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Funny how most here claim to have read all the classics, all the philosophers, pretty much invented the alphabet, yet still post like they are some imbecile gen. zer.
It's called codeswitching. No matter how nice it would be, there will never be a board culture of refined prose where everyone is putting in effort to write well. On the internet you write to write quick and punchy.

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Are we allowed to have a book exchange thread? Where we can buy/sell/exchange books with eachother?
Probably not as it basically counts as self-doxxing, I'd imagine. Also pretty sure mods are against sling anything on any board. A telegram chat or discord would be better, also because you'll be able to filter out the trolls and /pol/tards and shills that would quickly derail this thread
I just figured bc /k/ has one
it'd be cool if you made consistent threads like these to signal what people have up for grabs/want to get, and then provide a consistent medium to do so (like what above anon said, telegram/discord).
idk if you can just exchange information (or even if it's wise) over /lit/
/K/ has burner emails that they give so no info is posted on the thread
I agree that a discord would be better so that way buyers and sellers can be reviewed for liability to

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Shorter please, I don't have much time
And make sure to explain why
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Nigga, I was in the exact same place as you. Life DOES get better after a while, you just have to suffer through it
Chin up nigga
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Sounds like you need BBC not books.
You're welcome (:

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rip to a real one
>no sticky
the drooling slopslurpers of this board don’t even know who this man is or why he’s a titan
I've only read New York trilogy but what else is worth checking out by him
4321 and Brooklyn follies
He was a legend. His fiction made me see the possibilities of storytelling in a completely new light

Leviathan, Music of Chance, Mr. Vertigo and Book of Illusions

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Why is Yeats always giving these ominous warnings not to look too closely or too deeply into the vision his work discloses? for example:

From The Hosting of the Sidhe:
>If any should look on our rushing band
>we come between him and the deed of his hand
>we come between him and the hope of his heart

From The Happy Shepherd
>Then nowise worship dusty deeds,
>Nor seek, for this is also sooth,
>To hunger fiercely after truth,
>Lest all thy toiling only breeds
>New dreams, new dreams; there is no truth
>Saving in thine own heart.
If we ought not hunger after truth, and truth is in the heart, it clearly follows that we should not look too deeply into the heart.

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Yeats? More like yeast lmaooo
Alan Moore has an interesting perspective on the occult.
Do you need to be into mysticism to like Yeats?
no, i dont think so. a lot of academics and critics who clearly love yeats treat his belief in the occult and the supernatural as basically an embarrasment. Auden is the most famous example of this kind of criticism, and his poem about Yeats' death is an excellent expression of the struggle to celebrate Yeats' poetic gifts while rejecting his beliefs.
That's nice to hear. Which medieval irish tales would you say are the most important to get his works? The Tain? I heard he engages with it as a form of mythology pretty seriously, like other poets do with greco-roman myth.

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Mother died today.
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You must imagine mother happy
Death is a common event in human existence and universal for everything that exists, be grateful that your mother dies and does not live eternally in the suffering that is existence. Now she will be able to rest for all eternity in the non-existential cocoon. The true value of life is death.
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Wagner somehow messed up Camus.
it's hard. I know.
>filtered by the most entrylevel philsopher that dumb teenagers and hack milenial writers understand perfectly
are you actually retarded?

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I read three Lovecraft stories this week and my opinion of them varies pretty greatly:
>1. The Music of Erich Zann - 6.5/10,
enjoyable in its creepy setting and use of liminality and 'lost places', proto-Mandela on some level, kind of fun but mostly enjoyed for its tone
>2. The Dunwich Horror - 8/10,
from the well-described setting to the various seeming biblical allusions (i.e. sacrificing on the high places, seeming immaculate conception for Lavinia's unholy spawn, etc). But the part that I felt was the main event were the whipporwills. I don't think I ever liked an element of a story quite as much as I did the whipporwills. I never heard one before so looking it up I can definitely imagine them mimicking dying human breaths like organic heart rate monitors. I was more horrified by the whips than by the monster itself.
>3. Nyarlahotep - 3/10,
this one sucked so bad that I'm annoyed that I ruined the streak so early. So vaguely written, so half-committed, not much description of why I should be so afraid of this being and a somewhat weird ending that, as he himself reports, was just someone's non-sequitur bad dream. I'm glad that he expanded upon the ideas in this for Zann but I didn't much enjoy reading this

So knowing this, where should I go next? He doesn't exactly have a lot of material so I want to savor it.
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I personally like The Dreams in the Witch House, which most critics hate. I like the other-dimensional imagery throughout
Damn, you're saying the output of a writer who was writing X stories a week for publishing in various magazines isn't all of a consistent quality and you have to decide for yourself which ones you like? That's messed up.

I recommend reading them all (you're wrong in saying he doesn't have a lot of material, but there's a lot of short stories so you can read however much you want) and deciding foe yourself which ones are good.

For me, At The Mountains Of Madness cannot be beat, and anything related to 'le Cthulhu mythos' feels rather weak.
The Colour out of Space is perhaps the closest in tone and scope to Dunwich, so that should be good.
Read some of his ghost-written and collaborative works as well. Out of the Aeons is pretty good.

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whitehead poster here: i took a break because of work but now i'm back. good to see the seeds i planted have germinated and the truth is coming to light.
obligatory whitehead thread.
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Whitehead is a platonist, not a heraclitean. He believes in two types of things, actual entities AND eternal objects. His contribution is updating the notion of God and of becoming to explain how they interrelate as eternal objects become relevant to actual entities through the conditioning of creativity
Consciousness is a particular type of experience. There can be experience without consciousness.
Since Seguro is probably too busy delivering pizza, I'll post it for him: retroactively refuted.
Hegel for Anglos
Not really. You’re no different than the guys saying he is “just” Heraclitus.

