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I would like to play in an alive / persistent world that has true darkness.
Could WoW be that? WoW 2 with a new engine?
I want the 80s/90s dark fantasy back.
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>wow 2
i hope the mmo industry keeps getting worse and worse and never dies to be reborn until you grow old and die you fucking faggot
They're boring.
True darkness involves loneliness. A community based game seems pretty antithetical to that. The best I can think of is having towns that are relatively bright and but every dungeon be spoopy.
I always wanted to play an MMO where the atmosphere was truly oppressive. I mean setting foot outside without a strong group got you killed level of oppressive.
Players absolutely forced to work together to do anything, and furthermore if they didn't work together to keep their outposts and bases maintained, AI would build goblin tunnels, wraith tombs etc. around them and crush them right back to the starting point over time.

There would be no artificial raid points, no content timelines. New content would just be built on top of the oppression pyramid and players would not even be informed as to what it was with as much kept from the clients as possible to prevent datamining technique. If they got reset back to the start because they let Goldshire overrun, so be it, no new content for months until they built back to the proper launching points and state of fantasy civilization to be able to take it on.

In fact they would get stalked within most "safe" towns without some precautions, base defense and supply logistics would give lower level players something to do to get stronger before they went out on expansion raids.

No PVP as the enemies would be so oppressively programmed to be stalking you like players you wouldn't need it.
It can be done since there were quake bots that were capable of chasing people through maps and sniping them off ladders at the tiniest of angles back in the late 90s.
Sounds like a Minecraft server. Players build the towns, GMs spawning monster invasions to tear them down.

Post only the toughest RPG bosses.
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Rip anon.
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He isn't that tough if you actually know how to play but he is hard
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Fuck Quad hits.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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Why are you niggers talking about that trash fangame Deltatraveler instead of the actual thread topic
to laugh at it.
its inside data.win under the name snd_mail_jingle. its not on the snd or mus folder, you have to export it from data.win using undertale mod tool
My data.win has an invalid Boolean apparently, what do?
Install the bleeding edge version, that one works for some reason, if that doesn’t work than ask on the Underminers D*scord server

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This is the most weirdest dungeon crawler I have ever played in my life. But I love it.
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Nationalist actually. Try not to be so brainrotted. It's more embarrassing than my misuse of one word.
Nemuru Mayu for ps1
yawn maybe next time try for once op
OP's face undernuts
>doesn't post a link
>doesn't post loads of screenshots of gameplay footage
When did marketers get so lazy?
I forget the name of the mechanic, but the overdrive/neuradrive option in combat is pretty cool.
I appreciate the atmosphere, it feels very reminiscent of SMT in that regard. The game is does feel very obtuse at times though, with progression not always making a ton of sense, or being very oddly specific.
I believe I got to the part with the Red & Blue automaton bosses, and haven't been able to defeat them.

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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Note that one of the extended MV plugins IS a rudimentary gacha system complete with a demo that lets you roll for pictures of generic anime girls, just in case you really want to break into the gacha market with fucking Therese, Marsha, et al.
>there are more engine competitors in the same vein now
yet none of them are as good as rpg maker
Based on nothing, it's not that complicated, it's been solved since the 80s/90s.
rpg maker has more documentation and tons of plugins carrying it
The docs make sense for beginners, but plugins only really apply if they're what you want. The reason Japanese devs use it is because of the same reason English devs use Renpy. Exceptions proving the rule.

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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
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yeah my gunner was mostly carried by charisma and pyrotechnic axes on every follower, pretty much until the end. my grenadier/boomeranger on the other hand was much stronger pretty much right away
Use a fate point to pickpocket a Hand Cannon from the halfling standing in the center of Tarant. Should hold you over until the better guns (Elephant Gun, Tesla Cannon, Looking Glass Rifle, Droch's Warbringer, Levered Machinegun etc).

Or just play a Melee/Bow/Throwing/Magic build instead, they're vastly superior. Pyro Bow is very OP and better than any gun.
You can also do the first mission for Pollock's gang in the Boil and then accept the second mission and say you're a techie to get a hand cannon.
The crazy thing about the better guns is how they use more bullets. As if bullets weren't already in short supply, something like the mechanised gun costs SIX bullets with every shot.
No, I think the whole thing is bait for retards like yourself.

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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Elminage is still fundamentally rooted in the classic Wizardry formula, while it does take some elements from the Dark Savant trilogy it doesn't really follow the same design structure, even if it does have really great dungeon design and class balance for the most part.
Elminage at its core is still largely about dungeon crawling, the Dark Savant games tried to integrate a broader system of roleplaying mechanics, 7 and 8 especially focus a lot on having a more interactive and expanded setting compared to previous games, Elminage doesn't really do any of that, it's still largely about self contained dungeons with a set of world hubs.
Which is good if you ask me since Dark Savant games end up being way too unfocused and finnicky, but I don't think Anon will like Elminage coming from those.
Well, since he mentioned 6 as well, I had the impression Elminage might have been fitting. It really doesnt emphasize roleplaying, but It offers much more variety than the original five wizardry games.
I have tried playing Elminage Gothic (haven't played Original) and mechanically it felt a lot like the first couple of wizardries, so while it was alright I lost interest in it pretty quickly. Pure dungeon crawling isn't really a problem for me, That's why I loved 6 and 7. Hell I would even consider 8 as being a ''dungeon'' crawler of sorts since it is still like 99% combat 1% everything else. Compare it to say something like MM6-8 where half the game is pretty standard rpg town interactions and quests.
alchemy >>>divinity >wizardry >>psionics
>no party wide buffs

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When will gamers get on Todd's level?
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>Bad Microsoft for not axing you already like a gangrenous arm
It also acknowledge the side questing tendency of players directly, if you go to Caius at level 2 or whatever he flat out tells you “Go join some guilds. Get a cover identity. Go earn some experience. Do some freelance adventuring. Get out there, and come back to me when you’re stronger” which was refreshing and cleverly done.
He does this multiple times, too.
To be fair to Starfield, the main story has you picking up lost alien artifacts for the first half, and there is no sense of urgency to it whatsoever.
Maybe they listened to the criticism towards FO4. Silent protagonist, less urgency to start with. Hopefully the writers understand this going forward.

