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I would like to play in an alive / persistent world that has true darkness.
Could WoW be that? WoW 2 with a new engine?
I want the 80s/90s dark fantasy back.
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>wow 2
i hope the mmo industry keeps getting worse and worse and never dies to be reborn until you grow old and die you fucking faggot
They're boring.
True darkness involves loneliness. A community based game seems pretty antithetical to that. The best I can think of is having towns that are relatively bright and but every dungeon be spoopy.
I always wanted to play an MMO where the atmosphere was truly oppressive. I mean setting foot outside without a strong group got you killed level of oppressive.
Players absolutely forced to work together to do anything, and furthermore if they didn't work together to keep their outposts and bases maintained, AI would build goblin tunnels, wraith tombs etc. around them and crush them right back to the starting point over time.

There would be no artificial raid points, no content timelines. New content would just be built on top of the oppression pyramid and players would not even be informed as to what it was with as much kept from the clients as possible to prevent datamining technique. If they got reset back to the start because they let Goldshire overrun, so be it, no new content for months until they built back to the proper launching points and state of fantasy civilization to be able to take it on.

In fact they would get stalked within most "safe" towns without some precautions, base defense and supply logistics would give lower level players something to do to get stronger before they went out on expansion raids.

No PVP as the enemies would be so oppressively programmed to be stalking you like players you wouldn't need it.
It can be done since there were quake bots that were capable of chasing people through maps and sniping them off ladders at the tiniest of angles back in the late 90s.
Sounds like a Minecraft server. Players build the towns, GMs spawning monster invasions to tear them down.

Post only the toughest RPG bosses.
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Rip anon.
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He isn't that tough if you actually know how to play but he is hard
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Fuck Quad hits.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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Why are you niggers talking about that trash fangame Deltatraveler instead of the actual thread topic
to laugh at it.
its inside data.win under the name snd_mail_jingle. its not on the snd or mus folder, you have to export it from data.win using undertale mod tool
My data.win has an invalid Boolean apparently, what do?
Install the bleeding edge version, that one works for some reason, if that doesn’t work than ask on the Underminers D*scord server

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This is the most weirdest dungeon crawler I have ever played in my life. But I love it.
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Nationalist actually. Try not to be so brainrotted. It's more embarrassing than my misuse of one word.
Nemuru Mayu for ps1
yawn maybe next time try for once op
OP's face undernuts
>doesn't post a link
>doesn't post loads of screenshots of gameplay footage
When did marketers get so lazy?
I forget the name of the mechanic, but the overdrive/neuradrive option in combat is pretty cool.
I appreciate the atmosphere, it feels very reminiscent of SMT in that regard. The game is does feel very obtuse at times though, with progression not always making a ton of sense, or being very oddly specific.
I believe I got to the part with the Red & Blue automaton bosses, and haven't been able to defeat them.

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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Note that one of the extended MV plugins IS a rudimentary gacha system complete with a demo that lets you roll for pictures of generic anime girls, just in case you really want to break into the gacha market with fucking Therese, Marsha, et al.
>there are more engine competitors in the same vein now
yet none of them are as good as rpg maker
Based on nothing, it's not that complicated, it's been solved since the 80s/90s.
rpg maker has more documentation and tons of plugins carrying it
The docs make sense for beginners, but plugins only really apply if they're what you want. The reason Japanese devs use it is because of the same reason English devs use Renpy. Exceptions proving the rule.

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>go to owlcat's social media
>the comments are all women asking for more romance options
>go to larian's social media
>the comments are all women asking for more romance options
>most popular crpg blog is run by a girl
Are Computer RPGs a hobby for girls?
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>the comments are all women asking for more romance options
Based women. What's the point of companions if you make them some asexual weapon holders
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>go to avowed's social media
>it's a fucking graveyard because no romances
Always has been.
>implying girls aren't the biggest grognards

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Is there an RPG where magic ISN'T OP?
It only ever seems to be the strongest type of ability in any and every fantasy world.
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genji glove + offering in FFVI is better than magic, but you're limited on that while everyone can learn ultima
Physical skills in SMT are basically just HP strength magic. I don't really think it counts.
Elemental skills in SMT are basically just MP magic strength, so I think it does count.
How about the Witcher, OP?
The first one only because both sequels are junk.
Huh? You high? Igni completely destroys 1. You don't even need to engage in rhythm combat once you max it out.

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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>You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game
Also, RPGs tend to force you to "care" about a conflict because your character is being affected by it, despite the fact that you usually have no reason to actually care about your own guy. But since gamers are so full of themselves they literally equate the personality devoid husk walking around with themselves, or have created the character's entire backstory in their head, so of course they like them. Ego serving is an understatement.
I noticed that too
The absolute funniest scenario of this thing happening is when people correctly identify the game as "woke". Now I don't really care if the game is woke or not because I don't automatically think woke=bad. But it seems like everyone who likes the game will try to deny it.
>noo you can kill all the trannies and gays
>noo the drag queen works in a circus
>larian is based and redpilled like me and it doesn't matter that the city of baldurs gate is incredibly diverse
Seems like the fake right-wing, the one that still loves immigrants, gays and trannies, tried to relabel "woke" to mean lefties, so they could get away with still supporting all the same things.
Woke=bad is a truism provided a sufficient understanding of what woke actually means, however wokeness is hardly the biggest problem with BG3
At this point "woke" is when white people are involved in some way. Opposing wokeness is when you shill for china, worship muslims and fellate all the based third worlders.

