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I had this idea for a gun combat system that doesn’t have hit points instead it has injuries (broken bones, blood loss). What do you think of this idea? Is it dumb? How would you go about executing it?
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A realistic gun combat system probably involves anyone who is hit with a bullet directly either being out of the fight entirely and needing immediate medical evac, or their insides being chunky salsa.
i’m OK with that I’m looking for something rocket taggy where the interesting part is getting the first shot off and getting it on target.
Watching a review on YouTube now
I’m looking in the groups now is there anywhere I could find the GURPS game?

Also where can I find the modules. I’m not sure if I want to pay for all of them yet.
You might be able to adapt Aces and Eights

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The dice-rolling board knows how to think about odds, right?

(ignore twitter idiots, couldn't be bothered to crop the image)
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Born too late to participate in Randi's challenge.
Born too soon to trick the devil in a game of dice.
Born just in time to never penetrate armour.
I'm taking a statistics class right now and it blows ass. Statics is way more fun and interesting fuck you prob dickheads and fuck you again for making me take this class for an unrelated degree.
It's not unrelated, you're just dumb.
you are correct but I'm still mad I had to sacrifice all my hobbies and free time to pass a course I don't enjoy.
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I report you to my state's gambling commission and get a $500 reward

>an ancient evil lives as a mundane worker since they got tired of being active
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>an ancient evil lives as a vague concept-poster on /tg/ since they got tired of playing games
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>helping her catch the homeless
>a young hero awakens and attempts to reject mundane life, tired of being surrounded by filth
great grandma was Ukrainean kulak, she would be absolutely livid about current state of affairs

My party slew a wing of wyverns in the megadungeon. Have decided a few things:

>pseudodragons are wyvern infants, they lose their psychic abilities as they age and their venom becomes more dangerous
>with a steady food source a wyvern can grow to almost adult size in a month
>no natural predators except adult wyverns
>with the wyvern adults slain, the eggs will hatch and wreck havoc on the local ecosystem , within a few game sessions caverns once populated with weasels & owl bears become home to fledging wyverns

All I gotta do now is come up with some small & medium wyverns
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I hope everyone posting in this thread including myself is killed violently in the next week
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I'd try to encourage you to research help with your mental health, but fuck...
My party fought a blackfoot gigaferret once. The wizard was instantly decapitated when it pounced, and the rogue and cleric were both torn to shreds in 2 rounds.
First one was a good attempt at creativity, but second one was more varied.
>no u

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What are you doing with wanna be clowns as DM? Do you keep them or just kill a PC right away? Or even kick a player?
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1) The United States is a foreign culture to 95.7% of the world population AND
2) The United States projects a great deal of soft power in the form of media exports AND
3) 4chan is known to be mostly but not exclusively North American posters THEREFORE

this is an obvious and convenient place to ask Americans directly "what's your fucking deal and do you have any idea how stupid School Buses look to the rest of us?"
> school buses

It's prison transport, but for children. Who cares what it looks like?
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What if I am a clown GM?
This isn't English
There was a serial killer who worked as a clown.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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Book of Vile Darkness version.

Fiendish Codex I - Hordes of the Abyss version. The Mutterer and Transformer roles appear to be unique.

There's also the Fiend of Possession prestige class in Fiend Folio on page 204 and Eberron Campaign Setting on page 100.

The former has two major distinctions, in that they fully turn Ethereal instead of leaving a vulnerable body and they run on Enhancement equivalent instead of GP value.

The latter is noteworthy for having Celestial Channeling right next to it, which is otherwise only in Book of Exalted Deeds to my recollection.
Cleric X/Prestige Paladin 2/Bone Knight X
Paladin buffs are stronger at lower levels than the cleric equivalent, powerful mounts that get your buffs.
Battle Blessing with mount movement means you move faster, kill hard, have the entirety of the cleric caster list.
So strong, I'll never do it again.
Sprinkle in Ordained Champion if you want.
>Have any o you ever used any of the mass combat warfare systems for 3.x?
What I used was the guild rules in... either PHBII or DMGII, I can never remember which unless the book's open in front of me.

