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JRPGs haven't changed since the 90s
What's there to be inspired by?
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>Action RPGs are still press X to attack, maybe circle to dodge
>Soccer games are still soccer
>Is the FF7 Remake that different from picrel?
What are you even expecting? They're just going to whip-up an RPG game concept that's never been imagined before?
any 90s jrpgs that play like xenoblade? asking unironically
>JRPGs haven't changed since the 90s

You say that like it's a bad thing.
thats just taking an mmo and removing the online requirement
Yes they should add tranny gay degeneracy like western games. That is good thing to add. You need to wear women clothing and fuck bear.

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What was the best RPG on the Nintendo GameCube?
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>Worst Tales female lead ever.
Yet Symphonia is the only good tales game
>Worst Tales female lead ever
Rose is standing right there anon.
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You mean Estelle though
I like women bland. Only westoid trannies want women strong independent black tranny.

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Do you also struggle to name characters in vidya?
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Never heard of it but damn that looks / sounds great. I'm so sick of US food that's just carbs.
His name is Jagariko
Men's Daily Chewable Multivitamin. Medachmu for short.
i am so uncreative
i named my cow cowy in harvest moon as a kid

Laxius Power is misunderstood masterpiece.

Why’s the these niggas in DC so weak?
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Might as well. You get bonus experience from playing on higher difficulties in Fallout 3.

+25% exp on Hard but get hit for 50% more and dish out 50% less. Double that for Very Hard.
They need to be weak because Tod was too dumb to add a 14mm anti tank rifle.
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*laughs in SKS*
You haven't played enough once Overlords spawn they are bullet sponges, same with all the dlc if your leveled.
Do you think their semen is radioactive?

Dying series that refuses to die
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>Rays got EoS
Yes im from near future
>Destiny 2 is getting a translation patch
I just remember it being awful to play as melee characters because nothing would stagger.
D2's system gets more enjoyable the more familiar you get with it, and just like with Rebirth it requires rewiring your brain from the usual Tales systems. For D2, one of the directional basic attacks gets a bonus to accuracy, which is what determines whether enemies stagger. Using titles that give accuracy on level up also helps astronomically, as does customizing your artes with accuracy bonuses.
I threw in the towel on my first playthrough and just mained Reala, spamming Ancient Nova through the game and had basically no fun. It became one of my favorites on a replay and actually dedicating myself to engaging with the system properly.
I enjoyed Rebirth when I played it like 10 years ago with no real Japanese knowledge. Couldn't finish D2 but given that the patch is coming out eventually, I'll try to build around accuracy and see if it becomes fun.
When you've doomposted it for four years, eventually you will strike gold. Good luck, good luck.

I feel like this phenomenon happens in rpgs way more than in TV or film. Why? Anyone else noticed this?
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Jesus what a retarded post
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault for not shoving it down my throat like my boyfriend's cock
It is hot. It's also very dusty so people wrap up the bottom of their pants sometimes like Caius has
>oh, I was wrong? it's the game's fault
Many people lack the maturity to simply admit being wrong, and it's hard to let go of the misconceptions.
>the game wasn't as boring as i thought? well i didn't know that because i thought the game is boring!
>This is part of the reason I can't take it serious when people get mad at BG3 for fucking the lore
I certainly think people are right to be upset about it. It not being a new problem doesn't mean it's not a problem. Every new thing has a chance to correct where stuff went to far. Instead they always double down.
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How did it feel to see your favorite RPG franchise go down in flames?
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Can't forget Fallout Sonora as well, can't wait to see what Nevada Band makes next
The OGs knew that it would only get worse after BoS. Whatever joy you got from modern Fallout, store it, and move on. Microsoft rushing the new Fallout development to gather to the TV series crowd will be a disaster.
I never played FO 3 and 4, how much am I missing out
They're fun RPG's to turn your brain off.
I stopped caring a long time ago. Bethesda fallout isn't real fallout, what they do with it doesn't affect me in the slightest.

