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Favorite Family Guy origami? Post templates.
heres one i made a few years ago
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Made this one a few years back to test my skills. Turned out ok.

golden venture folding is not origami. nice work though.

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I made this little puzzle box called a soma cube for my girlfriend for Christmas. I was going to make a little wooden box to put it in, wood burn something on it, and then wrap the box up for Christmas with a few other things I have since returned since, well, she broke up with me. I haven't made the wooden box yet, and I'm kind of lost on whether I should finish it up for the sake of completion or if I should just make a paper box and wrap it up just to sit on a shelf, maybe for someone else or the next girlfriend, or just to sit as a trinket.
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if you give it to a future girlfriend, do NOT tell her you made it for an ex lol.

that one is really cool with all the same color mine was a pain in the ass getting it to not look like a mess of random colors and i think ill give it to the one girl ive been talking to. She's also pretty crafty so i feel like she will appreciate it. Also, it perfectly fits inside a cube ~3x the size so I think im going to make a Christmas colored big cube instead of the white one i threw it in so it was locked up i think white red and green would be good
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well i think this is good :)
Bumping this gem

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ITT: mathematical objects in paper.
polyhedra.net has some good ones.
This guy has two tabs that are impossible to tuck in and glue in place.
It's a small stellated dodecahedron. Möbius strips aren't very interesting papercraft projects. Higher mathematical objects don't fit very well in three dimensions What more do you want?
get into modular origami
I would, but most of the modules have extra features that occlude the thing you're trying to make with them.

Does anybody have this model?
Or any Low Poly kind of model for a Toucan?
The only free ones you are going to find are on Cannon Creative Park


I've found this one.

There is more on https://paperzonevn.com/ but I dont have the Premium account to downloadt it.

Anybody have an premium account there?

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Is there a term for this type of 3D models? I love this one, I'm looking for more.
A lot of (animal) models are unfortunately too flat for my taste. I tried to google "3D animal origami" but I only got a bunch of tessellations/modular origami. Please recommend me some diagram/models to fold.
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Idk if there’s a term for it but David Brill makes some good animal models.
One of those flat models I meant. They look much better from the side.

What kind of paper plane is this?
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My uncle doesn’t have a dick
a wide one for gliding
that doesn't even look like a paper plane desu
It's called the Space Cruiser. I've had a book of paper airplane instructions since I was a kid and this one was always my favorite plane. The book says to hold it from the back and give it a push to fly it, but you can grab the triangle on either side and launch it straight up as hard as you can, and it'll glide down nice and easy.
If you do a little tiny crinkle on the flat part in the back you can get it to do some cool tricks too.
Same, I made hundreds of these as a kid

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Hello everyone, I'll start with the fact that I have only basic origami skills. After the last year or so of getting my gf flowers she's been vocal about the fact that she loves them but hates that they wilt and die. I intend to solve that with handmade origami flowers, along with a proposal to hopefully have something beautiful to last for a long time that can be an epic visual memory like a bouquet of origami flowers. So the question I had to you pros is, what do you recommend for someone with my skill level? I'm very hands-on and determined, willing to spend a lot of time to make them just right.

Any advice would be appreciated.

heres another thread aout em too,

heres a link to some more too
Did some quick digging around and found some resources that might help you out. I've included advanced and easy models (if you feel comfortable with the easy ones and want to challenge yourself). As a general recommendation, try to make the models on printer paper before you do it on fancy paper.

https://www.towerbridge.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-05/MTBS%20Activity%20sheets%20Flowers.pdf - Basic Tulip/Rose
https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/content/dam/gbb-2021/documents/learn/craft-worksheets/20200427_Origami_Rhododendron.pdf - Rhododendron
https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/content/dam/gbb-2021/documents/learn/craft-worksheets/20200506_Origami_Rose.pdf - Rose
https://www.gardensbythebay.com.sg/content/dam/gbb-2021/documents/learn/craft-worksheets/20200506_Origami_Rose.pdf - Lotus

Page 391 - Flower With Leaves (Advanced)
Page 721 - Kawasaki Rose (Advanced) [https://youtu.be/MgXXcY43B7s]
Page 729 - Andrea's Rose (Advanced)
Page 732 - Rose Brooch (Advanced)

Video Tutorials

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Thank you frens!
Make it with money..

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I had something major planned this year during the summer but recent events have been making it seem more and more unlikely. In the meantime, I will make some stars each day until the time has come. Here’s the first ones.
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I'm sure everyone knows how these work but in case someone else sees this and wants to give it a try
what is the plan for summer?

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Hello, I would like to know if anyone knows anything about the user Chamoo323, a while ago I contacted Ninjatoes to see if he knows anything and he told me that before retiring he uploaded all his papercraft in a download file

Does somebody know anything about this?
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Excuse me, but does anyone know anything about this model of the Antlion from Half-Life 2?
I don't check this board much but damn that shit looks sick as hell
I found a old link to chamoo232_papercraft_collection.zip here: www.4shared_com/get/A_GeywWX/chamoo232_papercraft_collectio.html

Also uploaded it to Mega if you don't want to sign up to 4Shared
Just put . where _ is
Awesome share! Cheers mate!!!

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>Paperboots get smaller
You mean paper boats not boots.

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A thread for discussion and posting of anything related to sonobe, kusudama, bascetta, Chinese paperfolding and similar stuff.
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Here's a crease pattern for it. Only took me a few hours to figure out the model. I'd love to see yours when you finish
Filling my archives, the file seems gone. Mind reupping it?
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This model is odd because it requires tape to stay together (or glue)

by siun_kusudama
Rather I should say that tape makes the construction much easier. I think it might be possible without, but very difficult.

I know it's been 3 years, but I gotta point out how incredible it is to make this model, so cleanly, out of newsprint. Honestly wondering if it's photoshop.

I am really interested in this one:

https://www.yoycart. com/Product/42956856534/

but I have never heard of the site, have no experience and have no idea if it's fake or not. Does anybody know? Is it an actual physical paper print they send you or just online files?

Or does anybody know if these boxy One Piece papercrafts are somewhere to be found online maybe?
Those are cool
its a chibi

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Here's a (imo) article on origami: https://www.guokr.com/article/63817/
Thank you for sharing
The page is all in Chinese.

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Saw this on Twitter, wanted to repost it here, someone might appreciate this.
Thanks anon
Didn't bother coloring the edges
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Oops forgot image lmao
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Thank you, it was exactly what I was looking for!
A gente encontra um BR nos lugares mais inesperados
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Stupid grapes

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The threads that have torrents are gone, but I am still seeding.
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i tried starting a thread a few years ago on some torrent collections but could get that many because i dont have enough hardrive space, im still seeding these 2 torrents


i should also mention that i mislabeled the papercraft torrent as "origami" when both torrents are only papercraft and a mecha papercraft torrent i need to find
Papercraft collection 2.part6.rar is missing from the 1st torrent
OP here, just mirrored this on my seedbox.
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Is there any good origami book collection torrent that is still alive?
I lost everything because I dropped my external hard drive.
I tried to look for old torrents and links which I've downloaded before. But they are all dead.
There's the 8-part 20 Origami Books Collection. But it's kinda meh. There are also Tanteidan torrents, mostly dead.

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