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This is probably a weird post, but I need help with something. I'd say like over the past year or so I have developed a BURNING hatred for Muslims/Arabs. Just thinking about their religion is enough to make me extremely angry and irrational, at least on the internet. I sometimes fantasize about them being put in camps, being killed, etc. The only reason I support Israel is because I hate muslims and I delight in their suffering. I have no plans to actually hurt anyone myself, I'm just concerned because this mindset is clearly unhealthy. I know what I'm feeling is clearly morally wrong, yet I feel like it's hard to get rid of. I feel like part of it is due to my belief that Islam is inherently anti-intellectual, which is a position I started taking after I watched YouTube channels like David Wood, Apostate Prophet, Islam Critiqued, etc. What should I do? I don't want to feel this way towards my fellow human beings but I legitimately have trouble seeing them as humans myself. I'm a Christian by the way.
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It says my file doesn’t exist now, I’d feel foolish to fix it. Maybe I got deleted.
Why? I’m sure it was as overblown as the holocaust but those are just words. There was a decline in record keeping, it seems.
Name one time when it wasn’t a false flag.
I've been getting increasingly hostile to Islam as well because of how absurdly fucking annoying, smug and hypocritical most non-secular Muslims are. With that said, remember that Nietzsche quote. "He who fights monsters" etc etc. Don't lose yourself, anon
>t. Mohammed
You clearly don't understand the Islamic faith.

Because if you did you would know that they literally want to genocide everyone who isn't Muslim.

You are justified in your hatred of such a horid people.

And remember the crusades were 100% justified self defence.

Also fuck Israel those blood liable mother fuckers have been the reason why jihadis have been invading the West.

Israel, like pontius pilate did to christ, have sold us our to the beast.

Christ died on the cross so that both jew and gentile could be absolved of original sin. Jews like Muslims seek for the downfall of Chrisandom.

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>inb4 she's your cousin
Just learned that my cousin OD'd this morning.
I just got a place near our family cottage and was really looking forward to meeting all the family again for the summer.
>and my cousins hot friends let's be real
But she's gone, just like that. I used to tease her on FB for being a stereotype (art ho/model) and for recommending me 'feminist literature' in an attempt to convince me I was on the wrong path or something lol
I just played the idiot tho. Even tho I already knew all the authors she'd named and had my own philosophical giants I could have recommended back at her..
Idk why I'm making this. I just don't understand why all these attractive millennials and zoomers just want to hang around drug dealers and get addicted to dangerous shit? Like another very attractive girl I went to hs with is already on the spiral.
>revived twice already from narcan, probly going to be dead soon too
Another one of my parents friends daughter OD'd just a couple years ago, she was also very good looking.
I just don't fucking understand. Why do they do this to themselves?
>be american
>use drugs
Such a degenerate ass country.
From Ontario bud
because every man they encounter offers them drugs
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Guys, my 77yo mother developed a severe dementia in the last months.
She‘s super restless all the time. Doesn‘t calm down at night, and whining and whining all day.
Meds doesn‘t help well, even strong/off-label stuff. She keeps calling for people for help every some minutes, and when one shows up, she forgot why, or/and starts to cry, or rants „why you don‘t care for me“. In the last weeks she lost orientation, doesn‘t know anymore where she is.
Also, no place in any old peoples home in the whole area. My dad is about to break down, and we children are about to get crazy. Especially because she keeps calling at night (when noone shows up after some time, she tries to leave the bed, already hurt herself…)

What do?
How‘s the experience with cannabis oil? (difficult to get, docs don‘t prescribe „cuz no experience/new“)
How long such a phase can take? Forseeable that she‘ll loose her mind completely soon, or can this go on for longer time?
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Yeah anon,
Mourn for loosing your mom. Try to get her into care if you can afford it. Try not to feel bad. She is going to take so so much time to care for. Medicate her tell she is a zombie and wait for her to die.
Shut your bussy.
Go straight for the gummies. I’m sure you can manipulate sleep and meal times and maybe even blaze a neuro pathway or two. Send some punk grandkid out of state and get some.
Give her the D and she'll calm down. Worked for Chris and Barb.
If it got that bad in only a few months, she might die quickly. For my own grandma, she deteriorated over the course of like 15 years. But the symptoms developed much more gradually. It started with subtle personality changes. By the end, she didn't even know who she was, could only respond with gibberish words, and was constantly hallucinating.

