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/lit/ - Literature

Displaying 375 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
23355036Thoughts on Saoirse's Shelf? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpC7nRWUr70[View]
23351684>read about a religion >'ooh, maybe I'll convert' >read about a political ideology …[View]
23361116original sci-fi story idea: >a boy is attracted to his mother >his house bathroom has a sunlig…[View]
23357926So i gather that you lot hate this trilogy because its more idea-focused than person-focused: Thing …[View]
23359808Picking the Pinker Brain: >be Carl Jung> >pioneering psychologist> >developed concept…[View]
23359585What is some great literature from Zoomers for a Zoomer?: I'm mainly looking for works written …[View]
23361054Who were the authors defending the ancien regime? You never read about them, the focus is always on …[View]
23361183>Thats the ignorance of an eligibility[View]
23360438>Bible says you should give away all of your possessions (Matthew 19:21) >Bible says if you do…[View]
23360871What are you reading right now? I'm just starting The Tempest myself.[View]
23359924Do you guys think monkeys or other animals believe in God too?[View]
23359596What books are they hiding in the Vatican archives?[View]
23361017Why didn’t Tolkien describe the balrog like it’s portrayed in the movie? In the book it’s literally …[View]
23358848How do I get myself to enjoy reading literature?: Movies and Series are creatively bankrupt. I do no…[View]
23360855I read your pieces on vocaroo: until I get bored or pass out https://voca.ro/1cfNQMqJGZ3p[View]
23354199Based or cringe?[View]
23360463Why do English-speaking readers continue to read a translation of the Bible that's over 400 yea…[View]
23360929>A drowning person will drown the person saving them Books for this feel?…[View]
23359880I just got called a nerd for reading a book.[View]
23360806Ishtar when Gilgamesh refuses to marry her and Endiku throws a cow thigh at her face[View]
23360736Alphabet of Manliness: For whatever it's worth, it was a #1 New York Times bestseller, upon rel…[View]
23360669I have a $10 Amazon voucher What should I get?[View]
23360644have you guys read this yet? easy to rec[View]
23359085So God was Greedy, Jealous, Dishonest, Cruel, Arrogant, Selfish, Lazy, Envious, Angry and Intolerant…[View]
23354747Moby Dick is better than Blood Meridian, Ulysses, and infinite Jest.[View]
23358350In math and science there is progress and answers. In philosophy there is 2500 years of intellectual…[View]
23358192ePUB: Come home, white man.[View]
23356040ITT: books women will never understand[View]
23359958i don't get it[View]
23360395>Henry James? That's not literature.[View]
23360448Catholic Philosophy Thread: What's a tradcat larper like me gotta do to get some libcat pussy l…[View]
23360312Books that changed your life[View]
23360195Is Donald Duck really that complicated?[View]
23359352True loner philosophy: Which philosophy advocates for solitude? Just like Orangutans, I believe some…[View]
23359441One ironic thing about modern fiction, is that contemporary authors have a fixation on including peo…[View]
23354561Are magazines /lit/? What are the best magazines to read according to /lit/?[View]
23359625Advice on starting the Western canon? I want to do the whole official list that Bloom writes out but…[View]
23359388Lmao Russians are actually like this?[View]
23360269> Be Tracy Daugherty > Write biography about Larry McMurtry, one of the greatest American west…[View]
23360187Gather around my fellow neurodivergents: Have you heard about hyper body - hyper brain theory? Does …[View]
23359306Why are Sci Fi authors very chill, while fantasy authors are such whiny pretentious fucks?[View]
23360249Communitarianism: Where do I get started with communitarianism? What are the essential reads and som…[View]
23359729'Extramundane' and 'extra mundane' have the exact opposite meanings. Why is language like this?[View]
23357672Definitive Fiction Tier List: You can't refute[View]
23359574I'm building a digital library of essayists. Who else should I add? >Paul Valéry >Jorge L…[View]
23360146Kronolia: I have finally covered a Kantian rubric on subject object covariance with a mode of szeleo…[View]
