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Martial roleplaying Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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what class + race are you planning on being?
Champion Fighter is basically the tutorial class, you don't do much but move and attack, however that doesn't stop it from doing tremendous damage on the field and being pretty hardy.
other hubs i popped
>exterminated giants when lead an attack to the city that was planned by the DM but premature because the party turned on my PC
>opened a magically sealed container that had a necklance and a black pearl, which turned out to be an uncontainable plague that wiped out a town and keeps spreading
>tired to transport part of the plague (weaponization/research) but it ate through a dragon hide bag and travelled downstream to murder another town

i raised concerns to the DM but he preplanned and did the "ebin handcrafted campaign where everything is connected" so we are stuck with the only hub being a city which criminalized magic and is semi-hostile/trashed from siege from point one and before siege i destroyed the only "good blacksmith" there
fuck me i guess i am the problem
not even sure ill roll a new character for the game at this point, im demoralised from getting shafted for interacting with the world
"high risk high reward" he said but he pavlov'd us through "high risk low reward"
the only way to win is to play as a death cultist and delicate all massacres to your dark god
Ouch, did the sealed container at least have a "do not open" sticker on it?

If you do roll a new character just go all-in and call yourself the "bringer of calamity" or something, worship whatever the nastiest deity of the setting is and try to bring about the end of civilization.
Could be funny.

Important (non-combat) roles in an adventuring party? Realisticaly speaking.
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I figure you'd want a superhero system. Those are the only ones that tend to cover the scope from a relatively normal swordsman up towards somebody flying around and shooting lasers but they can't swim.
Mutants and Masterminds and Wild Talents are the games I see suggested most there. I tend to find the latter is a bit easier to parse, though that's just me. If you want something much lighter, I'd suggest Truth and Justice since it's even less crunchy, though that tends to lean more heavily on some of the narrative tropes, so might not be quite as ideal.
There is a d&d version of One Piece.
Personally I think its very mid, they tried way too hard (or not har enough) into making one pieceness fit into d&d classes.

This one specifically: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/wohkta/explore_the_one_piece_dungeons_and_devil_fruits/
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pack mule
>is also pegasus
guy who watches pack mule
>has the ability to turn you into a girl
emergency ration
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i'd just try to build it with an universal system. Use marine ranks for stating everything. One individualized magic system for every fruit. Haki as an universal magic system. Haki could be interesting. Blocking/Attacking opponents with stronger haki fatigues you more severely while doing so with those on equal footing does so moderately while fighting weaker ones does nothing at all. Invoking haki on your attacks could make it linger as extra armor. Solving hp bloat. A stronger opponent is only tankier due to haki and if that runs out they're just superhuman or whatever.
Fatiguing completely leads you into some burnout state where you are super vulnerable or something similar.
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>the Healer
Not a combat role even if your healer can fight, but one necessary for the survival of the group.
>the Face
A character to handle social interactions and the like.
>The Tradesman
Someone who can fix broken machinery or damaged equipment like swords, armor, shields.
>The Academic
A character with knowledge of obscure and esoteric lore that could come in handy.
>The investigator
A character who can notice small details and clues or track something or someone down.

I tried to convince my Gothic gf Victoria that we could use more trading in the Renaissance or Industrialist engine building. She told me to grow up and join the Contemporary world of hustlin'. Brutal.

Previous Thread: >>92667244

>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8


As the new CEO of your very own publishing studio: what sort of games would you release? Any particular designers you would try to attract?

What is a game you play that never get's traction here? Why should the rest of us try it out?

Do you save up for new purchases or spend recklessly?

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The metal victory point tokens are shoddy and hard to read. The rest of the components are of acceptable quality. I wish the tiles were smaller though. They fill the bag so much that in the early game it can be difficult to draw from the bag without accidentally looking inside. Tiles collections also have a large footprint on the table if you're going heavy into pharaohs, rivers, or monuments.
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Nineveh is not great solo and Bag of Dungeon is straight up garbage. How many people do you play with?
It's really not that bad. The combat is unintuitive and not really like anything I've ever played, but you get used to it and the tutorials do a really good job of easing you into the concepts.
That is an old monster. Mechanically it isn't too bad but when you're looking at all those maps it can be a bit of a mindfuck.
Classic wargame though. Victory Games was the GOAT.
Lately, I've been more interested in getting old classics than modern garbage. I am also getting old classics rereleased, like Ra, for example. I've been looking for these classics and my research is going on like this:

>Thurns und taxis
>The king is dead
>El grande
>Money (knizia)
>Broom service
>Mississipi Queen
>Beat the buzzard

I need your opinions on these ones I'm interested in get, ate they good? They aged bad?

