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Share facts and anecdotes about the races from your worlds and campaigns. What original species are there? What twists have you put on staples like elves and dwarves?
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>too grognard for even an ideas thread
what the fuck do you people want
very cool!
Bumpfag mindbroke the board into seething about "idea threads" long ago
I posted my races and then again about humans in particular
Bosmers are great but the game does a poor job at showing they cannibalism and savagery. That's why I always join the cannibal daedra worshipers near Markath when playing one.

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Previously: >>92477263

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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>putting what is essentially an eldar mech into the imperium deck

Flavor lose
>my Teysa
>can't quit my main girl
I can respect that. I wouldn't quit Teysa either

>literally reads 'i draw 3 cards a turn' I adore it
Just wanna give you a heads-up that the later on the game you play Braids, the more likely people are to sacrifice stuff rather than give you the draw (either because they have spare stuff , or because they are low on life)

I rather not. I *can* afford Boromir. But it's still an expensive card so I rather think twice before buying it (different from cards that cost only cents, which I sometimes buy "just in case")

I do wanna "proxy" all my legendaries as 2/2 zombies for my Ratadrabik deck
>bought two weiss decks with my ex
>broke up before we even played them
are these worth anything?
attack on titan trial deck 2015
sword art online trial deck 2013
all sleeved never played
Admech stole it, also shorikai would be closer to a tau suit
The only other card I put in the deck is elesh norn, and she basically just an admech
I can’t see the admech using xeno tech, stealing it maybe. You have to embrace the prejudice over practicality grindset

itt: recommendations
pic related is incredible, fully recommend
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What are some good resources for creating castles and forts?
what do you mean?
Those aren't european clothes, but also a lot of black people have adopted european culture, they don't wear african cothes they wear european clothes. I don't think you're smart enough to be a black SJW on the internet. You saw a black person in fantasy and you became mad and you immediately, involuntarily began to project your anger onto your opponents.
NTA, but why not?

Thanks for the links.

You wouldn't happen to have the boardgame one by chance for the complete set?

Food is the basis of life. Every race needs it to survive, they have to make do with what they have, and they'll want it made to taste as good as they'd like. So I find the use of food as a form of worldbuilding really compelling, whether it's fantastical ingredients that find their way into dishes, or an indicator of diet and culture by what different groups eat.

How do you do your food worldbuilding? What's some good food you've made for your setting?
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>What kind of meat pies?
Any resources you guys would recommend for a beginner trying to understand more about historical food preparation and preservation methods? Especially stuff from 1920s or earlier.
Only just beginning to get into cooking myself and something I'm particularly curious about is how people did rations and stored food pre-refrigeration. I know some of the basic ones like smoking / potted meats / drying, but I'm wondering if there's some more obscure ones out there.

Did you just kind of ask them inbetween sessions or was there an in-game element to it, like a waiter asking them for what they want? Feels like food could be a fun bit of flavor (heh) during downtime.
party cares much more about drinks than food, see pic attached
boiling water using hot stones pulled from the fire was a big one in ancient times. especially if you didn't have any cookware. you could dig a little pit, line it with the same kind of animal hide you'd use for making a waterskin, fill it with water and all your soup ingredients, make a fire a few feet away, and then when the stones in the fire are red-hot drop them into the soup-pit.

in terms of preserved food rations, people would obvioulsy have most things dried (fruits, roots, jerky) and would rehydrate them as soup.
just like with instant oats today, pre-industrial people could make cereal-based field rations by pre-cooking or steaming oats/barley before a journey, rolling them out, letting them dry again, and then packing them up. that's how you get quick-cook grains.
Pretty much. My players don't care, but I worldbuild for myself. It helps me relax. I read about something cool historically or in fantasy and I think how it would fit into my setting. And I do it. 99% of it will never matter for players however.

What happens if the Imperium wins, and somehow Chaos, all Xenos, all mutants, all heretics, and all Renegades are vanquished forever?
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Civil war and we start all over again
>what happens
The brave bold independent femstodes who don't need no man braap their period juices all over the primarchs and singlehandedly save the Imperium and improve life for everyone because all they even needed was a woman's touch.

The Imperium would get solo’ed by Tyranids and Necrons by their lonesome so good luck pulling that off
Facist states collapsing?

All of them.
Yeah like the USSR amd Khmer Rouge and Cuba

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>the entire eye of terror campaign, the gothic wars, eldrads death, and ten thousand years of black crusades get retconned to justify shoving primarchs and custodes into 40k
>custodes get retconned to have women
is there anything more nauseating than a shrieking horus heresy faggot?
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>I'm asking this genuinely, what exactly is the end goal of people pushing for DEI/Inclusivity/Woke/whatever term you want to use?
Which people? The true believers playing internet-priests or the international companies trying to win the social media lottery? And what makes you think that OP has anything to do with either?
>the entire eye of terror campaign, the gothic wars, eldrads death, and ten thousand years of black crusades get retconned to justify shoving primarchs and custodes into 40k
Not a problem.There are two timelines in my headcanon. The Gathering Storm and further events are from the second seni-canonical timeline.
>nobody knew who a Primarch even was except for the most die hard autists. Before the YouTube apocalypse that is
How did you group chapters if not by legion. How could you play blood angels but not know of sangunius
Primarchs should have been apocalypse only, 2k+, as every chaos guy has wanted playable angron since first reading about armageddon
Man we are getting so many little shrieking nigger secondaries posting the exact same threads on the board since the Custodes thing hit youtubers.

