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I keep expressing cringe over something I did 6 months ago and my face is permanently stuck in this way whenever I think about it, and I said "ew" out loud to myself
How do I get over it? It wasn't even that bad, it just made someone go from adoring me to hating me in a matter of seconds and I can't forgive myself
If I reimagine the situation, with the same mindset, I would've done the same exact things. It is nothing I could've changed. I've tried fixing it but it is not possible
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>That makes zero sense.
I didn't literally say it, retard, it was by gesture
>It also sounds like a freudian slip.
It could've been a freudian slip, but a few hours later I regretted it, but it was already too late, so my attempt at fixing it makes me just cringe more
How do you gesture someone to fuck off accidentally? Did you flip her off or something?
>It needs to be direct to be perceived in an unintended manner
It took me a while to realize and that's when I regretted that is why I'm saying if I went back I would've done the same exact things and I couldn't have changed a thing
You still have not told me exactly what you did. This is all very strange. Did you shove her away or growl or what?
I'm mentally ill. I'm going to seek help tomorrow

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My right eye had been twitching for a while now and I can't even recall if it's a constantly returning phase, or something that has been a part of me for so long, that I stopped noticing it. I think that this happen to me first when I was around twelve, which is a good while ago.
I did a bit of research and figured out that the four main causes can be: Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, being stressed out, or lack of sleep.
Now, I don't drink, nor am I fan of coffee, so I think these two are definitely not the cause.
As to sleeping, I sleep about 6-9 hours on work day, recently fixed it to 8h minimum, so I'm unsure if it can affect me so much to the point that my fucking eye twitches.
I'm also not sure about the stress, since I think that I'm currently living in the least stressful period of my life (except for the times when I was so small I haven't even joined school yet). Perhaps, I might be underestimating my situation, since I literally live in a wartime right now, but air defence works great and I live in such an arse that almost no missiles even shoot here. These two facts calm me down, besides I know I can't do anything about it anyways, so I don't think about it too often.
I had a history of sleeping too few, overworking myself and working under stressful conditions before. I was indeed in a pretty stressful state almost a year ago, however this year has been nothing but great and exciting. I rearly feel sad, disappointed, ashamed, stressed out, lonely, etc. If anything, I'm feeling happy, motivated and social.
Could the eye twitching be just a permanent mark at this point? If it's not, how could I get rid of it? Did you have a similar issue? If so, what are your thoughts and advices? Could there be any different causes?
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Is it a lower eyelid?
I have sleep issues and this shit happens to me
I'm not sure, more like a whole eye
Ty, I'll try that out. I've been planning it for a while anyways... Any specific types of exercise? Would a workout work too?
It means your electrolytes are off which leads to nerve spasming. Which can have many causes, but stress is definitely a big one. Low vit d is another.
Pretty helpful, thanks for the info, OP

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Is it normal to be kicked out of a 24 hour laundromat cause the staff think you're homeless?
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How long were you in there for? Did you have laundry with you?
Yes, and perfectly legal. You have no right to be in any place of business unless you are doing business there.
You know a homeless dude saved my life once
That's just an ignorant assumption.

Most people who are homeless, you would never know were homeless. They actually keep good hygiene.

They take baths in places like gyms. They brush their teeth. They groom themselves. They go to work for money, like temp agencies. They use that money to pay for food. To buy clean clothes. To wash their clothes. To buy storage units to store those clothes.

All while looking for permanent jobs so they can get a hotel room and then an apartment.

Most homeless people are just regular people going through some financial troubles.
A homeless DJ?

How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
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once again, it depends on the man in question. the issue is that most men are 100% deluded when it comes to their own aging, because they've been lulled into a false sense of security by redpill boomer tier advice that age makes a man more attractive, or at least doesn't diminish his value. this doesn't work anymore really. most of my mates ( early 30s) look noticeably past their prime. thinning, lifeless hair, deep lines, eyebags and bad sking in general from stress, overweight. no young woman is looking for that. but if you keep your looks, your hair, are tall/handsome, you should have 0 issue pulling girls 10 years younger
they're out there, anon.
>be mid 20s two years ago
>meet 50s something online
I know if I string the right actions and words we'll end up together but I'm not for reasons.
>Not producing the next generation of /adv/ posters to burden society with
now THIS is burdenmaxxing
>How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
Leftovers? You're doing it wrong.
You date hot as fuck 20 - 29 year olds om your 30s anon.

