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New Mad Max movie if coming out, do you think todd gonna shit out another nu-fallout game for chrap bucks?
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Fallout is RPG related
No, they take 8 years to make games now
Theyll try to re-sell previous one then. Fallout definitive/remaster/ultimate shit etc.
Don't worry, it's not a real maxsu film so they can get away with not doing another fallout to cashgrab.
George Miller takes 8 years to make his as well, so expect MM: Wasteland sometime after 2030-2032, that's if Miller doesn't sue WB (again (again) ), drive Hardy insane or have production closed down because of accountants and that last one's more of a concern because WB do love a good tax write off.

Midway should get to work on making a Happy Feet 2 CRPG thoughever. What's that Midway doesn't exist anymore who owns the- ah George stop making the people at WB mad you fool.
At least they are great!!!!!!

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What is the greatest JRPG of all time?
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Planescape: Torment
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Final Fantasy VIII is the runner up.

>some of the worst gameplay ever.
it's fairly standard in terms of jRPGs, there are way worse in the genre
>they seem to hate the idea of a pc port
More like Microsoft completely forgot about it. I imagine there is a bunch of rights fuckery with out Freeplus did development work on it with Microsoft funding/publishing it and Mistwalker doing the story and concept design.

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what are some other rpgs that have girls with big weapons? finished LoT2 wanna take a break before postgame
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There's the Lancers from the Valkyria Chronicles games, though they aren't all that amazing.
Also, LoT2's postgame filtered me hard so good luck with it

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Hot of the presses news about Vampire Syndicate from the den of scum and villainy that is RPG Codex - creator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether. It will retain turn-based isometric combat according to him, but this change lets him stop fighting the RPG Maker limitations.


Anime girls are OFF THE MENU.
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>not necessary, we've got AI image generation now
>reator is apparently considering changing the engine and style altogether.
Bro will never get this done. Him wanting to give the players the choice to choose between anime-style graphics and 3D graphics was ambitious but doable, but this just erases a lot of progress
First off, good luck.

Second, my two cents as someone who has backed a lot of stuff for more than a decade now... When a kickstarter fails, it always comes back to two miscalculations: a) you pitched something too big for your community to fund, and b) the people who follow the project don't think you can pull it off. How a and b are weighted in your case, I don't know, but going bigger is not a solution for any of those problems.

Also, never put a shitter in a promo video for your videogame...

Again, good luck.
Pff ahahaha.
Nothing tanks the perception of the value of a product like using AI; if the developer doesn't give a shit, why would I give him money?
Good luck. I just wanted something vampire + cyberpunk setting, just keep it up

New storyline in the Bethesda's remake
>The Courier gets shot by his son
>platinum chip got stolen by Mr. House from Brotherhood of Steel
>Courier recovers for a month, can't be skipped
>Caesar's Legion is supplied by raiders
>NCR is supplied by Enclave
>The Institute SUDDENLY helps around The Strip
>Also synthesized Deathclaws and Cazadors from fucking nowhere
>the shortest route to Vegas is mandatory
>the only option in REPCONN is to detonate the rocket the moment you see them
>Old World Blues is a part of the main story, completely dedicated to dick jokes
> Enclave fights BoS on Hoover's Dam
>Gojira spawns out of nowhere in a middle of a battle
>Mr. House is actually your son
>Enclave gets FEV right from their asses and deploys it on Hoover's Dam while fighting for it

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Larian is owned by Tencent, aka the chinese communist party. Chat GPT shill posts are 100% real.
Fuck, if Obsidian doesn't involve Sawyer and Avellone it'll be shit
NuObsidian is shit. There are no good studios left.
new vegas doesn't seem old enough to warrant it
It is still a bad idea, it is just that things are so bad now that it looks good by comparison.

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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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Give me Beard and Peggy DLC.
If they got a whole party. How the hell will they survive if they fight against something like Fried's team?
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>Being a coomer means you're high-T
Yes? What do you think gives them that level of sexual desire?
>holy shit he really called the coomer drawing a real woman

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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>I even gave Etrian Mystery Dungeon a chance
was that any good? I like EO and Shiren
Another anon who played it, it's... okay, but weapons/armor lose their uniqueness and mostly become generic stat-ups (weapons at least have customizable upgrades via materials). Trying to corral 3 AI allies is a more annoying experience than a solo run (Gunner solo is the most convenient since you can attach sleep/paralysis/death on your gun and abuse your ranged attack).
I will say that 100% completion (Item Almanac) is utter hell because NO FORMALDEHYDE, WHAT THE FUCK.
Honestly? I liked it a lot. If you've ever played a roguelike where using your allies matter but there's not many specific AI options, it's like that. So you'll be wrangling the formation at a high enough frequency that you'll become good at it. Though you do get an ability to control every turn of every member for a few turns which becomes a very strong tool during the few hardfights.

