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A cute coworker smiled at me while i was passing by her, shirtless
That means she wants me to get her pregnant right?
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no. being shirtless is a mildly disruptive "fun" thing that girls are socially programmed to respond to so they are seen as fun. smiling was merely performative, like if she said EWw gross because you were holding a snake. if you had a beer she might have said AOW AOW to encourage you. none of these are indicators of interest
>That means she wants me to get her pregnant right?
Only in that moment, she later went to get railed by Chad or Tyrone so next time you meet she'll be disinterested again.
Only if you are trans
Absolutely. Don't even ask, don't even chat. Just take her.

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illo, seriously tell me where
En los centros de turismo siempre hay muchísimas, especialmente en Málaga, Sevilla, Barcelona, Madrid y Valencia. Suelen ir acompañadas de amigas, amarillas también. Suerte.
ve a criar chicas holandesas en Amsterdam
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en madrid hay un montón de chinarras XDD ve a las universidades de madrid o algo.

o también en granada, pero la mayoría son turistas, creo
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No sé dónde vives que no encuentras chinas, yo cebollas de Trujjilo y hasta aquí hay

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Im not trans or sissy myself,Im straight, I really am: In all my daily IRL interactions. However I have this unfulfilled fetish\fantasy, of being "topped" by a trans woman. I know it's basically the same as tg fetish but somehow , the other way around?
I try to do nofap but have been failing ( I edge, dont coom tho). There's a voice inside my head which says "just try it ONCE! then dont do it again"...but it can't possibly be that easy, can it? I dont have trouble if I wanted to get a gf, I could do that now....but I also think if I do what I fantasize, which girl would even like me? Im sure they will know what I did, a sort of mate selection instinct..I believe that exists.

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Ugly, terminally online, virgin here.

I want to give my advice to all the guys who can't stand being single/virgins: don't let it bother you.

The reason I can live happily without ever kissing a girl is because I don't let it define me.
The problem with incels is that they let rejection and failure define them. They sink into their shit, pat themselves on the back, and blame "those whore women."

And those looksmaxxing assholes, they believe that happiness comes from physical appearance, that once they reach their fucking prime, life will smile at them, they will have sex and money.
I'm uglier than shit, but I have values and skills that people appreciate, that's why I have friends, not because my eye area is above average or something like that.

In short, if you continue with the thought of ''if I had a girlfriend, I would live better'' you are deceiving yourself. You can't find outside what you're missing inside.
sounds like a coping loser to me
There's nothing to cope for, I enjoy life.
oh how I wish I were an ugly terminally online virgin

you're not above incels nor looksmaxxers, you fell behind and gave up.
I didn't gave up.
I just don't feel the need nor think my life will improve if I have sex. When it comes it comes and if it doesn't, I won't kms for it.
if there's one thing to be learned from looksmaxxers then it must be that you shouldn't be a free agent in life

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Should I do what they do? Be cold like them?

>Order food from fast food counter
>Cashier doesn't even look at me or say anything when I greet them
>Just hands food no eye contact NEXT
Just let them do their job, they are not paid to talk to you.
Sounds impolite. But odds are the guy was either mentally ill or an illegal who didn't understand you.
Just continue greeting and wishing a good day. If they hate you for it they are to blame because they decided to get a job where they interact with people.
LoL motherfucker their job IS TO TALK to people
Customer Service 101
What the fuck are you smoking?!

I remember when I was a cashier at a grocery store and the managers would be on our ASS for not ENGAGING with customers.

>they are not paid to talk to
It is literally in their job description to talk to you

Even the fucking baggers are getting their asses kicked for not engaging with customers
Don't let a rude wagie dim your light. I'm polite and act normal to people because it makes me feel good to be a regular person. I'm not going to get huffy over ever random person that snubs me.
I just worked as a receptionist for several months and dealt with hundreds of clients, some were chatty as fuck others would just bark their last name at me and treat me like a dog. No, "hi I'd like to pick up my taxes please", they'd just go JONES and not even look at me. Did it irritate me a little yeah did I hold a grudge past 2 seconds no because I don't care about them that much. Their attitude is a reflection on them not me
so in conclusion I think you should just be polite for yourself you know you're fine