So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
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>>That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
This is far better writing than what actually occurred.
I noticed absolutely none of those (I guess I was smoked out of my gourd retarded at the time) but when I got to the ending I just mentally checked out a few seconds in. Never really thought about the implications for the lore but I just sorta stopped thinking about what happened next.
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>Good luck
No worries Im profoundly lucky to a seemingly unnatural extent. maybe bc when I was a young man I spent nearly my entire 4th Year ocd searching for a 4-leaf clover, or that has fuckall to do with it and the Irish luck memes a hoax? Im perhaps the luckiest anon alive, were I an RPG character my Luck Stat would always be 100 even when Im level 1 idk why. However in the unlikely event my luck does finally run out soon, I have kevlar

>Even if this is nonsense
Her sins must be truly great indeed, or else God and The 9 Divines would not have sent a punishment like me upon her. Frankly Im sick of this evil scheming lunatic toddler eternally getting away with it bc of her stinky Jew vagina. Nobody else has the guts to bring this monster to Justice, your earthly proverbs state "If you want it done properly do it yourself" so it kinda falls on me to step up to the plate to end her 46 year reign of terror

>Hope you rescue them
Me too and my mission has larger consequences giving me deja vu of my fave mission of the trilogy. The 2nd mission, "UNC: Expose Saren". I nicknamed her Saren to serve as a reminder how imperative it is I dont fuck my mission up! Upon recovering my guard dogs&stolen property I need to expose/incriminate/ruin her, set it all up so her divorce judge sees her as the hostile devil-child she is ensuring she gets nothing/her husband gets it all, get $5,000 court mandated dollars from her for drugging my dogs after I told her NO, etc. I dont even want the cash I just dont think that greedy whore deserves that 5000. were it any other femoid fucking with me Id show mercy, not rob her blind in court. I hate courts. credits are fake&gay, Ill just give my mother that 5000

>wish we could team up
The Force has a funny way of working these things out. Perhaps my adventures will take me to northeast Africa and we can raid tombs fighting mummies or sniff cunnies or whatever you guys do for fun in Egypt. Believe it or not I've never been to Egypt
>Never really thought about the lore implications
This statement adquately describes 95% of Mass Effect players
They should have wrote the Bible like this in retrospect too. God creates organics in the hopes we will one day surpass and overthrow him

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> Trained NPCs should take cover a lot more now. They should be significantly more aggressive and engage you from longer distances and many other tweaks, give it a try!



The anemic enemies is one of my biggest complaints about the game, and most mods do into the other direction (making the player more agile, stronger, or with better equipment, or buffing allies).
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>a lot of these mods usually break a lot of level layouts by aggro-ing every enemy in a dungeon.
It might break the pacing. Let's say the enemies are placed in different spots so you have combat encounters throughout the dungeon, with little breaks inbetween. An AI modification can cause them all to aggro together and leave the rest of the dungeon empty. Not a big deal, especially on replays, but still deviates from the original design (and difficulty)

In bethesda games, some enemy spawns are specifically activated only after the player reaches a certain point, to prevent specific enemies from aggroing too early. This could happen due to dungeon layout.

And yes sneaking is a band-aid fix, but w/moving at 60% speed isn't a great solution for non-stealth characters.

Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.
> Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.

Seems to extend range of attacking, more aggressive to flush you out and more likely to take cover. It is minor tweaks that have to be combined with other mods.
New vegas is the only “best game ever” where they are still fixing day 1 buts 14 years later.
This is essential too.
Every piece of software has bugs, what matters is that the game survived the test of time just like the classics did.

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Why is Baldur's Gate 3 so much better than Pathfinder:WoTR? It literally shits all over Owlcat's slop and makes Owlcat look like a bunch of hacks.
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pacing. bg3 sets the stakes from the beggining and doesn't overwhelm you with mechanics from the get go. you're lured into the narrative and the mechanical complexity at the right pace.
the pathfinder games start with a much less engaging narrative setup and a metric ton of mechanics and gameplay concepts to learn, which completely kills the momentum unless you're the right kind of autistic or particularly attuned to the setting/mechanics.
>pacing. bg3 sets the stakes from the beggining
I’m sorry about your dopamine receptors, my zoom zoom friend.
lol pacing is one of the key elements of any narrative medium from before the fucking illiad, i don't know what it's got to do with when was i born
Precisely. You don’t know. It’s been taken from you. I really am sorry, anon. Have a hug
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Are there any satanic-panic/death cult RPGs? Fear and Hunger kind comes to mind, but i was thinking about something more modern.
First season of True Detective or Mandy would make great isometric RPGs
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Just BoF2.
And 3… and…
>leftism is a satantic death cult by and large so most of the modern ones in a sense, they're certainly in a panic about fascists
2016 /pol/ was a mistake
Just those two. BoF1 had Dragon racist Supremacy and BoF4 had evil nation. Dragon Quarter doesn't have it either.
Fair. I remember 3 fairly well, and did emulate 1 and 2 at some point but barely remember them it was so long ago, never played anything after 3.

