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What are the implications if I stay as a bachelor for my entire life?
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i think we'll have some regrets about not having children but will have excess money throughout our lives
It implies you’ll continue shitting up this board with retarded threads.
>true love
Funny joke
$$$$make it rain$$$$
There are no inplications, you're irrelevant.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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Again, I thought self-awareness was a good thing? A woman isn't going to be attracted to the real me. Therefore, if she does agree to date me, she is either misguided OR she has an ulterior motive. Let's not pretend that people don't rebound onto people they might not necessarily have dated beforehand. Therapy isn't going to change that.
>Not joking, how do I do that?
No thought. Just do. Models has a section on this where (paraphrasing) it says stop telling yourself stories which is a roundabout way of saying stop making excuses i.e.
>Oh she's probably not gonna like me
>Oh she's probably got a boyfriend
>Oh she's probably busy right now I shouldn't bother her
Stop telling yourself stories that talk you out of action.
Oh, I wasn't the same person with the original question, I completely agree with that method, I was just curious about the mania part
>girl at work called me a hikikomori
it's over.
you're supposed to walk away if the man is insulting to you, you would never lower yourself to that. Otherwise be unphased and unaggressive, afaik.

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Why does she take so long to respond? I know she's not doing anything important so how the hell is she not seeing my messages? She's either on her phone, reading a book or watching tv. So why does it take minutes, hours or even days for a three word message like a 'okay thank you' for example?
I'm not suspecting her of anything, I'm just confused. It's always been that way too. Any women knower out there?
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It's funny seeing a delusional OP not understanding his own situation. Thanks for the laugh, you are doomed.
she doesn't give a fuck about you retard.
she doesn't give a fuck about you retard.
she doesn't give a fuck about you retard.
What are you texting her about? If you're texting her "just to text" then you're probably coming off as needy. In the very early stages, after you've built a small amount of rapport, you should try to keep texting for setting up dates. Don't text her everyday and don't repond sooner than ~10-20 minutes. Make it seem like you have a life. The girl I was seeing for ~4 months I would text her every 4-5 days, maybe exchange a small amount of banter and then setup a date. That's it. It keeps her wondering about you and she can't fall in love if she's not thinking about you. You have to give her time to miss you.
>She's almost 8 years older than me (doesn't seem like it though, physically or mentally).

What the fuck

>She completely mogs me (and just about 100% of the girls you see outside) looks-wise yet she chose a younger guy like me.

Unless you're a charismatic, intelligent guy who exudes confidence, then she is using you for attention.

>I've justified her actions for when she doesn't respond for days. But otherwise her messaging is very weird. Was wondering if women just had tendencies to ignore most notifications they hear or something like that.

For the guy that she is actually getting on her knees for, this isn't the case.

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I was showing a two rooms at two of my houses. We were all playful and bantering instantly. For almost 2 hours. I have a bodybuilding physique and I could literally see her eyeing me up and down. She loved my cats too.

Got a bit personal she told me she was getting kicked out of her house and her brother has less expectations of her etc.

One girl asked if I was doing anything the rest of the day. The other told me where she worked and joked as they were leaving that we should all get boba since we kept talking for so long. I asked them where they hangout and they said downtown. Then they asked me where I hangout and I said I don't really go out but maybe I'll see you guys there sometime and they left.

I just messaged her a day later and asked if she's still interested in the rooms and if y'all wanted to hang out.

Been 3 hours she's seen the message and no response.

I fucked up by not agreeing to hangout when they basically asked me to in person didn't I.

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>be me woman
>bullied in school like shit, every day, for 9 years straight by other women, was traumatized like shit
>it's been 5 years since I finished school
>I still have dreams every night about those women bullying me and making my life hell
>It's been happening for years now

Why I keep having dreams about them? I cut all contacts and I haven't see them in years yet I still have dreams about them. It's driving me crazy.
What is causing this? I heard it could be symptom of PTSD. But I never get checked for PTSD. What is this?
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Can PTSD be healed?
It's been 5 years anon. Soon 6.
I only get rid of my social anxiety, but it can still occur sometimes.
>possible to confront some of the bullies if any of then have become adult
Yes they are all adults now, but I will never confront them because I always avoid them
>Or just take a shit on their doorstep
Lol they don't deserve better desu
>Don't self diagnose
I'm not self diagnosing, I just don't know what is this
>but not every sad feeling is "depression" and not every negative memory is "ptsd".
Truth desu

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Probably PTSD from traumatic event
>Why I keep having dreams about them?
if you were put in the same situation, would you be able to fend them off? have you learned the lesson from it?
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>can ptsd be healed
You are not damned to live like this your entire life. you are capable of getting over what happened to you but it is very painful and you will be a radically different person by the time it is over.
i recommend you start with confronting your bullies, and the way you can do that is by transforming your fear into anger, and your anger into fuel.
youre stronger than this. Good luck
Noce try faggot

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I look like alain delon minus the blue eyes/super thin lips but I'm still a virgin at 25 -- got cucked by my over protective parents never letting me bring anyone over, and girls always want me to make the first move cause im 5 6 (I get the side eyes and smiles)

