

How would UFC change if they adopted ADCC weightclasses?
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NTA, but that list shows a clear bias towards Absolute winners being guys who fight at either 99 kgs or +99 kgs.
using water as the metric is just as arbitrary as anything else
at least F is based cardinally on brine which is the state most water on earth exists in
the climates where humans live exist generally between 0-100 F
below 0 is an outlier for how freezing it is, above 100 is an outlier for how hot it is
this is a much more intuitive and precise way to talk about the weather outside and how it relates to your comfort and safety as a human experiencing it
0 cold as shit, 100 hot as shit, dress accordingly
makes way more sense than 0 kinda nippy, 100 instant death

you may have biases because of how you grew up but objectively if you can put that aside it makes much more sense to think of weather in this way
base 12 and 16 are both superior to base 10. Base 10 is only popular because you can use your fingers to count. It's literally for people that can't do math
>base 12 and 16 are both superior to base 10
Youncan do the exact same things with base 10 as base 12, but base 10 is much easier to write in using our numeral system. Therefore base 10 is superior.
>base 16
Understandable if you work with computers
>base 12
Why even bother? The benefits aren't big enough to outweigh base10's intuitiveness for humans. 5% faster mental math is not worth the increased learning difficulty for children

>F v C
I'd argue that basing it on water's freezing point is more useful than an arbitrary rating of how hot/cold you feel
When it's below 0, roads will be frozen over instead of wet, you'll need extra time to defrost your car's windshield, you're likely to experience snow instead of rain etc

And as far as intuitiveness goes, increments of 10 work well enough
>-30 = better off not going outside for too long, up the heating
>-20 = pretty damn cold
>-10 = pretty cold
>0 = cold

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I think the problem with any weight class is that it forgets to account physiognomy in general, so you have these weight bully cavemen like khabib and connor.
It should be a ratio of weight, height and bone shape/density and muscle fiber ratios, reason it isn't added yet is cause the industry is not ruled by cold war nationally funded scientists, but capitalist adventurers like dana white.
I say that the method listed is fairest.
The weight class system generally is designed for fighters to hit down and I don't like it
People should be trying to punch UP as much as they can to their physical limit not DOWN.

Could the average poster on this board beat icy mike in a fight?
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I think Bubba took more damage from his own heart. Nice reminder that all you need to beat these big fat powershitters is last longer than 30 seconds.
Which ruleset? Cuz that mfker is not going to fight fair
literally looks like he's about to go do a gay porn shoot
I'd absolutely rek this hack midget infront of his pajeet wife. This guy is just a dumb contrarian giving bad advise. For every 1 good piece of advise he gives, he spews 10 pieces of bad contrarian crap.
I like the one where he says the transitional reset after a combo is bad and that space needs to always be filled with something
because he seemingly has no idea about cognitive overload and why those micro-breaks are important to staying sharp for the duration of the match
which is also funny considering cognitive overload and how to induce it in an opponent is an important part of striking martial arts in particular

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Why the elite of the strongest karate always get beaten by average thais?
Even when the rules don't allow elbows, clinch and knees.
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>A good Jap Kickboxer will probably defeat a good Kyo fighter
Yuki Yoza (he of the dick kick KO today lol) is a very good Japanese kickboxer specifically because he is a Kyokushin man...
So many Bullshido retards here just talking shit out of their ass. Anyone here actually follow the sport?

Watch kickboxing in One Championship, karate can be just as effective. Also see Wonderboy.

Anyway here's Karate vs MT, really just comes down to the skill of the guy in the ring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwIs3CL6rf8
Tbh dutch kickboxing is the most fun to train with best carry over to MMA. It's based of kyokushin anyways. The slightly more bladed stance, hands focused adn 45 degree kicks are good carry over.
By simple virtue of trainjng and fighting in kickboxing they already evolved past Kyokushin. It was their base, NOT what they limited themselves to by sticking to Kyo comps and not adopting available inovations to the sport.

Enjoy getting a concussion from training I guess. Ducth style training is fine (if you plan to fight in kickboxing matches) here and there, but as your bread and butter it will limit how much you van actually learn and for how long you'll be able to train.
I don't hard spar like the dutch do and neither does anyone. It was an old school of thought to match the experience the thais have of doing fights at a young age. And for your bread and butter it will probably expand how much you will learn since it has more carry over to mma.

