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Do you have good-tasting banana varieties available for purchase where you live?
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No, they are not all cavendish
Palillo, taste like a apple
do the blue bananas really taste like custard?
I've heard they taste of vanilla custard, yes.

What are the best food to incorporate into the bedroom?
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it was never supposed to be this way
man i don't really get it but you're fucked
the weird unisex god from ghost busters?
>haha this 30 year old clip from the most popular sitcom ever is so funny I should post it for the millionth time
Popcorn because the bed gets full of crumbs that you can eat when you get up.

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Can I re deep fry cooked nugget that's been left out of fridge overnight? Is it safe to eat?
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>double deep frying

Isn't that a heart attack waiting to happen?
It's going to get tough so make it quick on really hot oil
>Chicken fingers instead of Chicken nuggets
Bud it was overnight not a week
That's why I said it's probably fine due to all the salt and preservatives in processed food like nuggets. If it was just a cooked chicken breast left out overnight that can be seriously bad news. Not every time, but it's a roll of the dice where a bad roll can seriously suck ass.

What do you get at your friendly neighborhood cafe? Me, I tend to go for an iced chai latte.
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I always get a BBC latte (BlueBerry Cobbler, it's blueberry + butter pecan)
I go behind the counter and rape the 8/10 big tittied emo girl who made it and cum deep inside her little pussy while she violently kicks back at me and struggles and screams while I hold her arms behind her back and I also get myself a regular hot coffee with one crème and one sugar
did you get mugged? stabbed? bodyslammed?
Creme squeezed directly from the emo girl's udders ofc
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I don't buy coffee anymore. I make it at home.
When I did get coffee, I'd always get 5 espresso shots + hot water in a large cup. As an occasional treat I'd get a chamomile hibiscus house tea they made on my way home. I've since cut my caffeine intake down to just two cups of normal brewed coffee.

What are the best intro books to the fundamentals of cooking for the lay person?
>pic unrelated
>(it's 1216 pages ffs)
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just fucking cook you nerd, go watch Chef John and copy his recipes, you'll know the fundamentals of cooking after a couple of dishes
a cook is not made in a library
shut the fuck up
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>pic related
i'm guessing ameritards only think that book is good because it's written by an ethnic minority. that and/or because they're retards who can't cook and think it's soooo epic when the book says baking soda and vinegar react to make fizzies.

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I bought some pecorino to make 'bonara but I accidentally let it sit on the counter for 4 days instead of putting it in the fridge. is it still good to eat? cheese was invented thousands of years before refrigeration.
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for me? sure. i leave raw milk straight on the counter often and im just fine. sure if its a million degrees outside ill put it in the fridge but other than that i dont worry about refrigerationa that much. smell the cheese then taste the cheese and make your own decision. if it was moldy but /ck/ told you its fine would you eat it? if /ck/ told you its bad but it smells good and tastes just fine would you throw it away? i dont care about bacteria, i have trillions of them in my gut already, they will work it out. also expiration dates are bullshit and shouldnt be respected.
pretty based in a cringe kinda way
pecorino smells kind of dank to begin with so how do you tell if it smells bad?
If it's sweaty it might not emulsify but it's fine
How the fuck do you just let it sit out for 4 days? Did you not ever go into your kitchen or what?

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I don't understand, why is everyone pissed?
do people really get this mad over SHARING????
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sorry i'll take my Daily Dose
Shitass am*rican ones like in OP's pic are. Apart from the one(1) singular actual donut and the churro-donut.
Donuts are definitely cake by all definitions.
Cake is a lot more broad of a term than you think it is.

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OMAD chads just how do you do it?
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Apart from what others have suggested by busying yourself with other work/hobbies so you aren't constantly thinking about food/eating:
1. Drink lots of water throughout the day, before and after the meal. It keeps you hydrated which helps prevent your brain from sending signals that people often confuse thirst for as hunger.
It's also physically stretches your stomach with a calorie-less substance that tricks the gut into feeling full because it's peppered with nerve sensors that respond to volume only, not content.

2. Brush your teeth after the meal. At least for me the cleaning mouth feeling helps dispel the lingering taste for something and also having to rebrush after eating again is a discouragement to eating more than once.

3. Make the one meal filling (include lots of fiber).
They do it for a couple of months, a couple of years at the very most and then they stop. Because its stupid and unsustainable. You can do any diet for a short period of time, even just outright fasting for months can be done. But with time, eventually the problems show up. At that point it will then also take time to correct the issues. One of them being that your body literally goes in starvation mode as it reduces energy expenditure to keep you alive. (thats why you feel tired, want to nap, low energy, etc.) its also the reason why you dont lose as much weight as you would think, you unconciously do less activity as the body thinks its the apocalypse. Calories in/out is not violated as the energy out is reduced.

