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>already back to prominent people saying let's see how this plays out
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Liv is there to look pretty and to job. Same as 95% of the women. In a world without psychotic simps (6 years ago) no one would give a fuck as long as we saw her little ass in fishnets.
So few here can separate their personal feelings while still recognizing something they don't care for is a draw
Nia Jax would've been something new and different. David vs Goliath shit is always better than whatever the fuck Tranny Lynch is doing.
You must've missed out on that because it already happened. And she beat Rhonda for the title to boot.
that's like me defending a 4chan comment kek

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are deathmatch tournaments.
Beta incel detected. Just watch MMA instead of fake ass hardcore matches that make a corny business look even cornier. Hipster trash. Fuck you.
Moxley and AEW ruined death matches for me. Can't stand them anymore. They are lame now.
deathmatch shitters need to go back to their parent's garages where they belong
fake news

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>The greatest American wrestling match of all time
What could surpass it?
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and that's in scotland, stupid
>The Arch with those buildings in the background
St. Louis doesn't look like a Victorian Dickensian English hellhole. Well downtown doesn't at least, don't go to the North Side.
If it was, why were there so many empty seats in the arena that night?
...there really wasn't though, they nearly sold out the prealloted amount of seats.
Shawshank Redemption was a box office bomb and is now seen as one of the greatest films of all time

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>wrestlers who are only over with one demographic
pic related, Nia is only over with the rock and indians, bianca is only over with blacks and people who watch cuckold porn
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i would say that is true for the asian wrestlers like wendy choo, xia li

only asians would find them appealing.

bianca is attractive for a black person. she has more reach.
white people and latinx like damage ctrl
I am giving begrudgingly props for Nia for embracing being a classic heel without trying to be ironic about it or trying to fish for cheers
it makes more sense to be a heel when bagley, becky hogan and flair won't let anyone else have any belts

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5 years old btw, this was the last time AEW wasn't a total joke. Sad.
>We'll be seeing Kenny Omega at AEW
yeah probably on the screen
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So Kenny vs Ospreay III at Wembley? Or does Ospreay NEED the belt?
Kenny Okada

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There's been a lot of negative BS spewed this week. SCREW THAT. I wanna talk about positives, and if you're a fan of /pw/ it's a great time to be a fan of /pw/.
This is the best damn rape board on the internet, bar none.
I am the Von Wagner poster. It is always a great time here. Never going to stop either, now that we will never seen him in a ring again.

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>LARPs as a redneck
>Is actually a vaccine cuck who supports fags and trannies
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I'm not talking about left and right you fucking nigger i don't give a shit about taking sides in politics. He doesn't have any opinions or principles because he's too afraid to offend anyone.
I'd titfuck those yamyams
He ain't larping as jackshit since WWE can't afford to pay him
Honestly just looks like your average Jewish woman.
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I'm convinced the Rock is the one making all these Austin seethe threads.

bella family tree

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Yeah if you haven't noticed the world is ending and freedom and democracy are being raped and killed worldwide daily. I'd say we're all in a bit of a funk.

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Next shows
Wrestle Magic 2024
May 4 at Ryogoku Sumo Hall
>Giulia, Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Miyuki Takase, Sakuya, Nagisa Nozaki & Takumi Iroha

Marigold Fields Forever
May 20th (Monday) Korakuen Hall
>Giulia & X vs Sareee & X
>Nanae Takahashi vs Victoria Yuzuki

5/26 Shinkiba day/night
6/1 Osaka
6/2 Hamamatsu
6/11 Korakuen
6/15 Kyoto

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Giulia is only going to be there for a short while. she isnt really going to be much of anything
Fuck off we have Mirai fans we are handicapped from the start
the deal is for Giulia to be on wwe but also t marigold on special occasions
K-Kwiq is based tho
I want Amasaki to join ;_;

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There has never been a bigger example of a reverse Midas Touch.

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daily reminder
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How would you even know that? what type of forums you visiting?
You are a fag, a newfag.
>admitting you look up gay porn as a gotcha
how autistic are you
Nope. But you are a fagfag though. Fucking homo lol.

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Hana haunts /pw/
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why did she strangle her kitten to death?
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The loss of this fat pussy was worse than 9/11
I wanna strangle her kitty if you know what I mean.
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She didn't. Lawson's Fried Chicken-kun was left at the Stardom dojo before she did the deed.

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>Vince desperately trying to force a settlement
lmao it's over
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> Plaintiff was living in Park Tower, a luxury multi-million-dollar building in Stamford, Connecticut with her long-time fiancé, attorney
Wait I thought her parents just died and she was broke and destitute and got introduced to Vince and felt forced into a sexual relationship?
Some new Janel Grant lore..
Apparently she had a bit part in the 2006 Christian fundamentalist movie The Theory of Everything

Take away from this what you will, but to me it backs up the narrative that she was this weird shy charity worker type girl and got taken advantage of.
She broke the NDA because he didn't pay up the rest of the money he owed her for signing it in the first place. A contract is broken when one side reneges on their end of the deal.
I still think a lawsuit was coming either way because of changing laws. If it wasn't Vince wouldn't need to force arbitration.
Either way the cookie crumbles there is more to this story then we know.

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