23360144Are there any good non-schizo books about serendipity and synchronicity? Looking for something which…[View]
23354175I was predestinated to buy but never read this book[View]
23356855most underrated Gene Wolfe book[View]
23359665What language could this be?: It was found in a remote isolated area in the middle of nowhere in sou…[View]
23359141Has anyone read the book of mormon: What does it add to the Bible? Is it an impressive book or an un…[View]
23360049Is this book based or compromised?: Is this book based? I have it for some reason, sounds somewhat i…[View]
23359539-farts on you-[View]
23355614I had low expectations of pic related when I began to read it thinking it would be a /pol/ spergout …[View]
23359969PKD isn't even scifi, it's literary fiction in a scifi setting.[View]
23356697Are self-improvement 'gurus' just godless false prophets? Their entire brand centers around chasing …[View]
23355610What's it about?[View]
23359322Aghora: At the Left Hand of God: Legit or is it New Age? Thoughts? If it's fake New Age trash w…[View]
23349240What books can I read in order to get an unbiased understanding of the driving forces and sociocultu…[View]
23359262I just realized something: What if Jesus and Lucifer are the same nigga but Lucifer/Jesus has repent…[View]
23356843FUN Books to Read/Reading for Fun: What would you say are the most fun books to read, in your opinio…[View]
23358639Is literary criticism dead?: It seems like it is. Beyond the very basic point of people with the sam…[View]
23355101Disprove Rene Guenon and sophia perennis right now[View]
23353900What am I in for boys?[View]
23358546What do you guys think of this book? I remember read it many years ago and I liked it[View]
23359649>early elenchic dialogues socrates >'Interesting, Critias! Perhaps the unlike IS most like the…[View]
23359488Is there such a thing as Humeism?: I read a few passages of Hume and I feel like he's the one w…[View]
23359528Edmund Burke: Actually good or just a retarded chud like Carlyle?[View]
23358107Is 'Die Schrift' the most based name for the bible?: naming the collection of ancient hebrew scriptu…[View]
23357564What's the longest gap you've had between reading and re-reading a book? How did you feel …[View]
23357176The Camp of the Saints: With the protests sweeping America and the white man being pushed more and m…[View]
23359073ADD: Anyone else trying to read books to fix their ADD and life? It's very hard[View]
23358525Why aren't there any Hegelian monasteries?[View]
23357093>when he uses an ereader[View]
23357943>literary fans and reviewers always talk about 'the great american novel' >nothing that's…[View]
23356911Holy shit[View]
23352040I finally found a book that is filtering me harder than the Phenomenology and the Logic. What's…[View]
23359277How dificult is to win writing contests? Are they a good gateway of entry to new authors to the indu…[View]
23357390Don Quixote: This is a great book (~100 pages in) but I'm not sure how the hell Don Quixote wil…[View]
23359177So what were they[View]
23359127Philosophical and political books to build upon this?: I want to deepen my understanding of concepts…[View]
23357104>rails against transgenders >publishes under a male pseudonym…[View]
23358709Will books make me into a swagged out nigga?[View]
23357475What is his greatest work?[View]
23358761What is more important for /lit/ story or prose? For me it’s prose. Picrel not related.[View]
23358877Best website for Shakespear 'analysis', 'translation'?: Plz dont make me sign up @ R_ddit. What…[View]
23358863Would you be a better /lit/erati if you had gotten a classical Islamic education at Zaytuna college?[View]
23353086Epicureanism: Fuck Stoicism and their moralfaggotry. Why should the rich enjoy every pleasure at the…[View]
23357600Do you prefer Continental Philosophy or Analytical Philosophy?[View]
23358478>rent book from local public library >take legally obtained literature home >copy its cont…[View]
23358902Any protagonists in literature who constantly fantasize about marrying women they've just met o…[View]
23355759/wwoym/ write what's on your mind: ç'est sordide comment la vie continue edition previous …[View]
23356700META ETHICS - UNIVERSAL PRESCRIPTIVISM: Has anyone here read Hare or other universal presciptivists?…[View]
