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Childhood is thinking Suikoden is a good series.

Adulthood is accepting Legend of Heroes is better in every single way.

Better world building, gameplay, story, characters the list goes on and on.
retardation is specifically comparing these two when Suikoden has been long dead
And in general they don't have more in common with each other than all JRPGs do
>And in general they don't have more in common with each other than all JRPGs do
Only real commonality is the fact that each game/arc (Suikoden/Kiseki respectively) is generally located in one country in a consistent setting with a long running "metaplot."
I prefer Kiseki myself yes. But to be honest, Kiseki is simply the best game series ever made so...it is what it is.
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>Kiseki is simply the best game series ever made
It's true.

>If <insert game here> doesn't allow me to kill every single NPC in the game (including children) and still allow me to complete the main quest, then it's not a CRPG!
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yeah that's the way I feel about it
on the other hand I really wouldn't mind if they level a handful unkillable if they can't think of a way around it even if they don't want to write some elaborate excuse like with Yes Man in New Vegas. I like an open design but you don't have to push it to the point where you're just making needless work for yourself. Just don't let it go Bethesda tier where half the NPCs are immortal
*level = left
I'm fine with unkillable NPCs. A minority of people ever kill them, but working around those possibilities can increase the amount of work a quest will require. Of course unkillable NPCs should be kept to a minimum.

Like people believe voice acting limits development, I believe unkillable NPCs can do the same. Don't bother if it's too much work.

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Do you have experience using it?
I read that it is quite primitive and old style but free.
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I also want to ask if you used the wolf rpg editor.
I read that it is amazing with great event system but it is only available for windows.
Besides the guides and other things are still in Japanese so it is not very friendly to learn.
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Never seen anything that uses this.
This is the GOAT. Masturbated to so many games made in this engine. Highly recommended.

Plot and hook?
Important/returning NPCs?
Date, current year or no?
Hornyness? (Preferably little, it got kinda cringe at times in the first game imo)
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make the game about vampire safe camarilla society collapsing and hell's breaking loose
introduction can be a neophite in an elysium about to get purged by the inquisition
other WoD monsters for combat variety and interesting sidequests
lots of material to work with from the tabletop
Op here, this made me laugh, good one honestly
OP and sucking dicks, name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.
Protip: you can't
My cock and your mom
I don't understand how this hasn't come out yet.

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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sadly for you zoomie or nufag the pixel remasters are worse
>FF for sony consoles : censorship,removal of content
>FF PR : more censorship and more content removed.
the only safe way to play it is
>grab snes emulator
>grab retranslated rom
>enjoy without cuts or censorship
What cuts and censorship were made to the games? The only ports I played were the PSX ports of 1 and 2, I played 3-6 natively.

Whoever posted that comparison video of 6 convinced me in two seconds that the pixel remasters were garbage, the remastered 6 intro sounds like weak shit compared to the SNES.
>still going nuts
The most obvious and first that come to mind would be seres torture,there are more stuff censored or cut.
Well is sony so no surprise there,so while they look the same is not the same in the end.
Well i played the snes and ps1 version 15 years ago.
95% of final fantasy games are boring and mediocre.
IV, VII and IX are the only one's i could ever recommend to anyone.
I will die on the hill that IV is the only "classic" final fantasy game that is any good, and even then its a 6.5/10 that is carried by it's music, cecils redemption story and the fact you get to go to the moon at the end.
Final fantasy is a relic of early JRPG's and needs to be taken out back already, along with dragon quest, the only series that manages to be more boring and bland than FF.

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You people lied to me. It's fucking great. I liked it more than 3 because of the atmosphere and general tone. Wasteland 3 felt more like a Fallout game, while this is truly a Wasteland sequel.
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my favorite part is when you listen to the radio report from the Los Angeles scout chopper then it goes down and they send you after them. No flashy cutscene no action just words and it plays in your head
Do you do this just to piss me off?
Does anyone know the name of the va that plays the radio operator?
W3 suffers from the same problem. Just not as drastic as W2.
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Bullshit. Every thread I see about WL2 I tell people I liked it.