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Pellaeon-class Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92703845

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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>infinite special forces
>Where was your character when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo?
>Where was your character during the battle of Geonosis?
>Where was your character when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself emperor?
>Where was your character when Alderaan was destroyed?
>Where was your character when the Empire's forces invaded Hoth?
>Where was your character during the battle of Endor?
>Where was your character when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo?
Not there in the campaign, probably on the Outer Rim somewhere.
>Where was your character during the battle of Geonosis?
Even less idea.
>Where was your character when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself emperor?
Probably running away from clone troopers but it's hard to say.
>Where was your character when Alderaan was destroyed?
No idea.
Where was your character when the Empire's forces invaded Hoth?
No idea.
Where was your character during the battle of Endor?
No idea. If she's alive and didn't get snatched up by the Empire, she'd likely be retired.

For that matter, how long do people live in Star Wars? With all the sci-fi tech, surely they have a much longer lifespan than regular Earth humanity.

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Incarnate Elemental edition
>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H

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I'm not sure what you're asking.
Do you want models to convert into a hippogriff? Things you could convert one into? Things you could convert into a counts as?
The perfect summary of what Warhammer style and tone should be.
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Would a Norse AoI include yhetees, like they have in blood bowl?
>Which incarnate should they conjure up next and what form should it take? Like AoS endless spells.
None. They are retarded ideas.
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A nice coat of texture paint before priming lmao.

Be kind to them it's not their fault they look like this.

Cock Robin edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Idiots, all of you. Illyes was a high IQ Volcel who, in a moment of weakness, Embraced the jezebel Troile. But being the ungrateful bitch that she is, she decided to diablerize Illyes. And then what does she do with her new potent vitae? She gets addicted to Big Baali Cock. Typical femoid.
My brother in christ, we put -chad -fag & -cel -ussy & so much more as suffixes to cultivate a colloquial shorthand. If you can't accept modern vernacular that's on you not me.
What does that have to do with a compact of buncha tired blue collar workers?
Vigin falls in love for the first time, embraces a stacy, stacy kills vigin then fucks the bad boy

>Ventrue seductress whose feeding restriction is young boys
This is a fucking fetish character, isn’t it?

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92712028
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Okay but where does the wolf muscle-mommy ss bait come in to play?
Is that why everyone and his brother is the reincarnation of some hero?

Isn't that Ghislaine from Mushoku Tensei?
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What in the fuck ever happened to that ZBG dude and his Visual Novel?
It was unrealistic to begin with. He aimed for an unreasonably complex choice structure, I doubt he ever finished outlining it. Most VNs have very simple choice structure.
VNs are not that complicated to write. He simply needed a flow chart and what leads to certain branching routes and bad ends.

Gathering all the other resources is the harder part.

Mystery Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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What Ork clan is your favorite /40kg/?
Artel W is perfect quality but they're also in Russia
Da Empruh's Greenist
i think she's just holding it up to the camera bro its not that deep
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Scythes of the Emperor.

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What are the best depictions of vampires?
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In the Dunwhich Horror shortly after the birth of WIlbur, there are periods where Levine and Old Man Wheatly are seen with sores on their necks just like the cows they ordered to feed him and the Horror.

You could naturally make a perversion of the typical infant suckling dynamic where a vampire intentionally comes across as child like to parasitically bond with a person affecting them psychologically as well as physically.

They do their best to maintain their host until their demands ultimately burn them out and then they just finish them off before moving on.

It also made me think of the HIve from Destiny and their parastic relationship with the worms that gives them power. The worms grow hungrier the more you feed them and will feed to the point of self destruction if you cannot sate them. which even facilitated a system of tithing up the ranks to regulate and maintain a steady stream of killing to allow the Hive Gods to keep feeding their worms while allowing their underlings to do so as well.
kain from legacy of kain.
I think that elemental vampires are cool. Imagine, elemental power flowing through their veins instead of blood, hungering for the life blood of mortals to allow them to replenish their physical shells and keeping them from being consumed by their own power.
Okay, post a stat block for such a vampire. You're discussing traditional games, right?
>Dracula was the star pupil at the Scholomance.
No, the star pupil was sent to hell as the devil's right hand.
Also, Dracula being a student of the devil's arts had nothing to do with him being a vampire.

