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What goes into making a good rpg companion, /vrpg/?
fake thread.
i dunno, i guess it's subjective but
make them interesting, make sure their class is useful (eg don't make a fucking fae hunter character in a game about demons)
have their commentary take your by surprise but also be insightful (regill is good at this)
have their morality be interesting and not just goody two shoes or teehee i am evil
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Big titty anime girls.

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Post your favourite interiors from RPGs, and tell us why
This bar from Planscape Torment really have feel of the place where all of the roads meet. All of the characters have their own unique story and lore to tell you, its also well designed
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Love it but Novigrad is even better.
I liked it too
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Personally im team Toussaint.
Yeah, sorry, but I need ample space to store all my piles of gold and silver ingots and adequate facilities for my industrial skooma production (I know you can't actually make it, but my Breaking Bad tier set up with interconnetced alembics and retorts in the basement of my mansion looks sick)
i need to play these Witcher 3 DLCs, heard it better than original game which was average

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A honest lesson we all should learn from. Thank you Balding Gay
Who writes this shit?
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it's not feminist dialogue, she is genuinely shocked that other species can only have sex with the threat of a child being born
child rearing for them is different especially with eggs
Githyanki procreate asexualy. Sex has nothing to do with pregnancy for them. Vlaakith decides when you get pregnant.
Writing for her was subversive that it subverted itself. She starts as a chud fascist and through trials and tribulaions she can become... a slightly different type of chud fascist.

Right, i meant Lolth. Sorry.
wrong site*

Any RPGs that deal with racism?
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There are a number of them.
It's usually a subject in any large RPG. Final Fantasy XII for example has humans look down on the half rabbits (driving them from their lands)
In any RPG, usually the monsters and demons are discriminated against heavily. (kill on sight procedures, etc.)
On human level, its mostly beast tribes or elves are victims of racism.
In some games its culture. Breath of Fire III shows the protagonist being from a tribe the gods are discriminating against to the point his kind is nearly extinct and he needs to find allies.
Anyway, it's hard to find one that doesn't discriminate against something. It's a common subject I guess.

What kind of racism are you looking for?
Racism is just victimhood, or more specifically perceived victimhood or perceived expectation of victimhood.
There is no racism if there is no deep insecurity and mistrust due to victimhood.

If people think they are victims, they often also become entitled, strongly entitled. They demand better treatment, etc.
Using their victimhood, they feel its okay, justified, for the sake of good, etc. to do the worst to people.
So you see all the traits of narcissism essentially.

You're split up, either you're with them or against them.
They weaponize their insecurity and sense of helplessness to socially demonize you. (or you're the one doing that to others).

In actuality, racism is discrimination.
You expect them to be a problem, so you lock them up before they can even do anything for example, or you keep them out of your bar or you perceive them as an infection or whatever. And it comes down to victim mentalities of a group.

Generation after generation, people do not forgive what happened to them, their parents, grandparents etc. It blinds them, demonizing others.

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imagine bumping a retarded thread 4 days after it got its last post just to shitpost
Racism as we know it today is a modern invention inextricably linked to legal fictions invented by European elites to bypass anti slavery laws, while prejudice has always existed, the concept of whole groups of people being immutably less human than others down to their flesh and blood instead of an inferior culture would be somewhat alien. Furthermore these prejudices were often more linguistically derived than from physical distinctions. That's part of how modern Racism was a pseudoscientific scheme that leaned heavily on scientism by attributing bespoke racial qualities to genetic differences. Ancient prejudice had no such language available and so distaste for outsiders, organic or propagandized, was expressed along grounds of observable realities like language or custom.
It was an American soldier and cultural imperialist actually...


No one wants to learn about their country anymore :/

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I geniouteley think that RPGs these days are made for 30 year olds. Youngsters are too dense for that
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When people talk about this intangible "soul" element in an artistic work, this is what they're referring to.
Despite all the individual parts of this being irredeemable trash, they all come together well to tell a compelling story that clearly comes from the creator's heart. Higher-end CGI and better production values would only serve to work against the creative spirit of the work.
>why is this go genuinely good
It turns out what no pussy does to a mf is the basis of all creation. Tesla almost learned the secret language of birds before his passing.
Does this exist with sound?
Yes. It's 10x better with sound, too.

I wish there was someone autistic enough to make an action-RPG platformer out of this. Just have meowsynth remakes of cool tunes as the OST.


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Discuss vidya that allow you to roleplay as an evil character! From SMT to Fallout there isn't really that many games with real evil choices, stuff like Mass Effect just has you being a dick but it never changes the outcome of the overall game. Shephard still saves the galaxy. I find it really interesting when playing an evil character puts us as the player in the villain's shoes.

