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Obnoxiously Pink edition.

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Right fuckheads, this is how you link a new thread



I need to get a display case for real. Any good cheap options around?
speaking of cancerous/unfun armies to play in AOS, does anyone have any good examples?(assuming you guys actually play?)

I played against 120 zombies earlier in the season on the mission towers in the tundra (60 zombies just walk onto each of the 2 objectives and win) while teleporting blizzard heroes and grave guard 3 inch summon just rape everything.
Death recursion where they bring back entire units is very annoying.
I wouldn't call it cancer but I think a lot of the castle playstyles are pretty unfun. Alarielle surrounded by 60 dryads and all the strike and fade 500 damage instakill faggotry (muh "screens" tho kys go back to 40k this is fantasy) Karazai/Krondys + 3-6 praetors with a 5+ ward and pretty much always with +3-4 to their base save can be fucking ridiculous along with that nigger COS priestess who nukes everything on the board.
Too many factions play like castles right now.
I won't play shooting KO if I can choose it, I want to play age of sigmar, not 40k.
Tzeentch can be aids where hero phases literally take 30 minutes and BOC null deploy and then movement phase where the entire board comes in can also take like 30+ minutes lol.
Yes, I don't know why people are allergic to playing the actual game (2000pts, current GHB).
Too many people around me exclusively play 500-750pt games, its mind blowing why they don't want to play the real game?
AOS has one sized board and its absolutely awful for 1000pts. The game is built to play at 2000pts, this is evidenced in tons of the battle tactics (you cant afford to have 3 units doing nothing to score surround and destroy at 1000pts), plenty of the grand strats, and plenty of other faction rules that require you to have heroes to do shit but you might only have 1-2 at 1000pts.
Most people use an Ikea display.
Try the Blaliden if you have a smaller collection.

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A player tries to kill another players character.
Do you take it to combat, do you talk about it to solve whatever is causing the player to try and kill another players character, or do you completely shut it down and perhaps kick the source of tension from the game?
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Is everyone cool with it? Then let them fight like normal.
sorry lol meant to reply to OP not you
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I was in a Star Wars game where the characters start out in an outpost owned by one of the PCs, and most of the rest are new arrivals. Through a series of mishaps (such as one player asking a Moff, casually, in public, about buying military grade weapons) the Empire comes down on the place and we have to bail. We get on the ship, and the character that owned the outpost decides they want to punish the PC that fucked up and shoots him in the face, rolls a crit, and permanently blinds him. It ended up fracturing the group so badly that the campaign died right there, half the characters were in no way interested in staying on a ship with that kind of psychopath.

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How could you improve on The Witcher's setting and story?

Feels like a world where fantasy species live as second class citizens to or are outright oppressed by humans (and it's implied that this is a cycle with every new major species arriving from the Conjunction of Spheres) has a lot of potential for unique worldbuilding and a wealthy variety of stories but what we actually got was kind of bland and unoriginal.
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>It also avoids medieval stasis.
Absolutely all of the books and witcher media take place during a medieval period, including the flashbacks hundreds/thousands of years ago. All of the things you mentioned as 'breaking' this stasis are things that occurred even during the early medieval period.
A lot of Polish fantasy writers are conservatives. Most of them are pretty lame. The most famous one is proverbial for never doing any research in his political writings.

I wonder what the breakdown of ideologies and genres are across different nations.

I know here in the US we had a lot of Sci-Fi used as a venue for conservatism. Heinlein is probably the most famous example, most of it is stuff like 'cowboys on the moon don't need no stinking earth government, and make their own country that's mans man country'. I think the popularization of military sci-fi sort of carved out the right niche for conservative sci-fi (this isn't a critique but an observation, military themes are more conservative in nature and a sci-fi setting is both fun to explore and open ended to an authors desired plotline). Wheras I think more recently conservatives have moved to modern political thrillers that are much more just political wankery, rather than stories that have a conservative bent to them.
In Poland the early wave of right wing thought in scifi and fantasy probably stems from the fact that escapism and speculative stuff tended to overlap with anti-communism back in the 1980s. It's very trite, but when people wanted to criticize communism they'd just write a book about how there's an ineffective, stagnant authoritarian government on Mars the Red Planet, etc. So the two naturally went hand in hand. They were usually free market right wingers too, not many of them were more radical nationalists.

Then you had people like Sapkowski who was a contrarian contrarians, and wanted to distinguish himself from the rest by his progressive liberal rhetorics while still remaining an economical liberal.

I haven't done any research myself, it's just my hunch.
It seems to me it's also in part a reaction to the rise of Polands reactionary right. And his themes in his books are pretty hard to argue against- that is the regressive ignorant society that the main characters have to navigate are what isolationism and nativism get you. Of course his message is subtle, which is how the Witcher series gets held up by far-right Poles as tentpoles of Polish culture.

