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File: helmet.png (722 KB, 1004x618)
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Recently I got inspired by this guy who models their cosplays with cardboard and I got surprised by how good the round shapes ended up look like.
I only want to make a mask with round shapes but every tutorial I found uses straight strokes for the template and I want to know if I can find more information of how to do it the other way
im sure there's some technical name for this, i have a template for dark souls helmets made of foam that do this too.
I have a book about cosplay making with Eva foam if you want? can email it to you
would translate to cardboard pretty well
Yes! It would be very helpful. How can I found you?
just post an email and i'll send the book to that, if you want a fake one you can use Proton mail

or just email me here
Ended up just using my email, proton has a 25mb limit lol
Sent an email to your proton account! Hoping to get a copy of this book please.
Thanks mate!
I just checked the content of the book and it is actually very helpful for what I am looking for. I really appreciate your help! !
hell yeah! I got a bunch of cosplay books from Humble Bundle awhile ago

glad I could help
That's dragon ball z armor.
Would you be able to upload it to a host like catbox or Mega please? I'm interested too.
same here
Sorry i completely forgot about this thread, here you go

thank you!
The technical name for a shape that can be made from a flat plane via cutting, folding and bending but without stretching or compressing is a developable surface-


Cylinders, cubes, pyramids and cones are basic examples, and with computers extremely complex shapes can be segmented and unfolded to create patterns for 3-D objects.

Curved creasing/folding (see pic) is another option that can develop amazing shapes with minimal cutting and assembly work

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