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I've read many posts here asking how to "get women". I'm no Romeo, but I can see a lot of lads with completely wrong mindsets. I was an incel for a while.

1) Accept that you are single and alone. Then try to find joy in it. Being single means no commitments, nothing tying you down, and nobody to hold you back. There is nothing stopping you walking away from your current life and moving to that place you have always wanted to go. Having a woman means you lose that freedom. As you aim to end up with one, exercise that freedom now while you still can.

2) Nobody cares about your canthal tilt or your hunter eyes. No-one cares if you bench 150kg or run 20km in an hour. Vegetables and meat should form the core of your diet. Learn to cook so you have better control over what goes into your body. Then go for a 5km and a bit of gym three times a week. You needn't kill yourself, just go. Epigenetics are determined by environment and they are as influential as genes are.

3) As well as light exercise, try develop a sense of style. I just cut out tracksuits and only wear jeans or chinos. Everything looks good with them, especially button-down shirts, rugby shirts and half-zips. Add a pair of retro runners and off you go. Girls regularly compliment my outfits.

4) Finally, get into a hobby that isn't just media consumption, instead try to learn how to create your favourite form of media. If you love music, try learning an instrument. If you watch a lot of tv, try creative writing. It can be expensive but it'll make you infinitely more interesting to talk to.

TL;DR. Learn to love the freedom your solitude has brought you. Use this time to become a "Renaissance Man", one who is physically fit, dresses well and has one artistic hobby that he is passionate about. Get involved in your community and be open to new experiences. Then, when you least expect it you'll meet someone.
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you made me laugh :)
That's circular logic.
I'm not big on God either. But if they're saying this shit for 2000 years then it must be worth something.
Yeah I did all this stuff. When I met my current girl things started getting intense pretty fast and I almost gave her the road because I didn't want to have to give up any of my time. My friends persuaded me against it and I'm very happy with her now. Ig you just have to talk it out with people sometimes.

Also this only works if you continue to talk to women outside of work/family, with the view of making friends.
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/adv/ is mostly a waste of time. A large portion of this board is runoff from /r9k/.

Some anons here do not even want to hear their problems are soluble. They do not want to stop habits they know are bad and destructive. They do not want to adopt habits they know are healthy and good. They will complain complain complain and when someone suggests even the possibility of a solution they will suddenly argue in defense of the problems they are complaining about. Almost nobody comes here for positivity comradery or encouragement, they want to vent and whine and breathe smoke and shitpost for hours on end. If they're really broken it will be their entire identity. In exact same way leftoids will just shame people into their opinions rather than argue a point, most anons here will just vindicate their opinions with pity and how unfair everything is. There's no meaningful discourse to have on the matter because you are arguing against people who do not want things to be better.

If you aspire to be a better version of yourself the most immediate and best step you can take is to distance yourself from other mentally ill lonely retarded losers like yourself and get off 4chan, stop allowing malevolent energies online to destroy you. Just about everybody here knows what their problems and bad habits are and that they would be better off doing almost anything else with their time but don't want to suffer the discomfort of leaving their comfort zone and facing themselves.

A 7 year old boy drowned in a swimming pool and I can't stop thinking about how fucked up that is. Makes me so sad for him and his parents. I didn't know them personally but my dad worked with his dad sometimes.

How the fuck do you even cope in that situation? Continue on living? I am terrified of ever facing a similar situation.
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He's better off dead. Life is suffering.
It shows you have empathy and most likely high EQ.
lol someone tell OP what the jews do to Palestinian kids since a couple of months now.
How old are you? 12?
Its not abnormal to see a situation like that and feel bad or empathize with the people involved especially if its someone real to you and not just a blank face on the news. As far as facing a similar situation all you can do is be careful really
Feels a little different when it's closer to my home, when my dad knows who he is, than some people from a faraway land that I have no connection to.