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>the party's healer has been collecting strange and suspicious ingredients
>Minotaur cum is suspicious now
Back in my day we just accepted it as essential for making stronger potions.
pic reminds me that i should blow up more churches in my game
Pee diagnostics.
Three is typical but collecting five or more liters is getting a little suspect.

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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>One twink put up a better fight then (you)
Is Genshin an NTR game?
He can also summon train doors and pachink balls.
I don't hate the player illithid model. It looks the most "alien" of the flayers It does suck that they had to shrink it down so they could reuse all the same player character animations for it, though, and the main/Emperor design is much cooler.
His DE and cursed technique are just so innately linked that he gets DE automatically as part of it.
Imagine having sex with Miwa in front of Mechamaru in exchange for restoring his body

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Would it work as a setting for a fantasy tabletop rpg?
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>I've kind of wanted to do a game set during the age of gods and that might work. Especially since it's kind of grimdark as well.

i could see that working, some of the critters in fate/go would after all be terrifing if you aren't a supersonic murder machine with a legendary weapon

like wyvern that raise the dead they eat, self replicating goo proto homonculi, small mountain sized spriggans and all the shit from the babylonia singularity that people had to fight with cooper sticks

which system would you use?
Is there a good tabletop system for FGO shit in general?
No, because for all the rules Fate makes up for its setting, it never actually follows any of them.
Good question, I would also like to know the answer.

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>in a group playing a 5e game
>hey it's a game and the DM does pretty well
>couple guys are having trouble making it to sessions, DM thinking of doing a side campaign
>says he has a few options, puts forth a sci fi campaign
>about a colony transport that gets attacked by ayy lmaos
>What system are you gonna run it in?
>Oh 5E because that's what I know
Regardless on how you feel about 5e I have to save homie from this course of action. What's a good spaceship system I can learn and teach fairly fast to dnd guys? Is there an easy edition of Traveller?
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>Nah we're pretty tight
I thought it was worth mentioning as a potential issue, but fair enough.
>it has a ton of splats
Traveller as a whole has decades of stuff written for it, most of which is going to be at least broadly compatible with every version. Plus the settings people have made for Cepheus.
Also "die in character creation" does not apply to Mongoose's versions, which I think is bad. Death in character creation reminds you of the characters' mortality, and gives you a chance to dispose of someone with shit stat rolls.
>you can kind of make it up as you go along and about 80% of the time that's RAW for Classic.
At that point, I might as well be playing 5e.
No, it's present in Mongoose too, it's just an optional rule in another book.
Best advice: You want to play Paranoia and add aliens to it that attack your ship. But make them shapeshifting aliens. Half your PC's will be trying to get them promoted aboard the ship. It'll be hilarious.
Honestly, SAGA edition Star Wars.

Still d20 and reasonably recognizable to a D&D player.

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What do you think of Traveller: the New Era?
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I would still say “setting up” is important in CT, but it’s all stuff that happens before the combat
Range, having appropriate weapons and armor, and getting the ambush can all be extremely important to the outcome of combat. If you’re a marine you already have some combat skills and a leg up
Most likely the crews would be people who have learnt to tune distractions out and manage to deal with hours to days of little activity (and on a small ship, that shouldn't be a lot because a small crew means everyone has to put in work checking that the dials are not in the red and your Space 80s computer hasn't blown a circuit). In fact, I would say spacers in Traveller are much like ship crews in modern times: people who actually *want* to do that shit, and learn to take the good with the bad. One of my uncles was one of these: he hadn't seen a ship larger than a rowboat before enlisting on a tramp freighter as a second signaller. He ended up doing 20 years at sea, turning into a real sea dog in the process.
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What would be some good weapons and armor to prioritize? I have a badass Gauss rifle with a grenade launcher attached but the armor is very different from MgT2.
I've been giving my ships half of that per man all this time.... Hohoh oh fuck no sailor your quarters are about to get way smaller.
Combat Armor is the best, IMO. Battle Dress is superior on the battlefield, but it's expensive as hell and it's not often you can step out into a starport wearing 2 mega credits of military-grade bipedal tank without at least making the local authorities nervous. Combat armor doesn't raise as many eyebrows.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
'Living Threadslave' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92579870
453 replies and 43 images omitted. Click here to view.
... fuck. When I was in school exams were one week.
Accurate for my character.
>I'll try not to be nominated for the mcyoa slowest cook award.
The competition for that award is fierce. I think you could not write for a couple months and still not be in the running.

>None whatsoever! I think I used up 2 weeks of the internship with Variety Hour. So we still have 30 days of November to go.
Speaking of which, internships bleed into December too, right? December 1st, December 1.5th, December 2nd, December 2.5th... We've got a solid 40+ days of December before Christmas too. 70 days total to work with.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, and even more happy for the critique.
I admit all I did was put it through Grammarly. I was worried about bloat, but I'll make sure to purge the thought of that and stop trying to be slick.