SMT IV/Apocalypse (picrel)
Soul Nomad
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Fallout New Vegas
Caligula Effect Overdose
Growlanser II/IV
Langrisser II/IV
FE: Three Houses
Steambot Chronicles
Beat Blades Haruka

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>The latter is a really high effort game which you wouldn't know it was RPGMaker
A great many are trapped on that wretched format.
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for me its edgy/antisocial nanashi who's only weakness is his giant soft spot for asahi. He doesn't trust the others because he knows how quickly you can die in tokyo first hand, and he wants to prevent that from happening to asahi
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Kuroinu did a better job at this than Tyranny. That is why it got a sequel since people want to play as a rapist overlord beating up pure innocent women fighting to stop you and turning them to cock addled sex slaves
>Baldur's Gate mainline entries (not Dark Alliance, although they are great games)
>Ultima Online/EverQuest
this game just takes inspiration from DnD

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With Square Enix looking to multiplatform releases I think this is a great opportunity for the aging JRPG series to explore different types of gameplay.

5e or Pathfinder 2e rules could work or we could just use the actual Final Fantasy TTRPG rules. Or we could use a proprietary system meant for computers.

Now the player character can be whatever job he desires while interacting with the world and characters the way the TBRPG's never really could.
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Wasn't there evidence that Deus Ex devs pitched a FF game?
Not really that difficult to convert any ff to a crpg considering the first 6 were d&d ripoffs.
No, you're thinking of the little easter egg poster in HR
There are a lot of custom rules for every system imaginable for ff stuff since people wanted to do ff7 tabletop because it was cool back in the days.
No, the FF universe is really bad.

I've played about an hour into this so far and it really doesn't hold up at all. Compared to the intro of FF6 the game is slow as molasses. By the time you fight the boss at the 2nd reactor, (who also dies in one hit from breaker, kind of mind boggling) which is nearly identical to the first reactor, you'll have already gotten to 4 or so comepletely distinct locations and fought equally as many bosses in FF6. The dialogue is also just terrible for the amount of emphasis there is on character interactions, and some of it doesn't even contextually make any sense. Additonially, the Switch port is really bad. I've already had it freeze up once, about 2 feet away from a save point, and there's some questionable design choices like speed up only working in *some* cutscenes. (even at 3x speed the game is still really slow) The one thing I can say is the background renders being animated so the camera can occasionally shift around while you are moving about is seriously impressive, but its scarcely used and thats about it so far.
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I would've preferred you said nothing instead of whatever that robotic reply.
>How about the MODS do their fucking JOB
Because theyre the ones shitting up the board
FF6 is a better game, yes. Many people agree it is the best installation in the entire series. FF7 was a change for the series over all but it was a good game, especially mechanically. FF8 was foreshadowing what the series was going to become, cringe normie pop fantasy.
>especially mechanically
what lol, you can't just say that
He can if you are unable to say why he's wrong.

does anyone have any good rpg maker games about menhera girls? i thought hello charlotte was pretty alright, idk if i'd really consider HalOPE to be in the same vein but there's gotta be some better shit with similar vibes out there
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yume nikki is really good, and yume 2kki. lisa the first is probably my favorite nikki-like, it's story is a little more accessible ig.
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Black Souls is about romance with multiple menhera girls. Male MC.
YTTD has the female MC go slightly mad over the course of the game, though really it's just an expression of intense guilt and I'm not sure if she counts.
Witch's House can be seen as one, right? Not really niche though.
Seraphic Blue
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hnnng need vincent bf
anyways play deep-sea prisoner/funamusea's games if you havent already, theres 3 of them in english you can find them on vgperson's tl site

Seraphic Blue/Devil of the Mirror/Blank Dream are your closest bets, doubt you can find anything more related.

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Did you "save" your world?
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Okay, move over to the new thread
(not the one who made the comment you replied to)
Feel free to keep posting.
I'm using your feed here to follow your development activity generally, so its interesting for me.

Feel free to comment on trashposts. I generally ignore them unless my mind turns sadistic and needs a laugh. Rather than schitzo, I'd say unique. People have their own styles, obsessions and beliefs. It should be fine no matter what you make.

I have seen people making games willed with the usual sexual jokes, for example cocks everywhere. Despite that being cliché, overused everywhere and sigh worthy, people don't crybaby about it. I don't get why they do it with your products.

Your storytelling is actually interesting and the constructs you make, the effort you put into your games, the complicated web of plugins communicating and making it work together to create your art pieces are impressive and should be recognized as such. It seems some devs are still, thread after thread, too busy with other things to see that.

Well anyway, you're welcome is what I wanted to say. Feel free to milk the cows who try claiming you aren't.
I'm just saying this after reading a number of the posts here.
>complicated web of plugins
Fuck off Sigma.
It'll be another half week before it falls off the board.
You guys are just showing off the same stuff from a year or 2 ago
no u

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A person told me to say this in 4chan
I didnt wanted to do it but whatever, its worth a try

Apparently, there a secret armor in a roblox undertale rpg game called undertale universal massacre

Here a quick example about that game:
You start, grind level, get weapons, reach max level cap, reset, Fight AU's bosses that is required to beat to reset

Pretty simple right?
Well there a armor in this game called 'Limitless" and yes its the gojo thingy
We have gotten clues about it but couldnt figure out how to get it
These are the informations we know so far:
Limitless possibilities
What we know:
Something related to a recent update.

