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dignity is a social construct
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What a tremendously idiotic and absolutely retarded quote
>there was no history before people
>there will be no history after people

Also it implies that "people" must be the poor and oppressed

Most achievements and important events in world history are and have made by a select few individuals, disproportionately well endowed regarding wealth, social circumstances, physical or mental abilities. The absurdly large majority of people are and have been irrelevant to world history.
So no, refuted by Nietzsche
>have been* made
“Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense

Nietzsche is the father of postmodernism.
Wordcel. You'd get mad at someone for saying water is wet.

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why is this barely talked about? its a masterpiece rivaling all other postmodernist literature. does it filter most people, is that why no one talks about it?
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It's not quite a masterpiece if we are honest.
Those long party scenes are pretty tedious - the joke never quite lands.
And the black butler bits are cringe.
When it's good it's good, but he could have cut a few hundred pages
Just finished it. Definitely didn't get all of it, but it's such a beautiful read, easily the most impactful book I've ever read.
I don't really get Wyatt desu. What is his character arc?
Have you read any other pomo?

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i'm looking for critiques of democracy. as of now, i've read schmitt's crisis of parliamentary democracy, moldbug's open letter and escolios a un texto implicito by nicolas gomez davila
Filmer “Patriarcha”
Gasset “Revolt Of The Masses”
Le Bon “Crowd”
Le Bon “Psychology Of Revolutions”
Hoppe “Aristocracy, Monarchy, Democracy”

I’ve read all five
You should also check out Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn “Menace Of The Herd” though I haven’t read it yet.
You should also read Locke “Two Treatises Of Government” so you know how to debate the enemy at length. Be well rounded.
If you want something more classic read Plato, especially The Republic and the dialogues about Socrates' trial.
Myth of the Rational Voter by Bryan Caplan

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Does the Quran just resonate with people better? Christianity is dying while Islam grows. Does this settle which holy text is does it's job better?
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Which strip mall is that in?
>catholics shilling for islam and blofeld's magic vaccine

The Pharisees were right
Based schizo
Do americans really?
Do we really worship God instead of worshipping idols and aesthetics? Yes. Yes, we do.

In realms of ink and parchment's sigh,
Where words alight and dreams defy,
There lies a world, both vast and grand,
In the boundless expanse of literature's hand.

Each page a portal, each sentence a door,
To realms unknown, to tales of yore.
Where heroes rise and villains fall,
In epic sagas, they heed the call.

From Shakespeare's quill to Austen's grace,
In every line, a timeless embrace.
Through poetry's verse and prose's might,
Literature weaves the fabric of night.

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In silence deep, where worlds unfurl,
In realms of thought, in dreams that swirl,
There lies the magic, pure and bright,
Within the pages, in reading's light.

With every word, a journey begins,
Through valleys deep, and mountains' fins.
In minds of poets and storytellers bold,
We find adventures, treasures untold.

The rustle of pages, the whispered sigh,
As imagination soars, reaching high.
Through ancient tomes and modern tales,
Reading's allure never pales.

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In fields adorned with hues anew,
Where sunbeams dance and skies are blue,
There comes a whisper on the breeze,
Announcing Spring with gentle ease.

The earth awakes from slumber deep,
As flowers bloom from Winter's keep.
Their petals soft, like kisses light,
In Spring's embrace, they take to flight.

The melody of birdsong fills the air,
A symphony of joy, beyond compare.
Their tunes, a chorus of pure delight,
Welcoming Spring with all their might.

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>>In the Bhagavadgita, Krishna teaches that one can kill only the body; the soul is immortal. At death, the soul is reborn in another body, or, for those who have fully grasped the true teachings, it achieves release (moksha) or extinction (nirvana)—that is, freedom from the wheel of rebirth.