I feel so frustrated , like my looks are going to waste

Combine this with a small PP and stutter , I feel like a fucking honey trap -- I attract but perpetually doomed to never close the deal
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the american male to filipino divorce rate is like 1% or something according to the US government. literally they are the only women on the planet that will not leave you.
the american citizenship waiting period is like 20 years , I wonder why...
5.5" bonepressed to tip? you're average then anon... what about girth?
even after they get the green card tho they don't divorce. i think the government was researching this for security purposes. if i'm remembering russian women had the highest divorce rate of all mail order brides, but it was like 20% still 30% better than american men to american women. from what i hear a lot of these relationships do really well because both partners feel like their dreams are coming true.
5.3-4 ish - i really round up to 5.5 for maths sake and its really only 5.5 on my hardest erections, girth is non existent , pencil dick

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>whats the advice
i'm advising you to pay me before its too late thanks
sent. :)

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How do I get over caring about Awkwardness? In social situations I function fine if everyone there likes or hates me, and it doesn't really effect me either way. However I have no idea how to navigate awkward situations and feel awful during them.
How do I fix this?
First step to solving a problem is to evaluate whether it's really a problem.

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I cant do this fucking shit anymore. Im a virgin of 21. WHY DOES THIS SHIT HAPPEN? I THINK I HAVE BEEN FUCKING CURSED BY SOMEONE! I try with so many girls, but fail each time. For example, there is this girl who keeps looking at me in class at uni and I text her on insta and she fucking ignores me, and she was my ideal type as well. Its as if life is just trolling me at this point. The only time I had sex was getting fucked in the ass by a sleep paralysis demon. THIS FUCKING SUCKS.

I cant keep coping anymore guys.... I cant wait much longer for a girl to fuck me already. Its all I think about. Idgaf about uni or shit like that, its all completely irrelevant compared to the most pressing of issues, which is being a fucking virgin at 21

what conversation starters, extenders and whatever should I use to keep a pretty interesting/interactive conversation?
You listen to people, ask questions about what they say.
Yeah anybody will talk about themselves for as long as you let them
Just say hello and ask if he likes video games

severely depressed and cannot bring myself mentally to write essays and study. the only thing I do is doomscroll all day to escape reality

my parents are going to fucking kill me. please give me motivation or reason to finish this semester. I've tried everything and I cannot fucking overcome my mental illness to do homework

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Depending on the college , when its flunking out time - you'll get an opportunity to appeal , if you're simply getting put on probation at the end of this term - take 6 months off and regroup yourself , really iron out the study habits - undergraduate college is not actually that hard , kids just dont know what to do sometimes.

If you are on probation and this is the end of the line , have a sob story ready and really appeal the process - I convinced a friend to do this , he got back into accounting and got his life back. Colleges don't want to lose paying customers - but most simply don't take the help. And in the appeal , maybe mention how your mental health has been suffering and you intend to take a moment to regroup and bounce back stronger.

>t.professional college flunker , failed out of a top uni , picked myself up from the ash and back in college again and now at 3.5GPA and holding my own
I flunked a semester of my country's intermediate between high school and university, even afterwards I adandoned courses and still have some trouble giving stuff on time. But as long as you focus on the exams and develop interest or ability in writing stuff down, it'll get better. Last semester I got a 3,92 GPA. It won't be as good this semester, but at least I didn't fail any class and I should get my degree by the end of next year.
lost my shit one night, shaved my head took all the cash i had on me and just ran away to a different state. the guilt and shame always follows me around, im renting a shit hole in a hood, i just hope i dont end up homeless. i was a cs student on end of year 2.
yea. i'm on probation and am about to be separated which is why I am freaking out bc I'll have to explain to my parents why i'm not in fucking school.

I don't have a sob story. I just have crippling anxiety and depression I wouldn't even have a circumstance to talk abt in my appeal.
These schools are liberally cucked , depression and anxiety is more than enough , throw in a bad imaginary break up and all of a sudden you are love struck college kids that the appeals board understands

Its really a formality bro - you just gotta say SOMETHING , they aint gonna verify your sources if its a personal matter in most cases

Asking someone to move out of the way so you can have some privacy while you urinate in the fucking street in that exact same spot that someone was standing.

Is that considered a power move?
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Observe a dog to learn the proper procedure. You have to first bend down and sniff the ground closely to make sure thus us the exact spot you used before (and of course you can tell the smell of your own urine from others). Only then do you have a legitimate claim to the spot.
no, needing privacy at all is weakness. truly powerful people just do what they want whenever they want.
I just find it hilarious and ridiculous to even think of privacy when you're urinating in public view of others on the street

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How dangerous is it to be homeless?
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is that abbey road?
Cash job on local classifieds, cleaning yards or day labor on construction sites.
Very. Exposure, other desperate people who want what you have, unhygienic living conditions or food options. All of those things can kill you.
Stock photo?

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How do you get rid of a phobia? Mine is a serious problem and if there’s a general approach then I’ll try that first.
3 grams of phenibut, legal in most countries
social anxiety gone
What's the phobia
if it's a legitimate phobia there's gradual exposure therapy that can be a big help if you've got the willpower. medication also helps
You do the thing you don’t like.

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I have no friends or social circle, but I have money. Where can I travel (inside the US and Canada) to try and find a wife material girl?
Travel off a cliff.
you know the answers you just don't have the gaul to do anything so bold or you're still too poor

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