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>5'3" man
>is it over?
I was quite tall when I was young but eventually stopped growing. When I was tall relative to everyone else I just existed and social interaction was easy. As I grew older, I started getting bullied which reached its peak in the last year of high school. I didn't consciously know I was short then (probably sounds crazy to some of you but I unironically had the 6'1" mindset or whatever) so I blamed it all on society generally being antisocial, being a zoomer and everything. I'm now in college and finally understand that it was my height all along - there are plenty of social people they just don't want to associate with me. I'm not really bothered about girls knowing all the MGTOW stuff but women AND men don't like me. When I'm outside I just get constant signals of people not wanting me to be in their presence or whatever and it's turned me from someone who's out going to your typical weird short man. Now I'm preparing to start working and I'm wondering if I'm also going to shat on in work. Learning about the halo effect and such has taught me that even if I grind in my job someone else will be promoted because they're taller than me. Or if I join a community of people into something weird/niche I'll still be at the bottom of the social hierarchy even if the group is usually associated with losers. I need some short men who are going to tell me the truth about my situation because it either gives me the options of
>insane grinding on some sort of online business where I don't have to interact with people
Obviously these things can be goals for normal people but I'm wondering if I should drop everything and literally use every hour of the day to achieve these goals so I can get there as soon as possible. Of course I just want to chill and be a normal person but if its literally impossible in this society to do that I understand what I have to do
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you're a retarded n gger, puas are man's medicine to a changing date culture
i was making fun of him >>31130909
Haha he looks so wobbly and retarded
>puas are man's medicine to a changing date culture
PUA culture was an honorable attempt at this but it's ultimately a misguided one, because PUAs are retarded apes whose sense of masculinity is consequently ape-like and retarded. All it has done over time is trained young men and women to disregard intellectual masculinity in favor of barbaric masculinity. The result is the hot dumpster fire of modern dating which is a completely degrading experience for anyone with an IQ over 130.
Whenever you feel like it's over, realize that fat chicks exist.

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I have an autistic son my wife went behind my back and had him vaccinated over the course of a week. I am a truck driver and had to go. She had him “caught up with everything” because the doctor recommended it. So my seven year d son got 50 plus shots in a week. When I got back he was just gone. He just played in bed staring at the wall and started yelling on good days. I knew what happened immediately. As far as I’m concerned my wife killed my son. I’m cutting my losses but is there anyway for the state to come after me or do I have to leave the country? I live in the United States.
Yeah, they come after you. If you don’t have a job, they can’t take your money.
I do believe that someone in your family is autistic.
Stop spamming this shit you autistic fuck

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I think i might have complex ptsd and i have no idea how to fix it. I'm 27 and I've tried self medicating to do basic adult things like going to work and sort my day to day shit out. Now I'm addicted to benzos (which I'm slowly trying to wean off of) and I'm trying to get a job and establish myself and i just feel this overwhelming crushing feeling of hopelessness at how to handle my situation. I went to a trial shift at a kitchen today and for 6 hours straight it felt like my mind and body was on fire and it wasn't even that stressful but i was basically rawdogging it without drugs. I don't know if i can do this shit. I feel ashamed of myself so much. I've been to therapy and it's a fucking joke. My anxiety is 100x worse than it was 10 years ago. I also might have autism on top of everything else. Feeling pretty fucking close to the edge right now unironicaly. What the fuck do i need to do to be normal?
1) stop self diagnosing. Mental illnesses aren't some pokemon you've got to collect. You may have problems, but so does everyone.
2) you're doing an unfamiliar thing in an unfamiliar environment. Of course that's stressful. Some days will be good, some bad, but it's no biggie. It'll get easier, if you allow it to become easier. Focus on the task at hand and do it to your best ability. This will speed up the time as well.
It's true, I'm labelling myself. And maybe I'm not of those things and maybe labels don't really matter. I just feel tired of my brain. I just wish i could shut it off sometimes but i don't know how. Maybe I'm not doing too badly but i only have my own perspective and i can only judge myself compared to how other people go about their lives. Years of 4chan have definitely not helped me rise the bar high for myself and have allowed me to wallow in self pity
>It'll get easier, if you allow it to become easier
That's the issue. It's like i can't let go of my fear and the more i try to just trust in myself the tighter it grips me. I wish i wasn't afraid of anything. I hate my anxiety and how much i feel it holds me back

Depressed, suicidual due to all of my actions, wondering what I should do right now with my life. Where would I go if I die?