Wait, if Hinduism contains the main Buddhist elements, that is to say to escape the cycle of birth-rebirth then what original ideas did Buddhism bring to the table to make it a separate religion?
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Only Theravadans believe they are the closest to OG Buddhism. It's a view rooted in sectarian thinking, not a historical thinking.
>>Only Theravadans believe they are the closest to OG Buddhism
Mahayana gurus say they are the only correct buddhist teaching.
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>>I’m not sure what you think ‘reflects’ this in the Upanishads, there isn’t any socio-economic conflict described in them, and they were also composed or transcribed Brahmins just as the other parts of the Vedas and the early Upanishads. It sounds like you are just interpolating modern narratives onto a different era.
There's a clear difference of vocabulary between the early hindu texts and one from the late vedic era. That's literally how academics manage to understand the Brahminical migration. Brahmins are just glorified cattle herders.
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It's incredible how silly these Indian myths sound the moment you read them in an Indian accent. How the fuck am I supposed to care about something like this?
Arjuna [head bob]. Dhis, for my soul's peece, have I heard from Dhee...

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Monday Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23299375
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It's Chinese dragon ball z infinite powerlevel slop. If that sounds fun to you by all means try it. The guy who posts it has severe autism so don't take his word to mean anything.
Kek I don't care who's right here but absolutely fucking obliterated. How buttblasted can you be?
It's good.

It has zero similarities to dragon ball
Jane Carver of Waar handles it in a pretty good way imo

>tall strong human woman
>transported from earth to waar where gravitational pull is less
>as a result she’s much stronger than the locals
Trannies aren’t hot tho. So there goes the entire sex appeal of having a supposedly female character as mc

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Does anyone else have "Book-Wear Anxiety"?

When I buy a brand new paperback, I'm often times so awed by it's beauty (The crisp page edges, the smooth spine, the unblemished cover) that I get legit anxiety around handling the book and creasing the spine and knowing my thumbs will eventually stain the edges of the pages where I hold them. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't even bring myself to read the book until I've washed my hands and even then I only open the book as little as possible for me to read.

I know that a "pristine book is an unread book", but still, it bothers me and I don't know how to overcome these feelings.
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Trump version doesn’t have all the books of the Bible
Seems like a sign of psychosis
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I dont think so. I just like old things. The more scars a book has, the more battles it has survived.
Just buy two copies, shrimple.

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/wbg/ Worldbuilding General

Eons Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"

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Made these eight abstract shapes to represent the eight royal families, but now I don't know how to describe them.
How would you emphasize "tone" through worldbuilding? I'm placing my story set in a "post-crapsack" world so to speak
>The worst is past us.
>There are no more immediate threats.
>But the scars of yesterday still remain.
>And they may yet spell disaster.
Basically, I want the theme to come off as "Things right now aren't good, but maybe we can make tomorrow a little better."
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If it's a way for you to quickly describe it to someone, I think that's completely fine because it makes for a good and concise reference point for the purpose of explanation. But if you really want to build cultures from scratch, I have a few suggestions I've implemented myself.

>Use character archetypes for the basis of a culture's values.
I had two rivalling nations that I designated as Germany vs France, but as I developed it more, I learned what temperament I wanted them to have. That was Hot-Blooded Shounen Mama's Boys vs Haughty Bishounen Pretty Boys. That helped me steer into building those cultures from scratch; those Germans became fire worshipping warriors whose nobility comprises of clans that monopolized the priesthood for their women and the warrior elite for their men. Those Frenchies became an Empire with an arrogant aristocracy who looks down on barbarians for not wearing the right clothes and whose ideas of rulership derive from being the most popular (such as having the most cut abs or generously providing public services).

Once you have those archetypes, or rather "final positions" in mind, you can also start thinking about how those values came to be.
>Think about the circumstances where those values helped them survive or absorb others.
Oftentimes these circumstances might become enshrined in myths or religion, and that culture may not suffer from the same problems. This might be where some interesting/quirky customs and traditions come from.