Next week I'm heading out to a national park to do shrooms and gain hidden insight during my trip. Any advice? It'll be a day free of stress or responsibility, I'll be alone in nature. I've done mushrooms before about a year ago but never higher than 2.5 grams. How many should I take?
Also after how many hours will I be good to drive? Would I be better off taking uber?
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>>bad trips exist
>>why bother
Tell someone you trust that you're going camping, and tell them when you'll be back.
Tell them you'll text them you got back at w.e. time you choose.
Tell them if they don't receive a text from you, you're probably lost/hurt in the park and to send people to find you.
Also if it wasn't painfully clear, make sure you do this with someone you can trust and isn't a retard.
Idk man if you have mental illness in your family I'd skip it.
I tripped shrooms 5 years ago 3 grams had a mind melting trip that destroyed my self esteem. Go in a good mood or don't you may also want something on hand to relieve things if you get overwhelmed. Good luck

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just how dumb is it to get a private pilots license?
it's really expensive to learn, expensive to maintain, a lot of time commitment and even if i wanted to go professional it'd be even more money
but just thinking of being in the sky fills me with joy
I dunno man. I'd say go for it if you have a plane.
why would i have a plane
i'd need to rent one

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Can anyone help me understand what makes guys stay with BPDemons for years and years despite knowing how stupid it is? My friend has put a 4th child into his psyho BPD girlfriend despite seemingly being aware of how he should have left years ago.
A non-exhaustive list:
>low-self esteem
>natural submissiveness and passivity
>"but I have nothing else (besides this demon who hates me)!"
>fear (that she'll kill herself and/or ruin your life)
>one guy told me that his BPDemon was making life exciting (the only cost was the last 30 years of hard work building wealth and a life)
they're for emotionally immature men
>low-self esteem
Mostly this.
This. The men who are sucked in by BPDemons are usually the other half of the dysfunctional coin. They are codependents who can’t function being alone. Moreover they only feel ‘love’ after they feel they ‘earned’ it, so they put up with any amount of shit from a woman so long as they get a crumb of validation.

This is what happens when a male has a non-existent or volatile relationship with his own father.
Trauma bonding

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Does anyone here have advice for a schizoid sperg like me? 99 percent of the time i have pretty constant anxiety that prevents me from doing any useful shit with myself. Any advice on how to find out the root cause of my issues; ideally without giving myself a chemical lobotomy with something like adderal/ritalin? if it helps; I am actually a aspie; so do with that what you will.
Schizoid is gunning to replace autism as the meme label for mentally stunted weirdos.
Try ifs therapy and unified mindfulness

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>Plan: (I’m 6’3)
>Go to Japan
>Push everyone around

t. five seven anon
You will leave Japan as a kissless virgin still. Congrats.
I support it. You might get arrested though, which is fine by me.
Average japanese height in 2024 is 6'3.5" tho
Extremely faggoty.

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Ghosting, friendzoning, flaking, being emotionally unavailable, having zero interest in me or relationships in general.
This is my experience for years now, using tinder and badoo and meeting over 60 women (mostly just 1 or 2 dates).
Only 2 gfs that I had and met online were met in 2012. Since then I only had 1 gf and I met her by cold approach (we broke up last december).

Is it me, is it the general population being this trash or women who are online? And it's not like I'm only going for one type of women.
I tried with tall, short, younger, older, shy, outgoing, literally all flavours and the results are the same.
I was being the same way I am now with my exes and they all were happy to at least start a relationship with me.

WHAT'S WRONG? I literally don't know how men who look worse than me or have shittier/boring personality get sex or relationships nowadays.
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>Okay anon, but I was telling them I'm not looking for a hookup and they were saying the same thing.
>Immediately ignores what they just said okay to
"Not looking for hookups" on Tinder and relationship apps means "I am not a slut with no standards, don't spam me dick pics".
It doesn't change the fact that you are looking for nutritional meals at a convenience store.
Finding a relationship on an app based on swiping from a few second appraisal of appearance is not the best strategy.
They don't mind busting inside less.
I'm still here anon. If you have more insight please share, I'll appreciate it.
Huh? What do you mean?
this anon nailed it.
>guys give me advice
>gets advice
>no not like that confirm my idiotic thinking please

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>they want to control them
>it's a power imbalance
>they just think they're more pure
>they're pedophiles

No. Men are visual creatures. Women are typically most attractive from 18-25. There are exceptions, but that's the peak for most. That's it.

