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Well hey there /ck/ and uhh welcome back...I guess...

What sausage will it be?
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whatever soicvcks suggest
>uh what happen if we boil steak in PISS
Still waiting for cum sausage
no meat, just spice and fennel seeds and peppercorns sausage
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This guy was sent to the cuck basement by his fat wife. He's not even allowed to eat in their car.

What are the benefits to deep frying food? Anytime I tried something that's deep fried I always regret it on taste alone.
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Those exorbitantly wasteful, clickbait videos are just Turbo-Tarded.
But, to answer your question, Opee...
Deep frying has it's place, especially when using tallow, lard or coconut oil. The point is the oil has to be hot enough to turn the water in the food into steam, which in turn, drives the oil AWAY from the food while simultaneously cooking it.
It has limited applications, but when done correctly makes the outside of foods very crisp and crunchy, while allowing the insides to be very juicy or, in the case of potatoes or other vegetables, a satisfyingly creamy or "buttery" mouthfeel.
I'm amazed at how many people fuck up deep-frying by over cooking it. If that fat isn't still kicking out a lot of fine bubbles, the moisture is all gone from the food and as soon as you hit the critical point, the food almost instantly sucks up all that fat to replace it, making it shitty, greasy, overcooked garbage.
The other benefit is that it takes about 1/3nd the time to cook things.
The Ideal is to have a dedicated lidded pot, frying thermometer and a fat like the aforementioned ones. Seed oils and even olive oil are not only shit for your health,(at these temperatures,) but they don't impart anything of flavor value like the others.
There is honestly very little that is deep fried that can't be done well in a hot oven.
The Olive Garden even bakes off it's chicken and eggplant parms,(at least when I worked there.)
Not that that's great food, but honestly OG of the 90s was practically an all scratch kitchen.
(Breadsticks came from Orlando baking and red sauce was from a #10 can though--at least they used to make the pasta fresh.)
Double bread it then.
If chicken:
>dredge chix in flour FIRST
>Then into the egg wash(milk/buttermilk, egg)
>into the seasoned flour/breading(bonus points if you sprinkled some of the eggwash into it first
>BACK into the egg wash
onto a clean plate or sheet try to await frying
It's best to do this right before you fry, as letting the breaded chicken sit too long allows it to dry out too much and will make it greasier.
for wet batters like tempura or beer batter, dredging the foods in cornstarch or flour first, then letting them set for ~10 minutes before battering always gave me superior results.
>Then back into the seasoned flour/breading
>if only you knew how bad things really are
That's disgusting.

i heated some pizza rolls in shallow oil and it gave the shell a great crispy texture and the heat within was perfect as well. tasted completely different to baked /airfry/ microwaved.

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Help me out, lads! I've got a bunch of leftover spinach & creme cheese filling from this Puff Pastry Salmon vid. What can I use it for? I don't want anymore pastry atm (had my fill).

Basically this, sauteed:
>salt & pepper
>shredded parmesan
>cream cheese
Pasta or chip dip.
Use it to stuff chicken breasts then wrap them in bacon.
Use it as a crust for a salmon fillet.
Freeze it for a while so that it is just about malleable then form balls with it, dredge or batter them and deep fry them.

I cook up a shitty "stir-fry" every day for lunch.
I used to use veg oil, then I switched to sunflower and I think its better. But should I pay out for extra virgin olive oil?
Is it really the best oil with the greatest health benefit?
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This is a bad idea because it kills beneficial bacteria but you you dont care
What beneficial bacteria is there in coconut oil?
for me, vegetable oil is the main frying oil in my kitchen.

EVOO is for dressings or putting on top of a finished dish for added yummies. It burns too quickly to be useful in a hot pan.
I'm like you. I have that weird genetic thing such that to me canola oil smells and tastes fishy, so I buy vegetable oil for frying and stuff. Olive oil I use in applications where I want that flavor, like last night I sauteed some green beans in olive oil. They were delicious. But for just general oil purposes I stick to vegetable.
Reread my post

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why is fast food mayonnaise so much better than store-bought mayonnaise?
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Finally, a good thread.
I’ve gotten pretty damn close on a Weber kettle.
Better than guzzling cum like an aids ridden faggot
You can if you go to food service stores or order online
cream of sum yung guy

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This is the correct way to eat a hot dog. Anyone who eats it any other way has narcissistic personality disorder.
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france. hamsterdam, corea, doyer, china, tijuana if they toast the fuckin bun
not a yuge bologna fan but baltimore looks pretty good too
I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 4 enjoys ketchup
it's good if you mix it with other things like creating a thousand island sauce or something
Chili + slaw dogs would be peak if they weren't so damned messy to eat.

