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Do you like to play as an imperialist in your games?
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Well is that, nothing or having to read a terrible longer demo. Millennials have a terrible work ethic anon. And making games is a difficult task and the majority just don't have what it takes.
>bringing up millennials for no reason
You're too old to be doing this.
Can you say is it wrong tho?
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I play as the brother who helps Nathan.
The magic of this game inevitably dies when you restart the game after your first true death and realize that you are on a one-track story as a kid, who also need to make specific decisions if you want to not get pounded as an adult.
I really hope the studio improves with its next game.

It may look like shit but it will offer a choice of real RPG (that is realtime) combat instead of strategy game combat, which is so rare these days. It also takes inspiration from the best RPG of all time, BG1. Hopes, fears, dreams?
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>i can pick a lock better and be more dexterous because i'm short
Dude, they are throwing you a lot of bones there. There's zero advantage to being short.
>i'm sure to win thanks to my greater dexterity
>Look at the builds a tiny percentage of players are doing
> you can do the same in dnd and pf if you really want to
>if you REALLY want to
exactly you have to really want to
That's not my point, dude. It's that at the highest levels of difficulty Res is dumped for a reason. We're talking about mechanics here, not "for roleplay reasons" or any of that nonsense. And "if you really want to" was about crippling your build's effectiveness for roleplay reasons, not for optimizing. Reading comprehension.
The demo is insanely bad, the thread is just full of retarded slavs shitting up the board as per usual. Of course none of them even tried the demo.

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>dedicated healer spam aoe heal every turn
>others just use strongest attack available every turn
how do we fix 4 niggas in a row?
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DCSS : make healing fucking expensive (piety system from gods), healing consumable is very rare
Triangle Strategy : Instead of mana bar, skills use TP that accumulate every turn, capped at 3 TP max. This limits healing / skill spam.
Other games I don't remember : Just remove healing spells and items.

I like Triangle Strategy's system the best.
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Let each character take multiple actions each turn, and give actions cooldowns, both "every X turns" and "X times per turn".
This gives more depth and makes setting up buffs/debuffs more valuable when they don't cost you a whole turn.

Limit healing by either reducing part of max HP by a percentage of damage taken (with skills that can increase this), or reducing healing received every time you heal.
Bg3 had somewhat decent encounters in act 1 and few good ones in act 2.
Every fight must be lethal to "fix 4 niggas in a row".
I liked the timeline system that Star Renegades had.
>every turn takes place on a timeline, enemy attacks and their targets already present on the timeline. Attacks hitting someone who's about to attack someone else result in a crit which is more damage+ usually a delay on that character's actions. If they get pushed off the timeline they get delayed until the next turn.
>skills are a tradeoff between how much time it takes to execute, how much time an attack delays affected enemies, how much damage an attack deals plus other factors like armor and resistances to specific attack types
It's a roguelite so these aspects may not be as well baked as they should be but I still really enjoyed it.
Grandia ii and onwards has a more devoped version of that battlesystem.

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Alternative, drama-free RPG development thread.

How's your game going?
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I guarantee you that you guys collectively spend more time in these threads, trying to thwart the evil people misleading you into learning how stuff works, than it would take to code your own basic engine. You don't like the tutorials? Find the ones that fit what you want to code instead of asking people to mind read and find it for you. You want to argue which mechanics are important? Go pontificate in a corner.
Arguments are cheap.
I know that LOTRO had a system of morale instead of HP but then everyone just treated it like HP anyway. If it's going to be a type of damage it would need to behave completely differently to physical damage for it to be interesting.
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you got 6 of them
Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Constitution, Mind and Intelligence
5 points per level, about 13 levelups in the game as of now
typical diablo-like loot. kill baddies, they drop items. you got basic, magic , unique and superuniques.

thank you kind anon. time flies when you're having fun, it feels like only a few days ago that i posted pic re.l in these very threads.
Whats the difference between mind and intelligence? Id think that mind might be better named "will" or something
mind is +Mana and +Dmg for wand.
Intelligence is for learning spells, equipping caster items and having more hotkeys available to bind spells to.

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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
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Use a fate point to pickpocket a Hand Cannon from the halfling standing in the center of Tarant. Should hold you over until the better guns (Elephant Gun, Tesla Cannon, Looking Glass Rifle, Droch's Warbringer, Levered Machinegun etc).

Or just play a Melee/Bow/Throwing/Magic build instead, they're vastly superior. Pyro Bow is very OP and better than any gun.
You can also do the first mission for Pollock's gang in the Boil and then accept the second mission and say you're a techie to get a hand cannon.
The crazy thing about the better guns is how they use more bullets. As if bullets weren't already in short supply, something like the mechanised gun costs SIX bullets with every shot.
No, I think the whole thing is bait for retards like yourself.
>my grenadier/boomeranger on the other hand was much stronger pretty much right away

Throwing stuff might be superior to Melee. You really only need DEX and the best weapon is a "free" Easter Egg.