Should I FOLLOw Christianity for my problems and see if I can god or jesus to give me a better life? Or see into science?
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Yeah but I ask by the way if there is a possibility I would live the same life as myself but differently in another universe? Can we even experience a life reset with science?

Should I ask god for help in giving me a better life when I die and go to heaven?
Well science seems to think that our observations influence our surroundings and math says that causality can go in each direction. You can change your present by observing your future. Life is a possession and god is in you.
Good to note then?
christianity will give you a community, purpose, and a wife. Science will tell you to kill yourself.

>have half-jewish friend
>mom was a jew but he doesn't practice the religion
>our friend group makes jokes about it but it's never malicious
>had another friend who started going schizo/trump lover around 2017 or so
>in 2019 he announced to us his conversion to neonazism and told us he would not want us hanging out with jews anymore
>we cut him off after that
>just yesterday he tries to send me a text apologizing and saying he identifies as a leftist now, and wishes he could take that "phase" back
Should I even bother with this clown again?
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This, its destroying our countries and communities. Our whole government is about living with people who you don't agree with but still respecting them and living with them. We lose that all that is left is war.
Who does not despise them is ill informed. They also should hate themselves, if they do their research.
Its most likely schziophrenia and a combination of being terminally online which affected him. Extremists drift in and out of different ideologies all the time. Next week he could be a Jihadist.
Trumpers love Israel tho
fpbp fuck kikes and fuck that faggot
But you should continue being friends with him do you can manipulate him for money and attention like you kikes always do
At least do that for us okay?

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I need advice for a book about crimes with a sense of realism
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tell us how you did it grandpa
I unknowingly ruined someones passion project because I promoted it to the wrong crowd. I thought I was helping by bringing it to new eyes, I really did. This is why gate keeping is important
Tossing an empty beer bottle in front of a huge truck that was approaching from a tunnel. It broke to shards in front of its wheels.
The driver stopped and tried to chase me.
I regret being this dumb, I was 17.
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Glad you stopped that guy mr fed
Ur a cyclepath..

I’ll put this all together to make the protagonist the ultimate anon.
Look at trannies and see the shit they do

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Will it ever get better?
I'm 32, ugly, broke, dead end job, small penis and skinny fat body.
Everything my parents thought me turned out to be wrong.
I don't see a way out anymore.
It's like I don't exist for the enjoyable part of life. I'm here only to suffer.
I'm invisible to anything good.
I want out.
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If you have bouts of sadness get antidepressants. Be honest with your feelings and thoughts, and try to fix them.
Not too late to turn your life around
You're probably not as ugly as you think
>broke, dead end job
Go to a trader school for plumbing.
>small penis
How small? 4 inches is enough, albiet just barely
>skinny fat body.
Easily changed with improved diet and exercise.
>none of these are my fault tho?
Defeatist incel mentality.
You don't want to improve your life because that means you need to put in work and effort. It's easier to make excuses to not try.

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I have my first therapist appointment soon
how should I prepare for it
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Deny ever trying drugs. They might not give u effective meds if they know you used drugs in the past.
It might be a good idea to write down some things you want to make sure you mention and any questions you have. It can be hard to remember what you wanted to bring up once they start asking questions.
Never admit to being Suicidal.
By taking some deep breaths and relaxing beforehand. If you have a female therapist, you'll likely develop feelings for her at some point. It's normal and is called transference, talk about it with her in session when it happens.

If not, just be honest and talk about what's on your mind. A good therapist won't shame you and will help you through it. Also keep in mind they have boundaries, they're not allowed to see you outside of session or be physical.

Good luck and I hope you heal quickly, anon.
Pick the number one thing that is bothering you. Ie, not having a job, mental breakdowns, friends/family problems, chronic pain. And then go in with the goal of solving that problem. Solving the biggest problem and greatly help with the rest.

I can't take any criticism at all. Even when I know rationally that there was nothing malicious behind it, and that I did actually make a mistake, whenever I am being criticized, I like physically feel blood running away from my brain down my spine and completely losing control over my behaviour. And if I manage not to explode my whole day is ruined because my hands just shake for the rest of it. I cannot grow at all in any of my skills at all because of that, or to present myself to the world, because I am too scared to get criticized. How do I even manage this shit if rationalizations don't help?
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There is a difference between "You made an error there" and "You are a worthless human being."