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Is this really that bad to live and die alone (beside parents, siblings, relatives, colleagues and comrades of both sexes and random level of acquaintance) without relationships, love, sex? I'm asking this about myself, because I don't feel unhappy about living 25 years without it, even though I have no philosophy or belief to live on nor I have any great goals to achieve in my life. I might be happy to live alone on my own slow passive and kinda lazy terms without wasting time, energy and material resources on a shit lottery called "personal life" and filling the gaps of not having sex by just jerking my gherkin.
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>All you can miss is the idea of it, not the actual act when in ignorance.
Ideas are often more attractive than the reality.
no. sex-havers want to trick into that being a virgin is lame because nutting inside a chick is the most impressionable shit they every did in their entire life
mainly this
Isaac Newton
If it's not bothering you, it's not bad. That's all there is to it, really. Some people may be an ass to you about it, but what aren't people an ass about?
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>be me
>have almost every unattractive/bad genes from family
>be 3/10
>being 6ft is literally one of the only goods qualities given
>have a shit personality (atleast im self aware)
>basically guarantees me to be single for life
>doesnt matter even if i find some one as i have never really understood or had romantic feels
>feel massive guilt for not being able to married
>normal relationship outside of family is completely strained
> basically a third wheel to the friend group with
>stay with them so I'm not considered a loner
>they treat me fine and try to be nice and chat to me
>feel guilt for not feeling anything at all while next to them
>only friend i have is my cousin
>he is the only one i can truely relate with

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There's always room for improvement
just stop complaining and start doing something
you're 6ft just fet fit
It's hard to give advice when we don't even know what "culture" you're talking about. Most of the people that browse this website come from north america so most of the advice you'll receive will have that bias. Yours isn't an unheard of situation but the most general advice anyone can give is to either get help from a professional or keep persevering. The best thing about having a bad personality is that you can always change it. Try to find a hobby that gets you thinking, or gets you outside, start exercising more, even if it's a brisk walk, try to think of something you would enjoy doing for a living and try to work towards that goal. If you play video games, play less, or if you watch porn, cut back, same for social media if that's a factor though it sounds like that's probably not an issue. If you can't force a square peg into a round hole (socializing, making friends, etc) then don't. Find peace by yourself, instead of trying to shove other people into that hole you feel, try and find something within yourself to fill it up. Then maybe friends can come after, when their presence will instead enrich your life rather than bandage it. Your home life does not sound ideal if you believe your father feels that indifferent so your circumstances are likely not all of your fault, but you're grown now and can make that change, one small step at a time. Unless you're literally dying you can always change, you can always make things better, even if it's only incrementally.
Why do I get the feeling you’re a Pakistani or some other south Asian
>>have a shit personality (atleast im self aware)

How you treat other people is your choice.
You can't expect to get if you don't give.
Both being a good person or a bad person costs exactly 0 pennies.

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got a text from my roommate that she checked herself into detox for alcohol after relapsing. i dont really know much about it but shes also on Methadone (or whatever the opiate blocker thing is) and is in recovery from that as well. No idea when she'll be back

I checked her room and it is a fucking mess. Trash and bottles piled up. Shes also unemployed and has been for a while. So I'm just gonna assume I'm shit out of luck for her chunk of rent for this coming month since shes still unemployed and now in some detox center, unless I want to bug her family to send me rent money on her behalf. I can pay rent but like I don't really have any desire to be paying someone elses while they dont have their shit together, especially if she starts relapsing on opiates or something again

What do? should i talk to my landlord and be like hey this is fucked?
if your name is on the lease the landlord won't care. You are responsible for paying for it.
Can't you die from drinking if you're on methadone?

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Yeah, I give up. I'm done with dating apps and dating in general. Women only want to fuck the 15 percentile of men on the planet and I'm not a part of that percent so why should I keep going? Why should I keep trying tinder okcupid ect? I wont. Im done.
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Retarded advice, this is what causes people to focus on their hobby of carpentry and collecting He-Man figurines and become a 40yo virgin
Abandoning those apps was a great idea. You won't get much from the shallwoest way of meeting someone. Go and start socializing in real life, anon, it goes much more nicely even if you're a disastrous when it comes to socializing at first.
So what, talk to random people on the street? Go alone to some bar and butt in unwanted into someone else's conversations? You "just go out" guys never say anything more than that. The apps are shit but for many people they're the only option.
How did you guys manage to not get laid even once?
Neither school nor parents teach you how to.