Those Shounen Boys started their journey in an ice age trapped in a world surrounded by monsters. Fire was a necessity to this cold world, and with such a high death rate they developed ideas of the afterlife and came to believe souls can be held in fire. So they cremate all their dead, believing their souls would continue to keep them warm. This evolved into eternal flame cults with many sorts of rituals for funerary rites.
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Those Bishounen Boys had their start in a dry land and came to revere the rain for their crops, worshiping the sky and rainbows in hopes of attracting the rain. Rulership evolved from one's ability to summon the rain through extravagant ceremonies, as well as putting in the manual labor to dig reservoirs/cisterns and the generosity to share that water. This eventually blossomed into a centralized bureaucracy with an Imperial cult.

>Don't copy cultures wholesale
You're most definitely going to have obvious similarities with real life cultures, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's not even a problem if you just want to straight copy every thing, but this is advice for building cultures from scratch. As others have said, pick out the elements you like. When you have an understanding of your foundations, it becomes easier to pick out traits that aligns it well. All cultures developed "solutions" to problems they come across, and when those problems are gone, those solutions might continue on as quirky customs. Americans have a thing for taking their hat off in doors because it shows trust that your host's roof won't leak. I think it's more worthwhile to look up why a culture does something rather than copy everything as if every single trait fits snuggly like a puzzle as if cultures were predetermined to end up a certain way.

>Don't be afraid of similarities
If you do end up with a culture similar to one in real life... then that's still okay too! Many systems throughout history underwent convergent evolution, and often times it's because those systems are simply the most expedient. I've been trying to design a professional looking suit like today's modern western suit, but instead of coming up with something completely new, I understand that slim and sleek design is the result of simplification and streamlining. However, the devil is in the details, such as how neckties come from neck warmers, or lapels are the residue of double breasted coats.
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Anyway, I'm also going to shill my art and civilizations I developed. Those Shounen Boys became the Fire Keepers and those Bishounen Boys became the Rain Makers. My setting is largely inspired by the Americas; its geography and different cultural groups and how they could have interacted with each other.

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Yeah, he talks about how school is basically the same whether it's in a capitalist country or in a communist country. Either way it creates consoomers who think they can just consoom certificates of education from an insitution rather than being naturally curious. It creates learned helplessness basically. Commies took the bourgeois conception of state education and just used it to teach Marx good Stalin good Castro good instead of opening up all of society to hands-on learning opportunities and allowing students to organize their own learning webs.
Based Illich poster
ilich is cringe
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Adam Smith and Marx would agree on far, far more than any modern day neoclassical economist or "classical liberal" would agree with Smith. (One example: Despite common misconception, the Labor Theory of Value did not originate with Karl Marx. Adam Smith was also a proponent of it long before Marx.)

The problem is that communism sounds good in theory, so you guys are trying to meet that with more theory. I think the real answer are dispassionate books about the actual history of communist countries like "Everyday Stalinism" by Sheila Fitzpatrick (which communists are far more likely to read than a boring textbook by Thomas Sowell, because they're more interested in it). What they'll learn is that those regimes' promises turned out to be hollow, at best, and often made life into a hard, grinding, gut-wrenching survivalist nightmare as they mutated into Saturday morning cartoon dictatorships sitting over a huge number of people who retreated into cynicism, disillusionment and apathy. It's quite fascinating really but the Stalin era was like the bloodiest parts of the French Revolution in which the madness fed upon itself and the regime decapitated its own leadership. Or this:

Most communists or people who adopt that label whom you're likely to interact with online also have about as much in common with that actual thing as alt-right people do with the Third Reich (i.e. not much) or Catholic converts who microwaved their brain on Twitter and show up at their parish and get disappointed when they're not handed a crusader helmet. They get most of their ideas from 50-iq memes, and while it'd be one thing if the doctrine they held as the irreducible eternal truth of Marxism (or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism/w.e.) was actually a rigorous exegesis of Marx, Lenin or Mao, it's usually not. More a set of priors about what to think rather than a "how" think, and anything problematic is dismissed as "it didn't happen and if it did it was justified," because that's the easiest way to win an argument in 140 characters, and which is how people develop ideology today.