Better to be too much than too little, right?
>The competition for that award is fierce.
Maybe one day I'll win that award, and then I'll start writefagging normally again.

>Speaking of which, internships bleed into December too, right?
Yep. Nov 15 to Dec 20, is what I have mapped out. So a solid 90 days actually. And that's not accounting any time-travel shenanigans, dream sequences, narnia-style portals, and groundhog day effects. Plenty of time for an adventure or two.

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how does Campaign Cartographer 3 (and all other ProFantasy software) hold up in 2024? I always wanted it as a kid but didn't have money, now I could acquire it but I'm not sure if it's still worth it with so many tools and alternatives available.
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Some of us aren't very good artists, anon. We'd like our maps to not look like shit. No one wants to see a notebook paper doodle done in pencil.
>No one wants to see a notebook paper doodle done in pencil.
>Implying anyone's gonna see it besides you and maybe your group
Lol. Lmao even.
>Some of us aren't very good artists, anon.
You don't need to be a good artist to draw a map. Like if old module/adventure map makers were. The only thing you need is the will to make a fun or interesting map for your game world. If you're going to use a software may as well use AI because how soulless both methods are.
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Try Wonderdraft instead. It's a lot better

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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Oh. Yes. That's all true.
That's why the battlegroups are all mooks. They are initiative drains, which is why I use them in moderation to reduce the amount of available initiative in a battle. They can easily stack dice very high, which is why I don't use them as major enemies. Might is indeed boring, so I often give special battlegroups a charm or two that means they take special actions instead.
Which means none of those issues pop up. Since they're just mooks that get killed and act as annoyances while alive.
>which is why I use them in moderation to reduce the amount of available initiative in a battle
The problem with this is that battles take longer by them existing. If you're taking initiative and flushing it down the toilet it benefits no one and drags a fight on longer. There's no enemy ready to open a can of whoop ass on you, just a faceless blob.

It also heavily penalizes those who fail a litmus stat test, far more than any other opponent in the game. At least with a demonic minion you can bash and get the initiative back, eat a decisive then attempt to initiative shift them for assloads of init and more. With battle groups you hope you're the one who can crash them so you can get the initiative shift.

>They can easily stack dice very high, which is why I don't use them as major enemies.
The problem is that it takes only a single roll outside the upper end the bell curve to make a battle a done deal for you or horribly screwed for PC's

>Which means none of those issues pop up.
It doesn't stop them from existing in the first place
Uoooooh I want to be a heretical dynast whose sole heresy is "enslaving and fucking Lunars I've captured on Wyld Hunts is Immaculate, actually"
>The problem with this is that battles take longer by them existing. If you're taking initiative and flushing it down the toilet it benefits no one and drags a fight on longer. There's no enemy ready to open a can of whoop ass on you, just a faceless blob.
I... yes? That is indeed why I use them when designing fights. Some of my fights would otherwise end after maybe 10 minutes.

>It also heavily penalizes those who fail a litmus stat test, far more than any other opponent in the game.
Seems something of a non-sequitor, the battlegroups I use are never strong. There's no litmus test to attempt, because the answer is always the same.

>The problem is that it takes only a single roll outside the upper end the bell curve to make a battle a done deal for you or horribly screwed for PC's
When the battlegroups are rolling 10-13 dice on an attack, they wont matter for most of them. On the occasion where they do, it'll be an advantage for the enemy for sure, but it's not decisive.

>It doesn't stop them from existing in the first place
Anon, did you read the post I originally made? I'm not claiming battlegroups are without flaw, I'm just saying they've worked well for me in the situations in which I've employed them.
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New thread

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What's the most implausible or silliest cheesecake you've ever seen in a published book?
Jorkin it to the 4e nymph right now

What's your honest opinion on
Japanese depiction of elves in their settings?
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Yes, Tolkien's elves were not similar to the legends on purpose.
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based dark elf lore document poster
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No, in the traditional Germanic lore where Elves are from they aren't just immortals. They were supernaturally beautiful beings closer to nature spirits or lesser gods than to humans, and pre-Christian and even still for awhile long after official Christianization Nordic peoples made offerings to them similarly to how they made offerings to other gods and spirits.
They were never thought of as nor described as just-humans-but-immortal before modern Fantasy literature. It's akin to saying Nymphs in Greek Mythology were just immortal humans.
I'm talking about the oldest myths.
This is quite impressive in the skill of the artist.

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Look I'm just saying we should kill all nerds.

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Are potatoes in generic fantasy setting really that much of an issue?
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throwing fistful of curry into everything is opposite of having a sense of taste
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There are ways of dealing with that.

Yes, I know the other one is the aunt.
No one's fault but your own that you don't like it, anon.
You don't understand what curry is.
Retard probably thinks anyone unironically uses curry powder.

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