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>he doesnt know about intelligence agency control of martial arts knowledge
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>umm sirr this has been deboonked!!!
shut up glowie
the real purpose of this is to monitor and collect dossiers on active instructors. on technique sure, but more importantly on political leanings and connections
On an unrelated note, I find it weird that the most well known fighter's manager in the UFC is a former FBI informant for an islamic terror group and the UFC just hired the guy responsible for interrogating Saddam Hussein to oversee their new anti doping program. I also read here that Joe Rogan's parents had glowie connections but I couldn't confirm it. JRE had plenty of CIA false flags on though. I am not as schizo as OP but I think there more glowie presence in the UFC than people think.
The most "modern" and "dangerous" martial art that is accessible to the civilian market would be "Sistema" and not the mcdojo kind, but the ex chechen war criminal alcoholic gym teacher kind.
You learn advanced sistema which is basically krav maga but actually for fighting instead of cheap shots, you basically have an all in one package if you are in a rush to learn a martial art that is effective in "keeling"
I'm not a russiaboo by any means but the effectiveness of sistema and sambo really rounds you out to be a good defensive fighter in most real life situations
The ultimate goal is stripping humans down to biological automata, separating them from heaven the soul and gnosis.

>During the facilitating "Qi" emission, large amount of infrared wave were detected by a temperature rise of the air in the vicinity. When the inhibiting "Qi" was emitted, the infrared wave was absorbed from the environment resulting in a cooling of the air. The temperature rise or drop possibly reflects the fact that the blood flow to the palm was increased or decreased by dilating or constricting the blood vessels through parasympathetic or sympathetic nerves. The biochemical effects of emitted "Qi" from the same Qigong master on the human fibroblast FS-4 were investigated. The facilitating "Qi" caused 1.8% increase of the cell growth in 24 hrs, 10-15% increase of DNA synthesis and 3-5% increase of protein synthesis of the cell in a 2-hr period; while inhibiting "Qi" caused 6% decrease of cell growth in a 24 hr period, 20-23% decrease of DNA synthesis and 35-48% of protein synthesis in a 2-hr period. In addition, we found that the respiration rate of boar sperm increased 12.5-13.0% after receiving 5 min exposure in facilitating "Qi," and a decrease to 45-48% by exposure to 2-min of inhibiting "Qi." The results could be attributed to the effects of emitted "Qi" or energy containing infrared light (wave) and possibly some other types of energy.

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>buy a new board and put it together bc i forgot my last one when i moved across the country
>first day havin fun goes well
>second day my kingpin nut just falls off while i’m riding down a hill (was pushing so, i didn’t get hurt)
>fix it think that the bolt just was loose when i got the trucks
>third day i’m just riding around in a park and the nut falls off again
is my bolt stripped? if so do you think my local skate shop will replace it? i mean the poor girl is only 3 days old.
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it smelled the gay sticker and jumped
Looks like it probably wasn't tight enough. The white plastic looking part of the nut is nylon and locks the nut so it doesn't vibrate off. If the nylon isn't engaged, the nut will fall off with time and use. If you can't get your trucks loose enough without loosening it so the nylon isn't touching threads, you need to get some softer bushings and replace them.

Are you seriously incapable of diagnosing a fault with a fucking nut and bolt?


Good advice, ask an adult because you are clearly helpless.
you tried thread lock on that hoe?
>t. tourist from /diy/
This anon is exactly correct

I mean I ride loose trucks but the answer is not less thread engagement on the kingpin it's softer bushings.
I have made the mistake you have and used to ride right on the edge of thread engagement and subsequently have had to skate home kingpin nutless over massive cracks, misery

just some food for thought, if you like the way you the board feels underfoot when the bushing is not squeezed
consider taking out the washers between the bushing and swapping to a bones hardcore bushing

as for this asshole
>incapable of diagnosing a fault
here are the steps to diagnose a fault with a nut and bolt
go to the skate shop ask for a new nut, put it on and make sure you get that nylon engagement we talked about

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if your martial art and psysichal training is so Good why would a sycker punch still end you?
Sage this spam

Boxing skills are the only important skill in a street fight and anyone who thinks differently is stupid.
>watch street fight videos
>everyone is only throwing punches 99% of the time
>fights that go to the ground get broken up
>fights that aren’t broken up get stood up and don’t end until someone gets punched out
If your concerned about what works in a street fight there’s no reason to train literally anything else.
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There is no way to tell the difference between a "fight" and attempted murder. Whether you have autism or not: reading minds is impossible, seeing through clothing to scan for hidden weapons is impossible.
I have the right to defend my life with a weapon as soon as I get physically attacked. It's very simple. Don't attack people if you don't want to get shot.
>There is no way to tell the difference between a "fight" and attempted murder
this fucking board lol. People love to just put themselves as having never been in an actual fight.
>I have the right to defend my life with a weapon as soon as I get physically attacked. It's very simple. Don't attack people if you don't want to get shot
>be anon
>get “physically attacked” by a woman open hand slapping you
>shoot her dead on the spot
>spend life in prison
you don't need to know how to fight to beat a woman
There is an estatistic showing that 96% of the fights are just throwing punches to the head

this means that you can defend yourself with just punches

it is extremely unlikely that you will fight with a grappler in the streets, people that actualy practice martial arts hardly ever enter in fights
the face is what personifies you and that is where 96% of people will aim for because they hold a grudge, they want to hurt you witch means for them your face/head.

unless of course you're talking about weapons and guns but for that you would most likely deal with a diferent strategy than punching and grabing

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Is there any kind of list that has the best Brazilian jujitsu schools in each city?
I’m looking for the best one in Cambridge, Massachusetts outside of Boston where Harvard is.