The little defense missions you can do across an extended team was a super neat concept and I grew to look forward to them. I'm a bit sad the second game never got localized. But I figure if I ever learn the language or tools become strong enough where that doesn't matter, it'll be there waiting for me.
where the FUCK is my ost release
well anon, as I complained before, they haven't really done ost releases for prior games so probably never. We got a half assed 5 OST with the limited edition but that's about it

No custom made characters. RPGs that force you to play as a woman.
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She looks like that slutty girl with the sword from 2nd Trails in the Sky game.

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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The game's launch has been 2.5 years ago and that's the point - it should not cost 70$
It launched 2.5 years ago on the switch buddy. It's launching with new features and an extra campaign next month, they get to charge what they want for it.

What's your scale anyway? Can you quantify your release date to cost ratio? 3 months after the switch version? 6 months? a year? 1 year 1 week? 1 year 6 months?
The extra content?
I'd be interested in your breakdown if you've thought that far ahead.
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nta but i've stopped buying most things on release because i expect there to be a 2-years-later enhanced ultimate definitive SSS+ edition
the only good thing about the OG story was that it wasn't around much. because vengeance contains more content there's a very real risk of more story content.
i preordered it

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People deserve to eat shit, because they keep buying this. It's akin to simp behavior with women.
the subhumans deserve their suffering
>the games condition sounds pretty underwhelming even to fans of the original
I wasn't underwhelmed but I was expecting a little more meat on top of the original game's nice skeleton. I think it's a little unfair to compare the two now until 2 gets its BBI equivalent, but I can see why the general impression is what it is. My biggest complaint is the removal of primary/secondary weapons (and, no, warfarer does not make up for it).
>announce sequel to niche but beloved game
>showcase some really cool stuff
>release a doghshit unfinished unoptimized game with basically none of the cool stuff you promised
>sprinkle a bit of DRM and microtransaction kikery on top, for good measure
It's a mystery, they did everything the shareholders told them to.
based yusuke

of course. If it had it's own launcher I'd never play it out of sheer laziness.

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why does square have such a hard on for mini games?
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Why would he? The game came out before he was born
Normally meant to just be a fun pass time to break up what admittedly be monotonous gameplay, also I don't remember Moogles being in Legend of Mana for some reason
I'm 40 and don't know what he's talking about.
you never played ffx?
they peaked with chocobo hot and cold. it's just the fucking best.

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>I unironically love it.
Prove it. Everytime I see someone say "unironically" I think "the lady doth protest too much".
The best Polish RPG and Game as well is
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game of the Year edition.
>Poland has never made an RPG
AI slop
That’s like the best morbidly obese triathlete

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This is one of the best RPGs I have ever played.
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i don't care about the setting or it's appropriateness, franchises are just whatever someone wants to put in there. but, it's only there as a nod to the gender identity subculture, because the writers are a part of it, as are you (ostensibly).
No, you refer to the abstraction that cannot be said to exist. I refer to the meat and flesh that serves as a vehicle and the conditions by which that vehicle obfuscate clarity. Again, any spirituality that leads you towards neglecting the health of your flesh and submitting to violent arbitrary state authority is no spirituality at all.

>i don't care about the setting
Yeah, I know. I already said that you're just offended by it and want it to be censored. This is obvious.

>it's only there as a nod to the gender identity subculture,
There's no such thing as a gender identity subculture lmfao
It is clearly there because it is logical non diagetic shorthand for what a shape-shifting spell does

You are unbearable in your fragility.
>There's no such thing as a gender identity subculture
okay, that's all i wanted. you to either admit it or start outright lying. have a good one.
There just isn't lol. I understand you're trying to find some way to label lgbtq people, their allies, people who just don't care and academics who study language as one dismissals thing but it's just not real lol. No one adheres to any kind of subculture calling itself that nor does gender identity cease to exist outside of a trans context.

How old are you??
Because troons are freaky in real life?

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Any RPGs where farming skills is rewarding and I can write AHK scripts for?
Had some in Project Zomboid, Kenshi (although that was kinda pointless) and my biggest script was for SWTOR crew skill missions but I don't want to play MMOs anymore.
Also recently helped my brother create one for farming melons on Minecraft Hypixel lol (he got banned a week later lmao).
It just feels good to automate tedious stuff and I like RPGs.
>inb4 idle games
I've made AHK scripts for Elona OOMSESTNC.
nice trips
seems interesting thanks

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Is TTW the best or the worst way to play Fallout 3?
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Fallout 3 used a system called Games For Windows Live (GFWL) which connected your PC to your Xbox account. Since GFWL was discontinued, it broke every game it ran on. Bethesda literally didn't fix Fallout 3 until 2021 when they removed GFWL.
>I hate those giant supermutants, absolutely immersion breaking, it's just simply not possible to increase a humans size that much, no matter the FEV technobabble.
There is a lore explanation. The FEV in super mutants actually makes them keep growing. Young mutants are small, and older ones are large. Super Mutant Overlords are the oldest non-behemoths but you see how similar they look to behemoths.
Great bait you got replies.
i removed gfwl a few times but i couldn't get through the first metro it kept crashing at that one ghoul cage area
I completely blocked this from my memory. Holy shit it sucked. Had to deal with it and Dawn of War 2. Last time I played FO3 was whenever it came out, never finished it or felt a desire to replay it.

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