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I've been using this website since early 2004. Is there any way for me to quit at this point?
probably not. but probably so if you tried. doubt it because what it provides is so scarce anyway. lol.
I've been using this site since 2018, so not nearly as long as you. I have quit before and am considering doing it again. Outside of this week, I haven't used the site at all this year. It's been pretty easy for me to quit once I notice it's having a negative effect on my life or how I use my time. If you're like me and post for multiple hours on 4chan, quitting will make you realize how much time it takes up and you might not miss it.
A 4chan user will never quit. You’re here forever.
But if you become a person who doesn’t use 4chan, you’ll never come back here again.
Write down the habits of someone who doesn’t use 4chan. Live those habits. Tie your identity to being anyone who is someone that doesn’t go on 4chan.
A little scary ain’t it? Becoming someone different, someone who doesn’t have the same priorities and desires that you do now?
But you did ask, so understand that it will take a long identity transition for you to become what you desire. Just become that person a little more every day, and in a year you won’t recognize yourself. For the better..
>I've been using this website since early 2004
I don't want to quit. it's still the best place
If we knew the answer, would we be here to answer?

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I'm from a shithole country. I know of someone who will travel to Spain soon and pretends to stay there as an illegal inmmigrant. As a petty revenge for something that person did to me, i want to denounce him to spanish inmigration authorities, but i don't know how. i have all the info, name, date of travel, time of arrival, and even a record in which the person admits that they will overstay illegaly in the country. where could i send this info, and will the authorities act? probably ythey will ignore me, but i want to give it a try, because if it works, it will be a very good revenge for me
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I thought of that, but my rationale was that it was easy to catch them on migration when they enter the airport, than later when they are already free in the country and police will not be actively looking. Also i could put out something about narcotrafic (we are colombians) but, since that would be a lie, i don't know if it would lessen the impact of the whole thing
buenas, onions se españa y los inmigrantes ilegales son deportados a su país si es que hay pruebas fehacientes de ello. lo que te recomiendo hacer es entrar a https://www.policia.es/_es/denuncias.php#:~:text=%C2%A1LL%C3%81MA%20AL%20091%20O%20112! y llamarles/escribirles para que te den toda la información del proceso, si les escribes y quieres ser anónimo, usa un correo (@gmail.com) que no uses y seguramente te respondan.

sería mejor que le denunciaras antes de que llegara al país, cuando llegue quizás no sea tan fácil rastrearlo

de todas formas, suerte con que esa persona no descubra que has sido tú XD, sé discreto/a con la información que das
Find out where he stays and tip off the authorities after the visa expires.
Thank you for keeping Europe clean from you third worlders. Your country probably would be less shitty with more people like you.
vete a saber hermano, en esta puta mierda de pais en cuanto a politica la gente esta mal de la cabeza, llamando fascistas a partidos por querer regular la inmigracion, mientras que los que lo dicen votan a partidos que pactan con terroristas asesinos de multitudes.
Encima los ilegales son un 12% de la puta poblacion y comenten el 40% de las violaciones, y aun asi se les dan paguitas y simples cursos de reeducacion sexual en vez de prision. Pero te dan prision por defenderte de gente que quiere quemarte vivo.

No se como cojones vas a reportarlo porque ya parece que quieren que vengan, pero buena suerte. Todo lo que sea denunciar a un ilegal es bueno.

Cuídate no vayan a hacerte algo. La justicia es lenta.
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I'm ugly (receding hairline) and I shaved my head a few years ago. Since I'm getting 0 attention from women anyway, should I grow my hair back and grow a beard? Pretty much a homeless look. I just can't give a shit about proper grooming if it doesn't make me any less lonely. If I grow my hair back, I'll look like pic rel
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If you're not hot enough for girls to come up to you, and too shy to chat up girls, then you might as well
Im not too shy, i ask them out for a date and they say no. Nothing to be done there
Have you considered getting a personality? If you're a loser, being a bald or hairy loser won't make aany difference
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Go to the doctor, ask them about finasteride and there's a good chance you'll never have to worry about this again.

This is me 1.5 years ago.
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This is me now. Yeah different hairstyle but nobody can even tell I was balding now.

Obviously work on other things but balding is so easy to stop it makes no sense to suffer through it.

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I need some legal advice here /adv/. I was renting a room at a house and my bitch of a landlord served me a 30 day eviction notice. The room I'm renting has some pretty nicely textured carpet so I decided to drop my pants and rub my testicles on it to see how it'd feel. Fucking bitch saw me in the act and decided to serve me an eviction notice. I need to know if I have any valid grounds to fight this. For one thing, there's literally nothing in the contract that says anything about forbidding me from rubbing my testicles on the carpet. I don't even think that counts as property damage. Second, I had my door closed and the only reason he saw me rubbing my testicles on the carpet was because he opened the door without knocking. Isn't that considered a violation of my personal privacy as a tenant? Do I have any legal grounds to stand on to fight this bullshit eviction?
Just stay put. Let the sheriff drag you out, if he has the balls.
Sue her for discrimination, claim you are transcanine and cannot afford deworming medication on your salary.
If it actually makes it to the courtroom, be sure to drag your ass along the floor on the way to the stand, to garner sympathy.
Check your local laws and get locally tailorer legal advice you fucking idiot
With a month-to-month tenancy a 30-day notice is perfectly legal and requires no reason at all.


