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These guys are still active. Why can’t they get a nostalgia run? Not enough flips?
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They're literally all dead except Kurrgan. Masked guy is Earthquake aka Jon Tenta.
They are fucking assholes and they hurt people every time they're in the ring
Giant Silva is actually alive
>They are fucking assholes
They aren't though
I always liked the headbanger's but they suck, chaz was shoot my favorite wrestler coz I thought the smiley face trunks and his song were cool

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>LAST WEEK: 625,000 (0.17)
>THIS WEEK: 661,000 (0.20)
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spoke too soon, a natty AND Shana appearance that's not an immediate skip
sol ruca looks better than any hag in the battle royal on Monday
its a late shawnpilling, but its workable

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>mfw I see an edrone
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He looks like a senile shitskin who slipped out of his assisted living facility Kek
Kek Based Papa Kan Sama
That moustache must be at least 6 billion out of that
He's got a dimes look
you look like a geriatric paki? you’re an idiot

Tony Nooooooo
Will allah forgive this transgression?
Okadas contract is too much already, can't believe Tony needs to do this too
Allah always forgives those truly sorry. It's why Islams ratings soar while Christianity falls below NXT

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M/F/K: All Together Edition
when did japanese wrestling become gay porn
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M Kaito, F the guy who isn't Umino, K Umino
M Jacy, F Gigi, K Mandy
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Loving the Shinkiro "snazzy niggas will sell our fighting event" philosophy.
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Has been for a while
Damn, Kaito is one handsome motherfucker.

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Why is he so smug?
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coz thats the only way he garners the jizz of smarks
Cuz he know he is helping to ensure AEW doesn't get a new deal and he is banking on wrestling Punk at the next WM
He’s about to hit the nepobabby with the entirely soft pop filter of the microphone
Because he knows he's the only one of the four pillars still standing
>MJF is sat at home being miserable knowing his face run and big storyline flopped
>Sammy is close to giving up to go home and be a family man for a Brazillian whore
>Darby, dimes as he is, will die on Everest
He’s the top

why isn’t he wearing a fucking suit to match the elite?
trying too hard to be a fucking edgy ass teenager JUST WEAR A SUIT YOU LOOK WEIRD
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That would have ruined the ruse of the end of the show
he's a rebel, a "punk", if you will
>shades of a dimeless faction that made millions of fans stop watching wrestling
huh, maybe you're right
How pathetic that this jap looks ten times cooler than these white fags holy shit

dynamite has a lower rating than raw and nxt on cagematch... bros.... its over
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Cagematch has betrayed us??
bros its ok... the rating is the #1 indicator lets not forget. we'll surely get a milly tonight after that chilling attack on Tony Khan

Kek what a lying bitch
>Hurry Tony should change with the times
>No not like that!
If it works, it works. It has you fags talking and that's the important thing. Never doubt based Life Threatened Tone
It's not gonna work, retard. It's desperation yet again.

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Kazuchika Okada is a student of the game.
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Why'd you describe youreelf, spicjama? Gonna cry for your little gook hero? KEK
Zestytaker has copied Scott Hall's taunt, walk, gear and finisher so I don't know why you E-drones are seething about this
how did hall stay in shape when he was an alcoholic? i don't remember him ever getting fat
ex alcoholic here if you drink nothing but vodka it's possible
>b-b-but wwe!

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>Both Jericho and The Bucks are doing the same "you can't hate us because we are heels" gimmick
>Heels getting booed is bad
>I-it's xpac heat h-honest
>Where's my yummy kino cool heels
You post like you have three dicks in your mouth
as far as they will go but even FARTHER
I was thinking the same thing but didn’t want to say anything.

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>tony hiring the original scapegoat to book the new one
>not Tony, Shahid and masked third partner Vince McMahon
i would have a heart attack
even if it wasn't fake, no lies detected here. I don't think anyone thought Tony would ever use his dad in kayfabe. This has truly been the most bizarre month in AEW's history.

Still using a guy who doesn't work there to draw money
Cry me a river
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so they're still making money but they don't have to pay Punk anymore, seems like smart business and that's why Tony is three times promoter of the year

i wish vince was ousted for reasons other than rape accusations cause imagine the kino if he rolled into AEW with 2 billy dollars just to spite WWE
>Forms a new two man power trip with Shad Khan
>Fires Tony on air
>Both celebrate with a live sex celebration with Toni Storm

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call them "the disciplinary committee"
i want them strip him naked and ass rape him while his dad watches him fearing for his adopted son's life
>takes the Meltzer Driver instead of the EVP trigger
What did Tony mean by this?
a piledriver is easy to sell. the trigger looks extremely fake even for wrestling standards and you can't really take a bump or anything from it.
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Yeah, like a year ago. You finally figured out a way to make anything out of the Punk travesty that resembles a story, a Evolution/NWO takeover story- And I'm not kicking the idea or doing the play but the timing is off and as a side quest it managed to underline how pathetic AEW is when it put Punk over in their own show.
Could have worked a bit better immediately after you fired Punky.
There was plenty of other things people who already stopped watching wanted to happen, might want to take the through line of those and update them a bit to improve the show. Like firing some of the shitters that still stink up the joint.

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