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When I was a teen in the early 2000s I would read Teen help books that mentioned that not everyone is having sex even if they talk about it a lot. Don't feel pressured to do it even if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend

Now media seems to tell teens that just go ahead and have sex as long as you have protection. All you need is consent, no need to be with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Just some one that "feels right"

What the hell happened in the last 20 years?

Didn't the sexual revolution already happen 40 years prior the 2000s
Good thread.

Believe it or not it used to be very socially unacceptable in america to sleep around, back before WWI. In fact I think a lot of the changes in europe came during WWII, in england and germany at least. I read a sereies of articles that showed that despite the german governments attempts, young girls were sneaking out and slutting off to barracks to fuck adult soldiers at 2 am. The gov had to set up hitler youth watches at night to try and prevent this.

Another possibility is that the degeneracy could have also started in the 20s.

But I think ultimately it depended on region and on culture. On time and place.

Notes/diary entries by a 2nd gen greek-american soldier in the 122 battalion said that fresh off the boat greek soldiers arrived to join his battalion (part of a US military all-greek propaganda division). Apparently the new guys from from the islands, not the mainland. Well The soldier in his diary wrote that the new greek guys were all of lower morality, and tried to fuck local women relentlessly, while the greek-americans had retained the morality present from just a generation prior. The soldier was greatly disgusted and looked down on them. He even said that they were browner than him snd seemed to be racially mixed, like they had nigger dads or something. So at some point in the generation between WWI and WWII, we have eyewitness evidence that the greek islands became degenerate. Its interesting because the soldier said that there may be a differencr with the culture of the mainland.
>What the hell happened in the last 20 years?
2 things. Social media for women, and internet porn for men. Social media being the bigger culprit. The duck face evolved into bikini shots, which evolved into asshole HD closeups.
>When I was a teen in the early 2000s I would read Teen help books that mentioned that not everyone is having sex even if they talk about it a lot. Don't feel pressured to do it even if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend
>Now media seems to tell teens that just go ahead and have sex as long as you have protection. All you need is consent, no need to be with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Just some one that "feels right"
These aren't mutually exclusive.
But yeah OP there has been a general social trend towards less conservative views on sex arguably since the start of the 20th century.
In the early 2000s, peer pressure was telling you to have sex because that's what everyone was doing.
Nowadays, teens are hooking up less than ever. Even couples aren't fucking like they used to, even into college ages. Teenagers used to get caught messing around by their parents, and parents would write in to newspapers or online asking how to handle those crazy teenagers. Now parents are actually concerned because they're NOT catching their kids doing stuff, they're just playing video games or on their phone.
And it's not just teenagers, it's 20-somethings as well.
So the common line is about encouraging you to get out there and do it, instead of consoling you about not being able to, because nobody wants to do it. The numbers of sexless 18-30s has doubled in just 20 years and is still climbing. Teenagers follow whatever people in their 20's are doing, just delayed.

As for why this is happening, honestly it's probably just the internet, social media, smartphones, etc. It's so much simpler and more convenient to interact with a screen instead of a person and you can't fuck your screen. (yet) So, no sex.
As weird as it sounds, meeting new people just doesn't feel normal anymore. The idea of even going to a bar or club or even a public place like a park or the beach and getting someones number feels like such an alien concept to me vs the way it feels like my parents just did it. The problem is we haven't actually found a substitute, and online dating feels so unnatural and contrived just by itself
>meeting new people just doesn't feel normal anymore
Go outside you socially inept retard.
>meeting new people just doesn't feel normal anymore.
Because it's not. People in the past went to bars, clubs, the beach, and so on because they had nothing better to do and just went to "hang out". Nobody "hangs out" in person anymore, the internet is way more appealing, not least of all because everywhere IRL is insanely fucking expensive and the age groups that should be fucking each others' brains out are also the poorest
this correlates with a similar trend in driving by the way, where young people don't give a shit about driving or having a car anymore. Because there's nowhere worth bothering to going to, whether because it's too expensive or too far or inconvenient compared to doing stuff online.
The internet existed in the 00s and people still hung out then as teens and 20 somethings.
>2G internet
Yeah so fun. Videos in 240p and images downloaded in minutes
Social media and smartphones didn't, that's the difference. The internet wasn't up to the task of replacing real social interaction yet, now it is. The volume, definition, and accessibility of content is unparalleled in history. It's having all sorts of other effects too, on education, teen suicide rates, and more. Everything since ~2012 is basically uncharted territory. The crazy part is the initial teens affected by it are now getting old enough they're the ones teaching the next generation, doing the research about these topics, and so on, so the old normal is just gone forever.
If the internet goes down they'll get a crash course.
It was weird how in the 2000s you had paper job applications like this and could go store to store. It seems very different even though it wasn't too long ago.

Not only is the paperwork obsolete, that way of applying for jobs is obsolete, that way of looking for jobs is obsolete, and arguably the stores she applied to are obsolete, and the entire buildings they were in are obsolete too, as well as the way kids used to hang out in them. All that changed in about 10 years and most people barely even realize it happened
And it's still an ongoing process. The world of 2040 will not resemble the 2020s whatsoever.

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