It's that simple.

Am I retarded? I swear all the attacks by women over this are simply because they've lost their physical attractiveness or never had it to begin with.
Oh, what's that Tiffany? They're not mature. Girl, you're 43 and you can't go two weeks single without booze cruising onto a fresh dick because you have untreated mental disorders. You'e never been able to hold down a job. You have zero interests in life besides finding male attention and riding your stupid horse on 0.5 acre lot in the middle of the fucking boondocks.

Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
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>I am saying you are looking a bit sus right now.
Woman hands typed this
>t. The one guy into GILFs in the thread.
I'm 30 and I've hooked up with women (only date Asians, no I'm not white) from 19-45. Yes, while younger women tend to be a bit more immature and older women being a bit more mature, there are plenty of women that are the opposite at their respective ages.

People say that if there is a big age gap that it's weird and you're "taking advantage of them" because they are so "young" and "stupid". I think it's weird if you ONLY date girls / hook up with girls that are 18-20. As in you go to under 21 bars, dating app set to 18-21, creep around colleges looking for girls that are freshmens etc. If you meet a cool girl and she happens to be 18 or 45 and the vibe is there, it's fine.

The main issue with dating someone between 18-22 is that they usually change quite a bit as a person during that time. I would personally not seriously date a woman significantly younger than me but I am more that happy to have sex with them.

I've never dated or hooked up with a girl that was 19-25 with the idea of "controlling" them. I simply find them attractive. I like to have sex with attractive women. Attractive women happen to usually be younger. However, I've slept with plenty of 35+ women that were still very attractive.

It's crazy that it's generalized that if an 18 year old is dating a 28+ guy it's "weird" but there are plenty of girls that turn 18 and jump straight into porn, onlyfans and posting thirst traps on IG. They aren't stupid and they know what they are doing. They aren't innocent.
>I think it's weird if you ONLY date girls / hook up with girls that are 18-20. As in you go to under 21 bars, dating app set to 18-21, creep around colleges looking for girls that are freshmens etc. If you meet a cool girl and she happens to be 18 or 45 and the vibe is there, it's fine.
why does it matter? people can have all sorts of preferences like height and race but age is off limits?
I'm not saying it's wrong to have a preference. I'm just saying that I think its weird to spawn camp 18 year old women. Don't get me wrong, I would definitely have sex with an 18 year old woman if I happened to meet one. But I wouldn't go to under 21 bars, set my age range on dating apps from 18-21 or go to colleges seeking out freshmen and sophomores. I've cold approached women at the mall and it can be really difficult to approximate their age sometimes, especially with Asian women. I've accidentally approached girls under 18 and respectfully ended the conversation as well as women in their late 30s who I assumed to be early 20s.

Even I have a preference. I'm mixed B/W and I've literally only fucked and dated Asian women. Why? Because I simply find them the most attractive. Them being 18-45 doesn't stop me from wanting to have sex with them. However, I wouldn't seriously date an 18-22 year old woman (unless we had amazing chemistry) because those are years where most people change and start their careers. Also, just because they are in their prime reproductive years wouldn't mean I'd want to start a family with them. At least in the states, the chances of us being together forever after her having kids at a young age is slim to none. I see so many mid 20s women with 1-8 year old kids.

Also, just because a woman is younger doesn't mean they are at their peak. They "should" be but aren't. I've dated many Asian women and there are plenty of them in their 30s that completely dwarf younger women in the looks department. I will agree that for the most part, the younger the woman is, the more attractive she should be.

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Where can I find desperate men online who will pay good money/monero to hang out with me, either 1-on-1 chat or play a specific video game with me. Watch anime with. Do whatever mundane activity. Or even findom is good. I mainly want it in monero.
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That fit my characteristics? What kind of custom content would they request? I was looking for a simple job like play a game with a guy not be his private onlyfans prostitute for him.
Well you're going to need to advertise, buyers won't just materialize in your inbox. Probably what you should do is for example if you're a redhead, post to r/redheads, or whatever similar subreddits fit your physical description. Make SFW but tantalizing posts and direct them to your profile where you'll have a menu about your services or just encourage them to DM you and sort it out there.

