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im autistic how do i get a job. am i fucked
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also internet
rent is covered my a government program im on and i only gotta pay 32 cad
Your job is not responsible for embellishing your wages so you can have fun
>how do i get a job.
By looking for a job, applying for one and going to work.
>im autistic
Oh... you've got the social tard diagnosis that practically anyone can get?

I'm sorry.. but well... let's GET YOU READY for disability gibs and therapy
You see, your late autism diagnosis © clearly makes it impossible for you to hold down any kind of job, even those that require no socialization. So, rather than contributing to society, better just turn into a parasite that does nothing because your mild social discomfort disables you just as much as Down's syndrome. And remember, if anyone ever asks you to improve yourself, cry: AbLeISt!
Grind IT certs and get a service desk job, might be lucky and work from home

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I am not really sure how to start this thread but I guess i'll start it off with a story.

I use to hang out with this girl back in 2008 that we would sneak out of our house's to meet up with each other and I had a major crush on her but she claimed to not like me back or maybe it was cause I was too much of a pussy to act like an asshole. Anyways we would sneak out and she would get drunk and trust me to not do anything to her which I feel like was a big step in the right direction for her to trust me so much with. Anyways fast foward in life and I haven't talked to her since 2008 but I dream about her constantly, its the one girl I can never forget despite never dating. I've had dreams where we fucked which is weird cause I mean we never did. I check on her facebook from time to time and shes engaged, but shes been engaged for the past i'd say 6 years? Do you guys think I should try and contact her and see if she still thinks about me or has had strange dreams about me or should I just move on? I mean obviously im not gonna tell her about the sex dream cause thats just fucking weird but yea Idk I just feel like theres a lost connection. Is it possible I can find her and tell her how I actually feel and she goes with me instead of this other guy?
i think the issue is that she never gave me a chance, I think if she had and then broken up with me i could get over her, but theres still that "what if" in my brain that I can't stop thinking about. The thing is I won't think about her for years and then all of a sudden i'll dream about her.

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Any advice for getting our friends to leave me and this girl who are getting romantic alone (other than telling them shut the fuck up lol)?

I’ll start with context so you can tell me if I’m unreasonable lol

Basically a few months ago a good friend & I moved in together. I’m new to his city, so naturally he’s brought me along to a lot of stuff and I’ve befriended a bunch of his friends.

In one group there’s this girl who he had a thing for — I thought it ended with them having sex even though he admitted he wanted more with her, and she just wanted sex. Thought it was kinda shitty to lie to her to get laid, but whatever, his choice & I thought he was past it.

Cut to the last two months, been hanging out with these folks a lot, and this girl in particular has gotten really close to me. Very heavy flirting, inviting me out 1 on 1, kissed me at a party, etc. Mostly was trying to keep it respectful for my friend even if I thought he was over it.

Turns out he wasn’t, he got pretty pissed (though thankfully he came to his sense & apologized later that night). Again, I thought it was pretty shitty he not only lied to her to get laid, but now he was also lying about being over it & just being her friend when he’s clearly hanging on in the hopes she one day wakes up and wants him.

Even then, it’s not just him though — she’s told me she’s been annoyed by some of the other folks in their group. Apparently not only were they super pushy trying to get them together originally when she kept saying she wasn’t interested, but now basically every time we all hang out they apparently scold her after for talking and flirting with me.

It’s getting to the point where I’m honestly wanting to go 180, say fuck it and date her just to spite them. Terrible idea I know but I’ve just been fucking annoyed about having to walk in pins and needles because they’re fucking babies. Anyway I’m just venting to a degree but what do you anons think?
If you feel she ticks all your boxes and can become your long term gf or wife, I say fuck'em.