23358837What is the Sun if not a frame of 4D space? Are the other stars even spawned in? (A haiku.)[View]
23358873Fiction/Non-Fiction books where the story gives you the same warm, immersive feeling you'd feel…[View]
23358844>Hegel is arguing that the reality is merely an a priori adjunct of non-naturalistic ethics, Kant…[View]
23357276which one?[View]
23356758Make use of your local libraries[View]
23353150I was talking to an Alawite Muslim and he gave me a reasoned out argument as to why Muhammad and Ali…[View]
23356921All somewhat introverted teenage boys should be required to read Steppenwolf in my opinion. Just mak…[View]
23358665How can you act smart when you don't even know what reality is?(You're dumb).[View]
23354364Post your favorite literature quotes.[View]
23351666What literature is xe referring to?[View]
23358557Books to understand the world: I read and read and feel I know nothing. What are some books that wil…[View]
23353603Tolkien was just BUILT DIFFERENT FRFR[View]
23357944Hard magic: Who does it best?[View]
23358365The woman in the dunes: This was pretty good, how come it does not get discussed here? It checks all…[View]
23358440The Three-Body Problem: How the fuck was this book allowed to be published in China?? I throws mad s…[View]
23351061Post your novel idea. It's not like their going anywhere.[View]
23356318Does liking Gilbert and Sullivan make me a fag?[View]
23356621I have a really important thought about Heidegger. It seems like no one is willing to read him, or o…[View]
23358337How do you stay on track with reading projects? I wanted to start reading the Roman historians. Got …[View]
23358136Favorite historical fiction books?[View]
23358316Jurisprudence: Which books would be the best to read to study jurisprudence? >The 'Coutumes de Be…[View]
23357292Who would win in a fight: Hercules or Samson[View]
23356905Illustrations: How do you all feel about illustrations in books? Obviously there is the literature i…[View]
23357728Why does God force those who do not want to live?[View]
23358222Anti-Semitic literature: Recommend works by authors from your country, let's make a serious com…[View]
23350603Has anti-intellectualism gotten worse with zoomers?[View]
23353650Reminder that the DRB is the greatest Bible written in English, you shouldn't need anything els…[View]
23350504So sick of the retarded overfixation on Sappho when there were plenty of other Greek poets who were …[View]
23357272What did you all think of The Night Land?[View]
23356139>4 page essay due in a week How do I cope bros[View]
23357522are there any literature/philosophy books on the idea of 'pure' agnosticism? my idea of it is, there…[View]
23358007Are there any books like this but written by someone based? I like the idea of not being useful, i.…[View]
23352136I was about to buy into the whole Jew hate thing but then I realized this guy was a Jew.[View]
23357971What are the best ways to subtly, SUBTLY, insert one's fetishes into their writings in a way th…[View]
23355787I see this lil nigga in everyone now (including myself). People are so comically haughty and self im…[View]
23357842Coomer oriented fantasy/sci fi: Post your favorite erotic or pseudo-erotic sci-fi and fantasy.…[View]
23357152Hubert Shelby Jr: What's your opinion about this guy ?[View]
23357754What are the best books set in the Middle Ages?[View]
23341873Taoism: I have been recommended Tao Te Ching by a coworker to help with my depression. Can someone e…[View]
23356356What's the cutest book you've read?[View]
23357142Hello there, I'm not sure if the lit board will like this request, but I thought I could try. D…[View]
23346211Why does Reddit hate this book so much?[View]
23356709Akagi: Has anyone here read Akagi? What's the closest philosophy irl to Akagi's? I know he…[View]
23357598Any books on how to read? I can't read and want to start.[View]
23357255>Bro, we're all human >Bro, culture doesn't matter >Bro, just be rootless >Bro…[View]
23355303Novels / short stories about extreme isolation: Do you know any good fiction in which one character …[View]
23356538is it worth it reading all 10 volumes?[View]
23355526>Bro, read Tolkien, bro >I swear it's not slop, bro >Bro, there is nuance in fantastic…[View]
23357403Just read Catch-22 for the second time in my life and it's probably one of my favorites. Any th…[View]
