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>no great Russian authors supported communism
>no great American authors supported capitalism
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Only lived in the USSR four years before dying, most likely poisoned
Born in Russia and spent the rest of her life seething that she couldn't be an aristocrat, just like Nabokov
Nabokov was a literal aristocrat.
Gorky pretty much followed/inspired the revolution through theatre and literature

What are some books about people with an excess of interiority? I mean people who have an excess of consciousness, sensitivity, thought or emotion that makes it difficult to connect with other people in real life.
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Notes from the underground and the diary of a superfluous man
>basically every writer who has made any original contribution belongs to either the schizophrenic spectrum or the autistic spectrum
Shit. Let me try sorting some of them:



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Mishima. >>23299250.
Swiftness with oo steadiness degenerates into frenzy; steadiness with no swiftness: into lethargy.

Attainment of equilibrium between swiftness, and steadiness, entails ingrainment within the golden mean.

Sharpen aptitude; polish optitude.

In the case of the proactive (autistic) person, deficiency of emanent exploration, and/or conquest, that is not immediately remediable, entails profusion of immanent exploration, and/or conquest, and vice versa.
>Swiftness with [no] steadiness degenerates into frenzy[...]

>10 minutes later.

>"Error: You must wait longer before deleting this post."

Thank you, Nishimura-san!

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What is the greatest novel you've ever read? The one that completely blew you away. I want to read it. Tell me why it's amazing.
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Journey to the end of the night, Celine
I agree. I can get into other wolfes novel but they are several degree lesser in quality. Like you said, I know why he does it, but severians way of writing was the best he did. Mix in the gnostic worldviews and all the strangeness of new sun and its really something else
Water Margin niggagaaaa
To kill a mockingbird
And art too. And the artist's madness. Gaddis's maximalist masterpiece is one of the books of all time.

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What is the future of literary translations in the era of AI? It basically killed off most of the "creative writing" jobs, but can translating remain free of its grasp considering it would be bad marketing to state that AI translated a book?

It's the opposite. AI has more potential in doing text translations than creative writing. Automated means of translating text have existed for a while and continue to be refined as time goes on. Creative writing, meanwhile, is more complicated unless it's restricted to absurdist prose, postmodern poetry, etc. LLMs don't do longer, structured text or narratives very well. They're not even very good at intentional humor aside from shitposts. It's far from actually telestic prose.
whats telestic
Very much the opposite. The only way I can think of literary translation remaining relevant is in poetry, which is where a translator can really show off their virtuosity. The difference between LLM AI and a good translator are not always apparent and translation lends itself well to current technology.

That said, I do think poetry will see a resurgence, if only as a reaction to AI pushing talent out of other fields.

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Best North Korean books
my diary 에게
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Repatriation is a legitimate docu kino about Nork spies who spend decades being tortured by the Respectable and Democratic Nation of South Korea, in 1984 style campaign to make them give up theor revolutionary faith in their ideology. Some cracked. All spent many years of civilian life dying to return home.

It covers touching moments of Norks and Sorks bonding over commonalities and respectfully debating ideology.

Really good doc.

On YouTube there's a playlist of plenty of Nork propaganda flicks. Mostly dull from what I've seen. They have some Godzilla knock off that's supposedly okay.

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Im sick of reading serious german philsophy or historical/christian/"how to be a man" books. tired of all the ethics or morales and politics. all of it. fuck all the john wayne cowboy moby dick american books too.

i need some color in my brain. something to ponder about. something vague and inconclusive. came across french existentialism which seems to counter german/russian seriousness.

what are some french romanticism/existentialist books you guys can recommend?
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Watch the anime lain, the movie holy mountain, and fantastic planet.

I know you asked for books but the first show will definitely give you this feeling and the others to a lesser extent (even if it isn’t completely positive)
Even if you don’t care for anime, just try to watch the anime and open your mind a bit. It’s a very vague show.

Also watch the angels egg movie right when you get the chance at the least if you only watch one. Very dream like work. I think it’ll feed your itch a bit
Just read all of Camus. If that doesn’t really settle, there really isn’t anything French that is also Existentialist and well-known that will settle well.
>angels egg
patrician taste
>the only novel published in 20 years that will be remembered.
I don't know when it was released, but thats no indicator of quality.
People remember twilight, hunger games and handmaids tale and harry potter. Doesn't make them less trash.
I know I've been on this board long enough when I get the urge to say "dude just read the fucking sticky". This thread just aggressively reads like some 15 year old who thinks they're too cool for Reddit but still doesn't know shit about fuck.

Anyways, read anything Camus or Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre. That's the answer everyone will give as baby's first (French) existentialism.