Post your favorite art edition
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No Jon chapters. Jon gets resurrected in the middle of the book and Melisandre is the wall PoV, or maybe Jon gets resurrected in the epilogue and is the PoV for that.

There's so many PoV's in Meereen they'll probably all blend together for a single story with Tyrion making the bulk of it.

not so sure about the rest but I think some PoVs will have to die from the 4 major battles we're about to see.
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were there more pics like these for the other povs?
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>People say
George said it.
>Jon is still canonically 16.
It's pretty wild that he's still only the fifth youngest LC ever.
Imagine a threesome with Arianne and Melisandre. One with your whole nuts in her mouth and the other with your cock deep down her throat
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A scale of 1-blasphemy
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Logan did pretty well on 'The Road'. He may make a good adaption.
The war line will be definitely be in the trailer
>It makes no difference what men think of war, war endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.
not a bad resume dezu
>red sky
>opensans semibold all caps "BLOOD MERIDIAN"
>white man bad
>roll closing credits
The Road was a decent adaptation but I don’t think they can sell a real Blood Meridian movie. You’d need someone like Zahler who’s willing to annoy or disgust his own audience. Not saying he’s a good pick for directing this, just the attitude. Gaspar Noe perhaps?
The Road works because there’s some core of the Hollywood story of a hope in the darkness, a father’s love for his son, you bond with the protagonists in a horrific situation. Hollywood can’t really do movies where everyone is a piece of shit. You need some nihilistic European to tell stories like that. Budget 10 million, funded by arts grants from the state, filmed in Spain.

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Captain Underpants, the inspiration for Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, is considered the pinnacle of American literary excellence.

Created by Dav Pilkey, considered the “America Tolkien” is a 4 time best selling author and was awarded the presidential metal of freedom for his contribution to American Literature by Jimmy Carter in 1983.

Bloomberg called Dav “The New England Dostoevsky, A reborn Melville”.

Saint Petersburg Press “Captain Underpants, an Epic as Grand as Tolstoy, will stand the test of time, marked forever in the history books as a lighthouse for Human Creativity”.
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Any school with a library which stocks books that encourage solecisms is to be avoided at all costs.
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Notes from a Wimpy Kid by Jeffislav Kinnov was far better than anything Dav Pilkike ever wrote.
"never eat yellow snow"
This book had a profound influence on my life. When I was in 4th grade, our English teacher would make us read the most irrelevant books like catcher in the rye or Lolita. I would sit in the back of the class and one day I found this book laying on the floor. I picked it up and when I read it, I realized I have picked up something truly special. In one hour, I finished the book from front to back.

Afterwards, i felt a change in my brain as if this book changed my neurotransmitters and the chemical composition in my brain.

My paradigm shifted completely. The metaphysical truths, the deep rooted philosophy that can only be understood in from carefully considering and pondering on the nuances in between the words.

15 years later, I have not come across another book like this.
>filtered this hard

What am I in for? New to reading by the way
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which translation should I get? I am reading the Pevear and Volokhonsky of Tolstoy's Anna Karennina and it is going pretty well. Do they do a good job with Dosto too?
Normieslop written for pseudo intellectuals and midwits. This book was shilled by Jordan Peterson which tells you everything you need to know about it.
thanks anon. I didn’t see that this question was already answered lol
How does this answers OP question? That never happens in the book

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I'm going through a really tough period in my life right now, plagued by very dark thoughts.
What are some books that helped you get through challenging times?
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Since God is the infinite, that's a stupid question because "lift" wouldn't apply to God in the first place
But the real question is: how long have I been gay?
reading Journey to the End of the Night always gives me the zest for life and validates my loathing for the wretchedness of others
holy cringe larp...
try a good heroin addiction. after the nod but before the w/d start and you go looking for more you have a bit of time to read
Can't get better advice than this, lads. Absolutely fucking shit your knickers

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