I recently got assaulted and wants to take Brazilian jujitsu to defend myself. Does anyone know a good Brazilian jujitsu school in the Cambridge Massachusetts area? I lives by Harvard so the closer the better thank you.
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Nta. Having never met either them, it's a lot easier to be a cool coach/owner when your athlete instructors are psycho Hitler Mao. I'd bet Jimmy did his fair share of cuntery when he wasn't the Fuji mats guy.
Thank you I really appreciate all the help starting my free trials at the different schools tomorrow then I’ll decide which is best for me really appreciate all the help
Seconding Judo especially if you're in a city with an Olympic coach.
bjj academies are good if you want to compete in bjj but ass for self defence
go to an mma place with different disciplines
Yeah go to all of those. Prioritize distance and price. You're more likely to train if you are able to get there and afford it. Next is quality of training and cleanliness then the general vibe you get from everyone. I recently switched gyms after several years and it sucks.

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all joking aside, would a death-match wrestler actually be good in a "real fight" \NHB vale tudo fight against an "actual" martial artist?
They regularly get burned by fire, thrown against concrete or barbed wire, hit with various blunt items, sometimes even cut, and a whole lot of torture physical attacks yet keep going. Most of them are reasonable fit and athletic, even if very unhealthy.
if a real fight is about taking hits , withstanding pain and being nasty when damaging your opponent; this guys must be good, right?
>at least in japan, they also actually train judo, grappling, K-1 and gruesome daily drills. so there's that

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War is the most extreme sport.
The gladiator arena of yesteryear has transfigured into the global arena of war machinery.

Taekwondo hate thread
I think TKD is pretty cool guy, eh kicks very fast and doesn’t afraid of anything

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I think they should because they would be a big change in tactics. Maybe not as big as eyepokes but I think everybody agrees eyepokes shouldn't be legal.

Some say legalizing headbutts would lead to fight ending cuts but personally I don't think you can do a cut big enough to require more than some antiseptic cream with a blunt part of your body. Some Pride fights ended because of it but in ufc guys almost always continue fighting while covered in blood.

Others say it would lead to more brain damage and I believe they have a point but we need to think what's more important, coolness o fighters' health?
And imo the answer coolness because if health was more important, we would only allow kyokushin legal strikes and white belt ibjjf legal grappling.
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The modern cranium is weak and smushy
Most headbutt brain damage may be from training
CTE doesn't require shots to be particularly big just for you to be taking a lot of them repeatedly.
Fights in KOTS have been instantly ended with headbutts

The thing is, it makes the whole thing a lot more brutal and "uncivilised" MMA is a product first and foremost now, so you won't see anything that disturbs the current meta which promotes fancy shit like bjj. It's not actual combat. KOTS is
>current meta which promotes fancy shit like bjj
Bjj meta was a thing 30 years ago, before rules were introduced. Promoting bjj to sell mma as a product would make no sense cause most fans prefer stand up fighting.
>KOTS is
It is but its fighters can't fight. I wish there was a promotion with more liberal rules than ufc but also safer than kots so professionals aren't afraid to try it. The closest things Rizin which has mid level professionals and allows ground kicks but doesn't allow headbutts and Wotore which has amateurs and low level professionals and allows ground kicks and headbutts but for me it's hard to watch due to retarded "standup after 20 second of ground fighting" rule.

Why did the west figure out it was more efficient to hit while keeping your unused hand close to your chin while the east had this weird technique, pulling the rear hand as far back as possible at armpit level?
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The second one assumes you are welding a wakizashi or tanto. Except it was more convenient to train without.
If kung-fu was pressure tested you would have 5 styles instead of 500. There is nothing to support your cope theory and your post is bs.
Dude, nta, but like, MMA is boring as fuck. I just want someone who's at least willing to try making it look cooler. Also, you're dumb & like, a fag. BJJ is for queers, you would like it.
Why do you speak like you're a flaming faggot or something?
no you're going to get a stroke because you can't handle other opinions on the internet without throwing yourself into a fit trying to shit over other martial arts that aren't yours, I can easily tell which posts are yours, get a fucking grip

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