23355087>Pop Philosopher gets exposed as a creep many such cases[View]
23356845How do you deal with the fact you're writing in a language that is spoken by just a few million…[View]
23357392books for this feel?[View]
23356933>my favorite book of all time is Atomic Habits: an Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits …[View]
23357342how is lolita not just cunnyposting?[View]
23357335Thoughts on the latest Michel novel?[View]
23357239So is the Judge the person abducting children?[View]
23357124Hedonism: Are there any book that advocate for hedonism in a convincing way?[View]
23357108How do you promote your Substack now that Elon Musk is at war with the site?[View]
23356369Ok, but seriously. How do you get your translation published. >inb4 just self-publish it bro, don…[View]
23355793What's /lit/'s preferred verse?: Personally, I write in free verse as I prefer to be in co…[View]
23357259>My cock is hard. This was maybe my answer to genrefags, whom, as much as I want to rape them, I …[View]
23355374>”do you accept?” >”no im good.” It was literally that simple. Was Duke Leto just fucking stup…[View]
23354729Anyone know a less jewy version of this?[View]
23357195Who is the greatest American fiction writer alive and publishing?[View]
23357163Is this book worth a read?: Also what are some similar books that discuss the concept of cyclical hi…[View]
23350268I want to get into Charles Bukowski. What's the entry level?[View]
23356772Hermit/Recluse core: I've been a recluse for many years now. I used to read a lot and fell out …[View]
23356565Any books that can help a hopeless neet see the path of self improvement and how to become a better …[View]
23352411Is this book really good and worth it?[View]
23356688>Very comprehensibly written for a supposed 15 year old drug addict's diary they somehow fou…[View]
23356969Non film/media made book reccomendations: Drop a list of good fiction books that haven't been m…[View]
23352226>SOCRATES: [insert retarded analogy] >GLAUCON: You're quite right. >SOCRATES: [insert …[View]
23355111Pareidolia: the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulis…[View]
23356757give me a intro: hey drop your intros for a book or short story without letting us the know genre we…[View]
23353945It's clearly very amateurish, but it wasn't worth all the seethe it generated back then[View]
23354316What was again that edgy book about Marxism and summoning demons? I saw it being commented here, but…[View]
23354463Why does everyone think the Judge is a great villain?: >murder and rape lol >never ending war …[View]
23353703Which book or author is the Limp Bizkit of literature?[View]
23355720The purpose of the Encyclopedia is descriptive: to describe how the idea (or reason) develops itself…[View]
23355372How is anti-anthropocentrism not the dumbest shit ever? Do anti-anthropocentrists really think they …[View]
23354165>a STEMbug engineer wrote the most wonderful, most imaginative fantasy and science-fiction with b…[View]
23356481Joyce carol oates[View]
23356416Thinking of doing a JG Ballard audiobook from youtube. Any reca? Preferably I would listen to short …[View]
23354427Schopenhauer: The TRUE brainlet filter is whether you recognize that Schopenhauer was right. Anybody…[View]
23351642how do I not make shit poetry? I feel like I just produce complete shit[View]
23356201What do leftists in general and the /lit/left in particular make of Cedric Robinson? I hate commies …[View]
23356113i stopped reading the chronicles of narnia because the conflict in the story made me uncomfortable[View]
23353701ITT: Authors you have appreciated a lot more after seeing/listening to them (through lectures and in…[View]
23353288ITT: lyrics with genuine literary merit: 'She smiled and twisted, she smiled and twisted Hideously l…[View]
23351435Do people who write in public really get writing done. Or do they just do it to be seen and for aest…[View]
23355763Have you read this book? There are elements of Southern Gothic present in this book. I feel that it …[View]
23354017/lit/ confessions: I've been reading Moby Dick for half a year now and am only halfway through.…[View]
23355615He came across like as an awkward loser, unlike in the film where they made him look cool[View]