If not, steer clear. Friend introduced you to his group as a sign of good will. Even though he was a conniving cunt, I say don't be spiteful.
oh and some other details to add
1) another thing about a female friend of hers (that apparently is the main manipulator in all this) that pissed me off is we were all at a mutual event hanging at the bar and she annoyed me — strike one was that I was buying this girl crushing on me a drink (inside joke about me owing her one), and without asking she ordered a drink on my tab too without paying. Not a huge deal bc I make great money but still. Strike two was that later in the night while drunk, completely unprompted, she poured a full drink down my head while I was talking to the other girl — again totally unprovoked but given the circumstances it seems pretty obvious it was just because I was talking to her. They rode there together so crush girl was embarrassed as fuck apologizing like crazy to me while her friend laughed, so she pulled her away and they Ubered home

2) before people say she just wants more sex like with my roommate — maybe but when we talked about all this she was upfront that she likes me way more intensely versus with him, she thought he was handsome and fun enough, but she wasn’t interested in him romantically, hadn’t gotten laid since she was dumped like 6 months prior, and so was like fuck it I’ll try it once. And quickly realized she didn’t want more — she straight up told me “I’ll do with you whatever you want with me, but I really want to be more than a hookup to you” — maybe BS but I believe it, esp since I’m not interested in a hookup anyway
yeah that’s the tricky part imo — on the one hand if y’all have a real connection that could lead to something good long-term, I’d say that’s worth your friends being butthurt for a bit (and hopefully, they would realize they’re being stupid and get over it when they see you being good together)

problem is, you obviously have no idea if that will be the case until it happens — maybe y’all go on a date or two and realize there’s nothing there, maybe you’re together a few months then have a bad breakup, etc — in that case you probably get the worst of both worlds.

So yeah, gamble either way. I guess my only real “advice” is that the worst outcome is probably hooking up with her. You’ll probably piss your friends off, likely cause distance with her, and drama for any other women you try to get with since they generally don’t like their men staying friends with people they’ve had sex with
sounds like one of those things where you’re not really in the “wrong” but that also doesn’t really matter since it’s an emotional thing not a logical one. Like yeah I don’t think most sensible people would think poorly of you for dating a girl who your friend slept with once, especially with the caveat of lying to her to do it, and lying to you about being over her.

Unfortunately these friends will probably still be mad at you regardless, possibly cut you out of their group, fuck up your living situation because of it etc. so the question is really, is getting with her worth all of that?

If nothing else a good look at your friend/roommate’s true character, because he seems pretty shitty and like he doesn’t care about your happiness much at all.

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While I'm taking care of my cancer riddled mother and aging dog, my dad is supporting us, but he's beginning to say I need to find work. Believe it or not, with everything I do I have very little time on my hands. Sure I can probably manage to work part time, but my shift hours won't be open so I'd probably be turned away by employers. What's more is I don't have any experience whatsoever. So I have a non-flexible schedule, no work experience and no education, but I'm supposed to get a job. Could this really be pulled off? Especially now that summer is here and students are going to be eating up jobs like there's no tomorrow.
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>While I'm taking care of my cancer riddled mother
Look into chlorine dioxide. It cured people from stage 4 cancers. People say it gives no negative side effects. Easy and cheap to make. Don't let the "chlorine" scare you, it's also in table salt.
manual labour is easy to get into since nobody wants to do it pays pretty decent too though it's physically draining
>thinking other anons won't just post theirs pretending to be OP
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>implying they wouldn't instantly backtraced and their ip address jacked and cracked by anonymous, who literally does not forgive or forget
Sell your plasma

Work as a waiter or bartender on weekends

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>friend has breast cancer
>call her to ask how she’s doing
>gets mad at me because thousands of others already asked her how she’s doing

Am I the asshole? I guess I should have asked her about literally anything else, maybe I’m just overthinking
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She has cancer and is in pain and thinks she's going to die, anon. As someone who has a chronic illness, it can be very difficult at times not to irrationally snap at people. It's nothing you did wrong and nothing personal.
should I text her and apologize or just let it be?
she might die and you're here asking if she's okay
you're a retard asshole
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>'Am I the asshole?'
pic rel

not really, anon; that's just a common courtesy thing to ask how she was doing.

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Does tall height for men really make dating easier?
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same for me

im 6'5

i think it has everything to do with face
Lookup mike sky in YouTube he has a squished in deformed face and women let him suck on their toes
That actually explains why being too tall is a disadvantage. Much like women with grotesquely huge tits become a turn off.
that guy is not just tall, he's good looking and dresses well.
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200cm here
I was already very tall as a middle schooler, back then I went to a dance class one time, when I tried approaching girls, they just shook their heads before I got close. Had to dance with the instructor
Now khv in my mid 30s

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I'm going to this parties every week since last couple of months now but i was only able to drop a chick only one time

And semester is ending now, therefore this is the last party

Wish me luck bros

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I have a fucking bipolar disorder and I hate my family because they're one of the main reasons I can't do anything. I'm unemployed and I'm considering a planned idea of suicide to escape this misery and enter heaven in peace.