Post Kusoge rpgs.
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Yeah I know Kemco
Very awkward first few hours with this. Like freem/mugen shovelware, except they charge a good buck for it
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Pure unabashed kusoge. I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
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easily one of the worst JRPGs I ever experienced
That doesn't surprise me. Golden Sun stood out in the US because it was the first RPG available for the GBA and one of the few non-Pokemon ones that got actual advertising here. And being a first party Nintendo title meant that it was pretty much always in stock and readily available. It worked fine as baby's first JRPG and an intro to the genre at a time when a lot of these games were still never leaving Japan. It was just another drop in the bucket there though, and didn't really have much to help it stand out from the rest of the market.
>running costs health
Incredibly inspired levels of kusoge.

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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>And that fucking music, man.
I think my only complaint is that there wasn't unique music for when you get to upper city. Like something a little more elegant sounding, but still kinda dour. I can see why they didn't, though; you're only in upper city for like 2 minutes.
Why does he hold his sword wrong
Is this a zoomer game
Le heckin quirky chungus tranny
They didn't do much for me. I found them fairly generic and visually uninspiring. It's the over world in skies of Arcadia and ship combat that make it stand out. The towns and dungeons are a snooze fest.

>in times of need. We call upon. The power of the ancients

Still remember this combat quote even after like 20 years...
Shut up already
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What's the best game engine to use for a 3D low poly indie RPG in the style of Final Fantasy 8 or Neverwinter Nights?
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>3D low poly
>RPG Maker
Pick one
Not my fault everyone else is just a faggot. Stick to your gay bears.
give up
why? gamedev especially godot is super accessible these days. it's better to learn how to use an engine, then tweak the code as you become more familiar and learn coding along the way.
yeah sure, just use
>Final Fantasy 8
a gun retard, kill yourself

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Which one is superior? They both possess a procedural generated overworld and dungeons.
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>/vrpg/ doesn't like bethesda games
Not entirely true anon. I posted my Morrowind adventures, due to the whole "morrotroon, trannywind shit posting, there for a couple months and never caught any flak. Even got frequent encouraging (You)s.
I can think of a couple. First, make a save game before you start testing house mods (or any mods for that matter). If something goes wrong, or you don't like it, you can uninstall the mods, revert to that save, and try again.
>Bravil Sea Domes
>Bonds Big Portable Tent
They're kind of out there, but they're absolute classics, and they do have display cases.

>everyone in here is from /tesg/
I hate /tesg/. It's all coomers playing dress up with their virtual barbie dolls. It's literally Daz 3D for people who don't know how to use 3D software. I'm almost certain at least 50% of the people there don't actually play the game, and just want to pretend that their hideously post-processed screenshots of modded clothes they didn't make are of any artistic merit. /tesg/ is a hellhole and a dumpster fire, and not actually for people who want to discuss the game.
>Bravil Sea Dome
That looks comfy as hell. Thank you for the suggestion anon!
>Oblivion is carried by nostalgia
I really don't think so. I replayed oblivion not too long ago. And outside of the level scaling being as retarded as it was back then, I actually do think it's aged decently well. There was a lot of content I encountered that I straight up didn't remember being in the game at all when I played it back then and was pleasantly surprised. The gameplay is decent and the quests are for the most part all fairly interesting if a bit dumbed down.

If it came out today I'd probably bitch about the level scaling and the repetitive gates but overall it's a solid title.
>I hate /tesg/. It's all coomers playing dress up with their virtual barbie dolls.
What is the difference between what they do and what you do? How are you "playing" a bethesda game? There is no gameplay.

High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Scott Grimes is a far better voice actor than Seth Green
You've been talking to yourself in this thread since January, aren't you bored yet?
Which one would make a better star pilot though? Both seem somewhat smarter than most actors, which isn't saying much since most actors are naive spoiled clueless retards nowadays. But theoretically I'd say Scott Grimes and Seth Green would make much better star pilots than say Alec Baldwin or John Travolta. I'm still holding out hope that in Mass Effect 4 you find out the Joker is actually a clone of Seth Green. Maybe TIM was a fan of earth 21st Century films, and figured somehow Seth Green has the potential to be the best pilot in the Galaxy. So he digs up Green's DNA and clones him (but intentionally inflicts the clone with vrolik syndrome, ensuring he'll focus solely on flight school instead of getting distracted by any passions for stage acting) and he secretly inserts Jeff into the Tiptree colony, killing Hilary's real brother. Meaning Hilary never was his real sister, Joker never had a sister, because he's a clone of a deceased 21st Century actor. That could fix a few plotholes maybe, idk I mean we all find it weird as hell that the games never have a conversation along the lines of:

>"You know who you remind me of? Seth Green. You probably hear that a lot I'd bet."
>"I do, this marks the 19th time somebody told me this month so far. But thank you, sincerely, for the eternal reminder, Ash."

