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good evening advice bros

I want to make some good kino art and from what I've seen good art needs some form of insanity to go along with it but unfortunately I was raised in a sheltered environment so I am afraid of experiencing things and truly delving into the caverns of my mind spirit and soul.

slurs and suggestions appreciated. Thank you.

weird people make interesting art
tragic people make good art
sad people can make good art
insane people can make good art

the key of interesting art seems to be bringing into the normal world something from a place of great emotion, etc. normies and people on anti depressants just cant do it

good artists basically live in their unique world
just spend twenty years getting horribly abused and you'll be right there
but you should know that the world really doesn't need that kind of "art"
It's not that mental illness creates great art, it's that art genetics usually come with mental illness.
If you are not a good artist now, it's unlikely it will ever happen.
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Maybe if you want to be one of those prissy "abstract" artists with no actual appeal to speak of.

Good art requires dedicated practice and a willingness to create. Sit down and draw, and keep drawing until you're good.
There's no need for a troubled mind. On the contrary many of the most skilled artists lived simple, humble lives just as any other of us
Just make art bro.

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So basically i’m Polish but I grew up in western Europe. I’m in my second last year of university and as soon as I graduate I want to pack my bags and go back to Poland.
I’ll be in close proximity to the Wroclaw area as that’s where my family is so I won’t have to worry too much about rent before I get settled in.

All i’ll have is my degree and a 6 month internship. Am I fucked?
Start interviewing? Get a Polish recruiter on the case? You'll know how hard it is to get a job once you try it.
I’m not living in Poland and I won’t until I graduate.
If you're preparing to move, you can start the interview process. Interviewing can take months even with just a single company, and that's assuming you already got accepted as an applicant. You can also negotiate a deferred start so long as it is not too long.
I can do this without a degree?
If you're projected to have a degree soon, why not?

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I'm to the point where I'm turning my head while driving looking at attractive women

do I just castrate myself
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you have nice hair

I'm 29 and avoided sex that was literally on my lap in my teen years.
My porn folder is immense, i'm like a sad dog looking out of the window at all the white girls.
But i'm more driven to propagate my genes/not be alone when my old mother, who's the pilar in the family, dies of old age.
So i need a family of my own in the day to day.
Currently working on a tinder account for relationship.
Teen is a mistake
You think it isn't, but for all you know you would've been those unlucky bastards that knocked a 16 y/o up
there will be a point in your life where you will look at at an 11 out of 10 who is completely naked and go: "dude, you need to put something on or you're going to catch a cold."
when the testosterone leaves you, you will notice a difference. and fast.
enjoy it while it lasts.
nta but I did have a moment (a week strongly and then two month without dex drive) like that without sex drive but also like not much drive in life, things appeared all boring, flat, tasteless, I was not depressed, just unmoved by life and not interested.
Is it testosterone dropping ? I willgo into my 27 years

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how do i find groups online/irl that are men only? almost every incel forum i see its just a) everyone throwing shit at each other b) it has fucking w*men.
it doesn't has to be an "incel" or shit like that, just men only because i straight up hate women. advice?
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men's bathrooms
i joined a discord server that someone posted on /r9k/ and made some really great friends
IRC chatrooms, the UI seems to filter 100% of females

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Today I decided to be honest with myself and I have to face the truth - my looks aren't the reason why I don't have a girlfriend/sex. If that was the case, I wouldn't have a girlfriend when I was 20 and looked worse than I do now at 30.
I'm a late bloomer and a confirmation that men age like wine. Okay, I'm not making women turn heads when I'm outside, although sometimes I will catch a girl give me long eye contact if I do the same. But I'm not bad looking either.

My last gf broke up with me in december because of my depression and I met her by cold approach method. She told me later she wanted me to approach her and was glad I did.
With all that supposed reinforcement I still don't believe in myself. Online dating and the fact I dated so many women but they all ghosted/friendzoned me after 1 or 2 dates broke me. I think the problem wasn't with me but with them.