Pirate Queen Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>92389368

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

/wbg/ Discord: https://discord.gg/JCjYYb2E (broken)

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Thanks for the answer. Moren than a few of these are already on my radar just as other non-fiction works. That's why I'm more concerned with getting either something about customs or fiction.
Not that interested. I think lower-class viewpoint is already vastly overrepresented.
What’s stopping you exactly?
Same guy. What would be a good name for a voluntary multi-national military force with holy purpose, but with a mostly investigative purpose rather than a crusading one? For forces assembled to explore/document/suppress this "raptured zone" I'm designing. I'm definitely sticking with my idea of the major being a winged hussar expy with a wheellock pilebunker.
The Armed Faithful or something like that. Descriptive names are underrated.
The Creep Uponers.

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Gentlemen, how do we save Yu-Gi-Oh!?q
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Why should konami listen to fad chasers who stopped caring about yugioh the second it became "uncool"?
ban bird/lock, baroness, blossom, imper, droplet, evenly matched, that link ninja shit
maximum 10 cards used per turn
>he doesn't know
Bait. You need to define what's "wrong" with it in the first place. But there's nothing wrong with it. YGO is fine. The "issue" is the same as with any other TCG or mini game. You need to spend money. The game itself is however fine. If you don't understand cars and don't read them that's a you problem. Most of those effects could be shortened to keywords honestly, but keywords are annoying. You'd need to know what they do. That was my biggest issue about getting into MTG. If you don't like the main format play Speed or Rush. Both are simple, easier, without many of the cards, so you can play slower, grindier games.
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>A fantastic monster with great effects MUST come at a high cost and a high risk; that's always been the point of the game.
Summoned Skull says hi!

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So... these are the models that Age of Sigmar players are shitting and pissing themselves over. To be honest I'm really not seeing the hype. Would expect more from a community that values itself on quality of models at the cost of lore and gameplay.
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Sisters if battle having bad faces can be chalked up to the sculptors not knowing how to sculpt female faces and the paint job also not being good for that either
I will not buy this woke slop.
I will use pic related or whatever other warband i can shoehorn as replacement of the awful stuff they are trying to push.

Those barbarians and not my Evil Conan dudes, so i will not spend a penny on such shit.
Forgot pic
I've not seen women with this haircut in 10 years, it's kinda hilarious that GW still clings to it to represent "strong independent" women

What is your characters plan for retirement?
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Probably as the guardian deity of an Empire that he and his borderline evil friends accidentally ended up founding after investing millions in what was originally just a base of operations in the mountains, turned into a capital city over time and went on a conquering spree on the 4 neighboring nations.
>accidentally one-thing-leads-to-anothering yourself into becoming the next campaign's BBEG
It'll be a pretty anti-climactic showdown for your next party.
He spent the bulk of his Swiss account on a new pancreas and
liver, the rest on a new Ono-Sendai and a ticket back to the

He found work.

He found a girl who called herself Michael.

And one October night, punching himself past the scarlet tiers
of the Eastern Seabord Fission Authority, he saw three figures,
tiny, impossible, who stood at the very edge of one of the vast
steps of data. Small as they were, he could make out the boy's
grin, his pink gums, the glitter of the long gray eyes that had
been Riviera's. Linda still wore his jacket; she waved, as he
passed. But the third figure, close behind her, arm across her

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What the fuck is the point of just copying and pasting the end of Neuromancer here? Do you not have games of your own, faggot?

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I know things like Mythic GME and MUNE and oracles to GM for solo play.

Are there equivalents to run Players for solo GMing? I want to run a DCC level 0 funnel because I've heard they're super fun and addicting, even for solo play (https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/91134085/#91148746), but if I'm reading the adventure then obviously I already can see all the twists and turns, the answers to puzzles, i've either got to dick around in character(s) doing solutions I out of character know are wrong and even dangerous, or else handwave all that and go straight for the solutions. But if I partially or fully offload the decision-making of the peasant gongfarmers, suddenly that's not an issue.

Obviously it's not going to be the same kind of fun as solo playing with a gm emulator, more like watching an anthill as all the little dudes scurry around and go about their business, but it still sounds fun.
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Cloud Empress (uses Mothership rules) has a great solo play booklet with a player simulator.

