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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
are they gonna charge $70 + $30 dlc for this again lol
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Digital Deluxe is 70 and it contains all DLCs afaik
vomit inducing, i'll wait i guess.
try buying anything else high-profile for 70 bucks all DLC included at launch lol
Don't know about you but everything they said in that video sounds fantastic, including the fact that they just outright let you skip straight to the new story instead of having to play the dogshit original one. The only thing I have to complain about is
>Still insisting on cube dungeons
>Day 1 DLC
no one cares about this tranny slop
While it's mega gay that this is being charged full price, if they're telling the truth it's basically the size of another game.
it's only gay for Switch users tho. Lots of new people will get it first time now that it's multiplatform, if the base game got ported it would have been full price too. But yeah the save file bonus sucks ass and doesn't make up for it one bit
Looks gay. Strange Journey may have been the last SMT for me. I just can't do the tranny boi pussy stuff.
if you don't use the shitty english voiceover and ignore the retards online it's literally just a skinny guy with long hair.
Am I the only one that really likes Doi character design? Both hoooomans and mecha demons? I initially hated bald lucifer but now he's fucking cool as fuck.
Doi is almost as good as Kaneko was but you're completely alone on luci, that shit was fucking vile
Hopefully, it won't be a case of shitty "True Ending".
Biggest problem I have is
The Cube Dungeon
The new transformation
The fact that I have to pay 70 for a fucking extension, not counting the DLCs.
Both Kaneko and Doi are among my favorite artists in vidya. The constant dickriding Kaneko gets is out of this world, and I stopped taking Doi seethers seriously the moment they started propping up fucking Yasuda just to shit on Doi.
>The fact that I have to pay 70 for a fucking extension, not counting the DLCs.
see >>3482810

>The constant dickriding Kaneko gets is out of this world
yeah and now he started working on NFT and blockchain games topkek
>70 bucks for the digital deluxe
>in my country is 50 for the normal version and 60 for the digital deluxe
Thanks regional prices.
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Doi's Satan is probably my favorite design in the franchise
I dunno, I never really thought this game looked all that great, and the narrative ideas/atmosphere was clearly done better in Nocturne. The core gameplay is in about a hundred fucking Atlas games at this point. I passed on it on Switch and I’ll do the same here.
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I feel like Doi's getting better over time. If you told me pic related was a lost Kaneko design I'd believe it. He's going right into my party.
It's basically like if IV Apocalypse had come bundled with an enhanced version of IV too so it seems well worth it compared to the usual Atlus rerelease.
I waited for the game and have not played either of the two stories. Do I start with Creation, do I jump right into Vengeance for the cool new characters, or do I pick whichever word I agree with more: creation vs. vengeance? I’m more of a creation kind of guy than revenge, but if the original story was that bad and is not required to play first, then I don’t see a reason not to start with the new story?
yeah there's no reason not to start with the new one. NG+ will probably also let you choose between the two so you could just check the original out when you're overpowered. The story is not great yeah but the fights would be worth it imo. (dunno if all of them will be in canon of Vengeance tho)
the little pointy footless legs look silly (yes I can see one of these has normal feet but still, not everything needs to look like Personas)
Is it really the level of change that apocalypse had vs 4? I remember they changed a ton of nitty gritty little things in apoc like not getting full mpnheals on level up to make mp economy more relevant, those kinds of intense playtesting tweaks
One of those is a spider, anon. That's how their legs work.
Doi’s inspiration comes from places but he still just makes FATE characters

His non human designs are generally just outright bad
The pointy legs on Anansi are spider legs, so it actually works pretty well there
I bought the Switch game on release and will pirate this if I decide to play it. Base V was good but very flawed, had a lot of room for improvement. I expect this'll be much better, though still expecting the story and characters to suck. I'm never going to buy an Atlas games at launch again.
Not even Metaphor: ReFantazio?
Eh that is tempting but you just know they're going to release a Metaphor: ReReFantazio Simile edition 3 years later.
I think Atlas stated they will be focusing on DLC going forward, instead of doing full rereleases of games with added content. Something-something about more cost effective. Some article
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I'll believe it when I see it. Not like games go out of print anymore, you can just wait a decade to see if they're going to for reals but rip you off this time.
I'm unironically fine spending full price considering the amount of updates and the fact they are letting me play on PC.
I will finally play this game at some point soon enough, looking forward to it
Physical games that are japanese have chances of going out of print, becoming rare and more expensive.
I used to hate him
Now I dont anymore but I dont love it either
Its whatever
So is the story going to be what the devs wanted to finish but couldn't cuz of Atlus?
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I'm scared this 'new story' will be as shit and lackluster as the OG one, meaning we will get two shitty stories using the same map instead of one that's actually fleshed out and not a piece of shit
I have faith in el nahobino. The story will be good this time.
You may as well consider the Switch version non-existent due to a shitty performance, and we're basically getting the true SMTV version this time around, which also comes out on PC.
wish granted. the story is really really good
but it's really really gay as well
His demon designs are uninspired horseshit.
Humans are okay but still not nearly as interesting as Kaneko's.
SMT has nothing going for it anymore.
>Is it really the level of change that apocalypse had vs 4?
No lmao. He's copin hard. The reviews are already out. The new campaign plays out just like the original one but with 2 new areas and you get companions now.

4A was literally an entirely new game.
The game's launch has been 2.5 years ago and that's the point - it should not cost 70$
It launched 2.5 years ago on the switch buddy. It's launching with new features and an extra campaign next month, they get to charge what they want for it.

What's your scale anyway? Can you quantify your release date to cost ratio? 3 months after the switch version? 6 months? a year? 1 year 1 week? 1 year 6 months?
The extra content?
I'd be interested in your breakdown if you've thought that far ahead.
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nta but i've stopped buying most things on release because i expect there to be a 2-years-later enhanced ultimate definitive SSS+ edition
the only good thing about the OG story was that it wasn't around much. because vengeance contains more content there's a very real risk of more story content.
i preordered it

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