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She sent that to me btw
She been morrrre attention bros. Be good goysloppers and quench her thirst for like bros. It so cool
Sir Greetings from America good sir

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This was Undertaker’s favorite moment of his career.

Not the Austin feud. Not the Shawn matches, not the HIAC with HHH, not Foley, not any of his returns
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Wrestlemania isn't the same without Fred Durst
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Im afraid so
What do you expect lmao carder was always a retard without any sense of artistry, he wasnt a good wrestler until he was already in his 40s and didnt understand the Undertaker character given to him because he was just a texas hick

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Lash Legend
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Just dive in head first brother. If they bring up or reference anything you think might be interesting, youtube it.
Looks like a tranny
Black fashion is so retarded, and I say this as someone with crippling jungle fever
she tranny?
Frankly coming for the immediate aftermath of the draft is probably the best time to jump in. Lot of established players are leaving, new stars will get their pushes and stories, etc

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this is the game to look forward to
who v who v who v who
Japanese Muhammad Hassan
Team Lesnar's 6th member
Samoa Joe

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Needs about 4 more watermarks to get over
No selling this. It's gay.
Wtf is this real?
Afraid so.

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Wrestlers are incapable of thinking long term except for a few. I understand the purpose of "money and miles" but the raped victim that uttered those words also lost the company he was in by following that mantra
Why didn't this guy just stay in Japan and climb the ladder there?
I think if someone hit him with a worked "switchy the channel" promo it may complete demoralize him into quitting AEW
as this anon said, many wrestlers seek the money part but forget the miles. it's exactly the same as athletes who sign massive contracts only to squander it and get kicked out early because they think they now have the easy life.
>stayed in nippon
>get paid less due to extremely weak yen, basically a sushi and deep bow salary
>forced to lose to AEW jobbers as the ones in control of NJPW have no choice but to beg for Tony's millions
no he should have went to WWE and staved off the one year of Vince

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>The Book of Brappi

Oedo Tai
Mayu Iwatani

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The base of my penis black from Rina’s lipstick
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You gotta love the TK!
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Try it while you are stoned and smoking a heater. Who are these kids?
Tony smoked all of Big Swole's premium kush and then fired her ass!
Sorry Swole, never trust a druggy.
Dude...weed. hahahahah.
What does the winner of this special elimination match get?
Year supply of butt-hash

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Why is the best example of the black American experience not pushed more?
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Unless it's a """bi""" thing then it's still white.
Probably because there's more whyt peepol in general. For now
Because you live in a white majority country (barely) ya silly guy. If you lived in Thailand you'd be claiming all the trannies are Asian.
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>post from 12 years ago
Gays have doubled since then.
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Sonny Kiss is based

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Aside from the 3D and the powerbomb, what are some other stand out moves for putting someone through a table? Share any clips. A friend wants a grappling character in D&D and we all grew up watching the Attitude era, so I'm looking for anything cool.
A Kane style one-handed Chokeslam is always a based choice
That it is. His was always more menacing than Undertaker. Undertaker usually had a "yeah you're fucked" energy, which is a cold and distant kind of menacing. Kane's was more "I'm going to fuck you!" Which is a lot more fiery and direct. If we ever got a fantasy or whatever dramatization of prowrestling I'd expect Kane to have an effect like Homelander's eyes.

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So if HHH is The Game, and Ric Flair is the dirtiest player in the game, does that mean that Ric Flair is the dirtiest player in HHH?
I heard a rumor somewhere that Ric Flair had a drinking problem. is this true?
Supposedly HHH helped him kick it for good, and he hasn’t touched the stuff since.
Flair is born again right?

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Good Mornig Bruv, how yuo feling todaay
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please stay away from me, I don't want aids
Whatss wong Bruv? You dot speek the quens languege Bruv?
I love this retard so much

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>imagine being an adult woman
>went out of your way to be the best wrestler in your native japan
>in America
>your best friend just went back to japan
>you've trained so hard and have such a good reputation
>and some aussie tranny decides to spank you like a child on national tv
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>iyo ass
>pile of fat
how does she do all her jumps if her ass is pure fat?
>lose fight
>spank Iyo anyway
That .01 second she thinks it’s a fan is ready to shoot on them.
this is nxt so I'm pretty sure its during coof and no one is in the building
nah you are

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What's next for her?
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Posting pictures of herself on the internet. Exciting childless life. We should all know that feeling
Isnt she like 42 now?
Cuckquean Confessional
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His own ego is his drug

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what are your best or worst wrestler interactions (if you have any)?
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in the early 2000s I met Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher at a friend's wedding in Memphis. Jerry gave us tickets to Smackdown and Brian shot the shit about wrasslin', showed us some moves, and took some pictures. It was pretty cool
best: i fucked sasha banks
worst: nyla rose fucked me
The Rock was doing some promotional event at my local movie theater with the rapper actor Xzibit for a movie they were in. It was a surprisingly low key event- I would’ve missed that the whole thing was happening had I not gone to the bathroom during the movie I was seeing (Snakes on a Plane). On my way to the bathroom, there were the Rock and Xzibit and a small crowd of people. I did actually go up to the Rock and tell him how much of a fan I was - he said something like “I appreciate it big man”. XzibiT actually tried joking around with me and said something like “you need to go to that screening instead”, pointing to the theater their movie was being screened in. But I was an awkward teen and didn’t really give a fuck about Xzhibit so I just awkwardly chuckled and walked away.

Years earlier I saw Hulk Hogan at the same shopping center- I was really young and not a wrestling fan and he was with his son so I didn’t go up to him. But he looked line a real life superhero to 6-7 year old me.
Me on the left

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