Another one being nutritional deficiencies, which takes months to years to develop (this is another reason why you will see a lot vegans stop after a couple of years and become "pescetarian" or some shit, veganism kills them slowly, but they feel fine in the beginning).
Dont fall for all these dumb diets, just eat a healthy well balanced diet consisting mostly of whole foods, dont be afraid of meat, avoid eating excess refined carbs and do some exercise, if you really want to its fine to fast for 12 hours every day.
Find the right time of day to eat. Preferably right before work so by the time youre proper hungry you are at home playing vidya or whatever other hobby u got
>what do you call the 23 hours between meals
lots of black coffee
also my one meal is a day's worth of calories, the man in your picture is either some kind of lying grifter or a retard on the fast track to malnourishment

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I may have made a mistake
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Just how tiny and queer of a twink are you if you can't finish a steak and one potato with a roll?
Very true, anon's parents were right to do this to him. Frankly I think they should have not fed him at all for multiple days and then loaded him up with stuff he "can't eat" because all this kind of fagginess is cured instantly by actually being hungry for the first time in your life.
OMG it's not rare??? that's a friggin crime against hecking humanity!!! LITERALLY sharking rn!!!! ugh I'm so personally offended and upset by this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>What toppings were on it
>and did eating it result in a nickname?
i can't remember, it was in 2016

I'm new to this and have tried it about 3 times now. After Day 2, there's a significant amount of doubling. Around Day 4, even after daily feedings, I don't get doubling anymore. I do get a small amount of hooch and it smells really good, but after a certain point it just doesn't seem to double anymore. There is still some small bubbling and the starter seems somewhat aerated. Is this normal for sourdough starters? I'm doing a 100% AP starter.
Don't feed it every day unless you want it to grow exponentially every day. Personally, I mix it with my dough the day before I wanna make bread, that way the yeast can reactivate overnight. You wanna use nearly everything in the jar, because the yeast will repopulate itself just from the little bits that are left inside afterwards. Don’t be sparing with it
Is my starter done though? I thought it was supposed to double every time you fed it. After the first few days, it doesn't double anymore. It is active, though.

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For me, it's granite
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There's no aluminum touching the food. Here's m
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For me, it's asphalt.
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it still has nonstick coating thoughever
That’s all white bits though, you’re going to die

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I don't know what to cook tonight bros, tell me what you're making to inspire me.
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Chicken kieyv
>Chicken kieyv
Seems delicious but maybe a bit rich for this chubby old boy.
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Don't cook. Just order in.
Trips agree
I just ate an entire party bag of lays salt and vin***er chips. Now my lips hurt and ill probably not eat again tonight.

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I cook in a ceramic non-stick pan. I don’t have to season it or be careful of how I wash it. I don’t have to think about it at all.
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I bought a tramontina one at Costco. It's basically all I use now. My brother has a cast iron restoration fetish so I still use that for steaks.
yeah but you have to buy a new one every year
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Mr. Slave does all my cooking for me, I don't have to season anything, I don't have to be careful or think about it at all. Not entirely work free. To maintain the power structure and ensure my supremacy, I must frequently buck break Mr. Slave. Problem is he likes it, damnit.
ceramic pans look great the first time you try them. then two weeks later the coating wears off and you realize your mistake.
I have a granite/stone coated pan I use for eggs and stuff. Works pretty well

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I just can't get soups right. Everything turns into mush, not filling and strong tasting enough.
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This fucking board is a prison.
>red potatoes (dont even need to peel omegalul)
>green lentils
>carrots (optional)
>salt and pepper
>cook for like 35 minutes
Shit got me through college.
>add oil
>toast protein
>remove protein
>add more oil
>toast aromatics
>add protein back in
>add stock and herbs
>add grain if using
>cook for however long the grain takes. Otherwise, taste periodically.
This is pretty much every soup. Eg

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Can't see any meat?

Having said that, I would still eat it with shedloads of white bread.
Looks good OP.
Soup is the easiest thing to prepare, just slow cook in the croc pot for 24 hrs, having a food processor makes it even easier.

The sweetest of the chocolates.
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It's the only chocolate that I love. Delicious as it is, the logical part of my brain still won't allow me to eat something that's just sugar with no real nutrients in it.
>white chocolate
Tell me /ck/, can I make white chocolate myself, using cocoa butter, sugar and milk, or would I need a conche?
you're probably one of those purists who think fructose and water isn't "real" orange juice
Bros don’t judge me for loving this slop, but Hershey’s cookies and cream is just the best

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