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>go to owlcat's social media
>the comments are all women asking for more romance options
>go to larian's social media
>the comments are all women asking for more romance options
>most popular crpg blog is run by a girl
Are Computer RPGs a hobby for girls?
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>the comments are all women asking for more romance options
Based women. What's the point of companions if you make them some asexual weapon holders
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>go to avowed's social media
>it's a fucking graveyard because no romances
Always has been.
>implying girls aren't the biggest grognards

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Is there an RPG where magic ISN'T OP?
It only ever seems to be the strongest type of ability in any and every fantasy world.
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genji glove + offering in FFVI is better than magic, but you're limited on that while everyone can learn ultima
Physical skills in SMT are basically just HP strength magic. I don't really think it counts.
Elemental skills in SMT are basically just MP magic strength, so I think it does count.
How about the Witcher, OP?
The first one only because both sequels are junk.
Huh? You high? Igni completely destroys 1. You don't even need to engage in rhythm combat once you max it out.

New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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>dragon's neck purposely keeping the server slots low
yeah, not playing this game. not even give this server a try if you want to play that shit
Best NWN RP server?
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>you have to join some gay-ass-discords and set up a meeting when someone will be around
I hate this. Everything is planned through and through these days. No comfy random RP anymore.
Heard it's because of tech issues.
It's not even good. Even the area design you get bored of after a while.

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>better ARPG combat than any actual ARPG at the time
>bigger world than any console RPG at the time
>more quests than any console RPGs at the time
>lore on par with actual MMORPGs
>more classes and specialization choices than most RPGs at the time
>MMO-style gameplay on console with a group of friends
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
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leave /vrpg/, zoomer. this board is for respectable veteran gamers with a long history in the medium. your kind is better suited at reddit or /v/eddit
Man I played this when it was new and wasn't really feeling it then.
I remember buying it for the local and me and my sister just dropping it to go back to the various snowblind engine games.

Gargle on my cock and chock on it.
I remember never finishing it because the game world was just too big.
i miss when slutty armor and attractive women were the norm in video games

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>Bronze-Iron Ages timeline
>be Kyros' Fatebinder
>Kyros is a GOD that want to remove matriarchal societies
>literally PIE Sky-Father
>Kyros is based on Cyrus the Great
>somehow the """bad guy"""
>matriarchal degenerate societies somehow the """good guys"""
>despite being the Fatebinder of a GOD, somehow you can rebel against him
>rebel path: restoring matriarchal degenerate societies, pov: you're a male, aka le simp path
>no matter because is part of his plan (peak writing) to reminder everyone how bad matriarchy is (kek)
>you can be an anarchist, somehow better written than rebel path
>it doesn't matter what anti-Kyros path you choose, people see how lawless Terratus is without Kyros
>Kyros won in the end, LE FRIDUM OF CHOIZ!!
>Verse, Eb, Sirin, Kills-In-Shadows exist, more anti-Disfavored feministslop, their endings are shit (kill them all)
>Lantry and Barik are the only male companions, better writtern BY FAR than female ones. Their endings are awesome. BARIK, I WILL SAVE YOU!!!

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>Steam has a 9/10
People don't generally rate a game they don't care about which only leaves those reddit types that praise everything that launches on their computer.
cringe anime poster

based anime poster
Because Tyranny was at first a classic style rpg that got rewritten as a ''you are the bad guy'' story, but then Obsidian litteraly took the money paradox (the publisher) gave them to make their own project, which would become Pillar of eternity.

In short the reason the game is bad is because they funelled most ressources given to them by their investor into their own project while delivering the minimum possible in order to avoid legal troubles.

Also Obsidian had a very bad organisation when it came to writting.
That's the same person
kek, you fell for the meme.

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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>You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game
Also, RPGs tend to force you to "care" about a conflict because your character is being affected by it, despite the fact that you usually have no reason to actually care about your own guy. But since gamers are so full of themselves they literally equate the personality devoid husk walking around with themselves, or have created the character's entire backstory in their head, so of course they like them. Ego serving is an understatement.
I noticed that too
The absolute funniest scenario of this thing happening is when people correctly identify the game as "woke". Now I don't really care if the game is woke or not because I don't automatically think woke=bad. But it seems like everyone who likes the game will try to deny it.
>noo you can kill all the trannies and gays
>noo the drag queen works in a circus
>larian is based and redpilled like me and it doesn't matter that the city of baldurs gate is incredibly diverse
Seems like the fake right-wing, the one that still loves immigrants, gays and trannies, tried to relabel "woke" to mean lefties, so they could get away with still supporting all the same things.
Woke=bad is a truism provided a sufficient understanding of what woke actually means, however wokeness is hardly the biggest problem with BG3
At this point "woke" is when white people are involved in some way. Opposing wokeness is when you shill for china, worship muslims and fellate all the based third worlders.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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Does the energy edge emitter take away the bleed effect from serrated molds?
>no single +160 trichome bar or black cloth in DC
Bad way to end run.
Yes, but also no.
Yes because it doesn't do much while still costing a feat slot, no because it's better than nothing and you want to be in close range with Pistols anyway.
That's exactly why Biocorp has fallen

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