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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>I am impressed with how many mods there are
you have no idea
so far the only thing that doesn't seem possible is altering and adding quests and levels
but otherwise pretty much everything seems possible, including entire new vocations
I fully expect this game to have a Requiem style total overhaul in 1 year
Whatever you say rape victim
Capcom is savvy, they know gamers hang out on 4chan and they sent their shill army here saying the game is a "blast'. Alas I fell for it out of sheer boredom and lack of good games to play
The point of Denuvo is to keep people from playing the game so the truth doesn't get out.
It's the AAA corporate strategy of earning ESG bucks while hoodwinking the consumer so they blow $76 dollars but don't even play the game because the game itself is inferior
>muh motivations.
Fuck off boomer. The best warriors are the ones who do it because they have bloodlust.

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Post your ultimate rpg party of four members.

Fighter: Demi-Fiend from SMT
Healer: Yuna from FFX
Caster: Emil from Nier
Wild Card: Gig from Soul Nomad
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I'm using a 5 person Etrian Odyssey party
>Dodge Tank
Fie Claussel (Sen/Kuro no Kiseki)
>Phys DPS
Lenneth Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile)
>Range/Elemental DPS
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
Tim Rhymeless (Wild ARMs 2)
Hexer (Etrian Odyssey 2 DS)
The hexer is a cute loli btw
>Cassandra pentghast
Best pope choice comin through
>Tony from WAXF

As for me:
Lavos - Chrono Trigger
Emerald Weapon - FF7
Demi-Fiend - Digital Devil Saga
Galdera - Octopath Traveler
You never said we were limited to playable characters...
the beginning of the end of megaten was SMT4 when kaneko took a back-seat/semi-retired

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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>Bethesdas dev doc for Fo4.jpg
Fallout 4 is a very fun game, but it's not a traditional rpg. Just like how skyrim is fun, but not a traditional rpg. It's a Bethesda rpg. Doesn't mean it's not fun, it just runs on a different formula.
I like it. It's fun just to wander around and shoot things, and I find the Perk Cards to be my favorite level up system in the franchise. Granted, it does mean dialogue checks are just SPECIAL instead of individual skills, but when I play RPGs, I ultimately care more about builds and gameplay than dialogue choices.
Cuz everyone shills for FNV because muh politics and dialectics, and yeah FO4 has some retarted writing in a lot of places, but it's generally a pretty fun game.
I started playing it again recently on survival. With a few tweaks, it can be fairly entertaining.
I thought it was funny though when we were running to the vault before the bomb explodes, you get on the elevator and you see the boom, but if you turn around and look at all the guards, they're just standing there motionless and unaware of what just happened - they aren't doing shit... I think that perfectly encapsulates what people are talking about when they say Bethesda is shit. The games can be fun, but they are/were the epitome of low effort.

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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what mod is your fan art based off of? asking for a friend
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The vanilla outfits are even more offensively problematic than the vanilla models

That better not be sarcasm
Yes because you can marry other players in ESO it feels substantially more authentic than a Skyrim marriage
Because she's a vampire waifu and one of the only companions in this game that have genuine reactions to things and shit
The thread has been saved

How is this? Is it shit? Is it good?
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Okay. Well I guess the thread is over then.
You gain me calling you a niggerfaggot.
You niggerfaggot.
Please don't make any more threads like this.
Ha ha based
Or maybe just don't reply you toxic piece of garbage kys

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Enough about Earthbound-inspired RPGs, what are some LISA-inspired RPGs?
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Will Buddy be a good mom?
No, mine will be best.
Just wait.
Hymn to the Earless God, will be the closest.
Otherwise, play pokEmon.

whose baby is that?
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Rebound RPG
>LISA inspired
So Earthbound-inspired-inspired?