Most people figure that out around age 10.
And have you tried working on this? IDK maybe once your frontal lobe fully develops you'll be able to control your reactions in the moment better. You have to think long term not just in the moment, even when you're upset.
Man I know it, but my brain doesn't, It just automatically circuits to equalizing them and the I get an emotional seizure

How the hell do I fucking develop a frontal lobe. I am almost 30 already. I can't really "think" when I am upset, I get into instinctual surviving mode.
>almost 30
You should already have it. You must have a developmental or personality disorder. Therapy time.
I wish I had mpney for therapy, on meetup costs like 100eu while I live off around 800 per month

The thibgs is though, this whole situation is only getting worse with age. Like on physical.level, my somatics become and outbursts become crazier.

I cannot use the internet anymore with the dramatically increasing presence of fake bot accounts to pos advertisements, fake articles written by AI to post advertisements to sell chink shit, fake AI generated images and videos literally showing objectively false and dangerous misinformation and also to advertise chink shit, advertisements from drop shippers, fake accounts and commenters pretending to be a white woman in Oregon commenting "this isn't fake, this is real trust me" but you check the account and see it's a week old and was created in and posts from bangladesh or pakistan. I'm pretty sure you fellow 4channel tourists are also either bots or hopefully figments of my imagination. Only porn is the last "real thing" on the internet but even then I'm pretty sure it's only because whores are cheaper than funding a fully AI video.

Not sure where to go from here, purposely isolating myself from the internet just seems unfeasible but I will start mailing bombs to people if I keep having to deal with this dystopian bullshit
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AI is worse than nukes. It will ruin absolutely everything. Even if it works the way they intend, and doesn't go terminator... give everyone so much power without earning it and when everyone's super no one will be, depression will skyrocket as nothing has any meaning and even our dreams wont be a retreat because they'll be boring compared to AI's creations
It will ruin everything but thankfully it will ruin the scum who are responsible for developing + promoting it as well.

Once 99% of people have lost their jobs thanks to "AI", nobody will have anything to lose anymore. That's the kind of situation in which violent revolutions have started.
Let me one up your "schizophrenia"- yeah, the internet is ALL FAKE because it's just representations of stuff (which is just representations of other stuff, eventually getting back to the source). swim up, spend less time online, put no stock in this illusory bullshit, just go online when you're bored.
Your mom is fake
THis is the 'advice' board. So if you're actually looking for advice, I'd say
1. don't become a terrorist (I think this is very sound advice)
2. Go ahead and isolate yourself from the internet. It's as easy as cutting one cable on your router (pro tip: cancelling your internet subscription accomplishes the same while additionally increasing how much money you have)

If you didn't want to receive advice but rather were hoping for people to chime in with 'yeah you're so right I also think today's internet sucks so much boohoo' it might have been better to post this on another board, one which wasn't explicitly intended for advice. Just as a friendly word of advice

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I live in a third world country where quality mental health treatment is hard to find. However, I got diagnosed with ADHD and was given Concerta 36 mg ER.
I stayed on it for two weeks before my parents had a falling out with my therapist who was overcharging them and I never went back to her. My father flushed down the concerta and I never came across any psychiatrist who would agree to get me back on it.
I have always had self-discipline issues. I eat a lot, I am addicted to energy drinks for fucks sake.
No matter how many times I set out to stop doing the bad things that I do, study more, eat less, etc, I would just go back to my old state within a week.
I am 24.
Is it over? Are there any medication-free ways to change my life, or should I just accept the cards I've been dealt?
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>repeating "no meat = malnutrition" and citing years old alternative news sources
Weak. I'd call you a shill if carnists didn't routinely have defective reasoning processes. Useful idiot.
This is a very long winded way of saying its genetic.q
All you have to do is look at any long term vegan anon.
walking skeletons, bad skin, hair falling out.
It's a cult.
In fact people who left the cult are trying to deprogram current victims like yourself.
You want to know where veganism comes from anon?
It comes from religious lunatics.
7th Day Adventists. They created the American Diatetics Association about 100 years ago and they have been using it to push veganism ever since.
They believe meat causes lustful thoughts. lol.
How does it feel to be the victim of a religious cult anon?
Why are you trying to save genetic dead ends who most likely hate you and your point of view? Let them rot, let them suffer, let them die. The most hilarious thing is that they are doing it to themselves.
These girls make a good point, these people hate you and they would cheer as the watch you die. Return the favor in kind.
*yawn*, that branch of the plague that is Christianity doesn't even exist in my country, I'm not some mutt displaced from my ancestral homeland whoms living in a colony on bloody soil together with niggers and Mexicans. I'm not a victim but keep coping.