Just undo the plotholes by confirming he is a literal clone. Except even that begs the question of why it took the Normandy Crew 4 games to figure out the obvious fact

I haven't had the luxury of boredom in over a year, too busy for boredom not to mention redeeming /vrpg/ is only but one of 206 passionate spiritually fullfilling hobbies
That's pretty realistic, because only after enduring a hardship of such incredible magnitude do you finally possess the proper hindsight of how truly badass one must behave in order to end a 300 year war by shouting. Your Shepard wasn't hardened enough until after he failed, then in retrospect he realized what he should have done instead that regretful day upon learning from his mistakes thus growing wiser and more renegade

This kind of crap has been happening to the best of us irl for thousands of years
>The ME schizo is also a mareschizo
You can get in the same ballpark with Warframe, if you can stomach the fact that you'll be playing a starchild psychically piloting an army of Kai Lengs
Of course he could; Wrex and Femshep are both alpha specimens and highly compatible. The real question is: given the Lazarus Project's full documentation, could Mordin transplant a Krogan womb into Femshep to enable the Adam and Eve of a new, superior breed of space cop?
This thread is the most entertaining thing on the entire website, let alone this board, I don't know or care if it's just a guy talking to himself

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I just want a small farm with khajiit slaves
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Not really an overhaul but it’s big enough content-wise that I think you’d like it. It’s my personal favourite out of all the region mods.
>Is there an equivalent to Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul for Morrowind?
Yeah. passive healthy wildlife
I always free the slaves, not because I care about them but because Dunmer are arrogant pricks and I like shitting on them at every opportunity
What race do you play?

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I just recently got into the final fantasy franchise thanks to kingdom hearts. The first game I decided to play is final fantasy x on the ps2. I'm really enjoying it so far and I wanted to see what your opinions are of the game?
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I had to use a 4x speed boost, I couldn't have stayed sane playing that much bitchball otherwise. I got really into learning as many techs with techcopy.
I highly recommend adding Special K / UnX if you're playing the remaster on PC. It unlocks JP voices, speed boosts, cutscene skips, and some minor graphics fixes and takes less than a minute to install.
For Wakka I just crafted him a blitzball when I could. Probably the most annoying thing about X is how locked in everything is for a very long time. Even with the expert sphere grid the first 30 hours are the exact same every time. Rush to Hastega, do the story, grind before Seymour bosses for 30 mins and crush the rest of the game. Once you know the boss puzzles it's very easy to steamroll. I never understood how people could do solo runs or use Rikku that well. I always just ended up using Wakka Tidus Auron most of the way. Then as you progressed into endgame you would really be able to farm up items to power your summons and start soloing bosses with them. So many paths of character progression in X, tho it is for the most part a planned path too. I'll probably never play it again but I'm working myself up to play X-2. Something about that game just filters me.
I remember it not being that bad. I think you could save scum it to a certain extent. And blitzball itself wasn't hard to get to a point where winning was trivial. That said, I don't think the worth of the game is really based on the post game content that was only really made for the superfan.
The game does not leave you wanting more. If you really think you can go all the way strap in and prepare for months of gaming. That's why this game is Japanese as fuck.
honestly i was lumping x-2 and the japan only dungeon crawler bonus disc thing which could be considered x-3 in with x. but yeah, xi and xii are also based, but do not pay for xi. they will still charge you 15 bucks a month for a sub even though it is a 20+ year old mmo long past its heyday. play a private server like eden or horizon instead. horizon has a slightly higher playerbase, but eden is more era accurate with less bugs. up to you, despite what autists say both are easy to set up and great play experiences.

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