23356066Rate my styles of prose.: 1) Eh tu brutus, on the concomitant realization that the anons of this web…[View]
23354136so, uh, what if I have ESP or acheived a mystical state and can now know the Thing in itself, now wh…[View]
23350578Protestant lit: Give me the good stuff anons. Scandinavian, Anglican, American methodist, whatever y…[View]
23356083Romeo and Juliet: Two star-crossed lovers deal with the challenges of not being accepted by their re…[View]
23355822What philosophy/ideology best embodies this pic, and what books can I read about it?[View]
23334536HISTORY OF /lit/: Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The Ap…[View]
23355978Every single day I post here and share my opinions on /lit/ matters yet I haven't read I single…[View]
23355082Your life is full of literature: but it is devoid of love[View]
23355851The senses, although they are necessary for all our actual knowledge, are not sufficient to give us …[View]
23355823Hey guys. Let's have a little talk. Are you the type to get angry easily? When I was young, I u…[View]
23355806musicality on prose: >Starts being impressed by rethoric tricks >Admire joyce autism >Now I…[View]
23354394Where do you buy your books?[View]
23355019Here is your Nietzschean Ubermensch[View]
23355750Purple prose is le bad because I was told it was bad.[View]
23354522/wbp/ - Write By Post #00: Prototype edition. Why not use the text entry feature of /lit/ to write? …[View]
23355566Who's the Aubrey Graham of Literature?[View]
23355690>It is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to …[View]
23354131Let me guess, you need more? The GOATs[View]
23355631This is my bible.[View]
23354686I threw out all my Mishima books after seeing this... disgusting..[View]
23344041Who is your favorite philosopher?[View]
23353635Why were paperback covers so much cooler in the past and why are they so gay now?[View]
23354225Starting a literary society: Is there any way to start a literary society in my community? >I liv…[View]
23355239it's a >narrator gets narrated a story by some other guy book Yup, not reading this one…[View]
23354872What did Russian author Solzhenitsyn say about the jews?[View]
23352785/wwoym/ write what's on your mind: DRUGS edition previous >>23350107 / >>23352659…[View]
23351871Dostoevsky's stepson was a NEET.[View]
23355079do you only start reading a new book once you've finished the one you're currently reading…[View]
23355254Has any book been adapted into a wider variety of mediums than Roadside Picnic?[View]
23355357parapolitics thread: post Parapolitics, investigative journalist, or conspiracy books whatever you w…[View]
23347894Why aren't books made of high quality materials anymore?[View]
23354904Where can we draw the line between simulating, mimicking and representation?: And can you think of m…[View]
23354630Eat raw meat Dissent against the system Find on the grail Focus your Vril energy[View]
23351872Let me guess - you 'need' more?[View]
23355107How do you pirate a book?: I normally would never do this, but my teenage idol spotlights as a villa…[View]
23350265Are the Conan the Barbarian books worth reading? I've never read much fantasy besides the usual…[View]
23354351>Nappy wasn't a genius, he only got... le lucky!! What's the difference between this bo…[View]
23354886Animorphs: The Surprise: >My name is Tobias. I was just about as happy as I could be. Who wouldn…[View]
23352035I want to rebuild Babel. What books do I need to read?: I have already checked out some works: >P…[View]
23351760If the most a novelist can hope for, the highest achievement, is to have your work adapted into a su…[View]
23348160/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: Fantasy Landscape Edition >Recommended reading ch…[View]
23344591Literature killed my desire to consume other types of media: Ever since I got into classical literat…[View]
23353605Why most Christians have never read the entire Bible? If you really believed that GOD himself has wr…[View]
23351881You do write notes in your Bible right anon?[View]
23354018>reunites with his childhood crush after she hit the wall >asks her to hook him up with a hebe…[View]
23349019Advaita Vedanta further discussion: How is the Dissolution experienced in deep sleep or the end of a…[View]
23354234Why did books stop doing their table of contents like pic related?[View]