So here I am, lonely as fuck, depressed as shit, horny and sexually frustrated as all hell and don't know what to do, where to start even, I know OLD is not working for me, screw it! But I work from home, work out at home, live in a shithole with either old people, married middle agers or kids, no people my age or similar.
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Lots of people aren't attractive. Not saying they're ugly, but they aren't attractive. That's the great curse of humanity. A bunch of unremarkable people living for no good reason, and forcing the next generation into the fray for no good reason but "it feels good to cum inside her"
>Get a concrete goal and work towards it.
How does it make me get a gf? I already have my goals set and work towards them but nothing changes except maybe I get closer to said goal. How will a woman know
>Ok, this guy is datable because he has goals

>If you've been on 4chan for any amount of time you might have noticed people are always asking how to get a gf with no good answers.
Yes this is indeed what I noticed.

>There is nothing you can do to get a gf because getting a gf has almost nothing to do with women themselves but your lifestyle changes (i.e. dont be a basement dwelling asocial freak to start).
Okay but it's a start. Don't be this or don't be that, be like this etc. ARE advice that many men nowadays need. It's certainly what I need. But having NOTHING to lean on in my life, in a social meaning, IDK where to start.
OK, I can turn off my computer and don't sit on 4chin, but it won't get my anywhere. IDK basic steps to life practically.
>How does it make me get a gf?
It does not. It gets you a gf in the same way wiping your ass gets you a gf. Of course wiping your ass after you shit has nothing to do with getting a gf strictly speaking, but if you don't do it you will not get a gf because your ass is caked in shit. People do not like other people with stinky shit caked ass. Now maybe you don't have a stinky shit caked ass, but perhaps there are other habits you are not doing that keep you from having a gf. I don't know what they are you have to figure that out.

>IDK where to start.
Look around for problems to solve. Start by solving this problem. Clean your living spaces. Try a new cooking recipe. Learn to do something you already know how to do better or more efficiently. Take a small amount of time every day to look for a new problem to solve or something to optimize. Write down what kind of person you want to be then identify the steps you need to take to do that. Then do that.
>but perhaps there are other habits you are not doing that keep you from having a gf. I don't know what they are you have to figure that out.
Well GGs, IDK what that would be. Also I don't belive this notion of
>Just do basic things, they won't get you a gf but they are necessary to get a gf
Because everyone I know who wanted to have a gf, they focused on it. It's like if I want to buy groceries, I know I have to do X,Y,Z to end up in my apartment with the groceries I need.

>Write down what kind of person you want to be then identify the steps you need to take to do that. Then do that.
Dude my only problem is that I don't have a girlfriend, am lonely and sexless. Other than that I'm cool, maybe except for depression which I AM working on.

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I'm a woman and I've never had one. Since my mid 20s I started noticing that come across the same types:
>shit talk men or boyfriends while trying to attract and seduce them (I cannot fathom that as I'm in a loving relationship. I noticed this even with older married women)
>into or have achieved motherhood and all they talk about is kids and food (I don't have kids yet and I'm not interested in talking about them all day)
>autistic weebos terminally online so cannot hang out with them or into anime and figurines that I've grown past
My colleagues are okish but they're feminists and lgbt and it's impossible to spend 1hr with them without them bringing up oppression, gays, mental illness or the like.

I've been duped into the idea of "sisterhood" but where do you find a female friend who won't try to bring you down mentally or emotionally, who you can hang out with, have 1-2 interests in common and enrich your life? I have one long distance childhood friend and cannot related to her either. She is a fat mother now but she's the type to say "dump him" at any minor inconvenience with your partner and it's just wrong influence.