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dude who gives a shit
based zoomer
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fuck off to your containment thread
OP is a preteen
Bump :)

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We need more Sephiroth Clones.
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i agree. Square is a bit late for the hole Marvel mulit verse stick.
It was a chance to give the player a motive of satisfaction by swatting the bad guy and given Cloud a symbolic moment of severing his past obsession, which Im sure totally will stick forever and not be undermined for cheap fanservice in a retarded CGI movie.
He's a Seifer
Sephiroth's "real" body is in Northern Cave all game long regenerating through Reunion but all the Sephiroth's you run into are still him, whether it's a psychic vision from Seph's will in Cloud's head or Seph physically manifesting by assuming direct control of Jenova/his clones, it's always him. In the final battle you kill his essence poisoning the life stream (and symbolically from Cloud's life).
Hear! Hear!

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How did this Irish demonspawn steal the heart of an once upstanding british gentleman?
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Nigger just pirate them all.
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You can easily get the DLCs for the base game from cs.rin.ru and they'll work on your Steam base game. No reason to support Paradox, it's not like it'll make their new games less shit.
There are some cool conversions in there. Geheimnisnacht is pretty fun and impressive, but it has a major issue with how slow the development is and how unequal the regions currently are. There is not much reason to play outside of Norsca, Empire and Bretonnia as those are pretty much the only properly developed ones. Elder Kings is neat if you like Elder Scrolls, Faerun is suprisingly decent and is still in active development. The Avatar mod is very jank, buggy and doesn't have much stuff if you don't play Sozin, but still pretty nice. If you have weeb inclinations, NMIH is really great.
>Elder Kings is neat if you like Elder Scrolls
Oh sweat.
How is it for content? I mean, TES relevant content? Or is it just base KC stuff with TES used as set dressing?

Also, thanks for that link.
>How is it for content?
It has some unique stuff like all the races, the guilds, magic (which is really broken), Daedric Princes, Daedra Invasions, Dragonborn, some unique mechanics for the Empire like the Amulet and stuff. You can even get your guy as the Ninth Divine, or let Hj*lti Emperor Zero you and switch to him. Enough to differentiate it from the base game, though admittedly I still think they should've done more to it instead of abandoning it for the shallow race-mixing simulator that is EK2.

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Should I even bother?
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i hate trannies so much its unreal
Pro tip: Shoot Ben immediately until he goes unconscious and run out of the vault. DO NOT speak to him. He shouldn't follow you past the next loading screen. This doesn't break any quests and there are no other consequences to this, not even karma loss.
Yeah, but that doesn't fix the dogshit story, worldspace etc etc.
It's good for what it is, but the mod is literally incomplete. It's a good DLC sized prologue for your character that qualifies as a short standalone game. I like how it actually feels like a sequel to F2/Prequel to NV, which was it's entire point, and at that it succeeds as a bridge game. It has it's problems, of course: Incomplete content, shitty story, cringy characters, optimization issues, it likes throwing a billion spongy enemies at you at random ect. I will say that it does a good job of being an actual RPG and captures the spirit of the Fallout setting well.
If you can bear with it's drawbacks and crave some actual OG Fallout(not the Bethesda slop) desperately, you can't really go wrong with this one, if you think you're gonna have a bad time looking into the game, I suggest watching the Four Friends play videos like someone already linked.
BTW I wonder when the lads will watch the Fallout TV show and commentate over it like they did with the Halo show. That should be a blast.
Very true but it does make everything lot more tolerable. I restarted my first playthrough very early on to try this since I just couldn't stand Ben's edgy bullshit.

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is there any chance in hell that this will be good, or even decent.
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>made up thing in my head and now I am mad!
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What? No.
Too early to tell, lets wait the reveal this summer fest.
I am so mad they went for action real time gameplay, why not turn based you little dipshits at bioware
WRPGs will always fail at making good combat in the form of action rpg because they will inevitable get compared to From Software and other action games like Nioh, they have a choice to polish their action gameplay but at the expense of the RPG mechanics and other gameplay systems which would kill their core identity, so its either a janky bad action combat system or a good turn based one and they have chosen wrong again.
Bioware are stuck in the 2000s with no intention to evolve, turn based are popular again.
Even if you dont make it turn based at least make it real time with pause.
Ditch that pseudo action shit
Doubt it. They've alread completely trashed all of their progress and started from scratch at least once, and they were planning to turn it into a microtransaction ridden hell because EA execs have literal brainworms.
Dragonage was a dead IP when two stopped being an RPG.

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