23347731What's Laszlo's best work? For me it's pic related.[View]
23354676Where's the greatest book store in the world?[View]
23354887Henceforth! One fine piece of such cord hath perished unto novel fiber.[View]
23353480What should I read to have a better understanding of 2013-2019 PC Music aesthetics and Hannah Diamon…[View]
23354840>Pick a fight Godspeed[View]
23353864Is he basically saying that neurodivergent are the new transgenders? that they’re the cause behind o…[View]
23351487>Now, as the business of standing mast-heads, ashore or afloat, is a very ancient and interesting…[View]
23354446How can I prepare myself for Infinite Jest?[View]
23351690This book fucking sucks[View]
23354706If I write a story mixing verse, prose, facebook prose, pink and purple prose and literary prose, si…[View]
23352374Star Wars /lit/: May the fourth be with you. Here we discuss Star Wars books[View]
23354119The next Great American Novel?: In this debut novel, the multi-talented Georg Hegel gives an edge-of…[View]
23354453What are you reading right now?: How do you like it?[View]
23350806Biographies v Autobiographies: When given the choice, would you rather read the persons own account …[View]
23353918Inspirational Biographies?: Any recs for antidotes to doom? No, not Jordan Peterson or Self-Help, bu…[View]
23353914Literature to deradicalize: This board gets a disproportionate amount of radical literature with lit…[View]
23354621Negro poetic forthcoming is the castration of timeless.[View]
23351849Will literature be able to survive zoomer moralfaggotry?[View]
23354228GOAT SF books: What are the greatest science fiction books of all time? And note, feel free to give …[View]
23354172recommendations for Catholic Sci Fi?[View]
23354590I assume you’ve come the conclusion?[View]
23350095post you are novel idea: It's not like it's going anywhere.[View]
23354353Russell Kirk: Was he the last “true conservative”, or just out of touch with how conservatism has gr…[View]
23331200spergout as literature: other posts you know like these? have sent some of my own before, perhaps co…[View]
23338032>Asian American diaspora female literature This. This is the distillation of every bad trope in …[View]
23354141How do you take a 20 pages story and turn it into a 150-170 pages novel?[View]
23354417Amygdalatropolis: So, from what I hear about this book, it might be right up my alley. I have read N…[View]
23322766give me some schizo core books. the more esoteric/weird, the better. i have a feeling they may hold …[View]
23353980chicklit recs?[View]
23353527Books to improve verbalization.: Idk if thats even the right word. I'm extremely bad at speakin…[View]
23354359Donoghue reviews The Silmarillion: Thoughts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjIyvcMHRks&ab_chan…[View]
23354412I need to get better with my prose.: Allow me for a second, my dear con, conditional to the fact, I …[View]
23350394Regardless of execution, which book has the best premise? For me it’s >imminent attack by more a…[View]
23354312I bought pic related from a thrift store, what am I in for?[View]
23354328MOTT Week 4: Chapter 2: THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT DIVINATION This is week 3 of your 'Meditations on t…[View]
23348037You guys told me this was garbage, but it's actually extremely profound and mind liberating.[View]
23349924Tick, tock...: Living writers with unfinished projects: >Robert Caro (88) Book Five (and last) in…[View]
23353886Chick on the Wire: The chick on the wire looked left then right He left looked up then down He look…[View]
23353390STAR TREK BOOKS: What's some kino star trek books, bros?[View]
23353240I understand philosophy before 1943 now. Which book can I read to understand philosophy after 1943?[View]
23352834Books about pitfalls of ideology: I was reading this book by the guy who took Singapore as a empover…[View]
23349008What did you think of it?[View]
23351916How many books are you currently reading? How many books do you usually read concurrently?[View]
23354002Very superficial book. If you already know your stuff don’t bother. If you don’t know fuck all it’s …[View]
23351236how do you even refute this?[View]
23353687I suggest that henceforth we reject posting the hithertofore current gay oxford phenomenology of spi…[View]