But I may stick around for some time to see what may happen. Thoughts?
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Honestly dude, hes right. You are taking advice form other people but not from him because it goes against what you want to believe. You dont get like custom rewards in heaven, and you dont get to "come back" all this stuff yi are saying you heard from someplace else or you made it up by yourself, it isnt Christian to believe these things
Then what do i do when I die and go to heaven? what should I do when I don't want to see the people that made me, my family, what do I do when I want to live a better existence/do-over, what do I do?

let me guess, I probably just sit around and do nothing but listen to the angels sing all day, when I could just ASK HIM.

You know what I'll listen to you but I'm also gonna talk to him and jesus when I go to heaven. I'll pray everyday and make sure I'll meet him myself and have a discussion about my existence.

You can't stop me from asking him what I want to ask then. I agree by the way with what you're both saying, but I am still angered by what is to come but I do not give up so easily.

You don't give up like this faith or religion, so yeah.
The bible isnt about what you want. Its about doing what God wants. You get the reward he wants to give you.
and I mean that severely with determination.
We will return in resurrection, and we may find a kingdom, but I rather have all that I have of a past obilerated, turned into a clean slate if it's possible. And I know that is possible considering every soul is redeemed.

Maybe what I say is unbelievable, sure, but I still follow believing in god and other people. And I am not one to give up so easily despite all that has come to me.

Don't be surprised, I know what I am, and I don't care much.

I ain't responding to this thread anymore, but thanks
You just keep making stuff up. You aren't a christian.

Why do I feel so worthless when encountering a hot girl in public? Especially when I feel like she's judging the hell out of me
Because you have your head up your arse dwelling on your feelings rather than observing and being present.
All I could think of was that because I have 0 friends I'll never get these kinds of girls and I will always be seen as a loser by these girls.
You know, now I realize that's only because of my goddamn normie parents. They always wanted me to have friends but I just couldn't connect with the normiecattle. Never ever since I was 12.

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Is it worth fucking fat disgusting women is it better to remain a virgin? Assuming you're relatively fine with being a virgin and not desperate.
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I’m 29 and my only gf looked like this:

Fat, short, uggo with pcos. I liked her as a person but was so repulsed by her naked body that I just couldn’t do it. Had to break up. I’m still a virgin at 29, not that it ever bothered me. I’ve been seeing a pattern of people around my age range lose their virginity to fatties or uggos actually. I’m glad I didn’t follow in their footsteps
Nope. Sex is completely meaningless without an emotional connection. Find a girl you like at least a little bit, date her, and have sex with her, not some random fat broad. The feeling of sticking your dick in a vagina is worse than jerking off imo, not saying it's bad, it's just not worth catching a body over. The only thing in your life that will change after losing your virginity is you will realize how overrated sex actually is and how retarded you were for putting it on a pedestal.
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
No I'm actually so fit people mistakenly think I play sports. I think the problem is so many women are overweight that it has inflated the value of skinny and fit women.
I highly doubt you can get anyone to have sex with you. None of you can get laid... that's why you're here. Just rope.

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Yesterday I finally found the courage to ask out this chick I’ve been crushing on for the better part of a year, but it turns out she likes women. I wanna die. She was my ideal girl and I imagined married life with her and everything. She was so cute and dorky; every time she giggled at something dumb it left me with butterflies in my stomach. Not to mention all of the common interests we shared with one another. I would’ve absolutely fucking treasured her, bros… Why is it that every chick I’m attracted to swings for the same team? She was very kind and respectful to me when turning me down too, even though she had every right to be bitchy about it.

Recalling the whole thing makes me want to jump off a cliff. I’ll probably never find anyone like her ever again, and the thought of her being happy with someone else fucks me up. How do I cope, bros? Just staying awake is such a difficult task these days…
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I’m sure it has, but this sort of thing has just happened to me for the first time so it’s somewhat foreign to me.
become a girl and win her back
>Why is it that every chick I’m attracted to swings for the same team?
They don’t, women just say this to make the rejection easier on you, exactly like when they say “I have a bf” when they don’t.
Stop crushing, you moron.

If you like a girl, start acting on it. Or your brain will create these scenarios which will eventually conflict with the real world, and you will get butthurt, write nonsense on the internet and waste everybodies' time.

