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What is the greatest JRPG of all time?
Lost Odyssey and it's not even close.
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chrono cross.
The Trails games were all high tier until Cold Steel.
diabolical bait
I don't think it's too bad, honestly.
that's what everyone thinks about their bait posts
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2
>square and fatlus in god tier
You aren't qualified to have an opinion

my reasoning is that it is the best and worst of the genre, thus making it the greatest as it is an all encompassing microcosm of what jrpg's are.
The one you like the most.
Drakengard is not a fucking RPG
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Final Fantasy IV

FF VI, Chrono Trigger and FFVII are also quite good.
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Reminder: if you don't like falcom games you don't really like rpgs
Yeah, Brandish, Xanadu Next, and some of Ys are pretty good.
i love ys

trails games are only playable with cheat engine fastforward
That’s FFX
Lost Odyssey is the complete package for me. It's epilogue is unmatched. I'm so mad they seem to hate the idea of a pc port because I'd love to play it again.
I was going to say something along the same lines.

Xenogears has one of the best stories and some of the worst gameplay ever. It has great art and music, but it's also half baked and unfinished. I love it and I hate it, and in that it represents more than just jrpgs, it is a representation of existence itself.
Persona 3 portable
Xenogears a shit.

Real answer? Cosmic Solider.
Radiant Historia
>imb4 hur dur overrated game cuz some random youtubers recommend it so now many zoomers play itt
>Phantasy Star III over II
>xenogears-fags writing depressed pseud slop
Not surprising desu
>depressed pseud slop
its a jrpg. Youre gonna find depressed pseud slop!
if we're basing it on novelty/foundations, then Dragon Quest II. Else, one of the modern RPGM games, such as MGQP or Black Souls 2.
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Out of the games that I've played, if we're considering both influence and quality, it's FFIV
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And they gave it a goddamn visual novel too.
Not only could they have made chrono trigger 2 for game boy color and ps, it could've given them 2 years extra to work on ff7(The blocky sprites and disk 3 being rushed is due to deadlines).
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Disk 2 hype just like Disk 3 hype with ff7, you could also say like spoony Disk 4 hype with 8(draw system was also rushed and guardian forces he has a lot of valid points the game needed an extra 6 - 8 months) .
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4 was toned down for western audiences, 5 was never released west until now.

Considering square new of and sponsored harder action rpg's like crystalis on nes, it's a bit of a sleeve pull/sleight of hand(Most people grew up with games harder and wanted the full 4 with extra scenes bosses and endings).
If I'm rating them solely in terms of characters I give a shit about:
didn't play

FF10 has the best party

I accidentally read this question as "best JRPG party" of all time so fuck it I typed all this out this is what you're getting. Best JRPG of all time is still FF7 just like it was more than 20 years ago.
SMT IV + marijuana

poor rage bait, but I’ll bite anyway
FF6 or DQ8
... really depends on how you define "greatest" because I'm inclined to give it to FF7 just based on reach, what it achieved, and how it's still relevant years later. There's other RPGs I like better, but it's hard to argue that they're better considering they didn't have nearly the impact nor the lasting power.

Story wise? Probably Chrono Trigger just because it doesn't shit it's pants at any point. It's a solid, simple, tale. Most RPGs shit themselves because the old shit had game designers and programmers hired on staff, not necessarily amazing authors and writers. Even today, writing tends to get the mouse's share of the budget while the lion's share goes to graphics, presentation, and marketing. So a story that doesn't shit it's pants is kind of hard to come by.

Gameplay wise? That is so based on taste. Nocturne I like the monster capturing and fusion system in there a lot. If we're talking ATB I have a real soft spot for FF4. People swear by the FF10 variation of the turn-based combat system and fwiw it is a nice combat system. Rogue-likes tend to blow RPGs out of the water though. I mean look at Rift Wizard 2. You can literally turn into an elephant, summon an entire stampede, and trample your way to victory in one run... and in the next have everything explode into arcane bursts of yet more arcane explosions... and those are but two possibilities in a sea of endless builds contained within a single game. What RPG can boast those possibilities?

Just overall presentation? ... I mean there's just something real cozy about the Atelier series of games. They're also nice to look at. Just sayin'.

I dunno.
I dunno.
You may choose between Dragon Warrior 1&2 remakes for Gameboy Color, or Dragon Warrior 3 for Gameboy Color.
Planescape: Torment
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Final Fantasy VIII is the runner up.

>some of the worst gameplay ever.
it's fairly standard in terms of jRPGs, there are way worse in the genre
>they seem to hate the idea of a pc port
More like Microsoft completely forgot about it. I imagine there is a bunch of rights fuckery with out Freeplus did development work on it with Microsoft funding/publishing it and Mistwalker doing the story and concept design.

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