I long for a female friend though, never had a good woman influence in my life. I keep seeing it in movies but it seems too good to be true and I'm already in my 30s, should I just give up now?
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Obviously but this has just been my limited experience, hence I wrote that "I came across the same types". Maybe I attract them for some reason or hang in the wrong crowds (I'm introverted so I don't normally partake in social events unless forced to).
Depends on the woman. Yes there are those types of women but mostly these conversations are very surface level for female friendships. Moreover, every woman has had issues with men. And because of this, as a woman, thats a safe conversation to talk about since its so widely known untill you gain their trust then you get their lifes philosophy and true opinons. Also if your looking for childless female friends its going to be hard since 30s are kinda the family time of life for most average people. And the people that arent in the category of either left wing, lgbt or someone that honesty just doesnt care about traditional social norms. If your a woman like you say you are, you, yourself, fall into this bracket whether you like it or not as someone who does have kids at 30. So have some grace when talking to people as theyre in basic setting until you put more effort in.
Your bf’s friends’ gfs/wives.
If your bf picks his friends wisely, their gfs should be more aligned with your personality and attitudes.
> I long for a female friend though
Well there is your answer whether it is worth it or not.
You are looking for a "coincidence of wants" though. Some one who can get along with you just as you can get along with them. That is likely to be someone with similar predilections to yourself. The more you take your own preferences into a social setting the more likely you are to run into someone like this.
This, I got female friends as a man by being friend with my brother and best friend's girlfriends.
Church and religious women are different, another take on things, other subjects,...
I noticed women can be friend with others on the opposite side of the spectrum politically, in religion and morally. Seems very shallow

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You do not need human contact
Emotions besides anger are fucking gay.
Immediately cut off contact with everyone you had a relationship with. It may be hard, but just put all doubts to the back of your mind
Stop caring so much about things. Whatever it is, it is NOT that important.
Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top. Seek power like the worthless clump of matter you are.
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>Wah wah wah
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Fuck off hoe
>Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top

Wonderful! This is exactly what this world needs more of right now!
did you watch too much motivational billionare quotes and Andrew Tate
people like that are emotionally worthless and empty inside. having control over your emotional state is better than putting up an entire mask and spiraling down into a...
wait, why the fuck am i even trying at this shit, just another retarded bait post.

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What is the worst thing you have done?
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i ruined a perfect chance to die in middle school
Broke up 2 marriages, an engagement, and 2 relationships. Have blackmailed 2 people as well. I've lied, stole, impersonated, and hurt many people. And I honestly don't regret anything.
monkey detected
Flipped this fat kid in his desk at school.
I had my heart broken and since then I have felt very little emotion so the only thing that makes me feel alive is finding shut-in girls/romantically inexperienced girls most of them virgins, deflowering them and then getting them into BDSM and eventually turning them into my own personal sex slaves and then I get bored and leave. This is not a concious plan it just sort of happens. I wanted to bring beauty into the world but now I just want to destroy beautiful things.

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I try to bond with my coworkers, people outside of work, etc. but struggle to form friendships. I am afraid to ask any women out. Its like I'm missing key social skills. No one at work goes out of their way to really socialize with me either, I know I'm kinda boring and we have some divergent interests but its like I'm shadow banned irl. Maybe I have autism, maybe I'm just retarded, but why can't I make close friends? I don't even know what the process is like. I know its not my hygiene, and I know its not because I'm a negative or mean person when I'm usually very nice/kind I just struggle. Anyone else go through this and/or have any advice. I am 26 btw, work full time make good money but just rotate between work, home, and the gym.
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How do without sounding gay or desperate?
I've been meaning to go to church but haven't gone yet, need to find one. I've been putting it off for no good reason and for years along with many other things I should be doing like reading the Bible more and praying more often.
Whats the name
good advice. other people tend to have insecurity and everything else you do
I've never tried, so I can't help much with the details. I had a friend volunteer for a political party here. My sister also volunteers for an after-school program for inner city kids and shiet. She met people from different backgrounds. They all go out for drinks afterwards.

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First time posting on this board, excuse me if I break some unwritten rules.