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How do I stop being insecure about every aspect of my life? It's completely ruining me.

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I'm a 32 YO guy and I have a beard. It certainly makes me look better, more masculine but I'm not sure it fits me, because the rest of my looks are kinda softer/delicate.
But most importantly I feel like beard makes me look like a cold, mean person. I already have a resting bitch face due to autism.
Beard hides the ever so small facial expressions that I have. Especially when I let my moustache grow out so that it hides my top lip.

Is it better to look masculine but mean/cold or friendly?
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But anon, when I was in my late 20s, I still looked like a teenager without a beard. Even now in 30s I look young, the beard adds some seriousness for me.
Other adults still kinda talk to me like I'm a 18 year old at best. At least teenagers/kids treat me with some respect now in social settings.

I'm too schizo to do this, I feel like someone who knows me will notice it and figure out it's me.
that guy looks better without the beard idk about you though
short stubble is the goat
As a lifelong bearded man I highly suggest you maintain your facial hair.

>This is what faggots actually believe.
Beard or no beard 100% depends on your jawline.
If you have a strong jaw, then get rid of it. If you have a soft jaw, keep it.

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My gf and I eventually want to marry & have kids, but I worry that if I have a daughter, she will be a slut. I was just on pol, and there was a whore posting herself there (pic related is her).

Is there any way to prevent this? Is it just the product of bad parenting, i.e., daddy issues? Or are some girls just naturally rebellious and promiscuous? It makes me not want to have kids at all, to eliminate the possibility of having a slut daughter.
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Every Catholic schoolgirl I know loves anal. OP should send his daughter to Catholic school
the more you try to prevent it, the bigger chance it happens
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Just have more daughters so if one turns out a slut it's nbd
Also btw. You have to realize that sluts serve an important function in society. If men have generally higher sex drives they are doomed to sexual frustration in monogamous societies outside of:
1. Marital right to sex whenever (frowned upon nowadays)
2. Banging designated cum dumpsters (prostitutes, promiscuous women, etc)
Your hypothetical slut daughter serves as an important release valve for this pressure on society
please elaborate. pic unrelated
>Is there any way to prevent this?
Be present and emotionally available to your daughter.
Give her lots of hugs and kisses so she doesn't go looking for that missing affection elsewhere

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I honestly am starting to think that being mentally ill (depression, OCD, anxiety, BPD) or being autistic/adhd is worse for you if you want to have sex or a gf,
than if you were 3/10 face-wise, 5'4", had bad skin, crooked yellow teeth but were socially dynamic, good in looking in the eyes, holding conversations etc.
The stats I read about say 80% of autistic men are sexless, pic somewhat related. Is there a workaround for this problem or is it basically over?
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Makes sense to me. How do is expel the constant doomsaying and pessimism though?
Did you even read what I posted
Dumb penisnigger
>How do is expel the constant doomsaying and pessimism though?
Get off any social media sites. That shit is meant to make you think negatively about life. Of course, if every other thread on 4chan talks about how mean women or people generally are, how badly they want your money (which is arguably kind of true) and how much life just sucks because of this or that manufactured controversy, then all you will ever feel is pessimism.

Get with the flow. Interact with people by entering a conversation on their conditions, by talking about their interests, their life etc. More importantly: Don't expect these people to turn into friends. They're not. People you work with, for example, aren't your friends, yet you should still be on friendly terms with them. Just because you're frustrated with them, that doesn't give you a free pass to ignore them, speak sternly to them etc. That shit is 1. obvious and 2. does not come across as either mature or appropriate if you don't happen to be the CEO where you're allowed to act like an asshole (in my experience).

If you're concerned about creeping out people, remember that by not initiating social interaction, not showing pro-social conduct, not talking to or looking at people when you're standing right next to them, you will creep them out. With girlfriends, it (kind of) works similarly, except if you belong to the faction which believes in unconditional love (and I don't believe in that). Shit ton of people I know have girlfriends who cheated on them, who are verbally and sometimes physically abusive etc.
NTA but even though I would like to change my position too, I don't know where to start even.
I was going out a lot in my life, I was DOING THINGS but none of it got me close to having a gf.
I only did get some friends in school and that's it. Otherwise - nada.
I just know my problems are unfixable. It's like when girls get the ick. I give myself the ick.

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