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores
• Stay on topic

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Banana bourbon espresso sounds really good, going to have to try making that myself sometime.
Add a bit of cocoa to it too, syrup would work best but it's hard to find a good syrup that isn't super sweetened. To be fair the sweetness might help to offset the bite and bitter but I'm one that likes the bitter so I'd want to find some good dark (or even baker's) chocolate style stuff. The powders dissolve easily though to yeah.

Oh and a bit of nutmeg too while you're at it, would probably go well with that flavor palette.
trying to make a new type of creature not sure if this is good.
>Horny bird
I just want to put a note that I'd be thrilled even to just have a portrait shot. I mostly just need something that I can use as a token.

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Previous: >>92707500

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


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Something like
>When enter fetch a land
>WUBRG : fetch another. once each turn
>Golos, Unbanned {5}
>Legendary Artifact Creature - Scout
>When Golos, Unbanned enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a land card, put that card onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.
>{W}{U}{B}{R}{G}: You may reveal your hand. If you do, look at each face up permanent your opponents control, then shuffle your hand.
Just make the spells not free, but let you play an additional land on that turn as part of the ability
idk something like
>landfall: return a zombie from your graveyard to the battlefield with a decayed counter on it
would be cool

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Locked and Loaded edition

Previous >>92649919

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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Do you think we will ever see a set based on the olympus 12?
Ahh I see, understandable, thanks though
It is probably either bt16 pre-release or when bt16 comes out officially. If it is suppose to be sometime this month
I wonder what will be good in pre-release?
ACEs and DNA cards will be good but I wonder what bulk card will be dominate this time

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Hi there, I want you guys to rate the monsters within the Monster Core from a scale of 1 (Terrible) to 10 (Excellent). It can be based on anything between lore, visuals, or other stuff.

First, we're starting with the Aeons.
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If a group routinely kills monsters and sells their most valuable parts, then this is standard practice. Doubly so if the group knows a necromancer always in the market for stable remains to experiment with. "Loot" just happens to be whatever has value that the PCs are willing to cart around and sell. I know 2e doesn't encourage anything beyond mindless combat, but it's better to have a mechanic and not need it than vice versa.
I haven't seen players try to sell vendor trash from monsters in almost 20 years, who's doing that now?
My 3.5/PF group has saturated the market with lizardfolk hides, dire wolf fangs, and giant frog parts and refuse to throw away the remaining ~40lbs. They've lost more money in special containers than they'd earn if they sold everything at full price. At this point, it's become a matter of principle and they're certain they'll run across a traveling merchant that'll buy everything.
>It looks like they dropped alignment though so there's not even that reason for them to be different things anymore, and since they also removed the ones from D&D there's even more reason to combine them.
They wont combine them because each faction has completely different ideologies. Both devils and demons hate daemons and will team up together to kill both. In fact, Pharasma allows a demon and a devil to sit at the portal to the daemon afterlife to allow them to convince damned souls to come either to Hell or the Outer Rifts (Abyss) instead of going to the soul eating daemons.

Devils hate demons for being chaotic ruinious bastards with no sense for hierarchy or how a fiendish society should be constructed, and demons hate devils for ruining there fun and freewheeling cruelty. Not to mention they all come from very different realms. I get that many here are remarkably stupid verging on literal retardation, but its not that hard to remember the differences between these creatures in regards to D&D and PF.

>Talk about bargain bin Frankenstein, holy shit
Its literally the flesh golem, which was always Frankenstein's monster, now with noOGL and no Golem type.
>Dolphin entry with orca art, because why not.
Orcas are literally a type of dolphin.
>Don't need more dragons at all
considering that the metallics and chromatics arent going to be printed in any Paizo books anymore and all current dragon NPCs will be retconned as to their type, yeah, they did need more dragons. Paizo specific dragos like Imperials, Outer, Planar, and others still exist, but the chromatics and metallics are gone and will not return. Even Golarion's few tenuous lore connections to Tiamat are also gone, with retcons on Apsu and Dahaks lore and reason for fighting.
>Its literally the flesh golem, which was always Frankenstein's monster, now with noOGL and no Golem type.
Yes, anon, I know. I was ridiculing the Chris Farley rummaging in a thrift store with some hair gel combover and Halloween makeup artwork they opted to use.
>Orcas are literally a type of dolphin.
Once again, yes anon I know. It's the D section and a dolphin would make more sense. It just comes off as sloppy.
>yeah, they did need more dragons
I should've been clearer in the post: *I* don't need more dragons. I don't care what Paizo needs. That post was me ranking bestiary content on an imageboard unconnected to Paizo.