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I've never been one to care about presentation, or other's perceptions of me, but ever since I've started talking to this girl and hanging around women more in general I can't help but sometimes notice how "lacking" in masculinity I can be. Things as minute as the way I stand, or my hand movements. I've been meticulously studying my own physique recently and I fucking hate it. I've always been the guy that makes gay jokes and can hang out with girls no problem and whatnot, which is probably why I do hang out with so many women so often (and why the girl that I'm currently with is with me in the first place), but honestly I can't help the nagging feeling that I need to change, become more masculine, and fit into my stereotypical male role. Maybe I'm just irrationally paranoid after years of mind-numbing social media usage and posts about "traditional masculinity" or whatnot.
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Yeah I relate to this. I worry that I'm too effeminate and act like a pussy. I want to reinvent myself as a loud, confident, cocky man instead of some timid "nice guy" beta piece of shit but am not sure how to do it.
Ironically the most non masculine thing you're doing is being insecure about if you're manly man enough. Just do whatever the fuck you want and own it, I can guarantee your balls won't fall off barring serious bodily harm
>become more masculine
Well it's easy to improve your image with new clothes.
Leather biker's jacket.
Grow a moustache.
Can't get a more masculine image than that.
This. But no Spaghettis. Only good old hippie-boomer-malding John Ford, Howard Hawks type of stuff. Anything with John Wayne really.
I can relate. Recently I've been trying to let go of those expectations and let myself become the person I want to be, rather than some ideal. It's hard but holding yourself to a rigid standard will only make you miserable. I've decided to stop listening to what men say women want, and listen to women instead.

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i dont socialize, so i become weirder. then, because im weirder, i socialize less. at this point i genuinely cant remember how to talk to people or make facial expressions.
i know im supposed to just practice social skills, but i live in an isolated area. theres one cohort of people who i interact with and ive limited my interactions with them as much as possible so that they wont notice. if i sound neurotic and crazy, im not. if i make an ass of myself once, im an ass forever.
>i know im supposed to just practice social skills, but i live in an isolated area. theres one cohort of people who i interact with and ive limited my interactions with them as much as possible so that they wont notice.
Maybe it can be said that the set of social skills are different with time and place; the quality of charisma from the 1920's may not translate well to the standard of 2024 and vice versa. A specific set of what makes someone charming in Mexico may not be the same in Thelkow and vice versa.

I hope this brings you relief that perhaps people do start near-zero being assimilated depending on the 'Dungeons and Dragons' group. That it is actually starting to be with that counts, and how specific books about socializing are so quickly outdated.

To add, virtue is a powerful instrument. Not being able to lie secures you good company to a great many islands in this archipelago.
What the fuck is khat?
look at it

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I can't bring myself to do boring shit like cleaning please help
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Learn how to gamify it.
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just stop being a lazy fuck and do it

Me too. I've got an old school mp3 player with podcasts and audiobooks downloaded on it just for cleaning/organizing/low iq tasks.
need a repeating system that works. specific day with a specific thing that suits it, like laundry,
1-set timer for 5 minutes and then just do 5 minutes of cleaning.
2-make sure the dishes are done.
There is absolutely no way around this. It will always suck ass to the max. The only option you have is make it urgent and important for you to clean. Invite someone over for next weekend that you would not feel comfortable with seeing your mess and filth or sum shit. That is the only way i actually clean.

I want to learn how to sing the vocals to a particular song, take those vocals, put it along with the instrumental, and then upload it to YouTube. I don't expect to get famous nor make money out of it (I'm pretty sure I actually legally can't make money due to copyright anyway), I just really want to do it since I like singing along to songs all the time. I got inspired by people like Will Stetson and this one guy on YouTube who I found, his name being DevoutCloud, who both do this exact thing.

Admittedly, I have already done something like this twice, but it's just me singing the song, without the instrumental. I uploaded it but I really do want to learn how to sync up my lyrics to instrumentals and make a proper song cover. I recorded those two instances with Audacity and then just took the raw file. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.

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I moved across the country with my gf two years ago. We broke up two weeks ago. I'm planning to move back home in June, already put in my notice at work. We ended on good terms, went no contact and I told her id see her one time before i leave. Should i see her? Or is it going to only make things worse? Should I just leave quietly and not look back, even if I am never to see her again?
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Then just go and see her one more time before you leave and then never look back.
lol, dude. Stop. Leave. You don't owe her shit. Your only play here if you still pine for this hole is to leave without seeing her/ telling her.
This. Don't let it get sappy or intimate. Just say what you have to say and be done with it.
why would you meet up again if you're already doing no-contact...

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