For BIG battles, though, I used a combination of mob rules from the City environment book adjusted by the warfare units from the Miniature Handbook. Otherwise, I just took Heroes of Battle's advice and let the war be a backdrop.

Are there any board games or ttrpgs that involve kaiju or kaiju containment?
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I feel like you could create a variant on the horrified games to be about kaiju - they're already about humans trying to work together to stop supernatural shit going down, the supernatural shit moves around the board causing trouble and you follow it trying to rescue people and piece together the methods needed to get rid of each creature.
The game setup has some issues that I'd want to adjust before making a "fan variant", most glaringly the fact that it feels like the monster-specific abilities oncards in the monster deck don't happen often enough. Aside from that, you'd need to change how the board is laid out if you wanted larger kaiju models to really sell the idea of being the response squad to a Godzilla-Axehead-Sahaquiel three way showdown.

I'll have a think on this idea and come back to it if the thread's still up later.
Shin Godzilla would have to be the big scary final monster.
There are Kaiju in Pathfinder, even use that word for them. But games don't ever reach a high enough level for the players to actually fight them.
I think the real fun would be in creative ways to contain them or set them against each other to mitigate destruction. Straight up fighting them might be cool in a "shadow of the colossus" sort of way. Not that I think about it, a Monster Hunter ttrgp could be cool too.

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Owens edition

Last Thread: >>92568532

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Dude just stole all of NEA's missing luck, that's all
Unrelated note, something about having John Wick as Shadow in the new Sonic movie is fucking hilarious to me
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The man may not be able to confirm a crit to save his life, but his hit rolls against me were definitely on point.
I cannot wait for the shitpost dubs of shadow lines over john wick scenes and vice versa
new thread


Why is it the best RPG of all time??
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/osrg/ is a pissing contest, always has been and always will be, but they're quality posters when they aren't arguing about what OSR means.
Call it "nu-sr" if you want, who knows, maybe that term will eventually catch on outside of /osrg/.
>best RPG of all time
>classes and levels
NSR is what the people that actively identify by the moniker go.

Tactical Studies Rules
Old School Renaissance
New School Revolution.
yeah but that's stuff like Into the Odd and Maze Rats and Cairn and Knave or Tunnel Goons.
nothing more fun than sending a non sequitur into /osrg/ and seeing them reinvent rolemaster for the nth time

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92575538
>Thread Question: Do you hate thread questions and the anon that keeps putting them in the OP?
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>Cyoa where I can have servants or familliars who are stronger than me?


Colisseum at the Edge of Reality
Dawn of a Demon Lord
Eternal Arms
Love Azathoth
Monster Master
Traveler's Tale

Also, a surprising number of waifu pickers. Apparently 4chan likes strong women.
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Probably too big for /tg/.
>mistyped pic related
So it meant Gonad after all.
New Thread:

forgot entropist
Time to import my build from Living God!

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A thread for my own system so I don’t have to search for appropriate threads to share ideas. Opinions, criticisms and suggestions all welcome. I will also give my opinions on your ideas as well if you want them.

>played a session with my friend who agreed to help test the system
>went well overall
>made changes to stamina system and reactions

Next posts will be about stamina systems, action categories, and the class beast master
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>regarding exhaustion
What you said is what I meant. As soon as they hit negatives, exhaustion kicks in, which should also be specified to stop you from taking any more actions. Beastmaster is best. I’m usually hitting text limit in these posts

>Faith stat
Usually related to casters. Faith is magic power fueled by your faith in yourself or something else(usually gods or demon patrons, in this case your tamed beast)

I have a 2-category system to organize monsters. The first category is related to the level of reasoning the individual has
>Being - creatures with full reasoning and (usually) speech
>Beast - creatures that can be trained in some way, like animals
>Monster(or monstrosity, not sure how dramatic I want it to feel) - creatures that can’t be reasoned with at all who only follow their natural compulsions(usually evil stuff)

The second category is related to the origin of the creature
>Natural(or earthly. I’m undecided) - regular things from earth
>elemental - creatures spawned from the natural magic of the earth
>chthonic - creatures from hell

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BEAST (masters)

>obtaining new beasts
Beast masters get a skill called capture, that allows them to leash up any beast they beat up to unconsciousness. Alternatively, they can spend the free time points and money to look for and buy a beast from the black market. Haven’t decided on a formula for how much money a beast costs, but the free time points to find a beast from the black market is 5 points to roll a d20. You have to beat a 5+the level of whatever beast you’re looking for(max level is 9) to find it.