I have the possibility to get to know and fuck a cute tranny for the first time. Always been straight, but never had particular adversion to the idea of a cute trap. Point is, I never knew or met one that could even remotely pass, and that was a total turn off for me. This time is the first time I see photos and think, "damn, this might work for me". To add to that, this person directly told is very interested.
Should I follow my curiosity, meet the person for a coffee and if they are very passable, have a go?

Anyone had the same dilemma as me? How did you proceed? Should I be warned of something before I make my move?
There's no dilemma here. You do what you want without worrying about retarded societal concepts. It's not like you'll get stoned to death if you're gay in someone's eyes.

Just use protection. Always use protection when fucking someone at least for the first times.

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I am a new realttor, and working a 2nd job. But I have access to the MLS.
I want to purchase a small home for investment and rent it out.

I would go for a multifamily I know the tax benefits are better but they're all so expensive here and in really shitty areas and I would have to live in it to reap those tax benefits.

What should I look for and how much money should I realistically save up for this small home? I don't want a fix upper.
I really don't know how to find a property and do the math to specifically rent it out. Nor do I know what I am really in for.

Also I would be considered a first time home buyer if I do this, because I never bought a house yet I'm young.
So is that going to be a huge disadvantage to me when I go to finally buy a home for myself?
Probably have much better success on the business and finance board

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This might sound strange but I do not have a TV in my apartment because I just don't like watching TV. However, in times of Netflix, Anime and Amazon Prime it seems that not owning one is weird. Are there girls who do not mind the lack of TV? I have a HiFi setup for listening to music on the couch and an upright piano that I can play on, would this be an ok alternative if I have a girl over? I am 28yo btw.
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Maybe it's a good litmus test now that I think about it.
I know this meme but without posting any pics I can assure you that my apartment is nicely done up. I have lots of comfy furniture, lots of plants, lots of pictures and even some paintings on the walls. My apartment unironically looks almost like a pinterest post.
It's really just this TV thing that is missing and I just don't want it in there, I hate TVs and everything related to it.
Do you really want to date a girl who engages in brainrot?
Bro I am a 28 years old virgin, I would date any girl as long as she isn't fat (I am very in shape).
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Then you know the answer.

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TLDR: my mother married HER PIMP (not my father) which meant that I lived in the same house as them. There were strippers over every other night, literal orgies happening and thousands of times where I had to see my mom in sexual settings. I think I'm emotionally scarred and fucked up because 10 years later I can't get hard at anything but incest shit. It doesn't mean that I'm attracted to my own mom I never found her to be attractive but I can't bone my girl unless I'm thinking about some other mom fucking her (adult) son. What's to do about this?
get some other fetish like latinas or something

also holy shit your moms a bitch. did any of the strippers not ever show you some kindness
I can't just grow a fetish bro
Jesus Christ anon, you need an actual psychologist for this.
Anyway I guess the thing for you is that you sexually associate the home with the act of intercourse. So maybe if you do some husband and wife roleplay with girls it'll work better for you?
But I am going to go out on a limb and say something here - is it really that you can't get hard with a girl in front of you, or is it the case that you can't masturbate without this weird fantasy? Because it's actually quite a different deal. I feel like if a woman showed off her body to you directly, wanting your sexual attention, it might do the thing for you. If not, maybe it's due to the presence of strippers in your home. In fact, perhaps your fantasy originates not from your mother but from the fact that there were strippers in your home. Sexually attractive and available women, in a domestic environment. I'm sure you'll figure out the problem and the solution eventually.
holy shit that sucks dude. whats your moms number? i need to tell her off
Yeah you have a point. I have woken rock hard with my girl hugging me tight and then there's times where things just happen naturally like if we were watching a movie or some shit but I can maintain that arousal halfway through unless I think about the incest shit