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>Single-handedly saves the classic jrpg genre from being irrelevant forvever
>Nobody remembers it anymore
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Huh. Didn't know the gacha reused music from the source games.
yeah there's only a few new tracks in the mobile game. if the /vmg/ thread still exists people usually have links to some of the harder to find ones that are original.
There's a fairly sparse thread there, but there's also no actual need for links since the 2020 and 2023 OSTs are on "that" site anyway in both mp3 and FLAC formats.
>Without this game, Octopath, LiveALive remake, Triangle Strategy, Basically all modern 2D SE games, they would have never been made, atleast not for the international scope in mind
Boy, sure wish they never made this game then
Perhaps its best If we never even get OT3.
To be honest, I think they still do know how to put charm and character into their games, but nowadays I wish theyd branch try theirs hands in developing different RPG subgenres.
I wish theyd create a more dungeon crawler oriented RPG, taking inspiration from games like Wizardry and the AD&D Gold Box games, adding a few twists of course, but honoring the simplicity and exploration-oriented gameplay of these sorts of games.
Various daylife has some of that crawling spirit, even though its frankly not that good. I wish we'd see something similar but more well developed from them, a wider cast, emphasis on better Dungeons (something that even bravely lacks, really) and deeper exploration, all while still retaining that charm that most of team asano games have

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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Well, since he mentioned 6 as well, I had the impression Elminage might have been fitting. It really doesnt emphasize roleplaying, but It offers much more variety than the original five wizardry games.
I have tried playing Elminage Gothic (haven't played Original) and mechanically it felt a lot like the first couple of wizardries, so while it was alright I lost interest in it pretty quickly. Pure dungeon crawling isn't really a problem for me, That's why I loved 6 and 7. Hell I would even consider 8 as being a ''dungeon'' crawler of sorts since it is still like 99% combat 1% everything else. Compare it to say something like MM6-8 where half the game is pretty standard rpg town interactions and quests.
alchemy >>>divinity >wizardry >>psionics
>no party wide buffs
I think a lot of Elminage's charm comes partly from being almost exactly the same as the Llylgamyn games but with a lot more polish, partly due to the fact that while it is fundamentally offbrand Wizardry I-V it still tries to experiment a lot in the limits of that formula and still tries to implement a lot of things from the Dark Savant trilogy, but in the spirit of the classic games.
For instance, the Summoner class in Elminage is more or less Werdna+, you get to bind whatever you want in your cantrips as long as you pass the contract check, then you can choose to play as the "standard" summoner, which is basically just somebody who slaps any enemy in the game in the seventh party slot, or you go deeper in the rabbit hole and choose to turn whatever enemy you bound to your cantrip as a legitimate party member, which in turn allows you to sorta turn the game into a soft Wizardry IV spinoff where you can have a party full of whatever monsters or enemy adventurers you come across.
Alchemists don't really work like Wiz8 alchemists even if there's some surface level similarities in their spellbooks, although Elminage Alchemists are fundamentally debuffers and status inflictors, and even their use of alchemy is completely different.
In Elminage alchemy is largely done at shops and Herbalists/Servants are the ones who mix your potions, Elminage Alchemists instead focus on creating alchemical tools that give you specific utilities both inside and outside of battles, such as the Air Seed which allows you to breathe underwater and not get instakilled if you're walking near water tile and some enemy chooses to drag you underwater, they also allow you to upgrade your equipment and create cool stuff like weapons that get racial modifiers to hit much harder against some enemies.

As I said, it's hard to recommend them to anyone who prefers the Dark Savant games, so I don't really blame you for losing interest so quickly.

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The month of Uula is over. Time to bully her again. Or not. Wagies deserve a break.
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It ain’t gay since he’s cute
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>Has hakika ever given a girl a small ass anyway?

I don't think so. There's probably something running on the water in this universe or Hakika is truly a visionary.
Malice gets to plap this everyday of the week btw
Faria vs Rabi's ass curse would be a funny april fools game
Guys stop I'm having a case of globhornyism...

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>Bronze-Iron Ages timeline
>be Kyros' Fatebinder
>Kyros is a GOD that want to remove matriarchal societies
>literally PIE Sky-Father
>Kyros is based on Cyrus the Great
>somehow the """bad guy"""
>matriarchal degenerate societies somehow the """good guys"""
>despite being the Fatebinder of a GOD, somehow you can rebel against him
>rebel path: restoring matriarchal degenerate societies, pov: you're a male, aka le simp path
>no matter because is part of his plan (peak writing) to reminder everyone how bad matriarchy is (kek)
>you can be an anarchist, somehow better written than rebel path
>it doesn't matter what anti-Kyros path you choose, people see how lawless Terratus is without Kyros
>Kyros won in the end, LE FRIDUM OF CHOIZ!!
>Verse, Eb, Sirin, Kills-In-Shadows exist, more anti-Disfavored feministslop, their endings are shit (kill them all)
>Lantry and Barik are the only male companions, better writtern BY FAR than female ones. Their endings are awesome. BARIK, I WILL SAVE YOU!!!

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That's the same person
kek, you fell for the meme.
>classic style rpg that got rewritten as a ''you are the bad guy'' story
>got rewritten
What was the original story of Tyranny??