After finding the beast, it costs another 7 points of free time to tame it.

A beast master can only tame a beast his level or lower. The beast master also has a pool of confidence points which is going to be at most, equal to half of their faith. At level 1, a normal amount of confidence would be around 6. +/-2 about. At level 9, a “normal” amount of confidence would be around 22, but a maximum amount would be around 28. Taming a beast costs double the beast’s level in confidence from your pool.

a tamed beast gains bonuses based on the beast master’s faith. Faith at level 1, is usually going to be about 12. At level 9, faith will be around 40(normal) or 60(min maxed)
>health +1d6 per 10faith
>avoidability +1 per 10faith
>skill checks +1 per 8faith

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BEAST(masters) part 2 of 2

Beasts will normally have one or 2 simple attacks. Bite, claw etc. Beast masters learn 1 new beast trick every 8 points of intelligence they have, but can also use a skill point on “beast tricks” to teach a single new action to any individual beast(remember; the maximum amount of skill points for a player is 16).

Beast tricks are focused on adding utility in actions to beasts, or stronger attacks that are more specialized and function better for specific beasts. An example would be

>Beast trick: restrain - Your beast makes an attempt to grab a target. Beasts that can use a Bite attack can choose to perform this on reaction without rolling after making a successful Bite attack.

At level 5, the beast master gets a special skill that allows them to tame beasts of 1 other category other than natural

>Price of a beast
I like to assign some sort of formula or logic to everything, just to keep things organized. If things go my way, there’s also going to be a million different moving parts when it comes to design, so I’d rather refer to a specific formula rather than just winging it.

All that to say that I’m thinking the price of a beast will be triple its normal health. Level 1 that would translate to like, 18-30 (currency). Large window at level 9 though maybe anywhere from 150-270.

A third category for enemies that’s only for DMs is whether the enemy is:

>A goon
Normal enemies with health designed to be fought by a single player of the same level. This means it should die in maybe 1-3 hits usually.

>a mini boss
An enemy designed to be able to fight a party of 3. So the biggest change is that health would be tripled

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Post-Human setting where humans have been genetically engineered to survive deep underwater. Replacing tobacco/chew is a synthetic jerky like substance to curb and satisfy cannibalistic tendencies in some.

>Is your boss getting on your nerves? Does the ex-wife deserve a fate worse than death? Maybe you just have that itch that other meat can't scratch? Try Handover's Sweetbreads! A delectable chew with long-lasting flavor! And for you carnivores out there, try our new party platters shaped in Ribcage, Facemeat, and limbs! Handover's Sweetbreads! Now comes in bone and bone-free varieties!
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Sadly can't have everything.
Would've liked to see a King Shark embracing his Maori heritage to the fullest, being this warrior dude that eats asses and takes names, as well as having hidden depths and being someone reliable to have on your side.
>Post-Human setting where humans have been genetically engineered to survive deep underwater.
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Crustacean Men.
How do you feel about Sahuagin? they are supposed to be sharkish right?
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Sharkfolk are JAWSOME

What are some good ideas and mechanics for punishing players for fucking up without killing their characters?
I will be running a oneshot scenario and I don't want players to be out of the game for half of the evening if they screw up, but still want opponents and obstacles to feel real and meaningful. The final encounter will be life-or-death with no mercy, before that I want to find some other way to keep them on their toes.