23353876>In The Past is a Future Country, Edward Dutton presents a wealth of data to show that these tren…[View]
23350241Is this an intellectually worthwhile topic of investigation?[View]
23353842Which one was more important for luso literature?[View]
23353995Has anyone ever read this? It's about an alternative history where the American Hippo law passe…[View]
23346576Rate my bookshelf: Genuinely curious about you guy’s opinion.[View]
23351149Buckley was in the right.[View]
23353898Are there any books on how to create a tulpa?[View]
23353472You DO save local copies of your work, right? You're not a complete idiot, right?[View]
23352108>two bibliophiles nerd out about books for 400 pages Comfy.[View]
23343949Coomer oriented fantasy/sci fi: harems, sexy settings, just good fantasy with lots of lewd: Any reco…[View]
23350869If complex prose is the mark of the arrogant psued and simple prose is the mark of the iliterate. Th…[View]
23351147>invested in a book >theres a play in it what is wrong with me? why is it when there is a play…[View]
23353830I love women so much, it's unreal. I love how cute, soft and feminine they are. What are some b…[View]
23351546How to write a story?[View]
23348219Did Nietzsche say this?: If he didn’t, does it even make sense with his philosophy? I googled it and…[View]
23350700Why do people like the Greeks more than the Romans nowadays? Normies still read the Iliad and Sophoc…[View]
23349357I've realized that this is completely true. Every female character that people praise as being …[View]
23352049Swann's Way: I've just finished (and I thoroughly enjoyed) Swann's Way, but I am havi…[View]
23347857>drinking alone >dark bars where you meet strange characters >bizarre sexual encounters …[View]
23350128Here's that children's author I was telling you about[View]
23352975Reddit: The list[View]
23353200My theory of perception? Heh, naive realism of course - what I see is what it be. Throw that philoso…[View]
23351773How can words make a grown ass man cry for 2 hours straight? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SfPf-_…[View]
23353529is the noun order thing real or is that just Aristotle?[View]
23346608Shill Thread: Published writers of /lit/, come and shill your work, without fear of judgement or sha…[View]
23349871Plato Thread #1: Hello /lit/chads, This summer I am going to be (re)reading all the dialogues of Pla…[View]
23353273Shut the fuck up.[View]
23352268I write better english than you.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtuZa92YPsI Allow me for a second,…[View]
23352759>BTFO'd socialism >BTFO'd Marxism >BTFO'd collectivism >BTFO'd Abrah…[View]
23352802Any more like this?[View]
23350731I want to read pic related this summer but I'm afraid I'll be way out of my depth. Is ther…[View]
23351978Would it be fair to call myself a writer if I've only sold 3 copies of my short story in Amazon…[View]
23351828I wonder if we are destined to be forgotten: Will our life fade in the shadow of greater beings?…[View]
23351775French anons, what is the opinion surrounding Paul Guimard in your country? I am reading L'iron…[View]
23351864How can Shakespeare just invent the word 'alligator' and have anyone know what it means in his day?[View]
23352536>bisexual catholic >standard bearer of english conservatism Why are the anglos still taken se…[View]
23347384Where do I start, and how do I move forward?[View]
23351530How do you take notes?: i'm starting a new degree and want to get ahead in the summer. How do I…[View]
23351209Is college worth it?: For studying literature? Between Harold’s Bloom’s critique and the woke wildfi…[View]
23351293what is your honest opinion on 120 days of sodom >pic unrelated[View]
23350594What do you think of Ben Shapiro's novel?[View]
23352385Any books on the airline industry in general, as well as its relation to law?: Please help anons. I …[View]
23352617>What are you looking at, smoothskin?[View]
23351590Poetry, literature, and hatred: What are the great passages of literature that revolve around hatred…[View]
23351694Schopenhauer: Reading ‘The Suffering of the Workd’ by Arthur Schopenhauer at the moment. Slowly com…[View]
23352159English poetry doesn't actually have meter: Dactylic hexameter isn't actually real. If you…[View]
