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>walks to the podium
>instant boos
Now that's heat. Wrestlers could learn from Goodell
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He believes in whatever makes him the most money
ok but seriously the way the chiefs feud has been booked has to make the bills the KWABOTC right?
Still the Cowboys, the first ever #2 seed to lose to #7
who the fuck is this
>name is Goodell
>is actually a badell

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He's right tho, don't know why e-drones play retard.
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Lol a lot of WWE fans are oblivious to it. They act like its all on one side but they ignore their own problems. What's worse is the WWE lifers, its mostly grown ass men who buy replica belts basically guys like WWEGareth.

Dave has made a good living off what he has done whilst not taking any bumps hence why fat disgusting fucks like Bubba Ray seethe. Smarks listen to the former WWE guys cry about him and then they copy their opinion as if its their own.
WWE fans got Brian Kendrick cancelled (and then didn't make a peep when he went back to WWE) and made sure we never got Jay Briscoe on AEW TV. When AEW fans do unhinged things like that, you can claim they're just as bad. Until then pipe down daft cunt.
Warner is who kept Jay Briscoe off television who coping psychotic lol
Yeah because drones wrote to them about his anti-gay remarks about 20 years ago
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Only retards could take this goofus seriously.
Memeltzer is only for biased and contradictory fame news

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Wrestling is based
So is that Pepe
depends what era

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Write his first promo
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Hogan I fuck your ass
You are gay and faggot
based fellow harry chapin lyricchad
cash wheeler or credit? that'll be 4.75 my friend
have a nice day sir
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>"Well Mr. Khan you sure must be proud of your son Tony"
>"YES, indeed I am, Mr. Schiavone AND may I add how great it is to witness the rise of another profitable Wrestling company"
>"I'm sorry?"
>"Sir you might wanna have a look at this... *hands him AEW's profit margin calculations data*"
>Comes out to this theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLMDX8OsCF8
>Son, I've had enough of you not getting a milly. You promised me a milly and haven't delivered it in years!
>So I'm taking all your toys away as punishment, including AEW
>You see, I can do that, because the ownership of AEW DOES say Khan... but it says SHAD KHAN

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yeah most fans couldn't care less about Ospreay/Danielson "yummy yummy in my tummy bangerino" and the affirmative action main event
the pro AEW 'cord takes a break after no milly thursday, I'm afraid. there shan't be sliding until later.
Funny how you faggots take Dave's word as the gospel truth when it's anything negative about AEW
It's simple to understand, Meltzer is normally pro-AEW, so when he can't find a way to sugar-coat negative news then it makes it more likely to be true
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>Funny how you faggots take Dave's word as the gospel truth when it's anything negative about AEW

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it's so fucking hot outside
what hemisphere are you in
Northern hemisphere tropic of cancer
guess my country

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Is this the right direction?
Why does she have rocks in her ass cheeks?
Don't get worked by the butt straps, bros. Her ass is flat as a board.
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I don´t think so bro. That thing is colossal.

[News] WM 40 apparently had a nearly $40 million dollar gate
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All Tarps gate was $10 million and that was in London... one of the most visited cities in the world.. KWAB
AEW Dynasty just did a 300k gate
Fuck AEW
more milly's than aew
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>When AEWtists tell me their company is doing well and tell me some goof online gave their show gold stars for a good job!

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Please understand, her fat ass is affecting the center of her gravity
I've been stiff for the past 2 hours imagining her farting Jungle Jack's cum out of her puffy fat asshole
Who would care. Just have this bitch waddle her dumper out every week so I coom
The Gigi Principle
holy yumola

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>I'm supposed to believe that this guy is an ultra intimidating hardcore scary heel
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Why is he standing like that? Is his jacket too small or something?

So is she trying to be the next Shawn Michaels? That's the energy it seems he's trying to give off.
you were also supposed to think Atom Cole was the devil and the biggest most badass heel in AEW history too, its all fucked
Can aew do anything that isn’t drenched in irony?
jungle bitch

Do you think André would be proud of what his son beeg has archived?

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In 2020, during the Speaking Out movement, Lee alleged that a woman had spiked his drink and sexually assaulted him in 2016.
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6'2", 325 lbs gorilla was rape by a petite woman. Yeah, okay.
Wrestler. Whale impersonator. Survivor.
man, if what I'm hearing is true...
poor keith.
Keith R Lee: RAPED ASS BITCH lol
move on fag

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& dealin’
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both of these guys made it to the main roster. Come on.
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>they see me wheelin
>they hatin
one of them is the american okada

the other pinned okada clean

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he sucks
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why did meltzer convince smarks that interchangeable gook #53252-C is actually one of the greatest ever? was it a rib?
Remember when nujamals coped hard and actually praised Ocarders pants run? He is going even harder in that direction and now it's the aewtists turn to make excuses.

Dave Meltzer, through his own bullshit opinion, has given millions of dollars to undeserving professional wrestlers over the years via dipshit money marks like Tony Khan who value it. What a charitable person.
fucking kek

his plan would have saved ECW, fuck Vince and fuck Syfy
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There's a decent chance Vince would have ruined the UFC
Blacked Raw copied Raw Underground
which wouldve been good for wwe since the ufc took a lot of their fans in the 2000’s
Just because someone watches UFC doesn't mean they can't watch wrestling too. I think the fact wrestling stopped appealing to them had less to do with UFC and more to do with WWE changing the product

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