whether in wealth, intellect, content creation(youtube tiktok), hacking etc....
befriend me, teach me your ways and mentor me even
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I thought this thread was gonna be cool.
Fuck (You)
I have higher than average IQ. But there's nothing I can teach you really. A lot of people seem to think having high IQ makes you more likely to be lazy and never develop good work ethic. But desu, I think my life would have turned out even worse if I had lower IQ. Basically I'm saying I was born with high IQ and I was also born with lower motivation and less capacity for having fun than the average person. So if you took away the high IQ the only thing that would be different is my life would've gone downhill 10 years earlier
Ok I actually remembered something I can give you as advice.
1. In my experience, doing something like work or sitting in class etc. results in me finding the things I do for entertainment less boring the next day. Maybe it has something to do with sort of forgetting that you've seen something similar before, or reducing 'tolerance' to entertainment.
2. If I spend weeks NEETing, I reach a point where any entertainment available to me is literally equally as boring as sitting in class or working a job that is boring (but not horrible).

From 1. and 2. it obviously follows that having a job or sth. like that actually makes it easier to enjoy life even if you don't enjoy the job (as long as you don't hate it) and exclusively derive enjoyment from entertainment in your freetime.
I'm pretty average, but I guess I do and did get shit done, and my life is alright.

My secret is a simple assumption: If I don't take care of it, it won't happen.

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The fucking neighbor is smoking those nasty ass cigars again. I can smell them inside my house and it’s too hot to just open the window and air it out. I confronted him about it a year ago and he just denied that it was him.
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oh no
…but I could be.
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He’s doing it again.
This neighbor doesn’t answer the door either, he just ignores knocks and doorbell rings.
I hate this fucker so much.
Reprogram the airco and make it pump the smell of your rancid shit from your room to the courtyard
He'll avoid the vent then
>muh smoking LE BAD!
incel shitters SEETHING because I'm enjoying a cigar in the comfort of my own home, and they cant because they're broke and scared of getting cancer.

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i think this might be a pretty common thing to talk about here, but since i don't have anyone else to seek advice from (pretty lame ik) let's just go for it.
i go to uni and i work but despite all of that exposure to social interactions i have no friends... i do have some people that i play online shit with but i haven't had the real friend connection i see other people have for years :(
i am not that socially awkward i think, i mean i can hold a conversation pretty ok but still it's really hard

i'm not seeking advice on finding friends cuz that might just be too difficult (though if u have something ig just say it lol) i mainly wanted to ask how do u guys deal with loneliness?
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My point still stands. No matter if it's C-ucktianity/Pooddism/Hinlooism or your own made up rose-tinded glasses fairytale. All reality deniers are the same.

>sarcasm, irritability, "look I'm totally cool you are seething" mentality
Yep. Typical spirituality coper.
>>sarcasm, irritability, "look I'm totally cool you are seething" mentality
>why dont people engage in good faith with me? Theres something wrong with them!
>Same hocus pocus bullshit as the Hindu/Buddist copes. What's next? You don't need food and you can gather energy from the sun?
As long as you are this imperfect human body, you have ALL of it's limitations. You are not some higher being, you did not transcend to a higher dimension.
If you deny the spiritual element of reality you're ignoring a major part of existence.
>No, YOU!
Oh I'm not denying it completely whatsoever, however miniscule role it plays out in our lives. However you enlarge it to these astronomical levels, yet still you are here on 4chan, in a thread about loneliness.
Don't give me the cope of "Oh I'm here to GIVE advice" because even in your cope post you didn't give ANY specific advice.
If spirituality would actually work, we would have data of spiritual people being more happy or at the very least less miserable than the average is, which is not the case.
However I know of people who were deeply spiritual yet their spirituality didn't work at all which left them shattered.
So stop giving bullshit ideas to people like OP that are hurtful for them in the long run. Unless he actually physically starts working on his problems, nothing is going to help him. And it's only gonna get worse.
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Well said

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