>to make their own project, which would become Pillar of eternity.
Is it good? Or at least better written than Tyranny?
lurk moar
Thanks for the info, anon. Still doesn't make any sense and don't take it as an offense, but I hope you remember it bad, because if that is how it ends, I no longer want to play it.

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>better ARPG combat than any actual ARPG at the time
>bigger world than any console RPG at the time
>more quests than any console RPGs at the time
>lore on par with actual MMORPGs
>more classes and specialization choices than most RPGs at the time
>MMO-style gameplay on console with a group of friends
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
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Man I played this when it was new and wasn't really feeling it then.
I remember buying it for the local and me and my sister just dropping it to go back to the various snowblind engine games.

Gargle on my cock and chock on it.
I remember never finishing it because the game world was just too big.
i miss when slutty armor and attractive women were the norm in video games
The good old days.

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>life sucks, then you die
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Salaryman life is blue.
the game starts with series of insanely pretentious monologues, should I push through either way?what am I getting?
>30 minutes of cutscenes
niggers actually play this shit??
You don't cringe that much when a game not independently published does that
Yes, they all payoff very well considering how fucked the story goes.

Yes, not a problem for me. The japanese fan remix has an option to skip them but that ain't translated and probably never will.

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The remake of this guy just game out, so we're having a DRPG thread.
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Have you finished the game? If not, spoilers
Turns out dr Cereberus(your target) is actually your client and also your creator, for you are actually a Starcrawlers Chimera™ made up of seven individuals(which all correspond to the seven skilltrees you picked). I assume the game also tracks how many times you died and plugs it in as the number of experiments it took for Dr Cerberus to perfect you at the end of the game.

Anyways since you aren't an actual starcrawler and you're raiding one building of one corporation it wouldn't make sense to have other corpos involved

Why they couldn't just compensate by having more of the production floor where two rival factions in the company were feuding and expanding further on that is beyond me, though.
I mean it's just such a terrible, lifeless, low-effort step back from the first Starcrawlers I don't know why they bothered making it.
I hate to be harsh on the devs because I'm rooting for them if they ever make an actual sequel to Starcrawlers and they're actively in the forums trying to help out people but yeah, it's a step back in every way.
I'm curious if there are any other sci-fi dungeon crawlers.
I downloaded the game and added it to my growing psp collection (mostly rpg/jrpg and the koei warrior games). I'll give it a play soon once I get done going thru all the games I got recently (only started psp emulation super recently in my quest for new rpgs to play)
Seconding; this is easily the biggest problem with Original.

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Dread Delusion came out, we got some open world Dishonored kino.
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>a nostalgic look
Now that is cope.
It doesn't look good. If you think it does, then you're delusional. You're suffering a dreadful delusion.
>cherrypicks only one small portion of the argument
>still manages to do nothing with it
Does the government pay you for being mentally disabled, or is that just a fact you have to live with?
The game is shit and there's nothing unique about the setting nor is the gameplay serviceable.
If I wanted to play a walking sim with a weird setting I'd rather just play Pathologic 1 and 2.
>he'd rather play pathologic than dread delusion
What does outing yourself as having shit taste accomplish exactly?
>What does outing yourself as having shit taste accomplish exactly?
Shit taste for what, not playing your unfinished garbage game?

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I’ll let you guys know how it goes…
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A problem most jrpgs have. Why I have a hard time finishing most of them.
I always quit at the dream world part.
This game fuckin sucks holy shit. I'm playing the SNES ver right now. Rare Capcom L.
Bof ryu getting on with nina is confirmed by cannon.
Why a repro cart, isnt the real deal like 20 bucks on ebay?

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Never trust anyone who would sing you a song for money or says that they know many tales
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I mostly want the tech rank growth rate. Hitting 3/5 in a quarter of the time? Not too shabby. Ultimately you'll get there no matter what, but taking the time out of getting there isn't so bad.

Though from the perspective of mechs it's stat increases are relatively modest and I sometimes don't always take self-defense program so using a one turn negate loses it's luster when I'll eat shit before that turn (if the mech is in the aggro spot due to needing to apply Self-Defense before using Gilding) or after that turn (due to paralysis)
A good video about what are possibly all unique and rare drops in the game and how to get them, it's JP only but even if you can't understand it a lot of the explanation in the video are self explanatory
That scene in particular doesn't stick to the subtitles. Which is good because it is the ropey dialogue at its worst.

There's also the fact that they use possessive s wrong. "Suginas's" instead of the proper: Suginas' Although I'd be impressed if the localiser is ESL, Japanese native speaker given how much flavour is added to dialects of each world.
The localizer is EFL and skilled at their job, there was a decent amount of creative liberties taken with the translation although for the most part it is faithful, just extra flowery compared to the original. The game just has a few errors in its localization but this is mainly the usual typos and its forgivable considering how much text is in the game and how much it can vary based on different factors they're bound to miss some things.
It's even better when you get the Omindoor, because you do something like 14 worlds in a single run (no Brighthome, no Yomi, Pulchra and Capital City are mutually-exclusive).

What if you only do 1 mission for each faction and get the happy ending? Does he not get ANY cocksleeves?

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