I really like Ralph Waldo Emerson’s thoughts on experiencing the world instead of obsessing over knowledge all day.
If you haven’t read it you can read his speech here, most people on here probably need to read it)

My only problem with it is that he says all this but to my knowledge he stayed an academic his whole life to concerned with what’s in his own head. If I’m right doesn’t this make him a failure by his own ideology? Or am I wrong and he actually did a lot more in life? Do you guys know?
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By becoming an academic, at least two people spent their time experiencing the world more, which is a net gain.
The same thing happens with ethicists who say that everyone should earn more income to give alms. Publishing a book to an audience of thousands does more net good than living the lifestyle without telling anyone.
I don't believe Emerson was anti-knowledge. Just anti-school. Self-Reliance proclaims that you must trust yourself and his essay Nature proclaims that the natural world is the root of all truth.
Listening to a professor tell you of the world through the filter of their own biases and personal agendas does nothing to enrich you, but you can still learn from reading.
Emerson mostly admired the Greeks and not many writers or thinkers outside of them and it's because they engaged with the natural world more (closer to the truth) and they were less intellectually polluted than the academics of any other society.
There's a difference between reading Homer and finding your own beauty in it and going to class for your professor to list off reasons on why it's beautiful and why it's not beautiful, intellectualizing everything into monotony and possibly trying to indoctrinate you into some ideology.
He traveled to Europe and wrote about the people he meet there.
By the same token Red Letter Media forking over money to a big budget shlock so they can effectively shit on it, is a bigger blow to corporate bottom line than a straight up boycott.
Too bad becoming an academic is out of my reach.

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Don’t you dare say JBP lol no
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Congratulations on having an even worse take on Jung than the STEMfags who call it psychobabble. Jung got 99% of things right. His only real weakness was ethics and christianity.
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That's an unfortunate physique
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this desu.

>Inb4 the Bible
I'd rather accept the inevitable nothingness than delude myself with religion or other illusions.
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>There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God
Maybe this was true at the time. Jesus at least was forbidden from lying. I would trust his words but as to the Epistles, you should take them for what they are. Instructions from disciples who interacted with Jesus but were not up to par. All his disciples failed, which is why he told them to buy swords. There was (and is) a call to be like Jesus. Your book has a call to overcome or conquer. To those who do and so on receive
>the morning star (an angel)
>hidden mana
>a new name
>a glowing stone
>the right to rule
Not to mention Revelation 20:4
These are all largely mysteries but Pastor Moron will insist that sacred privileges are promised to people after they die. But God himself insists in the clearest possible way, repeatedly, that anyone who lies will face a second death. That doesn't seem to bother them.
Leaves of grass
Check out Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther. It's a father's memoir of his son's losing battle with a brain tumor from the 1940's.
>for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
There is no karma or justice in this world.
Maybe some Cioran and Ligotti would suit your present situation. I know this may come off as callous, it's not my intent, but maybe some pessimistic philosophy / fiction could help ease the the pain of an imminent exit from life. I'm sorry you're going through this anon

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Wow, nice line.
He killed a babby reindeer :(
This reminds me of watching the film Andrei Rublev on YouTube. I made the mistake of scrolling into the comment section, and instead of praises on the film’s imagery, tough questions and apparent profundity, it was a bunch of ninnies whining about a twenty second scene scene of a horse writhing around
venison veal
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not everyone dreams of that, and sometimes I feel like it could better if some dreams remain unreachable. I was so vague with the "sometimes" and "could" intentionally, is it better to get your dream if you end up hating it or what it's consequences are? semi completely unrelated but I sometimes wonder if Chris McCandless would do all of it again if it meant he was free and happy for that short time, or would he stay in society hating life if he knew what awaited him?

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Using scifi as intended, for light comedy as opposed to "serious" writing AKA asimovs commie power fantasy AKA PK Dicks coomer wish fulfillment.

wtf i hate greg egan now
Why the fuck is Greg Egan?

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Post a pictures, others try to guess the writer.
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faggot word used by french cucks
Testicles, Athenian playwright from the days of Euripides
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Roger Scrotum
Good ones hehe

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How many more years until they release a censored, politically correct, inclusive and diverse version of Finnegans Wake called Diz Niggas Woke entirely in ebonics and where the initials H.C.E are replaced by K.F.C?

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Anyone down for a read along? This collection of poetry is pretty short. In my book it’s roughly 50 pages. I figured we could do it over the course of about a week and divide the poems to accommodate the schedule
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i'd be interested. posting the poems each day would be appreciated; my yeats book doesn't include all of the poems from the tower (for whatever reason)
Start when, OP?
Yeah, that can be done
How about a week from Friday? Can start earlier if most wish it
Sure, sounds good. Will be on the lookout
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college: ot even once.

>ppplease mr professor lady read these books for me and tell me what they say

extensive academic defundement

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