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>play kingdom come deliverence after it being shilled here for so long
>all the posts about it seem to be about how it's le hard this and that
>it's actually super easy if you do the entire training quest and not just the first bit
>economy is completely fucked once you get a horse because it basically gives you basically infinite inventory space and just a few trips back and forth from any fight with armoured opponents nets you great boons
>combat is clearly designed for dueling and yet the game keeps throwing multiple enemies at you, yet using the bow feels like cheese because it's so trivially easy to hit anyone if you just put a dot in the middle of your screen
common comback is "hurr durr have you tried fighting 3 guys at once irl" well why does the fucking game keep throwing 3 guys at me in missions huh?

There's a lot more i can complain about, open world basically runs out of content once you're done with the town that starts with R and the one with the chuch under renovations, the rest of the map is basically filler.

Story is kinda shit, some chapters are neat in the same way a mid TV show can have a good episode but the our protag's motivation is really weak. Hometown gets massacred by some thug, go kill that thug, right, makes sense. But the guy that ordered it is so distant he can never realistically be involved in the story. So once that is done, all that remains is "hurr durr i want that sword my dad was working on" even though the guy the sword is for says he has like 100 and doesn't care, so that feels incredibly contrived. And then that gets resolved in the first third of the game also. The rest is just kinda meandering from random assignment to random assignment until the game ends.

Searching for treasure is somewhat fun but the game can't reward you with much more than money and shit you sell for money. I had the absolute best gear 1/3 through the game just because i did sidequests as they appeared.
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skill issue. just block when you see their arms move, you will make a master strike
Spamming master strike is a bad solution to an issue that could be saved by having a combat camera that isn't garbage. It's all because of their 'lock in' feature.
Nobody mentioned fast travel
The map isn't that big you know
the bigger problem (at least to me) is that the enemies usually end up running around, not even trying to reach my back, just constanly running wich is annoying.
>t. fought the Parthians or the Sarmatians or the Huns or the Mongols or the Scythians or theā€¦

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Some VAMPIRE RPG ludo-kino just dropped boys
>No depressive nu-vampire shit, actual kick-ass vampire with a big ass sword
>Comfy european fantasy setting
>Fun Turn-BASED combat with spells and cool abilities
>Cute chinks you can interact with
>No grinding aka no filler
>90s/pc-98 retro anime portraits and graphics
>Beautiful naturalistic painted backgrounds
>Unique characters and witty dialog instead of cardboard slop
>Mysterious plot about uncovering and slaying demons
SOVLFUL gothickino made by a solo dev, and the best of all is that it's fucking free: https://lilianduleroux.itch.io/the-voyage-sinister
And it has a trailer too: https://youtu.be/98jRzjMFtWY
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What are you on about? BG3 fans are into those things.
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Apparently the next part will take place in this cursed city a la Bloodborne. I wonder how much stuff is already done, and how much is going to take to release. If this map it's a world map where you can move yourself to different locations, the dev must be very close to releasing. Judging by the drawing there is going to be a cemetery section in the game.
nooo you cant just make it "Ravens Burg".... that looks just bad.
that's like saying the purpose of every other game is the game over screen.
why? it looks pretty to me

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what's the difference between the remakes? which ones would you recommend to be played first? also japanese or english version?
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PC version of SSSC has the highest quality. For Lunar 2 it's the Playstation version. The Sega CD games have animated cutscenes which aren't exactly FMV.
How many father in laws did she go through when her mother was under hypnosis
Japanese versions only, English is retarded localized shit filled with fart jokes

Best version of the first game is Silver Star Story MPEG edition for the Sega Saturn. SSS for the PS1 and SS are mostly identical, but SSS MPEG Edition has better quality FMVs.

Best version of the second game is Eternal Blue for the Playstation. Unlike SSS, the PS release of EB actually has additional content (more dungeons and bosses) than the SS version.

Everything else can be ignored completely.
this reply can be ignored completely.
The PSP version follows the Saturn and PS1 versions' broad strokes, but replaces the world map with points on a map a la FFT, rebalances the combat a bit, and makes the graphics look like some cheesy mobile title.

I think the Saturn version of Lunar 1 and the PS1 version of Lunar 2 are the way to go.

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