23350107/wwoym/ write what's on your mind: bodies by the smashing pumpkins edition previous >>233…[View]
23350724>and this is our son's room, he lives with us, he is quite the reader…[View]
23352117>some random Indian forgets a notebook at the library >the entire British Empire falls So, thi…[View]
23345651How do I write a fantasy novel that doesn't suck?[View]
23349938>24 >still not a pubished author Is it over?…[View]
23349995>Marcus Aurelius is the most famous one because he's le emperor >Epictetus and Seneca are…[View]
23352219>'As he stood there, even though the Ring was not on him but hanging by its chain about his neck,…[View]
23352228There's these little bugs made by an enemy of the West that preys on the clean, lands on humans…[View]
23352241Dust jacket HAET: >Here's this stupid fucking thing you put on just to take off every time y…[View]
23349947Fuck translations. If a book is written in a Romance language, I buy it in its original language and…[View]
23348800>Labour is the substance, and the immanent measure of value, but has itself no value ' >In the…[View]
23346894Tuberculosis Thread: What is it with this disease? How did it have such an extreme impact on literat…[View]
23352095Collecting ideas: Hi, If you have time, write about character ideas and different settings. I'm…[View]
23346302Book Store Experiences/Reviews: Columbus, Ohio /lit/izens, why did none of you warn me that The Book…[View]
23352015What's a fictional book about a belly dancer?[View]
23351862I wrote a sci-fi/fantasy novel which I'm going to self-publish and am now struggling to think o…[View]
23351542Philosophy of humor, the banality of memesthe eternal laughter of Christ Jesus: Some people laugh at…[View]
23351548>People that don't read at all are on average smarter than people whose favorite book is Fah…[View]
23349111The only foid to ever produce anything of importance: How did she do it?[View]
23351915What is there to gain from reading philosophical pessimism?[View]
23351233Gonna try this again. I'm searching a short tale about a guy who smells a foul odor everywhere …[View]
23350919What is the most recent anti-war book?: Can you think of a book off the top of your head that had an…[View]
23346116It's just right-wing anti-whiteism.[View]
23351407what books does he read?[View]
23340269Anti-collectivist philosophy and literature: People are driven by self-insert, they only delude them…[View]
23349904How to read further when you Aristotle vol 2 took four months?: Idk this shit but philosophy. I want…[View]
23351022To fellow Catholic anons: How do you feel when stuff you read depict that far future with not Cathol…[View]
23348625I want to write a book but I'm too stupid. I can come up with cool ideas, but I suck at writing…[View]
23351586Wagnerbros, how and where should i begin reading his works.[View]
23349370What happened to Emma Clery?[View]
23351442Books on a way or ways to do eugenics properly, and also books that positively justify doing eugenic…[View]
23344610tfw no insane memoirist gf: >“I wouldn’t say so. I’ve always been mad, it’s only that before last…[View]
23351492What are some rs literature?[View]
23344122Naomi Wolf being rekt by Chadmille Paglia[View]
23343996Philip K. Dick: they don't make genius authors anymore[View]
23348541>Self hating jew >denounced Judaism >still somehow the most Jewish author of all time What…[View]
23350036>He rose and stood tottering in that cold autistic dark with his arms outheld for balance while t…[View]
23350670It's whatpadd the current meta of new writers?[View]
23346784What would you be reading if you lived in this picture, /lit/?[View]
23351396I would have not “grown” >albeit beyond conventional treachery. Gibberish precedes my mind. Yet,…[View]
23347797How did Russia manage to produce so many legendary writers in the 19th century?[View]
23349606Would it be a good intellectual investment to spend the next couple of months reading these?[View]
23348744>Read book >Finish book >Forget 95% the next week What gives?…[View]
23349656Are there any cultural history books that intertwine music, architecture, painting, literature, scul…[View]
23350711Peirce: What happened to that Peircefag’s substack article? Deleted already? =( I was 2/3rds in… htt…[View]

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