RIP in piece Paul Auster.

Hello, someone can help me find a pdf version of this book? Need for complete my degree :/
found it, but i'm not going to give you the link, because i don't want you to have a degree
(っ˘̩˘̩)っ rip, time to buy a rope

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there are none. all "Ukrainians" who have ever achieved anything of note were either Russians (whom oinkrainians hate) or Jews (whom they pogromed with great alacrity when Hitlerites rolled over Ukraine)
whoever wrote Ghost of Kyiv is my favourite Ukrainian fiction writer
Gogol i guess maybe Shevchenko.

Every new nation tends to overcompensate with arts and literature, so i'd be curious to see what sort of books will come out of this war, given they dont loose it,

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Why are so many female-written books graphically violent, both physically and sexually? It seems like a recurring trend for Modern and Post-Modern female writers to be increasingly edgy (yes, I know modernist and post-modernist movements normalised more explicit content regarding sexuality, but it seems as if female writers really took this development to heart).
Here are some examples from what I've read personally:
>Kathy Acker's writing, particuarly Blood and Guts in Highschool
>End of Alice by A.M. Homes
>Sarah Kane's plays
>Anais Nin's writings
And it's not just literature. A lot of women seem to have intense kinks, despite the lower percentage of them watching porn compared to men, which is what's commonly thought to be the cause of deranged kinks in men. I've met many women who entertain the idea of mutilation, rape, and child abuse sexually, and it's very strange.
What is it about the psycology of a woman that makes her so compelled to write and read such things? Is it because of imbalanced hormones, generational trauma or have they always been this crazy but now are allowed to express it?
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women want to associate with rage and crimes of passion. It mainly helps them hone their own persecution complex (stalker stories). She needs every benefit of every doubt to go her way when the next person gets sick of her meddling and snaps.

also women love true crime because they love gossip. it's literally gossip that gets juicier and more salacious with every episode.
In the real world noone has kinks. It's only an internet meme and a thing for litteral mentally ill retards.
have you been out of the house in the last decade? real people in the real world are incredibly immersed in the internet and its "memes"
>One little girl was about ten, the other twelve. They were both beautiful, with huge velvet-black eyes, long silky hair and golden skin. They wore short white dresses and short white socks. Shrieking, the two little girls would run into the Baron’s room and playfully throw themselves over his big bed. He would tease them, fondle them.
>Now the Baron, like many men, always awakened with a peculiarly sensitive condition of the penis. In fact, he was in a most vulnerable state. He had no time to rise and calm the condition by urinating. Before he could do this the two little girls had run across the shining floor and thrown themselves over him, and over his prominent penis, which the big pale blue quilt somewhat concealed.
>The little girls did not mind how their skirts flew upward and their slender dancers’ legs got tangled and fell over his penis lying straight in the quilt. Laughing, they turned over on him, sat on him, treated him like a horse, sat astride him and pushed down on him, urging him to swing the bed by a motion of his body. With all this, they would kiss him, pull at his hair, and have childish conversations. The Baron’s delight in being so treated would grow into excruciating suspense.
>One of the girls was lying on her stomach, and all he had to do was to move a little against her to reach his pleasure. So he did this playfully, as if he meant to finally push her off the bed. He said, ‘I am sure you will fall off if I push this way.’
>‘I won’t fall off,’ said the little girl, holding on to him through the covers while he moved as if he would force her to roll over the side of the bed. Laughing, he pushed her body up, but she lay close to him, her little legs, her little panties, everything, rubbing against him in her effort not to slide off, and he continued his antics while they laughed. Then the second girl, wishing to even the strength of the game, sat astride him in front of the other one, and now he could move even more wildly with the weight of both on him. His penis, hidden in the thick quilt, rose over and over again between the little legs, and it was like this that he came, with a strength he had rarely known, surrendering the battle, which the girls had won in a manner they never suspected.
based anais nin
>rape, sex, cum, domination, hair pulling, choking, pedoeroticism, anal, facials, blowjobs
I'm so fucking SICK of this planet and other people

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I read a lot of books and majored in English. My vocabulary is better than anyone I know irl and I've rarely (if ever) discovered a word on /lit/.Yet when I write or speak it's exactly like any other normie. Wtf is going wrong here?
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It's probably important to think with a variety of vocabulary words. If an object is set on a ledge in an unsafe way, some people would think "that's going to fall" but maybe you could think "that is precarious" or some such to start practicing your vocabulary skills.

It's hard to think of examples without being cringe as hell, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at.
Your title contradicts your post.
I think of King Lear and gloucester standing over the cliffs of Dover every time I see an object perched on an edge. Or the poem by Hopkins "o the mind, mind has mountains, cliffs of fall, frightful sheer, no-man fathomed." Or a big fat apple falling from a branch in storm and going thud.

Collecting these kind of instances
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Learn Latin, unironically. It'll make all the "big words" suddenly became less illusive, as you'll see them used commonly as basic words in latin texts, such as "disposition" and "bellicose." Also the grammar will make you appreciate English grammar, which is very something people miss when they try to "speak fancy;" they try to use the words associated with fancy speach, but ignore the grammar, making their attempt look fraudulent
>t. have been learning for one and a half years and can read the language decently
Are you on a PC or a cuckphone?

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My nigga Seneca doesn't get enough love around these parts. Shame.
He is not popular because of his reputation as "Prime Minister and Tutor of the Evil Emperor" (even if he was an excellent prime minister).
He is good, but I have seen some people using some of his quotes out of context to try to make a very lax version of Stoicism.
I don't respect fat "people".

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Is there some /lit/ approved books in form of pictures? I wanna try through them until I find something that I actually like and enjoy
Book list I mean
check the sticky
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