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who cares everything is shit or is good until it becomes shit so whatever you do it doesn't matter because eventually all will become shit
I love you too, D. Last week was awesome, I can't believe how much effort you put into your appearance just for me.

I haven't and will not give up on you. Let's start practicing those things you're an expert in together.
Nobody asked you
Hope I don't have any stds but my shit feels weird and I've been fucking tons of dudes raw. I'm such a stupid slut. I told the guy I was fucking he should get tested too and he freaked out at me. Fine give your gf my issue I'm sure that'll make her stay with you. Bro she is location tracking your phone she's onto you an std will surely give you away. Think
imagine if there was a medicine for every mental illness and you take it for some time, it is cured and you can go back to normal

how much suffering would be ended in the world

I'm trying to impress a girl who i have been crushing on by getting good grades. i didn't care about studies until now and am below average in studies. i need you're tips and tricks on how to study more effectively as I'm also ready to work hard now. don't recommend me yt videos, they just don't work for me. help me bag this girl smort pepol!!1!
>help me bag this girl

big white van
>. i need you're tips
You might start by learning the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE.

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Do you think people have certain fates in life? Or is it all on the person and their choices? I have a hard time understanding how things have turned out for myself.
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What'd you do, decide to ignore the wisdom of the entire history of the human race? If you're idea of successful is just making a bunch of money and having a hot gf, then yeah.. expect misery
>No one liked Simple Plan
Hah, oh I know that. The point was that you're a homosexual, anon
Yeah, things are going to happen, it just seems like people have good lives and some have bad. What circumstances and "fate" dictate that? I certainly have done nothing really wrong, or didn't try or anything, but nothing never really worked out that much in my favor. Then there's other people who just seem to get everything so easy, and their lives are better, you look at them and what they've done and you tried to do everything the right way but nothing ever came of it.
It all depends on the time of parents you have, how money your parents have and the country you are born into.
Everything in life is chain reactions upon chain reactions. The cause and effect of your current life is based on so many variables that played out people too overwhelmed by possibility take comfort in fate and genetic determinism hand waving the element of further possibility (and more importantly, responsibility). You could waste time trying to trace back the reactions (of which no doubt number in hundreds of thousands, if not millions of causes), or you can simply just do your best with what you got and try to plan ahead for bad futures, adjusting as the future shifts to your present and illuminates you with new knowledge.

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I had sex with a girl the other week. She keeps wanting to hang out but I don't want anything else. I agreed to see her tomorrow to tell her in person I found someone else. Should I just send a text instead rather than wasting her time or setting some kid of expectation?
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How did you meet?
Yes text instead. It's embarrassing to go through all the effort and anticipation of meeting up with someone to get dropped.
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My, you ARE one of Nature's princes, aren't you?
Women are weird, aren't they? Just because you fuck them, they think you might like them
Just tell her you can't see her anymore and stop replying to her texts. You're a man you have literally nothing to fear but I know you just like the feeling of being the rejecter for once so you're dragging it out. Get a hobby

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Pretty much looks like picrel. I had to shave my head for reasons and it's even more noticeable. Is this a normal head shape or is it weird or ugly?
Picrel is not actually me btw
if you have an ugly head shape you'll know it because children will cry or ask rude questions in public. any head shape short of "this guy has a syndrome" isn't really that bad. football guys that look like ogres get women just fine, being too caveman looking is not a hindrance
That guys head looks weird because his hair is thinning in the front and probably at the temples.
I have a similar shape and I just learned to live with it
No one ever said anything about it to my face at least, I don't think it matters, I've seen more dudes like that too. Only thing subject of mockery for people about me that I can think of is my eyebrows. They're thick.
Everyone has it. It's called the Occipital ridge. It's sometimes hidden by hair.

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Instead they will get worse and worse as life slowly passes us by
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absolute entropy would be the least chaotic thing ever imo. also that will not be the end of all things i bet. also your life does not take place on a cosmic scale.
you could literally go die instead of posting
It's not helpful, but true
Emptiness actually feels amazing, and you can achieve it through meditation.

What you're feeling is sorrow.
At least I didn't wage or contribute to the Jew World Order. My only satisfaction in life.

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