What are some RPGs where I can be evil?
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You completely failed to answer my question regarding a more vile joinable faction. You also completely failed to provide any evidence I get paid money to post on 4chan. Can you do better than dodging my simple questions whilst repeating your same baseless accusations?
All western games. You always do degeneracy and gay.
Planet Alcatraz unironically.
Cartoon evil is flamboyantly malicious, mustache twirling villains who might as well wear "Evil" as their nametag.
IE kicking a puppies, stealing candy from children, killing random people for no reason, dark lords taking over the world. This type of evil isn't much of a threat because once its revealed itself you can just point the heroes at it and they'll defeat it eventually.

Evil Evil is more insidious, will appear good while working to malevolent aims, might even think they're good, if you challenge them on it they will employ sophistry to convince you that their evil is actually good and that you are the misguided one. This evil functions more how evil actually works, very few who do evil think they're evil. Evil will blur the lines between right and wrong and convince people to do bad things while they're believing they're doing good.
Ah, so Judaism vs Islam.

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Post the worst moments in RPG history.
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In short, you're mad because you don't play video games.
Not universally, Temujin, and many others, built an empire by rewarding talent. The big change is the technological precision with which self-hatred is engendered through mass production.
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>You answered your own question, retard
How did I answer my own question?
Why would they want to control people they want to kill anyway by repairing a water purifier that they should want to destroy?
Why do they want to take over a building that they dont need to take over when they could just destroy it instead?

>It's a nice epilogue to the story and answers questions people have about the plot
But it doesnt answer any questions
Why would the enclave want to rule over people they want to exterminate?
To them they are all mutated lifeforms they want to get rid off?
Why play nice?
They could literally wipe out most settlements with a single vertibird.

How is triangle strategy?
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Pretty good. Very slowburn start, but once it gets properly going, it's a lot of fun. I wish there was a bit of EXP bleed between characters not used though. Some party members are niche but really useful in certain fights (like one character whose specialty is making ladders), so you don't want them all the time, but when you do want them you gotta level them up through training battles.

Though you can just use the same party through the entire game which largely works too.
It is a legitimately bad dub. Like comically bad. English voice work, despite what the naysayers will say, has reached the point of generally being competent. Not every performance will blow you away, but there's rarely times where you just go "what the hell is this?"

Triangle Strategy, aside from a few okay VAs (I recall the main character's fiance being generally okay), is basically nothing but "what the hell is this?" It's almost comedic.
Honestly? I didn't like it. I disliked the music, the artwork, the characters (who were flat) and the voice acting. Fights were more just puzzles than things you reacted and solved with tactical flexibility. The unit to unit balance was pretty scuffed, the customization was VERY limited, and way too many seemingly tough engagements can have multiple pain points outright invalidated with very easy to perform strategies. Defense is king and ranged is even more key. Alpha striking and "soft" disabling always ending up being a boring waiting game as you push over the sandbox that is the dogshit AI.

The voice acting sucked and the pacing was terrible. NG+ isn't very well balanced and a lot of the maps are REALLY boring. There is a LOT of fucking grinding, but given the studio I guess that's a given. The path system wasn't appealing to me but I imagine that's because I found the story to be mediocre and the characters to be flat and uncompelling. The evils can be REALLY fucking stupidly shallowly comic book evil to the point that it baffles my mind that they decided to try and make a war drama.

I feel like if I was a decade younger and played less games I'd have liked this game more than I did.
This story is like a dumbed down anime version of Game of Thrones. The characters are surface level, you can immediately tell who's honorable, who's evil, who's a redshirt, who's evil but will clearly have a redemption arc, and so on. But that's fine, tons of anime games are like that, however what's not fine is the game being more slower paced than even Persona 5, with the characters repeating the same things over and over 50 times despite the story being so predictable. It's like the whole thing was written with the assumption that players will be looking down at their phone 50% of the time, because a lot of the dialog is just insanely redundant.

The gameplay part is fine. Lots of variety in player units (all of them are unique, no generics at all), but the enemy roster is very small (no monsters or even animals). Flanking being OP encourages blobbing up, so ranged units are much more valuable than melee. EXP gain is rubber banded, so you can't out level the challenge, which is nice.
I think this is a game that could really use a sequel. Take the things that worked about TS1, tighten up the cutscenes so that there isn't so much talking and talking and talking, and expand in the areas that were underdeveloped.

Though as a small aside, if I were in charge of a sequel, I'd make it so there isn't a golden ending. Maybe make the endings we do have not so bleak as all the standard endings TS1 has, but definitely lean into a "there is no perfect answer" style.

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