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Have you seen this fraud claiming to make a burnt kind of chicken quesadilla for lunch in 15 minutes with his weird tomatoes?
Many people are calling him out in the comments that he's full of shit 15 minutes. Also the thing looks mid at best.
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but OP is your age and he used that word to try to fit in with 18 year olds. very sad 2bh
Nobody my age uses tiktok, or hasn't seen an heirloom tomato.
>It's "15 minutes and your kitchen is a superfund site" cooking.
Do you people not have dishwashers? Rinse down the knives and whatever that you don't want to put in there, load the dishwasher up in any remaining time or at the end when it's best to give the food a minute or two to rest before eating anyway and wipe the surfaces down. Done. Frankly if you're lazy and aren't using equipment you need to baby pans and knives can go in the dishwasher too.
>nobody my age uses tiktok
I guarantee this is not true.

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I was told this is bad, I make a Greek style salad most nights with dinner so I have feta, Kalamata olives, arugula cucumbers AND STORED CHOPPED RED ONION is it incorrect for me to chop a red onion and store it in a container for a week. Bros am I going to die or will I ascend from the root plant
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just get one of these takes 3 seconds to cut an onion.
Just pickle them
Okay, time to settle this once and for all: Do onions belong in the fridge?

This, I eat 'fresh' onions/cucumbers tossed in vinegar/lemon juice and salt. I store the leftovers in my fridge. For the rest of the week I have zero effort lightly pickled veggies to add to my meals.
For a while many years ago I got into the habit of making little breakfast tacos most mornings. On the weekend I'd finely dice onion and yellow and red bell peppers and put them in tupperware in the fridge, then for the rest of the week I'd just drop a spoonful into the eggs I was cooking. I never noticed any drop in quality over a period of days.

>cocönut, tropical waybread. A small bite can make a grown man shit a perfect log!

Without irony, this simple trick has helped me cut down on daily bathroom time by about 30 minutes. Try it if you haven't. This IS medical AND financial advice.

>but it has the transaturated fats, it's bad!
I don't care. Perfect logs.
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I've never seen an attractive Indian woman before. Is it just the filters?
Just the oversaturation

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Are you a picky eater, /ck/?
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I'm willing to consume mustard if its dijon or at least spicy brown mustard.
i can't be convinced that bell pepper or celery is good though
idk how old you are but I stopped being picky about anything by the time i was 30 (ok except this onetime I had pickles that were brined in moonshine and I almost threw up.)

One thing is to take maybe black olives, chop them up into little pieces and put one on a sandwich. I did that with tomato and now I can eat just plain tomato no problem
not really. but i hate olives
Naw. There are a small number of foods I will actively avoid: cilantro, raw green bell pepper, kimchi. But pretty much everything else I can think of is fair game.
sea bugs as a category unless they're integrated seamlessly into the dish (like clam chowder or crab cakes). shrimp and scallops in particular are vile to me, just flavorless rubbery protein nodes that you have to strip the shit oit of before you can even eat. fucking nasty.

and I guess organs and tripe and shit. and parsnips, the devil's tuber. fuck parsnips.

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Whats the best sandwich?
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Forgot that dude did TF2 animations back in the day.
I should have predicted that the TF2 animator would eventually become a gay furry, it seems to happen every time.
Butter, cheddar, boiled egg, salami, strawberry jam
1. clubhouse
2. elvis
3 ruben
monte cristo

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>completely mogs all other Gatorade flavors & all sports drinks combined
sorry I don't drink corn syrup
how exactly is this different from regular gatorade?
has magnesium to help you SHIT. also great if you have diarrhea FROM SHITTING TOO MUCH
12g of sugar instead of 34g

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Why is it: That curly fries. Just taste better?
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you're a faggot holy shit
this. i have never had a good crinkle fry
Nice trips

I don't think you know what "dilemma" means though

Curly fries do hit pretty hard when seasoned well, though any kind of well-seasoned fry would
The real question is if you make curly fries but don't season them (other than with salt obviously) will they still be better than other types of similarly prepared fries? If you want to find the best french-fry shape you've gotta control for that stuff.

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I live in Portland, Oregon. Where should I eat?
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Please, isn’t the Portland Maine Marathon a recreation of the route most residents would take to the city’s only plumbed toilet (first installed 5 years ago)?
trans women are ALL homophobic gay men
they transition to escape being gay
gays are treated poorly
that's why trans people exist
if gays were accepted, trannies would stop claiming to be the opposite sex
Fun fact: Portland has the highest number of strip clubs per capita of anywhere in the US.
No tranny has ever claimed to be the opposite sex.

Go to the farmers market.

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Is this vanilla?
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Real pods of vanilla dont laste remotely like the fake shit, real vanilla is incredible and worth every cent, fake vanilla is good for cookies and crap like that for anything more complex use pods.
a liquid alcoholic extract from the fermented vanilla bean plant
Im curious to what tangent you're so eager to dive into if someone answers yes, so..

How can you extract it. Is this like when a pussy extracts something. Or is it more. MUCH more. MUCH MUCH more. This has been a tightening experiment and the process will begin anew another day under the darkest night you've ever seen.
I've read that in taste tests imitation vanilla consistently out-scores real vanilla in baked goods. It tastes more intensely vanilla-y than real vanilla does. For something like ice cream where the vanilla is the main flavor I'd definitely go with real pods to get all the subtleties, but the imitation stuff is worth keeping in your cupboard too.

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