Just for you (952) 361 1231

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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>see this girl at the gym semi-regularly for a couple of weeks now
>she's pretty attractive and while I'm not the smoothest guy around and suffer from minor autism, I was planning on just casually chatting to her at first and then maybe later suggest we hang out and see where that takes us
>I'm also in decent shape and lost a shitload of weight since last year to the extent that friends and family comment on it
>problem is that I can never seem to make eye contact with her
>like to the extent where it seems like she's deliberately trying to avoid looking me in the eyes
>only happened once by accident and she smiled and looked down
>does not happen with other people, she's really friendly and giggles a lot when talking to other guys
>I can't figure out a way to open a conversation with her

Has this ever happened with anyone else? I figured she hates me for some reason but she doesn't avoid being in close proximity to me otherwise and her smiling kinda threw me off. I'm not very good with women at all as you might realize. Millennial girls my age were way more flirty and open and I still struggled, zoomer girls seem completely closed off.
>when women give you the “eyes”?
It happens quick but it’s when you share eye contact with a girl for a substantial amount of time and they give you the sense that they are checking you out and would fuck you. This is probably the most widely misinterpreted signal from most guys so you kind of need a good gut from it. Unless you look like a monster, then women girl has probably given them to you before and you just didn’t notice.
It’s hard to tell what reality is here. I think you are just staring at her a lot and she may be uncomfortable so she’s avoiding eye contact. Again, it’s hard to tell.

Stop beating around the bush. There is literally nothing else to do other than talk to her so just do it already
>I think you are just staring at her a lot and she may be uncomfortable so she’s avoiding eye contact.

Yeah, maybe. I don't really stare at her, just sorta glance at her from time to time when passing closely by but I also do that with others when passing them by, both guys and girls. And frequently make eye contact, nod or smile, maybe exchange some words. As I've mentioned I have minor autism so it's already pretty difficult for me to maintain eye contact for more than 5 seconds, I had to practice a lot to force it. So that's why I'm confused because it definitely seems like she's deliberately avoiding eye contact. And to make it weirder, I sometimes get this sense when I'm doing something else or looking in another direction like she's looking at me. I'm pretty sure everyone has had these moments where you can tell that someone's staring at you when you're not looking.

>There is literally nothing else to do other than talk to her so just do it already

Yeah but my problem is that I have no idea how. My usual go-to approach is make eye contact, smile and greet them then try to continue a conversation from there. I don't really have any other ideas.
Just interrupt her and ask if she was using the machine or she can help you with something. You don’t need eye contact to start a convo. Do what you normally do but just say “excuse me” first. It’s that simple. You need to venture out of you comfort zone more and more. This is another one of those growing pains.

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>be 27 year old virgin
>making out with girl i've known for a bit
>things heat up and I go to remove her bra
>completely fail at it because I've never done it kek
>mood kinda ruined and nothing ends up happening
>few days later making out again and we start dry humping
>get rock harrd
>she undoes my pants and starts playing with my cock
>fucking thing goes soft after 10 seconds
>nothing happens again
The moment I've been waiting for my whole life, the closest I've been to getting laid, and my dick just bailed on me. Now every time im about to fuck I won't be able to get hard because I'll be so worried it will happen again. Worst part is she is way out of my league and she probably knows I'm a virgin now and is losing respect for me little by little. Can I salvage this or is it over for me?
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Yeah tell her some shit like you think she's super hot, that's causing the anxiety and when she just stops it makes it worse.

Also stop being a little bitch and letting her lead the thing. Grab that little cunt, throw her around a bit and fuck her like the standardless slut we all know she is.
You should have told her youre a virgin that would honestly make her more excited for sex women get off on the ego trip of being your first time.

Be honest with her, tell her youre a virgin and you were just really nervous. She'll be patient and calming if shes worth anything.
I can tell you for a fact that in the case I am talking about, the slutty girl actually didn't really care all that much about sex. she'd just bang for the experience. sex wasn't that important to her regardless of whether she was fucking virgins or sex gods, what was important to her was fucking someone. hell she even had sex with a woman 'for the experience'. when she actually wanted to feel good she'd just take drugs.

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