Obvious solutions are critical, permanent injuries reducing their stats or losing important gear, but I want to know if you have other ideas, possibly without introducing lameness feedback loop (they suck so they lose and then they suck even more).
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It's a Blackleaf situation.
Even motherfucking DnD, the old editions, had this explained in thick, bold letters, you never-game faggot spammer.
Kill them if the situation calls for it. Fake danger for the sake of drama is no danger at all, and thus only make believe drama. That said not all threats need to present themselves with the aim of slaughter, giving the foes your players face other motives will give them reason to do things other than murder, but a fight is a fight, and when weapons are drawn the situation gets hairy, don't shy away from that. Be wary of dismemberment. Playing a cripple could be worse than the PC dying.
Cut their cars brake lines.
Take away their stuff
Threaten or kill their favorite NPCs
That's really it.

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What is a good guesstimate for how many skill checks happen in an average TTRPG session? I realize it depends on the GM and the system, but you can state which one you play if you think it's relevant. I never play online so I can't check roll history or anything like that.
Obviously, session length plays a role. My group tends to play AT LEAST 4 hours but sometimes go all night when we do play since we usually have nothing else planned during game days. I have no idea how long is normal for a group.
The reason I ask is because I am deciding between 3d8 or 3d6 for my system. The curves for both are nice, but maybe the edge-cases of 3d8 (1 in 512, though it would be halved if considering both positive and negative) are too rare. I plan to do something special with those due to arcane background radiation in the universe. I don't want them to almost never happen, but I also don't want the novelty to wear off. I am aware GURPS uses 3-4 for automatic success and 17-18 for failure, but I do want it to be narrower than that and restricted to a single value each.
3d6 has the benefit of using regular dice and making it easier to compare balancing with existing systems (AGE and GURPS), while 3d8 would give me a broader range to work with, more variability in middling values, and would make the system more unique.
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NTA, but if I made a game I'd make it around a number generator in software, and if d8s gave a good distribution / granularity for whatever I needed, I would use it.
it's two d4s stuck together
I played for four hours this week and during that time i made two checks to sneak, made one check to identify something and tried to pick four locks.

As for attacks i made about 12, and in the process of that i forced one enemy to make a save, and i was forced to make one save.

The point of a curve is to change how much a +1 affects the outcome. If i have +1 on 3d6 my odds of success go up as much as 12% for the mid values but make very little difference to very easy or very hard tests. A larger dice flattens that out a lot, 3d8 only gives a max of 9% across a wider mid range, and id expect stats to go to about +21 instead of +15
I would say it makes a lot of difference towards the tail ends if you compare the relative likelihoods of getting certain values. I always think of it as moving the curve forward 1 step if it's+1. It also changes how much extra points are worth in the long run. Meanwhile, flat chances are always worth the same.
+15 and 21? That's a lot of modifiers, but breaking a game can be fun too sometimes.
>it makes a lot of difference towards the tail ends
It doesnt. Being 5x as likely still isnt worth risking if its still only a 5% chance to pass the check. Its not wise to invest in perks that will only come up once in a few weeks or less. In D8s id need a +6 to turn a 1% chance into a 25% chance, which is the minimum i would consider consistent enough to justify, even for reactive abilities. For active stuff id want at least 75%, so that 1% chance needs a +11.

For midranges i can take a 50% chance up to a useable level with just a +3

The range on a 3d8 is 21, so if you want a max level character to be able to always pass an impossible roll for an amateur they will need +21 to that roll. If you want them to pass it half the time they need +10. The sizes of the modifiers are dictated by the dice you use and the performance you expect

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What's the best version of "Scholar Society" in fantasy/sci-fi? Looking for some insperation for my homebrew.

For example, the Maesters of Oldtown's Citadel, or the Avowed of Candlekeep? Both of those however strike me as too plain and just "European University in a Fantasy World"-ish
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The homosexual founder
In The Blazing World by Margaret Cavendish (1666) there's a society of hyperintelligent animals living in a state in the North Pole where they argue over the latest inventions and their uses for knowledge, like microscopes.
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Comstar is oldfag shit, we don’t talk about that anymore
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>Every instance of scholar society in fiction is a carbon copy of Catholic monasteries.

What part of the Senpou Temple and the Scholar-Monks searching for immortality strikes you as being Catholic?

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