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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Hey I’m just getting into origami. Made a couple lotus flowers already. Can’t decide what to do next, please send me some instructions to pick

My stuff

Say nice things about it
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Share Pyramid Head and Heather Mason
Without "i’d win"*
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If anyone has the things in red that would be cool, especially the robots and that pokemon rumble one is great, if there are any more
What's the stuff in blue anyone?
Those mecha looking models i seem to remember those. Do you happen to know the names of them so i can check my papercraft backups. I'm sure i at least had the red one.
Holy shit it's amazing

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Recently I got inspired by this guy who models their cosplays with cardboard and I got surprised by how good the round shapes ended up look like.
I only want to make a mask with round shapes but every tutorial I found uses straight strokes for the template and I want to know if I can find more information of how to do it the other way
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Would you be able to upload it to a host like catbox or Mega please? I'm interested too.
same here
Sorry i completely forgot about this thread, here you go

thank you!
The technical name for a shape that can be made from a flat plane via cutting, folding and bending but without stretching or compressing is a developable surface-


Cylinders, cubes, pyramids and cones are basic examples, and with computers extremely complex shapes can be segmented and unfolded to create patterns for 3-D objects.

Curved creasing/folding (see pic) is another option that can develop amazing shapes with minimal cutting and assembly work

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What are cereal boxes made of? I know they're comprised of grayboard/chipboard but what do they print on? Is that white part part of the chipboard? Why does nobody sell this?
This is the same as VHS box sleeves, NES, SNES, N64 boxes. Yet nobody seems to actually know how they're made.
>What are cereal boxes made of?
Cardboard and ink
>nobody seems to actually know how they're made
Literally an episode of How It's Made about this subject.
Anyone try this?
Just attempting to make the thread a little relevant to the board.
Paper and board with that characteristic slick white finish used in packaging and high end magazines and catalogs where rich colors and crisp details in graphics and photos are important are clay coated


More info on clay coated board


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I want to make a papercraft mask for Halloween, I was thinking maybe a goat or a cow.
Where do you find patterns / templates for masks? I've tried searching with search engines, looking on Reddit, on torrent trackers, on Libgen, but no luck so far.
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Got you two too
hi piggy, can you send me the zip file too please? <3 221bhsherlock@gmail.com
Piggy pls edcard@proton.me
god bless you piggy!
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Does anyone have these?

Post paper scale models. I'm currently working on one of picrel, currently cutting out structural supports
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looks quite nice, anon. what's with the image in the top left. how big are these models?
its pic of akitsushima from kantai collection..
about 30 cm.. that tile is 20x20
Anyone got a CV33 template? Any variant works.

Just added a bunch of stuff to their site
like the light tank?

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Please share
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No thanks.
tr yt/gl.its 3.
What's that supposed to be?
Ask >>620318 he loves to use short form.
Ook kid

I have been looking forever for this file. Can someone plz just upload the pdf to Google drive or comment the link where I can find the instructions for this?
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TYVM Piggy!!!
thank you!! <3
i'll be emailing you too, i've actually been looking for this design for a while. based piggy !!
I do want the miku files
Idk which is which but i emailed Tez back

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even now there is hope for /m/an
but this is /po/ so lets ee 'em
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I've posted this before but here is 5GB of mecha papercrafts

Part 1:

Part 2:

Nice anon
Does anyone have any Ideon or Xabungle patterns?

Pepakura had a version update and I was wondering if anyone has a licence key crack or the hex value offset to unlock locked pdos.
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This one is a perfect version with the keygen also included:

tpb.party /torrent/60016531/Pepakura_Designer_5.0.3_-_Crack

The only thing missing with this would be the offset. Can anybody help me what version this is and if any of the previous offsests work with this? Because it's written 5.0.3 and none of the old ones here seem to work.

Can anybody code these for this version?
5.0.18 offsets:

62A3F: 0F8418010000 -> E91901000090
83760: 0F84AB000000 -> E9AC00000090
838B0: 7512 -> 9090
838B9: 7509 -> 9090
6.0.0 version offset anybody?

Does anybody use the new one and can copare the old versions to this. It is actually better? Because the drag-and-drop functions of txt files and images does not work with the one I installed, but it could be because I don't have the license yet.

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> I'm new to papercraft and I'm starting to use it as a relaxing hobby and as a cheap way to decorate my room
does anyone have any tips for starting out? I'm new to this and I feel I'm not very proficient and would like to get better
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I use 120 paper, and I also added a glossy spray lacquer, you should try that.
>open /pol/
>time to be racist
>see Rei in catalog
>happy day
>it's /po/

all in all it was a good day

good luck OP!
What's going n today?
A lot of free stuff here
I'm also new and would like to know how hard it is to make my own papercraft models and how hard it is to change their scale.
I want to make cute little anime girls to pose next to my dinosaurs.

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Can we have a thread for sexy papercrafts?

Posting a few pics to spark interest, but I sadly never found the files for them.
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why is there so man /pol/ bros here today lol
People are trying to preserve their event posts here for months/years lol
I doubt the sticker will stay after today but maybe possibly some of the CSS will
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Im one year late dammit, but yeah can anyone share these?


Hello, this topic is for people to make "public" exchanges, that is, post a file publicly and the other person posts another, so that everyone can download it. For example, I have Origami Double and I want to exchange it for Marine origami. If anyone posts Marine origami publicly I will post Origami Double the same way. Thanks for understanding.
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Does anyone have this book?
Sorry, I don't have anything to trade
Nobody has this book.
You just had to search a little by the author's name.
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Does anyone have this book in pdf format? I'll exchange it for some useless CP (I'm good at solving CP and that's all I have)
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This is something I can trade

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Ey /po/, one of the new Pokemon from Pokemon Sun and Moon version is Kartana. It looks like this. Can you make it in real life with origami, and if so, how?

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Is this the oldest active thread on 4chan?
This was made when Trump was recently elected and pokemon was in the 7th generation, now it's on the 9th generation and we're going to soon to get another election where Trump might be president again
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>Sun and Moon was 8 years ago
>Happy April Fools Kartana Thread
damn, this thread is old. desu

Been looking everywhere for a manual on this but no luck. Anyone has a good way to start?

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