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What do we think of this Fallout TTRPG system?
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It's this >>92719691
Fantastic racism is a trait they ironically share with the Enclave, but the Enclave take it a bit further. The BoS doesn't care about radiation damage and genetic purity, their beef with wastelanders is cultural. The BoS have the superior philosophies and training and therefore no others deserve and can be trusted with pre-war tech, at least not without the BoS educating them first (based on now non-canon FO1 endings).
Friendly reminder that Harold got turned into something visually identical to a ghoul, if not an actual ghoul by the more modern definition, basically overnight by exposure to the same vat substance that created the Master.

I'm not defending shit from the show cause I haven't seen it, but what a ghoul is and how they actually work has always been kept intentionally vague. But there's clearly several levels of ghoulification, so it's probably best to be cautious about generalizing things to apply to all ghouls universally.
I may be misremembering but in the last episode I'm pretty sure at one point Cooper's wife looks up at a darkened observation window in the upper room, with the way her pip boy chirped first implying she was getting instructions from someone not in the room. So the Big Boss isn't House/RobCo or West Tek or Big MT or any of the others. Could be the President, I suppose, who was said to be missing from public eye in the first ep. That would suggest it would really be the Enclave, and I don't think anyone would be surprised if the Enclave was really advocating for first strike with contingencies so that they would later emerge to reestablish America proper and thus be the sole surviving nation of the Great War. I mean that's pretty much their history already. As far as I know the only thing we never knew was who dropped the bombs first, which all things being said and done didn't really matter. But now that it's suggested Vault-Tec does it, well, that doesn't really make sense to me. If they're already the biggest corp in the US it makes zero sense destroying their customer base. All their cash will be worthless. It just makes more sense that a different kind of jingoistic supremacist force is behind things, which is the Enclave all the way.

Unless they add yet another super secret shadow organization into the mix. Fuck, I hope not.
It's probably just the Enclave again since it explains why the Enclave had the cold fusion macguffin at the beginning. Presumably the reason why they didn't use it is because the tech was secured pre-war but Moldaver kept the secret on how to activate it.

While on that topic, there's still some problems with the plot to me. Like why the hell did Moldaver have a bunch of psychotic raiders working for her in the beginning as opposed to her remnant NCR troopers? Or if she did, why were her NCR troopers indistinguishable from raiders? Seems like it's just to preserve the fakeout that her faction isn't raider at all but a peaceful community with happy kids and equality with ghouls. Which was kind of a letdown if only because it meant the end of the first season mirrored the shit that went down in Vault 4 where Maximus comes in like the cavalry to save Lucy only to learn, whoops, there wasn't an actual threat and he made everything worse. And why is there even still an active Enclave faction in the west? And how was the NCR completely crippled? Sure the loss of their capital would be a huge blow but they are composed of five states and major population centers such as Vault City, Redding, The Hub, with Big Brahmin Barons to boot. Plenty of big players to try to claim the whole pie. They survived a BoS nuclear strike that took out their gold reserves which was a far bigger issue, I'd warrant, since politicians are easier to replace than the basis for their currency. The water standard didn't do them any favors. Their president can also die in New Vegas and not cause any major changes. And why does Vault 31Team Middle Management have access to a goddamn nuke? If they're working with the Enclave why wouldn't they have used it during FO2? And - oh hell, there's a lot of little things.

Makes me nervous they're moving in on New Vegas territory. What else can the writers with?

going professional but still cute edition

- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz | May 6th - 13th
- Champions Chess Tour: Chess.com Classic | May 8th - 15th
- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Chess Classic Romania | June 24th - July 6th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz Croatia | July 8th - 15th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

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yeah he seems focused
In my opinion, the way the World Championship should work is this:

Start out with #1 rated player as Champion. Then, there is only a WC match if the WC is no longer #1 rated and it has been at least 2 years since the last WC match. The challenger in the WC match is always the highest rated player who isn't the WC and who doesn't decline the match.
Are you crazy? China will do a series of closed tournaments until one of the players "magically" gets to 2900.
Your implication doesn't follow from your scenario. Someone is inevitably going to rank up in that situation, it wouldn't even need to be falsified like you're scaremongering.
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This guy just broke 1900 rapid in less than a year from starting chess.
What's your excuse?

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