Muspelhell (an OSE adventure) includes an AutoDM screen that is pretty sweet.
I honestly don't get your post
That's probably because he misused the quotation arrow. Imagine the same post without it.
Just use a simple oracle, idea generator and PCs stats/skills.
The PCs enter a room with a secret passage in it.
Do the PCs look for secret passages?
How likely are they to do it? They heard rumors of a secret passage leading to the treasure and they aren't chased by anything or in a rush, so very likely.
Roll your oracle or use the best related stat out of all the PCs (if it was unlikely, I would use the worst stat out of all of the PCs). Usually Intelligence, Perception, Wisdom, whatever. No/Failed stat or skill roll. Okay, but why? If it had been 50/50 odds I wouldn't bother finding out why, but here it feels important. I don't have any idea so I use my idea generator. I'm using an online words generator this time and I get power+traffic lights
Sounds like a teleportation circle to me. So it's their center of attention and they don't think about looking for other passages while trying to figure out the circle.
If you don't like creating things on the fly and are using a pre-made dungeon or whatever, use logic/what is expected in the situation. It's always your best tools. If there isn't anything in the room that could distract or prevent them from searching, they have a random encounter of some kind that prevents it. You can even discard the next random encounter you roll since you're using one right now.
Playing the GM to a bunch of NPC heroes is super easy. It's the best way to play/test modules in solo mode. It's like 20X easier than playing solo as a PC. It's also lighter on GM duties. In PC solo mode you have to create a lot of stuff as you play to limit GM knowledge and bring in surprises. In GM mode you just have to roll for PC actions/reactions.
In GM mode you can use a simple Yes/No oracle, but I would suggest also using a random event trigger, like rolling a match on your oracle dice or a certain number on a special die. In this case it's not a random event, but a random PC action/reaction/plan.
So let's say I decide that when rolling an oracle question, I will also roll a d10. On a 1, the PCs do something dumb and unexpected instea dof the Yes/No result. On a 10 they do something clever and unexpected.
You can also use a different die to represent the odds of something like that happening. Maybe your PCs are very by-the-book heroes, so you use a d20. Maybe it's a bunch of rogues who always use out-of-the-box tactics so you use a d6.
You determine the unexpected action like you would a random event in Mythic. You can create a Focus list or not, but use a random idea generator. Or go full minimalist and ask a bunch of questions to an oracle to determine the action. But I would keep that oracle simple with no additional random action trigger.
Always keep the context and what happened in the story/dungeon/wild so far in mind when using oracles and idea generators.
For combat, I have my own way. I roll a d6 for each of my PCs and this is the number of rounds they do what I expect them to do. When they reachh their number, they do something unexpected and I roll a d6 for them again. It takes some book keeping, but it works for important fights. I'm more into wargames when it comes to unimportant fights.

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>party buys a map of the world
>dm sends us picrel
iits gonna be one of those eternal struggle campaigns, isnt it?
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AI feels fine to me
Fuck off, slopspammer.
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I feel like this party could do something with it after their current campaign ends.
If my DM did this I'd quit the table
>>The major religion revolves around The Twins, He Who Feels and He Who Comforts, who form a divine arc around the planet conjoining in a great hug atop the North Pole

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The reason I don't like GURPs is the dice.

It's all based on D6 rolls. 3D6 is your most common roll to achieve anything. Personally, I like the cool polyhedral dice many systems use, that's part of the fun, and I like predictable percentages for probabilities.

When you roll 3D6, it's not an even distribution. The chances of getting a 3 is less than the chance of getting a 4, which is less than the chance of getting a 5, etc. It's a strong bell curve. So a full 50% of your rolls will be a 9, 10, 11, or 12. Over and over again, 9,10,11,12. That's kinda boring. If you, as a GM, want a bonus to give the character about a 10% better chance of success, you're screwed. There's no way to give a character a +10% bonus without it becoming a mathematical quagmire.
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I read a post from a bad DM here, probably in one of the dice threads, about how he needs to quickly do math to dynamically set the odds of success for his players to a certain percentage, instead of using the rules of the system. OP might be that guy.
I think GURPs was only mentioned to draw attention to his shitpost.
Bell curves are for cowards, you know the most likely results before you touch the dice at all.
How'd you feel about a D100?
I've been working on a gurps like system that uses one
not even physically possible without using say multiple d10s
Why is this sorry excuse of a thread still up?

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>introduce muscle mommies to the faction
>the range sells out within a day
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It's extremely weird that social media millennials are insisting they have deviantart muscle giant fetishes to appear nonthreatening.
>i-it's weird to find health appealing!
>I can only coom to dainty flowers whose frail frames even I can overpower!
But where's the gigachad image?
millennials are basically neutered at this point and trying to find safe ways to show that they do indeed still have semi-functioning genitalia and needs
Yeah I don't.
So elborate

>tfw the Tau are more based than the Imperium now.
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You do realize that the purpose of a game is to have fun, right? Do you remember what that is? Autistically screeching about how every attractive female picture isn't 'lore accurate' and they should all be as ugly as their models makes you droll.
Probably why the HFY crowd hates them so much.
if the source material is retconned what can he actually do though?
maybe this is the immense blueberry fucker in me, but there some cuteness in that face
Now this is very cute
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>official Tau fluff and simply use it as a vehicle for their own headcanon of the species and society functions, in a sense they have the most fervent /your dudes/ playerbase in the game
Yes, hello Tau Empire Based Department inform Aun´Chad we won

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