People will request whatever they want really if you're anywhere near the sphere of sex work. Yes, even work as innocent as "comfort" things such as spending time doing activities/talking with a client counts. You can moderate expectations by talking about what you're willing to do/ what you're offering in your bio, but just be prepared for some unhinged, horny motherfuckers
Did whores really go full circle and went back to ancient standards where half of their services were companionship/arts?
What having to work a real job does to a mf
They probably have some fin-dom subreddit

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What jobs are similar to what I'm doing but more lucrative and what steps I can take to move towards them?

I currently work in food service, I'm a shift lead but I'm turning 30 soon. It's a pretty low level job, I make like 2k a month with the min wage raise in CA

I was able to save 26k so far due to my situation (no rent, walking distance of work so no car or travel fees) but that's going to be changing soon. I don't imagine I'll be able to save much money if any

I have no education experience beyond high school or work experience beyond food service. I'm totally at a loss for what to do as far as education or career path, I feel like all I have in life is my meager savings

This is what I enjoy about food service:
>collaborative work in a non-serious environment with people, when I like them it barely feels like work because it's almost like I'm hanging out with friends
>the tasks aren't always completely mentally consuming which allows for what I just mentioned
>I get to socialize and interact with an ever changing array of customers so I feel relatively stimulated all the time
>I never feel lonely but the work still feels independent because there isn't much staff present

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How do I get into a party? I've never been in one. They seem so very fun, but I've never received an invitation... and without friends nor a social network, how could I ever? Is there some way to just... find out about every party going on in my area and just enter, uninvited? Can such a thing be done?
No. Youre looking for a public club or bar throwing a party to get in like that

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Is $10,000 for a 1991 Acura Legend with 70k miles a good deal? Or am I just retarded? It’s from a stealership.
10k for a 30 year old car is too much for a daily driver. If you have the ability to maintain it yourself 100% and another vehicle for when it breaks down then fine. But youre going to spend 3k per year keeping that car alive

I am never going to forget her, am I? The regret is going to stay with me forever, isn't it? I've already noticed myself losing my narrative. I'm dizzy constantly, forgetful, stressed and unfocused. All I do is hope I bump into her and it is only getting worse by the day. It's starting to affect all my other relationships.
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I don't think this applies to me.

She had oneitis for me. I did not even notice her.
Once I fucked things up and saw her lose her crush on me, I realized, and I began telling myself how good it could have been, if I had just known, and I've been trying to apologize and explain myself since, and it's all a fantasy in my head at this point, but it's not a crush I had, rather it's a guilt I feel, and I don't know what the answer is to get over it.....
she had a crush on you for 3 years and refused to make a move. if she actually liked you and wanted to be with you, she would have done something during that 3 year period.
it's not your fault it didn't happen, and you're mourning the loss of a theoretical.
When the moment arose, she tried, but we only saw each other maybe 7-8 times over the course of 3 years
Each time, however, she tried
I wouldn't think much of it, if I didn't feel like I was the one who ruined it so moronically
to put this in perspective, you're mourning the loss of a theoretical relationship with a girl you've met 8 times over the course of 1095 days.
it's okay to be sad, but one of the things that can help is really putting it into perspective. it could have gone somewhere, you could have had a relationship with this person. but just as likely, because you barely know them, you could have gone on one or two dates and had no further interest. and ask yourself if you're regretting it so much because you care about this girl, or because you are just craving a relationship.
Yeah I've thought about this, I had no interest in her at all, whatsoever, for all those days
What I am mourning, is having ruined something that could have been, it could have been my first relationship if I wasn't so stupid. I don't know where it could have went, but I ended it so stupidly, and she adored me for 3 years prior, every time I was in her vicinity, she tried to make something happen, and that flatters me so much and makes me feel like such a garbage human being for having ruined it

I've thought that it likely would've failed anyway, and I spared myself worse humiliation later on because I'm obviously too autistic for a relationship, which I know and is why I avoid them, but still. Maybe it could have worked with this one, because she liked me so much until I did something out of character
I know I'm in the wrong, and I ruined it, and I can't stop thinking about it now.... I know I need to stop, I am self-conscious about all of this that is happening, yet I can't help myself and I don't know why? Do you have any idea?

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